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ongoing dev work, incomplete

This commit is contained in:
Corvus Corax 2013-05-19 17:11:09 +02:00
parent d97934cf86
commit 2ab9f938c9
3 changed files with 330 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
* @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules
* @{
* @addtogroup State Estimation
* @brief Acquires sensor data and computes state estimate
* @{
* @file stateestimation.c
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2013.
* @brief Module to handle all comms to the AHRS on a periodic basis.
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// TODO goes in header
typedef enum {
gyr_UPDATED = 1 << 0,
acc_UPDATED = 1 << 1,
mag_UPDATED = 1 << 2,
pos_UPDATED = 1 << 3,
vel_UPDATED = 1 << 4,
bar_UPDATED = 1 << 5,
ias_UPDATED = 1 << 6
} sensorUpdates;
typedef struct {
float gyr[3];
float acc[3];
float mag[3];
float pos[3];
float vel[3];
float bar[1];
float ias[1];
sensorUpdates updated;
} stateEstimation;
#define ISSET(bitfield, bit) ((bitfield) & (bit) ? 1 : 0)
#define UNSET(bitfield, bit) (bitfield) &= ~(bit)
typedef struct stateFilterStruct {
int32_t (*init)(void);
int32_t (*update)(stateEstimation *state);
} stateFilter;
struct filterQueueStruct;
typedef struct filterQueueStruct {
stateFilter filter;
struct filterQueueStruct *next;
} filtereQueue;
#include <openpilot.h>
#include <gyrosensor.h>
#include <accelsensor.h>
#include <magnetosensor.h>
#include <barosensor.h>
#include <airspeedsensor.h>
#include <gpsposition.h>
#include <gpsvelocity.h>
#include "revosettings.h"
#include "homelocation.h"
#include "CoordinateConversions.h"
// Private constants
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 2048
#define TIMEOUT_MS 100
// Private types
// Private variables
static xTaskHandle attitudeTaskHandle;
static DelayedCallbackInfo *stateEstimationCallback;
static RevoSettingsData revoSettings;
static HomeLocationData homeLocation;
static float LLA2NEDM[3];
static volatile sensorUpdates updatedSensors;
// Private functions
static void settingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *objEv);
static void sensorUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *objEv);
static void StateEstimationCb(void);
static int32_t getNED(GPSPositionData *gpsPosition, float *NED);
* Initialise the module. Called before the start function
* \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed
int32_t StateEstimationInitialize(void)
stateEstimationCallback = DelayedCallbackCreate(&StateEstimationCb, CALLBACK_PRIORITY, TASK_PRIORITY, STACK_SIZE_BYTES);
return 0;
* Start the task. Expects all objects to be initialized by this point.
* \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed
int32_t StateEstimationStart(void)
// Force settings update to make sure rotation loaded
// Initialize Filters
stateFilter magFilter = filterMagInitialize();
stateFilter baroFilter = filterBaroInitialize();
stateFilter stationaryFilter = filterStationaryInitialize();
stateFilter cfFilter = filterCFInitialize();
stateFilter cfmFilter = filterCFMInitialize();
stateFilter ekf13Filter = filterEKF13Initialize();
stateFilter ekf16Filter = filterEKF16Initialize();
return 0;
MODULE_INITCALL(AttitudeInitialize, AttitudeStart)
* Module callback
static void StateEstimationCb(void)
// alarms flag
uint8_t alarm = 0;
// set alarm to warning if called through timeout
if (updatedSensor == 0) {
alarm = 1;
// read updated sensor UAVObjects and set initial state
stateEstimation sensors;
sensors.updated = updatedSensors;
updatedSensors ^= sensors.updated;
// most sensors get only rudimentary sanity checks
#define SANITYCHECK3(sensorname, shortname, a1, a2, a3) \
if (ISSET(sensors.updated, shortname##_UPDATED)) { \
sensorname##Data s; \
sensorname##GET(&s); \
if (sane(s.a1) && sane(s.a2) && sane(s.a3)) { \
sensors.shortname[0] = s.a1; \
sensors.shortname[1] = s.a2; \
sensors.shortname[2] = s.a3; \
} \
else { \
UNSET(sensors.updated, shortname##_UPDATED); \
} \
SANITYCHECK3(GyroSensor, gyr, x, y, z);
SANITYCHECK3(AccelSensor, acc, x, y, z);
SANITYCHECK3(MagnetoSensor, mag, x, y, z);
SANITYCHECK3(GPSVelocity, vel, North, East, Down);
