mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2025-03-15 07:29:15 +01:00

LP-2 attempt at installing qt 5.5.1 using QtIFW devtool utility

devtool can be used to extract components and run operations
unfortunately the QtPatch operation is not available
attempt still commited for future reference
This commit is contained in:
Philippe Renon 2015-11-14 14:47:14 +01:00
parent 8c3d576306
commit 3131c59eb4

View File

@ -398,64 +398,54 @@ endef
# Windows QT install template
# $(1) = tool temp extract/build directory
# $(2) = tool install directory
# $(3) = tool distribution URL
# $(4) = tool distribution .md5 URL
# $(5) = tool distribution file
# $(6) = QT architecture
# $(7) = optional extra build recipes template
# $(8) = optional extra clean recipes template
# $(1) = tool install directory
# $(2) = tool distribution URL
# $(3) = tool distribution .md5 URL
# $(4) = tool distribution file
# $(5) = QT architecture
# $(6) = optional extra build recipes template
# $(7) = optional extra clean recipes template
# notes:
# - missing installer --dump-binary-data option : https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTIFW-734
# - devtool can not run QtPatch operation : https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTIFW-792
# developper tips:
# - install Qt manually and look at the install log for needed operations (install log is in root of install)
# - use devtool.exe --dump <folder> <qt install binarry> to check package names and install scripts
.PHONY: $(addprefix qt_sdk_, install clean distclean)
qt_sdk_install: qt_sdk_clean | $(DL_DIR) $(TOOLS_DIR)
$(V1) if ! $(SEVENZIP) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
$(ECHO) $(MSG_NOTICE) "Missing 7zip. Run ./make/scripts/win_sdk_install.sh [<OpenPilot tools dir>] to get it." && \
exit 1; \
$(call DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE,$(3),$(5),"$(4)")
# Explode .run file into install packages
@$(ECHO) $(MSG_EXTRACTING) $$(call toprel, $(1))
$(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$(call toprel, $(dir $(1)))
$(V1) chmod +x $(DL_DIR)/$(5)
$(V1) $(DL_DIR)/$(5) --dump-binary-data -o $(1)
$(call DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE,$(2),$(4),"$(3)")
# Extract packages under tool directory
$(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$(call toprel, $(dir $(2)))
$(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.54.win32_mingw491/5.4.1-0qt5_essentials.7z" | grep -v Extracting
$(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.54.win32_mingw491/5.4.1-0i686-4.9.1-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev2-runtime.7z" | grep -v Extracting
$(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.54.win32_mingw491/5.4.1-0icu_53_1_mingw_builds_4_9_1_posix_dwarf_32.7z" | grep -v Extracting
$(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.54.win32_mingw491/5.4.1-0qt5_addons.7z" | grep -v Extracting
$(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.tools.win32_mingw491/4.9.1-2i686-4.9.1-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev2.7z" | grep -v Extracting
@$(ECHO) $(MSG_EXTRACTING) $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(4)) to $$(call toprel, $(1))
$(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$(call toprel, $(dir $(1)))
$(V1) devtool --operation DO,Extract,"installer://qt.55.win32_mingw492/5.5.1-0qt5_essentials.7z","$(1)" "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)" > NUL
$(V1) devtool --operation DO,Extract,"installer://qt.55.win32_mingw492/5.5.1-0i686-4.9.2-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev1-runtime.7z","$(1)" "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)" > NUL
$(V1) devtool --operation DO,Extract,"installer://qt.55.win32_mingw492/5.5.1-0icu-win-MinGW4.9.2-Windows7-x86.7z","$(1)" "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)" > NUL
$(V1) devtool --operation DO,Extract,"installer://qt.55.win32_mingw492/5.5.1-0qt5_addons.7z","$(1)" "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)" > NUL
$(V1) devtool --operation DO,Extract,"installer://qt.55.qtquickcontrols.win32_mingw492/5.5.1-0qt5_qtquickcontrols.7z","$(1)" "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)" > NUL
$(V1) devtool --operation DO,Extract,"installer://qt.tools.win32_mingw492/4.9.2-0i686-4.9.2-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev1.7z","$(1)" "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)" > NUL
# Run patcher
@$(ECHO) "Executing QtPatch in" $$(call toprel, $(QT_SDK_PREFIX))
$(V1) $(CD) $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)
$(V1) $(DL_DIR)/$(5) --runoperation QtPatch windows $(QT_SDK_PREFIX) qt5
#$(V1) devtool --operation DO,QtPatch,"windows","$(QT_SDK_PREFIX)","qt5" "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)"
$(V1) devtool --operation DO,LineReplace,"$(QT_SDK_PREFIX)/mkspecs/qconfig.pri","QT_EDITION =","QT_EDITION = OpenSource" "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)"
# Execute post build templates
# Clean up temporary files
@$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(1))
$(V1) [ ! -d "$(1)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(1)"
@$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(1))
$(V1) [ ! -d "$(1)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(1)"
@$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, "$(2)")
$(V1) [ ! -d "$(2)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(2)"
@$(ECHO) $(MSG_DISTCLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(5))
$(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(5)" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(5)"
$(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(5).md5" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(5).md5"
@$(ECHO) $(MSG_DISTCLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(4))
$(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)"
$(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(4).md5" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(4).md5"
@ -641,8 +631,7 @@ define QT_SDK_CONFIGURE_TEMPLATE
$(V1) $(ECHO) $(QUOTE)Prefix = $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)$(QUOTE) >> $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)/bin/qt.conf
else ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux)