Install [msysGIT]( under `C:\git`
Clone LibrePilot Git repository.
Open Git Bash and run
cd /path/to/LibrePilot_root
You can build using the `/path/to/LibrePilot_root/make/winx86/bin/make` wrapper to call `mingw32-make.exe` as:
./make/winx86/bin/make all_sdk_install
or call `mingw32-make` directly
mingw32-make all_sdk_install
##Setup the build environment and build
The `all_sdk_install` target will automatically retrieve and install all needed tools (qt, arm gcc etc.) in a local folder `/path/to/LibrePilot_root/tools`
make all_sdk_install
make package
The `package` target will build the complete installable package for the current platform.
Run make with no arguments to show the complete list of supported targets.