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synced 2025-03-29 15:51:21 +01:00
Merge branch 'next' into corvuscorax/OP-1216_flight-control-refurbishment
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
--- RELEASE-14.01-RC3 --- Cruising Ratt ---
this issue includes the following fixes to previous RC2:
OP-1088 OP-1141 OP-1166 OP-1187 OP-1191 OP-1195 OP-1211 OP-1218
Full list of bug fixed in this release is accessible here
--- RELEASE-14.01-RC2 --- Cruising Ratt ---
This is the RC2 for the first 2014 software release.
--- RELEASE-14.01 --- Cruising Ratt ---
This is the first 2014 software release.
This version still supports the CopterControl and CC3D.
It includes some major "under the hood" changes like migration
to Qt5.1 and QtQuick2 widgets, an overhaul of UAVTalk to improve
@ -20,12 +13,119 @@ Some additions in this release:
the full list of features, improvements and bufixes shipping
in this release is accessible here:
Issues fixes since RC1 release
OP-1166 OP-1168 OP-1169 OP-1176 OP-1177 OP-1178 OP-1179 OP-1180
OP-1182 OP-1183 OP-1184 OP-1187 OP-1188 OP-1192
** Improvement
* [OP-771] - Change Wizard wording for better usability
* [OP-791] - Integrate About Authors, OpenPilot GCS, Plugins dialogs into a single dialog window
* [OP-803] - Gadgets get their configuration set twice when restoring workspaces during GCS startup
* [OP-835] - Upgrade GCS to use Qt 5.1.0
* [OP-883] - Make system and flight targets cleanup, pass 01
* [OP-913] - Poor UAVObject data structure alignment on flight side causes performance degradation
* [OP-951] - Add -Wshadow to flight CFLAGS and fix compilation breakage that results
* [OP-966] - Scope Plugin Cleanup
* [OP-984] - Provide multi PID banks, these should be assignable per flight mode.
* [OP-996] - Add GCS option to remember the last selected workspace
* [OP-1022] - Additional improvements for altitude hold
* [OP-1036] - Improvements to Fixed Wing PathFollower and Nav
* [OP-1059] - Typo (2x) in OpenPilot Setup Wizard - Output Calibration Window
* [OP-1063] - Multirotor Configuration
* [OP-1071] - Make map "emergency" lines less strong and dashed
* [OP-1079] - Update to FreeRTOS v7.5.2
* [OP-1082] - Add a ticker on the Welcome page showing Jira activity alongside the 'Project News'
* [OP-1083] - Fix minor English spelling errors in stabilization tooltips
* [OP-1085] - Upgrade GCS to use Qt 5.1.1
* [OP-1094] - Turn on Progress for large SDK downloads / remove for MD5 files
* [OP-1104] - Create BL version 6 to support larger firmware
* [OP-1105] - If firmware .info blob is missing, test string is too long
* [OP-1107] - Convert About dialog to QTQuick 2.0 and cleanup code.
* [OP-1110] - Move Welcome screen to QtQuick 2
* [OP-1111] - Move About to QtQuick2
* [OP-1112] - Update contributors in GCS
* [OP-1113] - Convert new PFD design to QtQuik2
* [OP-1117] - Implement Horizon mode
* [OP-1120] - Waypoint upload to board should be transacted
* [OP-1133] - UAVTalk - expose send/request all instances of multi instance uav objects + related uavtalk fixes
* [OP-1137] - Make Configuration Checkbox checked by default during uninstall
* [OP-1141] - Add a further bias correction to barometer to better handle thermal variations
* [OP-1143] - Missing Linux udev rules for Revolution boards
* [OP-1153] - Provide a mean to instrument SystemMod stack utilization
* [OP-1154] - Config Option to Automatically Increase Copter Throttle per 1/cos(bank_angle)
* [OP-1158] - Add flight plan consistency checks
* [OP-1160] - Some dev Env improvements, git hooks for messages, make prepare etc.
