2012-06-06 01:39:45 -05:00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* @ file fixedwingpathfollower . c
* @ author The OpenPilot Team , http : //www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* @ brief This module compared @ ref PositionActuatl to @ ref ActiveWaypoint
* and sets @ ref AttitudeDesired . It only does this when the FlightMode field
* of @ ref ManualControlCommand is Auto .
* @ see The GNU Public License ( GPL ) Version 3
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License
* for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc . ,
* 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
* Input object : ActiveWaypoint
* Input object : PositionActual
* Input object : ManualControlCommand
* Output object : AttitudeDesired
* This module will periodically update the value of the AttitudeDesired object .
* The module executes in its own thread in this example .
* Modules have no API , all communication to other modules is done through UAVObjects .
* However modules may use the API exposed by shared libraries .
* See the OpenPilot wiki for more details .
* http : //www.openpilot.org/OpenPilot_Application_Architecture
# include "openpilot.h"
# include "paths.h"
# include "accels.h"
# include "hwsettings.h"
# include "attitudeactual.h"
# include "pathdesired.h" // object that will be updated by the module
# include "positionactual.h"
# include "manualcontrol.h"
# include "flightstatus.h"
# include "baroairspeed.h"
# include "gpsvelocity.h"
# include "gpsposition.h"
# include "fixedwingpathfollowersettings.h"
# include "fixedwingpathfollowerstatus.h"
# include "homelocation.h"
# include "nedposition.h"
# include "stabilizationdesired.h"
# include "stabilizationsettings.h"
# include "systemsettings.h"
# include "velocitydesired.h"
# include "velocityactual.h"
# include "CoordinateConversions.h"
// Private constants
# define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 4
# define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 1548
# define F_PI 3.14159265358979323846f
# define RAD2DEG (180.0f / F_PI)
# define DEG2RAD (F_PI / 180.0f)
# define GEE 9.81f
// Private types
// Private variables
static bool followerEnabled = false ;
static xTaskHandle pathfollowerTaskHandle ;
static PathDesiredData pathDesired ;
static FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsData fixedwingpathfollowerSettings ;
// Private functions
static void pathfollowerTask ( void * parameters ) ;
static void SettingsUpdatedCb ( UAVObjEvent * ev ) ;
static void updatePathVelocity ( ) ;
static uint8_t updateFixedDesiredAttitude ( ) ;
static void baroAirspeedUpdatedCb ( UAVObjEvent * ev ) ;
static float bound ( float val , float min , float max ) ;
* Initialise the module , called on startup
* \ returns 0 on success or - 1 if initialisation failed
int32_t FixedWingPathFollowerStart ( )
if ( followerEnabled ) {
// Start main task
xTaskCreate ( pathfollowerTask , ( signed char * ) " PathFollower " , STACK_SIZE_BYTES / 4 , NULL , TASK_PRIORITY , & pathfollowerTaskHandle ) ;
TaskMonitorAdd ( TASKINFO_RUNNING_PATHFOLLOWER , pathfollowerTaskHandle ) ;
return 0 ;
* Initialise the module , called on startup
* \ returns 0 on success or - 1 if initialisation failed
int32_t FixedWingPathFollowerInitialize ( )
HwSettingsInitialize ( ) ;
HwSettingsOptionalModulesGet ( optionalModules ) ;
followerEnabled = true ;
FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsInitialize ( ) ;
FixedWingPathFollowerStatusInitialize ( ) ;
PathDesiredInitialize ( ) ;
VelocityDesiredInitialize ( ) ;
BaroAirspeedInitialize ( ) ;
} else {
followerEnabled = false ;
return 0 ;
MODULE_INITCALL ( FixedWingPathFollowerInitialize , FixedWingPathFollowerStart )
static float northVelIntegral = 0 ;
static float eastVelIntegral = 0 ;
static float downVelIntegral = 0 ;
static float courseIntegral = 0 ;
static float speedIntegral = 0 ;
static float accelIntegral = 0 ;
static float powerIntegral = 0 ;
// correct speed by measured airspeed
static float baroAirspeedBias = 0 ;
* Module thread , should not return .
