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2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
* @file il2simulator.cpp
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
* @brief
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* @defgroup hitlplugin
* @{
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Description of DeviceLink Protocol:
* A Request is initiated with R/ followed by id's of to be requested settings
* even id's indicate read only values, odd are write only
* (usually id =get value id+1= set - for same setting)
* id's are separated by /
* requests can contain values to set, or to select a subsystem
* values are separated by \
* example: R/30/48/64\0/64\1/
* request read only settings 30,48 and 64 with parameters 0 and 1
* the answer consists of an A followed by id value pairs in the same format
* example: A/30\0/48\0/64\0\22/64\1\102/
* A full protocol description as well as a list of ID's and their meanings
* can be found shipped with IL2 in the file DeviceLink.txt
* id's used in this file:
* 30: CAS in km/h (float)
* 32: vario in m/s (float)
* 38: angular speed °/s (float) (which direction? azimuth?)
* 40: barometric alt in m (float)
* 42: flight course in ° (0-360) (float)
* 46: roll angle in ° (-180 - 180) (floatniguration)
* 48: pitch angle in ° (-90 - 90) (float)
* 80/81: engine power (-1.0 (0%) - 1.0 (100%)) (float)
* 84/85: aileron servo (-1.0 - 1.0) (float)
* 86/87: elevator servo (-1.0 - 1.0) (float)
* 88/89: rudder servo (-1.0 - 1.0) (float)
* IL2 currently offers no useful way of providing GPS data
* therefore fake GPS data will be calculated using IMS
* unfortunately angular acceleration provided is very limited, too
#include "il2simulator.h"
#include "extensionsystem/pluginmanager.h"
#include <coreplugin/icore.h>
#include <coreplugin/threadmanager.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <qxtlogger.h>
const float IL2Simulator::FT2M = 12 * .254;
const float IL2Simulator::KT2MPS = 0.514444444;
const float IL2Simulator::MPS2KMH = 3.6;
const float IL2Simulator::KMH2MPS = (1.0 / 3.6);
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
const float IL2Simulator::INHG2KPA = 3.386;
const float IL2Simulator::RAD2DEG = (180.0 / M_PI);
const float IL2Simulator::DEG2RAD = (M_PI / 180.0);
const float IL2Simulator::NM2DEG = 60. * 1852.; // 60 miles per degree times 1852 meters per mile
const float IL2Simulator::DEG2NM = (1.0 / (60. * 1852.));
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
IL2Simulator::IL2Simulator(const SimulatorSettings & params) :
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
airParameters = getAirParameters();
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
void IL2Simulator::setupUdpPorts(const QString & host, int inPort, int outPort)
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
inSocket->connectToHost(host, inPort); // IL2
if (!inSocket->waitForConnected()) {
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
qxtLog->error(Name() + " cann't connect to UDP Port: " + QString::number(inPort));
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
void IL2Simulator::transmitUpdate()
// Read ActuatorDesired from autopilot
ActuatorDesired::DataFields actData = actDesired->getData();
float ailerons = actData.Roll;
float elevator = actData.Pitch;
float rudder = actData.Yaw;
float throttle = actData.Throttle * 2 - 1.0;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// Send update to Il2
QString cmd;
cmd = QString("R/30/32/40/42/46/48/81\\%1/85\\%2/87\\%3/89\\%4/")
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
QByteArray data = cmd.toAscii();
// outSocket->write(data);
inSocket->write(data); // for IL2 must send to the same port as input!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
* process data string from flight simulator
void IL2Simulator::processUpdate(const QByteArray & inp)
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// save old flight data to calculate delta's later
old = current;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
QString data(inp);
// Split
QStringList fields = data.split("/");
// split up response string
int t;
for (t = 0; t < fields.length(); t++) {
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
QStringList values = fields[t].split("\\");
// parse values
if (values.length() >= 2) {
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
int id = values[0].toInt();
float value = values[1].toFloat();
switch (id) {
case 30:
current.cas = value * KMH2MPS;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
case 32:
current.dZ = value;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
case 40:
current.Z = value;
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case 42:
current.azimuth = value;
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case 46:
current.roll = -value;
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case 48:
current.pitch = value;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// measure time
current.dT = ((float)time->restart()) / 1000.0;
if (current.dT < 0.001) {
current.dT = 0.001;
current.T = old.T + current.dT;
current.i = old.i + 1;
if (current.i == 1) {
old.dRoll = 0;
old.dPitch = 0;
old.dAzimuth = 0;
old.ddX = 0;
old.ddX = 0;
old.ddX = 0;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// calculate TAS from alt and CAS
float gravity = 9.805;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
current.tas = cas2tas(current.cas, current.Z, airParameters, gravity);
// assume the plane actually flies straight and no wind
// groundspeed is horizontal vector of TAS
current.groundspeed = current.tas * cos(current.pitch * DEG2RAD);
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// x and y vector components
current.dX = current.groundspeed * sin(current.azimuth * DEG2RAD);
current.dY = current.groundspeed * cos(current.azimuth * DEG2RAD);
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// simple IMS - integration over time the easy way...