** Task
* [OP-775] - Add ARM DSP library to OP codebase
* [OP-813] - Manage merge of translation work to French
* [OP-839] - Disable pyMyte dependency until really used
* [OP-901] - Update STM32 StdPeriphLib to current
* [OP-1087] - Update Qt used from Makefile to 5.1.1 for Windows and Mac
* [OP-1109] - Created share Qt5 QtQuick2 port branch
* [OP-1115] - Remove old artwork from the Artwork folder in Git
* [OP-1119] - Write GCS plugin to access and display on board logs through uavtalk and export .opl files from logged uavobjects
* [OP-1058] - UAVO:Implement a structured named accessors for multielement fields (Flight side)
** Bug
* [OP-844] - Fix header comments in altitudehold.c
* [OP-845] - Fix reading serial number from USB device on mac platform
* [OP-846] - make qt_sdk_install fails
* [OP-865] - PWM output 6 does not work on RM
* [OP-887] - Provide some standard method of calibrating CPU speed and load measurement for boards
* [OP-924] - PPM output does not have failsafe
* [OP-934] - Incorrect timeout handling in rfm22b receiver
* [OP-971] - Add UI to set AccellTau with revo board
* [OP-1004] - UAVObjectBrowser, buttons don't work when scientific display is turned on
* [OP-1014] - Com port connections are not working on OPLink
* [OP-1018] - Zero point initialization in ETASv3 Airspeed sensor buggy
* [OP-1027] - Segfault in UAVObjectBrowser when "Request"ing a UAVObjectCategory
* [OP-1042] - Revo firmware version isn't read correctly through OPLink
* [OP-1046] - Waypoint upload incomplete, no visual confirmation of failed uploads in uavobjectbrowser and waypoint editor
* [OP-1048] - Attitude is not working with AccelTau > 0
* [OP-1049] - CC3D attitude estimation failure after multiple settings changes and reboots
* [OP-1067] - Invalid value for "LinkState"
* [OP-1076] - CF Attitude filter in next randomly re-initializes on arming.
* [OP-1078] - GCS segfaults if you close it after playing a log file
* [OP-1080] - Unreliable detection of board through OPLink
* [OP-1095] - GCS crashing on macosx 10.9 upon connection of oplink mini
* [OP-1098] - CDC driver fails installation in Windows 8 or 8.1
* [OP-1099] - Hidden icons in Configuration tab
* [OP-1101] - Tools.mk has a few tabs and they need to be converted to spaces
* [OP-1102] - OP GCS registers some file types is should not
* [OP-1103] - GCS can not be compiled on OSX 10.8 after update to Qt5.1.1
* [OP-1108] - Minor bugs found while reading the code
* [OP-1114] - QGLWidget prohibits QListWidgetItem, set AA_DontCreateNativeWidgetSiblings as work around
* [OP-1118] - QComboBox in UAVObjectBrowser does not stay in focus on Mac OSX
* [OP-1121] - GCS will not exit if the Waypoint editor/PathPlanner dialog is open
* [OP-1123] - GCS assertion failure when loading a waypoint file
* [OP-1125] - UAVTalk - acking/nacking multi instance uavobjects is broken (when sending individual instances)
* [OP-1132] - LIBEAY32.dll missing from installer
* [OP-1139] - Add higher order correction to MS5611 driver for low and very low temperature compensation
* [OP-1142] - No yaw in Horizon mode
* [OP-1145] - OPLM to GCS link not reliable
* [OP-1148] - Futaba R7008SB S.Bus protocol not supported
* [OP-1151] - PFD display - inverted flight
* [OP-1152] - Check Stack usage for CopterControl & CC3D
* [OP-1155] - Fix OSX Packaging for GCS
* [OP-1157] - sin_lookup_deg() returns garbage for negative angles
* [OP-1166] - GCS misses yaw neutral setting on sync from initial connection
* [OP-1167] - New flight mode switch position UAVO to work better with SITL, HITL
* [OP-1168] - GCS Reload Board Data button doesn't work
* [OP-1169] - GCS UAVO object titles off by one
* [OP-1176] - Cruise Control checkboxes use wrong Default button
* [OP-1177] - AltHold - Need a setting to allow disabling of bank angle throttle compensation in AH
* [OP-1178] - After re-factoring of ConfigTaskWidget code the OPLink config page does not work reliably.
* [OP-1179] - About box not working in Linux64 build (but probably the same is for Linux32)
* [OP-1180] - GCS AltHold Tab - Reload button and update in real time
* [OP-1181] - on radio configuration the pitch slider has maxed out on its own three times randomly
* [OP-1182] - Telemetry monitor widget is too small on Mac
* [OP-1183] - UAVBrowser displays hex string as decimal
* [OP-1184] - Scope gadget - Stack monitor configurations need a cleanup
* [OP-1188] - Optimize Stabilization Module stack size usage
* [OP-1191] - Revo OPLink bug in GCS
* [OP-1192] - Even though Throttle is off there is motor movement in some situations.
* [OP-1211] - dT calculation in Stabilization and other modules unsafe
* [OP-1218] - PIOS_COM is not thread safe
* [OP-1228] - GCS Quits unexpectedly
--- RELEASE-13.06.04 ---
This maintenance release includes the following fixes missing in (previously not released to public) RELEASE-13.06.03.
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ static void serialRxTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
int32_t ret = -2;
uint8_t count = 5;
while (count-- > 0 && ret < -1) {
PIOS_COM_SendBufferNonBlocking(PIOS_COM_RADIO, data->serialRxBuf, bytes_to_process);
ret = PIOS_COM_SendBufferNonBlocking(PIOS_COM_RADIO, data->serialRxBuf, bytes_to_process);
} else {
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
#define REQ_TIMEOUT_MS 250
#define MAX_RETRIES 2
@ -59,8 +58,6 @@ static xQueueHandle queue;
static xQueueHandle priorityQueue;
static xTaskHandle telemetryTxPriTaskHandle;
static void telemetryTxPriTask(void *parameters);
#define priorityQueue queue
@ -119,11 +116,6 @@ int32_t TelemetryStart(void)
xTaskCreate(telemetryTxPriTask, (signed char *)"TelPriTx", STACK_SIZE_BYTES / 4, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_TXPRI, &telemetryTxPriTaskHandle);
return 0;
@ -276,7 +268,12 @@ static void updateObject(UAVObjHandle obj, int32_t eventType)
UAVObjConnectQueue(obj, priorityQueue, eventMask);
// note that all setting objects have implicitly IsPriority=true
if (UAVObjIsPriority(obj)) {
UAVObjConnectQueue(obj, priorityQueue, eventMask);
} else {
UAVObjConnectQueue(obj, queue, eventMask);
@ -374,32 +371,24 @@ static void telemetryTxTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
// Loop forever
while (1) {
// Wait for queue message
if (xQueueReceive(queue, &ev, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {
// Process event
* Telemetry transmit task, high priority
* Tries to empty the high priority queue before handling any standard priority item
static void telemetryTxPriTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
UAVObjEvent ev;
// Loop forever
while (1) {
// Loop forever
while (xQueueReceive(priorityQueue, &ev, 1) == pdTRUE) {
// Process event
// Wait for queue message
if (xQueueReceive(priorityQueue, &ev, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {
if (xQueueReceive(queue, &ev, 0) == pdTRUE) {
// Process event
* Telemetry receive task. Processes queue events and periodic updates.
@ -488,9 +477,11 @@ static int32_t setUpdatePeriod(UAVObjHandle obj, int32_t updatePeriodMs)
ret = EventPeriodicQueueUpdate(&ev, queue, updatePeriodMs);
xQueueHandle targetQueue = UAVObjIsPriority(obj) ? priorityQueue : queue;
ret = EventPeriodicQueueUpdate(&ev, targetQueue, updatePeriodMs);
if (ret == -1) {
ret = EventPeriodicQueueCreate(&ev, queue, updatePeriodMs);
ret = EventPeriodicQueueCreate(&ev, targetQueue, updatePeriodMs);
return ret;
@ -512,9 +503,11 @@ static int32_t setLoggingPeriod(UAVObjHandle obj, int32_t updatePeriodMs)
ret = EventPeriodicQueueUpdate(&ev, queue, updatePeriodMs);
xQueueHandle targetQueue = UAVObjIsPriority(obj) ? priorityQueue : queue;
ret = EventPeriodicQueueUpdate(&ev, targetQueue, updatePeriodMs);
if (ret == -1) {
ret = EventPeriodicQueueCreate(&ev, queue, updatePeriodMs);
ret = EventPeriodicQueueCreate(&ev, targetQueue, updatePeriodMs);
return ret;
@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ int32_t PIOS_COM_SendBufferNonBlocking(uint32_t com_id, const uint8_t *buffer, u
* \param[in] len buffer length
* \return -1 if port not available
* \return -2 if mutex can't be taken;
* \return -3 if data cannot be sent in the max allotted time of 5000msec
* \return number of bytes transmitted on success
int32_t PIOS_COM_SendBuffer(uint32_t com_id, const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len)
@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ int32_t PIOS_COM_SendBuffer(uint32_t com_id, const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len
if (xSemaphoreTake(com_dev->sendbuffer_sem, 0) != pdTRUE) {
if (xSemaphoreTake(com_dev->sendbuffer_sem, 5) != pdTRUE) {
return -2;
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#define $(NAMEUC)_NUMBYTES sizeof($(NAME)Data)
/* Generic interface functions */
@ -147,8 +147,7 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t UAVObjInitialize();
void UAVObjGetStats(UAVObjStats *statsOut);
void UAVObjClearStats();
UAVObjHandle UAVObjRegister(uint32_t id,
int32_t isSingleInstance, int32_t isSettings, uint32_t numBytes, UAVObjInitializeCallback initCb);
UAVObjHandle UAVObjRegister(uint32_t id, bool isSingleInstance, bool isSettings, bool isPriority, uint32_t num_bytes, UAVObjInitializeCallback initCb);
UAVObjHandle UAVObjGetByID(uint32_t id);
uint32_t UAVObjGetID(UAVObjHandle obj);
uint32_t UAVObjGetNumBytes(UAVObjHandle obj);