static void pathfollowerTask ( void * parameters )
SystemSettingsData systemSettings ;
FlightStatusData flightStatus ;
portTickType lastUpdateTime ;
BaroAirspeedConnectCallback ( baroAirspeedUpdatedCb ) ;
FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsConnectCallback ( SettingsUpdatedCb ) ;
PathDesiredConnectCallback ( SettingsUpdatedCb ) ;
FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsGet ( & fixedwingpathfollowerSettings ) ;
PathDesiredGet ( & pathDesired ) ;
// Main task loop
lastUpdateTime = xTaskGetTickCount ( ) ;
while ( 1 ) {
// Conditions when this runs:
// 1. Must have FixedWing type airframe
// 2. Flight mode is PositionHold and PathDesired.Mode is Endpoint OR
// FlightMode is PathPlanner and PathDesired.Mode is Endpoint or Path
SystemSettingsGet ( & systemSettings ) ;
if ( ( systemSettings . AirframeType ! = SYSTEMSETTINGS_AIRFRAMETYPE_FIXEDWING ) & &
vTaskDelay ( 1000 ) ;
continue ;
// Continue collecting data if not enough time
vTaskDelayUntil ( & lastUpdateTime , fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . UpdatePeriod / portTICK_RATE_MS ) ;
FlightStatusGet ( & flightStatus ) ;
uint8_t result ;
// Check the combinations of flightmode and pathdesired mode
switch ( flightStatus . FlightMode ) {
2012-06-06 01:49:42 -05:00
if ( pathDesired . Mode = = PATHDESIRED_MODE_ENDPOINT ) {
2012-06-06 01:39:45 -05:00
updatePathVelocity ( ) ;
result = updateFixedDesiredAttitude ( ) ;
if ( result ) {
} else {
} else {
break ;
switch ( pathDesired . Mode ) {
2012-06-06 01:49:42 -05:00
2012-06-06 01:39:45 -05:00
updatePathVelocity ( ) ;
result = updateFixedDesiredAttitude ( ) ;
if ( result ) {
} else {
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
default :
// Be cleaner and get rid of global variables
northVelIntegral = 0 ;
eastVelIntegral = 0 ;
downVelIntegral = 0 ;
courseIntegral = 0 ;
speedIntegral = 0 ;
accelIntegral = 0 ;
powerIntegral = 0 ;
break ;
* Compute desired velocity from the current position and path
* Takes in @ ref PositionActual and compares it to @ ref PathDesired
* and computes @ ref VelocityDesired
static void updatePathVelocity ( )
PositionActualData positionActual ;
PositionActualGet ( & positionActual ) ;
VelocityActualData velocityActual ;
VelocityActualGet ( & velocityActual ) ;
struct path_status progress ;
2012-06-06 09:12:36 -05:00
path_progress ( pathDesired . Start , pathDesired . End , & positionActual . North , & progress ) ;
2012-06-06 01:39:45 -05:00
float groundspeed ;
float altitudeSetpoint ;
switch ( pathDesired . Mode ) {
2012-06-06 01:49:42 -05:00
default :
groundspeed = pathDesired . StartingVelocity + ( pathDesired . EndingVelocity - pathDesired . StartingVelocity ) *
2012-06-06 09:12:36 -05:00
bound ( progress . fractional_progress , 0 , 1 ) ;
2012-06-06 01:49:42 -05:00
altitudeSetpoint = pathDesired . Start [ 2 ] + ( pathDesired . End [ 2 ] - pathDesired . Start [ 2 ] ) *
2012-06-06 09:12:36 -05:00
bound ( progress . fractional_progress , 0 , 1 ) ;
2012-06-06 01:49:42 -05:00
break ;
2012-06-06 01:39:45 -05:00
// calculate velocity - can be zero if waypoints are too close
VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired ;
velocityDesired . North = progress . path_direction [ 0 ] * bound ( groundspeed , 1e-6 , groundspeed ) ;
