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LCD driver for the Raspberry PI Installation

Update to support Raspbian Version:March 2018(Release date:2018-03-13)
Update xserver to support Raspbian-2017-08-16
Update to support Raspbian-2017-07-05,Raspbian-2017-06-21
fixed to support Raspbian-2017-03-02,Raspbian-2017-04-10
Add xserver-xorg-input-evdev_1%3a2.10.3-1_armhf.deb to support Raspbian-2017-03-02

1.)Step1, Install Raspbian official mirror

a)Download Raspbian official mirror:
b)Use“SDFormatter.exe”to Format your TF Card
c)Use“Win32DiskImager.exe” Burning mirror to TF Card

2.) Step2, Clone my repo onto your pi

Use SSH to connect the raspberry pi,
And Ensure that the raspberry pi is connected to the Internet before executing the following commands:

sudo rm -rf LCD-show
git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git
chmod -R 755 LCD-show
cd LCD-show/

3.)Step3, According to your LCD's type, excute:

In case of 2.4" RPi Display(MPI2401)
sudo ./LCD24-show

In case of 2.8" RPi Display(MPI2801)
sudo ./LCD28-show

In case of 3.2" RPi Display(MPI3201)
sudo ./LCD32-show

In case of 3.5inch RPi Display(MPI3501)
sudo ./LCD35-show

In case of 3.5" HDMI Display-B(MPI3508)
sudo ./MPI3508-show

In case of 4.0" HDMI Display(MPI4008)
sudo ./MPI4008-show

In case of 5inch HDMI Display-B(Capacitor touch)(MPI5001):
sudo ./MPI5001-show

In case of 5inch HDMI Display(Resistance touch)(MPI5008)
sudo ./LCD5-show

In case of 7inch HDMI Display-B-800X480(MPI7001)
sudo ./LCD7B-show

In case of 7inch HDMI Display-C-1024X600(MPI7002)
sudo ./LCD7C-show

If you need to switch back to the traditional HDMI display
sudo ./LCD-hdmi

Wait a few minutes,the system will restart automaticall , enjoy with your LCD.

The LCD-show.tar.gz also can be download from: http://www.lcdwiki.com/RaspberryPi-LCD-Driver

{| class="wikitable" border="1" style="width: 80%; margin-left:1.5%;background-color: white;" !系统名称 !系统版本 !支持的树莓派版本 !默认密码 ! colspan="2" |下载地址 |- | rowspan="2" |Raspbian | rowspan="2" |2018-06-29 | rowspan="2" |PI3B+/A/A+/B/B+/PI2/ PI3/ZERO/ZERO W | rowspan="2" |user:pi password:raspberry |(addr1)Baidu Pan: |[https://pan.baidu.com/s/1GovMkvIRtnssAHhooGJWQg MPI5001-B-800x480-Raspbian-20180629.7z] |- |(addr2)Mega: |[https://mega.nz/#!3HZSGYbC!X3NK1mgBffsvfaqFRbWFsWpaOeB7NvYbmxNIpcYmHXs MPI5001-B-800x480-Raspbian-20180629.7z] |- | rowspan="2" |Ubuntu | rowspan="2" |Mate:16.04 | rowspan="2" |PI3,PI2 | rowspan="2" |user:pi password:raspberry |(addr1)Baidu Pan: |[https://pan.baidu.com/s/1otoEtJ8jBBRG9cqDQhdP_g 5inchB-800X480-RPI3-RPI2-ubuntu-mate-16.04-beta2.7z] |- |(addr2)Mega: |[https://mega.nz/#!LHYyCI7B!BbR3ykwkkBClbH0Ie-XmboQNY8pgDuYmm9YETfSSF4s 5inchB-800X480-RPI3-RPI2-ubuntu-mate-16.04-beta2.7z] |- | rowspan="2" |Kali-linux | rowspan="2" |2018.2 nexmon | rowspan="2" |PI3B+,PI3,PI2 | rowspan="2" |user:root password:toor |(addr1)Baidu Pan: |[https://pan.baidu.com/s/1atq_CuHOIQjPoYskulC5xw MPI5001-800X480-kali-linux-2018.2-rpi3-nexmon.7z] |- |(addr2)Mega: |[https://mega.nz/#!mToARSSB!D7aKYEKVAhO0Vok3fRqGA2RNmHRY2EvGqWQGfs0FEDI MPI5001-800X480-kali-linux-2018.2-rpi3-nexmon.7z] |}

2.4" 2.8"3.2" 3.5" 5.0" 7.0" TFT LCD driver for the Raspberry PI 3B+/A/A+/B/B+/PI2/ PI3/ZERO/ZERO W
Readme 5.3 MiB
C++ 45.4%
Shell 27.5%
C 22.9%
CMake 3.7%
Python 0.4%