@ -158,6 +157,7 @@ uint16_t UAVObjCreateInstance(UAVObjHandle obj_handle, UAVObjInitializeCallback
bool UAVObjIsSingleInstance(UAVObjHandle obj);
bool UAVObjIsMetaobject(UAVObjHandle obj);
bool UAVObjIsSettings(UAVObjHandle obj);
bool UAVObjIsPriority(UAVObjHandle obj);
int32_t UAVObjUnpack(UAVObjHandle obj_handle, uint16_t instId, const uint8_t *dataIn);
int32_t UAVObjPack(UAVObjHandle obj_handle, uint16_t instId, uint8_t *dataOut);
uint8_t UAVObjUpdateCRC(UAVObjHandle obj_handle, uint16_t instId, uint8_t crc);
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ int32_t $(NAME)Initialize(void)
// Register object with the object manager
handle = UAVObjRegister($(NAMEUC)_OBJID,
// Done
return handle ? 0 : -1;
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ struct UAVOBase {
bool isMeta : 1;
bool isSingle : 1;
bool isSettings : 1;
bool isPriority : 1;
} flags;
} __attribute__((packed));
@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ static struct UAVOData *UAVObjAllocMulti(uint32_t num_bytes)
* \return
UAVObjHandle UAVObjRegister(uint32_t id,
int32_t isSingleInstance, int32_t isSettings,
bool isSingleInstance, bool isSettings, bool isPriority,
uint32_t num_bytes,
UAVObjInitializeCallback initCb)
@ -368,8 +369,11 @@ UAVObjHandle UAVObjRegister(uint32_t id,
uavo_data->instance_size = num_bytes;
if (isSettings) {
uavo_data->base.flags.isSettings = true;
// settings defaults to being sent with priority
uavo_data->base.flags.isPriority = true;
} else {
uavo_data->base.flags.isPriority = isPriority;
/* Initialize the embedded meta UAVO */
@ -605,6 +609,22 @@ bool UAVObjIsSettings(UAVObjHandle obj_handle)
return uavo_base->flags.isSettings;
* Is this a prioritized object?
* \param[in] obj The object handle
* \return True (1) if this is a prioritized object
bool UAVObjIsPriority(UAVObjHandle obj_handle)
/* Recover the common object header */
struct UAVOBase *uavo_base = (struct UAVOBase *)obj_handle;
return uavo_base->flags.isPriority;
* Unpack an object from a byte array
* \param[in] obj The object handle
@ -2252,49 +2252,29 @@
@ -2302,43 +2282,43 @@
@ -2346,32 +2326,42 @@
@ -2375,16 +2375,6 @@
@ -2393,8 +2383,8 @@
@ -2403,7 +2393,7 @@
@ -2260,7 +2260,7 @@
@ -2272,37 +2272,17 @@
@ -2310,9 +2290,9 @@
@ -2320,9 +2300,9 @@
@ -2330,9 +2310,9 @@
@ -2340,9 +2320,9 @@
@ -2360,9 +2340,9 @@
@ -2370,16 +2350,26 @@
@ -2,175 +2,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Qt Project File</string>
<string>Qt Project Include File</string>
<string>Qt Resource File</string>
<string>Qt UI File</string>
<string>Header File</string>
<string>C++ Source File</string>
<string>Objective-C++ Source File</string>
<string>Objective-C Source File</string>
<string>C Source File</string>
<string>Text File</string>
<string>OpenPilot GCS; Copyright OpenPilot</string>
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ ConfigInputWidget::ConfigInputWidget(QWidget *parent) :
addWidgetBinding("ManualControlSettings", "ChannelGroups", inpForm->ui->channelGroup, index);
addWidgetBinding("ManualControlSettings", "ChannelNeutral", inpForm->ui->channelNeutral, index);
addWidgetBinding("ManualControlSettings", "ChannelNeutral", inpForm->ui->neutralValue, index);
addWidgetBinding("ManualControlSettings", "ChannelMax", inpForm->ui->channelMax, index);
addWidgetBinding("ManualControlSettings", "ChannelMin", inpForm->ui->channelMin, index);
addWidgetBinding("ManualControlSettings", "ChannelMax", inpForm->ui->channelMax, index);
@ -81,5 +81,5 @@ IUAVGadgetConfiguration *MonitorGadgetFactory::createConfiguration(QSettings *qS
IOptionsPage *MonitorGadgetFactory::createOptionsPage(IUAVGadgetConfiguration *config)
return new MonitorGadgetOptionsPage(qobject_cast<MonitorGadgetConfiguration *>(config));
return 0; // new MonitorGadgetOptionsPage(qobject_cast<MonitorGadgetConfiguration *>(config));
@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ void replaceCommonTags(QString & out, ObjectInfo *info)
// Replace $(ISSETTINGS) tag
out.replace(QString("$(ISSETTINGS)"), boolTo01String(info->isSettings));
out.replace(QString("$(ISSETTINGSTF)"), boolToTRUEFALSEString(info->isSettings));
// Replace $(ISPRIORITY) tag
out.replace(QString("$(ISPRIORITY)"), boolTo01String(info->isPriority));
out.replace(QString("$(ISPRIORITYTF)"), boolToTRUEFALSEString(info->isPriority));
// Replace $(GCSACCESS) tag
value = accessModeStr[info->gcsAccess];
out.replace(QString("$(GCSACCESS)"), value);
@ -623,9 +623,19 @@ QString UAVObjectParser::processObjectAttributes(QDomNode & node, ObjectInfo *in