velocityDesired . East = progress . path_direction [ 1 ] * bound ( groundspeed , 1e-6 , groundspeed ) ;
float error_speed = progress . error * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . HorizontalPosP ;
// calculate correction - can also be zero if correction vector is 0 or no error present
velocityDesired . North + = progress . correction_direction [ 0 ] * error_speed ;
velocityDesired . East + = progress . correction_direction [ 1 ] * error_speed ;
float downError = altitudeSetpoint - positionActual . Down ;
velocityDesired . Down = downError * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . VerticalPosP ;
VelocityDesiredSet ( & velocityDesired ) ;
* Compute desired attitude from the desired velocity
* Takes in @ ref NedActual which has the acceleration in the
* NED frame as the feedback term and then compares the
* @ ref VelocityActual against the @ ref VelocityDesired
static uint8_t updateFixedDesiredAttitude ( )
uint8_t result = 1 ;
float dT = fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . UpdatePeriod / 1000.0f ;
VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired ;
VelocityActualData velocityActual ;
StabilizationDesiredData stabDesired ;
AttitudeActualData attitudeActual ;
AccelsData accels ;
FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsData fixedwingpathfollowerSettings ;
StabilizationSettingsData stabSettings ;
FixedWingPathFollowerStatusData fixedwingpathfollowerStatus ;
float groundspeedActual ;
float groundspeedDesired ;
float airspeedActual ;
float airspeedDesired ;
float speedError ;
float accelActual ;
float accelDesired ;
float accelError ;
float accelCommand ;
float pitchCommand ;
float climbspeedDesired ;
float climbspeedError ;
float powerError ;
float powerCommand ;
float courseError ;
float courseCommand ;
FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsGet ( & fixedwingpathfollowerSettings ) ;
FixedWingPathFollowerStatusGet ( & fixedwingpathfollowerStatus ) ;
VelocityActualGet ( & velocityActual ) ;
VelocityDesiredGet ( & velocityDesired ) ;
StabilizationDesiredGet ( & stabDesired ) ;
VelocityDesiredGet ( & velocityDesired ) ;
AttitudeActualGet ( & attitudeActual ) ;
AccelsGet ( & accels ) ;
StabilizationSettingsGet ( & stabSettings ) ;
* Compute speed error ( required for throttle and pitch )
// Current ground speed
groundspeedActual = sqrtf ( velocityActual . East * velocityActual . East + velocityActual . North * velocityActual . North ) ;
airspeedActual = groundspeedActual + baroAirspeedBias ;
// Desired ground speed
groundspeedDesired = sqrtf ( velocityDesired . North * velocityDesired . North + velocityDesired . East * velocityDesired . East ) ;
airspeedDesired = bound ( groundspeedDesired + baroAirspeedBias ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . AirSpeedMin ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . AirSpeedMax ) ;
// Airspeed error
2012-06-06 09:12:36 -05:00
speedError = airspeedDesired - airspeedActual ;
2012-06-06 01:39:45 -05:00
// Vertical error
climbspeedDesired = bound (
velocityDesired . Down ,
- fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . VerticalVelMax ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . VerticalVelMax ) ;
climbspeedError = climbspeedDesired - velocityActual . Down ;
// Error condition: wind speed is higher than maximum allowed speed. We are forced backwards!