#define SANITYCHECK1(sensorname, shortname, a1, EXTRACHECK) \
if (ISSET(sensors.updated, shortname##_UPDATED)) { \
sensorname##Data s; \
sensorname##GET(&s); \
if (sane(s.a1) && EXTRACHECK) { \
sensors.shortname[0] = s.a1; \
} \
else { \
UNSET(sensors.updated, shortname##_UPDATED); \
} \
SANITYCHECK1(BaroSensor, bar, Altitude, 1);
SANITYCHECK1(AirspeedSensor, ias, CalibratedAirspeed, s.SensorConnected == AIRSPEEDSENSOR_SENSORCONNECTED_TRUE);
if (ISSET(sensors.updated, pos_UPDATED)) {
GPSPositionData s;
if (homeLocation.Set == HOMELOCATION_SET_TRUE && sane(s.Latitude) && sane(s.Longitude) && sane(s.Altitude) && (fabsf(s.Latitude) > 1e-5f || fabsf(s.Latitude) > 1e-5f || fabsf(s.Latitude) > 1e-5f)) {
getNED(&s, sensors.pos);
} else {
UNSET(sensors.updated, pos_UPDATED);
// at this point sensor state is stored in "sensors" with some rudimentary filtering applied
// traverse filtering chain
// clear alarms if everything is alright, then schedule callback execution after timeout
if (!alarm) {
DelayedCallbackSchedule(stateEstimationCallback, TIMEOUT_MS, UPDATEMODE_SOONER);
static void settingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev)
if (sane(homeLocation.Latitude) && sane(homeLocation.Longitude) && sane(homeLocation.Altitude) && sane(homeLocation.Be[0]) && sane(homeLocation.Be[1]) && sane(homeLocation.Be[2])) {
// Compute matrix to convert deltaLLA to NED
float lat, alt;
lat = DEG2RAD(homeLocation.Latitude / 10.0e6f);
alt = homeLocation.Altitude;
LLA2NEDM[0] = alt + 6.378137E6f;
LLA2NEDM[1] = cosf(lat) * (alt + 6.378137E6f);
LLA2NEDM[2] = -1.0f;
// TODO: convert positionState to new reference frame and gracefully update EKF state!
// needed for long range flights where the reference coordinate is adjusted in flight
static void sensorUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev)
if (!ev) {
if (ev->obj == GyroSensorHandle()) {
updatedSensors |= gyr_UPDATED;
if (ev->obj == AccelSensorHandle()) {
updatedSensors |= acc_UPDATED;
if (ev->obj == MagnetoSensorHandle()) {
updatedSensors |= mag_UPDATED;
if (ev->obj == GPSPositionHandle()) {
updatedSensors |= pos_UPDATED;
if (ev->obj == GPSVelocityHandle()) {
updatedSensors |= vel_UPDATED;
if (ev->obj == BaroSensorHandle()) {
updatedSensors |= bar_UPDATED;
if (ev->obj == AirspeedSensorHandle()) {
updatedSensors |= ias_UPDATED;
* @brief Convert the GPS LLA position into NED coordinates
* @note this method uses a taylor expansion around the home coordinates
* to convert to NED which allows it to be done with all floating
* calculations
* @param[in] Current GPS coordinates
* @param[out] NED frame coordinates
* @returns 0 for success, -1 for failure
static void getNED(GPSPositionData *gpsPosition, float *NED)
float dL[3] = { DEG2RAD((gpsPosition->Latitude - homeLocation.Latitude) / 10.0e6f),
DEG2RAD((gpsPosition->Longitude - homeLocation.Longitude) / 10.0e6f),
(gpsPosition->Altitude + gpsPosition->GeoidSeparation - homeLocation.Altitude) };
NED[0] = LLA2NEDM[0] * dL[0];
NED[1] = LLA2NEDM[1] * dL[1];
NED[2] = LLA2NEDM[2] * dL[2];
* @}
* @}

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<object name="BaroState" singleinstance="true" settings="false">
<description>The filtered altitude estimate.</description>
<field name="Altitude" units="m" type="float" elements="1"/>
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="false" updatemode="manual" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="false" updatemode="periodic" period="1000"/>
<logging updatemode="manual" period="0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<object name="RevoSettings" singleinstance="true" settings="true">
<description>Settings for the revo to control the algorithm and what is updated</description>
<field name="FusionAlgorithm" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="Complementary,INSIndoor,INSOutdoor" defaultvalue="Complementary"/>
<field name="FusionAlgorithm" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="None,Complementary,Complementary+Mag,INS13Indoor,INS13Outdoor,INS16Indoor,INS16Outdoor" defaultvalue="Complementary"/>
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>