} else if (attr.nodeValue().compare(QString("false")) == 0) {
info->isSettings = false;
} else {
return QString("Object:settings attribute value is invalid");
return QString("Object:settings attribute value is invalid (true|false)");
// Get priority attribute
attr = attributes.namedItem("priority");
info->isPriority = false;
if (!attr.isNull()) {
if (attr.nodeValue().compare(QString("true")) == 0) {
info->isPriority = true;
} else if (attr.nodeValue().compare(QString("false")) != 0) {
return QString("Object:priority attribute value is invalid (true|false)");
// Settings objects can only have a single instance
if (info->isSettings && !info->isSingleInst) {
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ typedef struct {
quint32 id;
bool isSingleInst;
bool isSettings;
bool isPriority;
AccessMode gcsAccess;
AccessMode flightAccess;
bool flightTelemetryAcked;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<object name="FirmwareIAPObj" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System">
<object name="FirmwareIAPObj" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System" priority="true">
<description>Queries board for SN, model, revision, and sends reset command</description>
<field name="Command" units="" type="uint16" elements="1"/>
<field name="Description" units="" type="uint8" elements="100"/>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<object name="FlightTelemetryStats" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System">
<object name="FlightTelemetryStats" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System" priority="true">
<description>Maintains the telemetry statistics from the OpenPilot flight computer.</description>
<field name="Status" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disconnected,HandshakeReq,HandshakeAck,Connected"/>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<object name="GCSTelemetryStats" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System">
<object name="GCSTelemetryStats" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System" priority="true">
<description>The telemetry statistics from the ground computer</description>
<field name="Status" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disconnected,HandshakeReq,HandshakeAck,Connected"/>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<object name="ObjectPersistence" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System">
<description>Someone who knows please enter this</description>
<object name="ObjectPersistence" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System" priority="true">
<description>Used by gcs to handle object persistence to flash memory</description>
<field name="Operation" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="NOP,Load,Save,Delete,FullErase,Completed,Error"/>
<field name="Selection" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="SingleObject,AllSettings,AllMetaObjects,AllObjects"/>
<field name="ObjectID" units="" type="uint32" elements="1"/>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<object name="OPLinkStatus" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System">
<object name="OPLinkStatus" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System" priority="true">
<description>OPLink device status.</description>
<field name="Description" units="" type="uint8" elements="40"/>
<field name="CPUSerial" units="hex" type="uint8" elements="12" />
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<object name="SystemAlarms" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System">
<object name="SystemAlarms" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System" priority="true">
<description>Alarms from OpenPilot to indicate failure conditions or warnings. Set by various modules. Some modules may have a module defined Status and Substatus fields that details its condition.</description>
<field name="Alarm" units="" type="enum" options="Uninitialised,OK,Warning,Error,Critical" defaultvalue="Uninitialised">
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
<!-- telemetry -->
<!-- com -->
@ -111,8 +110,8 @@
<access gcs="readonly" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="true" updatemode="periodic" period="10000"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="false" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="false" updatemode="periodic" period="10000"/>
<logging updatemode="manual" period="0"/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user