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_WIND ] = 0 ;
if ( groundspeedDesired - baroAirspeedBias < = 0 ) {
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_WIND ] = 1 ;
result = 0 ;
// Error condition: plane too slow or too fast
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_HIGHSPEED ] = 0 ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_LOWSPEED ] = 0 ;
if ( airspeedActual > fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . AirSpeedMax * 1.2f ) {
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_HIGHSPEED ] = 1 ;
result = 0 ;
if ( airspeedActual < fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . AirSpeedMin * 0.8f ) {
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_LOWSPEED ] = 1 ;
result = 0 ;
if ( airspeedActual < 1e-6 ) {
// prevent division by zero, abort without controlling anything. This guidance mode is not suited for takeoff or touchdown, or handling stationary planes
// also we cannot handle planes flying backwards, lets just wait until the nose drops
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_LOWSPEED ] = 1 ;
return 0 ;
* Compute desired throttle command
// compute desired power
powerError = - climbspeedError +
bound (
( speedError / airspeedActual ) * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . AirspeedToVerticalCrossFeed [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_AIRSPEEDTOVERTICALCROSSFEED_KP ] ,
) ;
powerIntegral = bound ( powerIntegral + powerError * dT * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PowerPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_POWERPI_KI ] ,
- fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PowerPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_POWERPI_ILIMIT ] ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PowerPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_POWERPI_ILIMIT ] ) ;
powerCommand = ( powerError * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PowerPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_POWERPI_KP ] +
powerIntegral ) + fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . ThrottleLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THROTTLELIMIT_NEUTRAL ] ;
// prevent integral running out of bounds
if ( powerCommand > fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . ThrottleLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THROTTLELIMIT_MAX ] ) {
powerIntegral = bound (
powerIntegral -
( powerCommand
- fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . ThrottleLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THROTTLELIMIT_MAX ] ) ,
- fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PowerPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_POWERPI_ILIMIT ] ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PowerPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_POWERPI_ILIMIT ] ) ;
powerCommand = fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . ThrottleLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THROTTLELIMIT_MAX ] ;
if ( powerCommand < fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . ThrottleLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THROTTLELIMIT_MIN ] ) {
powerIntegral = bound (
powerIntegral -
( powerCommand
- fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . ThrottleLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THROTTLELIMIT_MIN ] ) ,
- fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PowerPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_POWERPI_ILIMIT ] ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PowerPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_POWERPI_ILIMIT ] ) ;
powerCommand = fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . ThrottleLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THROTTLELIMIT_MIN ] ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . E [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_E_POWER ] = powerError ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . A [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_A_POWER ] = powerIntegral ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . C [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_C_POWER ] = powerCommand ;
// set throttle
stabDesired . Throttle = powerCommand ;
// Error condition: plane cannot hold altitude at current speed.
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_LOWPOWER ] = 0 ;
if (
powerCommand = = fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . ThrottleLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THROTTLELIMIT_MAX ] // throttle at maximum
& & velocityActual . Down > 0 // we ARE going down
& & climbspeedDesired < 0 // we WANT to go up
& & speedError > 0 // we are too slow already
) {
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_LOWPOWER ] = 1 ;
result = 0 ;
// Error condition: plane keeps climbing despite minimum throttle (opposite of above)
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_HIGHPOWER ] = 0 ;
if (
powerCommand = = fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . ThrottleLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THROTTLELIMIT_MIN ] // throttle at minimum
& & velocityActual . Down < 0 // we ARE going up
& & climbspeedDesired > 0 // we WANT to go down
& & speedError < 0 // we are too fast already
) {
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_HIGHPOWER ] = 1 ;
result = 0 ;
* Compute desired pitch command
// compute desired acceleration
accelDesired = bound ( ( speedError / airspeedActual ) * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . SpeedP [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_SPEEDP_KP ] ,
- fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . SpeedP [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_SPEEDP_MAX ] ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . SpeedP [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_SPEEDP_MAX ] ) ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . E [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_E_SPEED ] = ( speedError / airspeedActual ) ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . A [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_A_SPEED ] = 0.0f ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . C [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_C_SPEED ] = accelDesired ;