current.X = old.X + (current.dX * current.dT);
current.Y = old.Y + (current.dY * current.dT);
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// accelerations (filtered)
if (isnan(old.ddX) || isinf(old.ddX)) {
old.ddX = 0;
if (isnan(old.ddY) || isinf(old.ddY)) {
old.ddY = 0;
if (isnan(old.ddZ) || isinf(old.ddZ)) {
old.ddZ = 0;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
#define SPEED_FILTER 10
current.ddX = ((current.dX - old.dX) / current.dT + SPEED_FILTER * (old.ddX)) / (SPEED_FILTER + 1);
current.ddY = ((current.dY - old.dY) / current.dT + SPEED_FILTER * (old.ddY)) / (SPEED_FILTER + 1);
current.ddZ = ((current.dZ - old.dZ) / current.dT + SPEED_FILTER * (old.ddZ)) / (SPEED_FILTER + 1);
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
#define TURN_FILTER 10
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// turn speeds (filtered)
if (isnan(old.dAzimuth) || isinf(old.dAzimuth)) {
old.dAzimuth = 0;
if (isnan(old.dPitch) || isinf(old.dPitch)) {
old.dPitch = 0;
if (isnan(old.dRoll) || isinf(old.dRoll)) {
old.dRoll = 0;
current.dAzimuth = (angleDifference(current.azimuth, old.azimuth) / current.dT + TURN_FILTER * (old.dAzimuth)) / (TURN_FILTER + 1);
current.dPitch = (angleDifference(current.pitch, old.pitch) / current.dT + TURN_FILTER * (old.dPitch)) / (TURN_FILTER + 1);
current.dRoll = (angleDifference(current.roll, old.roll) / current.dT + TURN_FILTER * (old.dRoll)) / (TURN_FILTER + 1);
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// Output formatting
Output2Hardware out;
memset(&out, 0, sizeof(Output2Hardware));
// Compute rotation matrix, for later calculations
float Rbe[3][3];
float rpy[3];
float quat[4];
rpy[0] = current.roll;
rpy[1] = current.pitch;
rpy[2] = current.azimuth;
Utils::CoordinateConversions().RPY2Quaternion(rpy, quat);
Utils::CoordinateConversions().Quaternion2R(quat, Rbe);
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// Update GPS Position objects
double HomeLLA[3];
double LLA[3];
double NED[3];
HomeLLA[0] = settings.latitude.toFloat();
HomeLLA[1] = settings.longitude.toFloat();
HomeLLA[2] = 0;
NED[0] = current.Y;
NED[1] = current.X;
NED[2] = -current.Z;
Utils::CoordinateConversions().NED2LLA_HomeLLA(HomeLLA, NED, LLA);
out.latitude = LLA[0] * 1e7;
out.longitude = LLA[1] * 1e7;
out.groundspeed = current.groundspeed;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
out.calibratedAirspeed = current.cas;
out.trueAirspeed = cas2tas(current.cas, current.Z, airParameters, gravity);
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
out.dstN = current.Y;
out.dstE = current.X;
out.dstD = -current.Z;
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// Update BaroSensor object
out.altitude = current.Z;
out.agl = current.Z;
out.temperature = airParameters.groundTemp + (current.Z * airParameters.tempLapseRate) - 273.0;
out.pressure = airPressureFromAltitude(current.Z, airParameters, gravity); // kpa
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// Update attState object
out.roll = current.roll; // roll;
out.pitch = current.pitch; // pitch
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out.heading = current.azimuth; // yaw
// Update VelocityState.{North,East,Down}
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
out.velNorth = current.dY;
out.velEast = current.dX;
out.velDown = -current.dZ;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
// rotate turn rates and accelerations into body frame
// (note: rotation deltas are NOT in NED frame but in RPY - manual conversion!)
out.rollRate = current.dRoll;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
out.pitchRate = cos(DEG2RAD * current.roll) * current.dPitch + sin(DEG2RAD * current.roll) * current.dAzimuth;
out.yawRate = cos(DEG2RAD * current.roll) * current.dAzimuth - sin(DEG2RAD * current.roll) * current.dPitch;
// Update accelerometer sensor data
out.accX = current.ddX * Rbe[0][0]
+ current.ddY * Rbe[0][1]
+ (current.ddZ + GEE) * Rbe[0][2];
out.accY = current.ddX * Rbe[1][0]
+ current.ddY * Rbe[1][1]
+ (current.ddZ + GEE) * Rbe[1][2];
out.accZ = -(current.ddX * Rbe[2][0]
+ current.ddY * Rbe[2][1]
+ (current.ddZ + GEE) * Rbe[2][2]);
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
* process data string from flight simulator
float IL2Simulator::angleDifference(float a, float b)
float d = a - b;
if (d > 180) {
d -= 360;
if (d < -180) {
d += 360;
2013-04-05 22:46:56 +02:00
return d;