// exclude gravity from acceleration. If the aicraft is flying at high pitch, it fights gravity without getting faster
accelActual = accels . x - ( sinf ( DEG2RAD * attitudeActual . Pitch ) * GEE ) ;
accelError = accelDesired - accelActual ;
accelIntegral = bound ( accelIntegral + accelError * dT * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . AccelPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_ACCELPI_KI ] ,
- fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . AccelPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_ACCELPI_ILIMIT ] ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . AccelPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_ACCELPI_ILIMIT ] ) ;
accelCommand = ( accelError * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . AccelPI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_ACCELPI_KP ] +
accelIntegral ) ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . E [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_E_ACCEL ] = accelError ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . A [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_A_ACCEL ] = accelIntegral ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . C [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_C_ACCEL ] = accelCommand ;
// compute desired pitch
pitchCommand = - accelCommand + bound ( ( - climbspeedError / airspeedActual ) * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . VerticalToPitchCrossFeed [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_VERTICALTOPITCHCROSSFEED_KP ] ,
) ;
stabDesired . Pitch = bound ( fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PitchLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_PITCHLIMIT_NEUTRAL ] +
pitchCommand ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PitchLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_PITCHLIMIT_MIN ] ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PitchLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_PITCHLIMIT_MAX ] ) ;
// Error condition: high speed dive
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_PITCHCONTROL ] = 0 ;
if (
pitchCommand = = fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . PitchLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_PITCHLIMIT_MAX ] // pitch demand is full up
& & velocityActual . Down > 0 // we ARE going down
& & climbspeedDesired < 0 // we WANT to go up
& & speedError < 0 // we are too fast already
) {
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . Errors [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_ERRORS_PITCHCONTROL ] = 1 ;
result = 0 ;
* Compute desired roll command
if ( groundspeedDesired > 1e-6 ) {
courseError = RAD2DEG * ( atan2f ( velocityDesired . East , velocityDesired . North ) - atan2f ( velocityActual . East , velocityActual . North ) ) ;
} else {
// if we are not supposed to move, keep going wherever we are now. Don't make things worse by changing direction.
courseError = 0 ;
if ( courseError < - 180.0f ) courseError + = 360.0f ;
if ( courseError > 180.0f ) courseError - = 360.0f ;
courseIntegral = bound ( courseIntegral + courseError * dT * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . CoursePI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_COURSEPI_KI ] ,
- fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . CoursePI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_COURSEPI_ILIMIT ] ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . CoursePI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_COURSEPI_ILIMIT ] ) ;
courseCommand = ( courseError * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . CoursePI [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_COURSEPI_KP ] +
courseIntegral ) ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . E [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_E_COURSE ] = courseError ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . A [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_A_COURSE ] = courseIntegral ;
fixedwingpathfollowerStatus . C [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSTATUS_C_COURSE ] = courseCommand ;
stabDesired . Roll = bound ( fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . RollLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_ROLLLIMIT_NEUTRAL ] +
courseCommand ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . RollLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_ROLLLIMIT_MIN ] ,
fixedwingpathfollowerSettings . RollLimit [ FIXEDWINGPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_ROLLLIMIT_MAX ] ) ;
// TODO: find a check to determine loss of directional control. Likely needs some check of derivative
* Compute desired yaw command
// TODO implement raw control mode for yaw and base on Accels.X
stabDesired . Yaw = 0 ;
StabilizationDesiredSet ( & stabDesired ) ;
FixedWingPathFollowerStatusSet ( & fixedwingpathfollowerStatus ) ;
return result ;
* Bound input value between limits
static float bound ( float val , float min , float max )
if ( val < min ) {
val = min ;
} else if ( val > max ) {
val = max ;
return val ;
static void SettingsUpdatedCb ( UAVObjEvent * ev )
FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsGet ( & fixedwingpathfollowerSettings ) ;
PathDesiredGet ( & pathDesired ) ;
static void baroAirspeedUpdatedCb ( UAVObjEvent * ev )
BaroAirspeedData baroAirspeed ;
VelocityActualData velocityActual ;
BaroAirspeedGet ( & baroAirspeed ) ;
if ( baroAirspeed . Connected ! = BAROAIRSPEED_CONNECTED_TRUE ) {
baroAirspeedBias = 0 ;
} else {
VelocityActualGet ( & velocityActual ) ;
float groundspeed = sqrtf ( velocityActual . East * velocityActual . East + velocityActual . North * velocityActual . North ) ;
baroAirspeedBias = baroAirspeed . Airspeed - groundspeed ;