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synced 2025-03-21 13:28:58 +01:00
LP-76 implement new dRonin yaw calculation PR and fix a TL spelling error
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
#include <flightstatus.h>
#include <manualcontrolcommand.h>
#include <manualcontrolsettings.h>
#include <gyrosensor.h>
#include <gyrostate.h>
#include <actuatordesired.h>
#include <stabilizationdesired.h>
#include <stabilizationsettings.h>
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ int32_t AutoTuneStart(void)
// taskHandle = PIOS_Thread_Create(AutoTuneTask, "Autotune", STACK_SIZE_BYTES, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY);
// TaskMonitorAdd(TASKINFO_RUNNING_AUTOTUNE, taskHandle);
xTaskCreate(AutoTuneTask, "AutoTune", STACK_SIZE_BYTES / 4, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &taskHandle);
@ -264,16 +264,16 @@ static void AutoTuneTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
// if user toggled while armed set PID's to next in sequence 2,3,4,0,1... or 1,2,0...
// if smoothest is -100 and quickest is +100 this corresponds to 0,+50,+100,-100,-50... or 0,+100,-100
if (flightModeSwitchTogglePosition > systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuick - SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE) {
if (flightModeSwitchTogglePosition > systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuickSource - SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE) {
flightModeSwitchTogglePosition = 0;
} else {
// if they did it disarmed, then set PID's back to AutoTune default
flightModeSwitchTogglePosition = (systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuick - SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE) / 2;
flightModeSwitchTogglePosition = (systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuickSource - SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE) / 2;
(float)(systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuick - SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE));
(float)(systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuickSource - SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE));
savePidNeeded = true;
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ static void AtNewGyroData(UAVObjEvent *ev)
static struct at_queued_data q_item;
static bool last_sample_unpushed = false;
GyroSensorData gyro;
GyroStateData gyro;
ActuatorDesiredData actuators;
if (!ev || !ev->obj || ev->instId != 0 || ev->event != EV_UPDATED) {
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ static void AtNewGyroData(UAVObjEvent *ev)
// object will at times change asynchronously so must copy data here, with locking
// and do it as soon as possible
if (last_sample_unpushed) {
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ static bool CheckFlightModeSwitchForPidRequest(uint8_t flightMode)
static void InitSystemIdent(bool loadDefaults)
uint8_t smoothQuick = systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuick;
uint8_t SmoothQuickSource = systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuickSource;
if (loadDefaults) {
// get these 10.0 10.0 7.0 -4.0 from default values of SystemIdent (.Beta and .Tau)
@ -576,20 +576,20 @@ static void InitSystemIdent(bool loadDefaults)
// default to disable PID changing with flight mode switch and accessory0-3
accessoryToUse = -1;
flightModeSwitchTogglePosition = -1;
systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuick = SMOOTH_QUICK_DISABLED;
switch (smoothQuick) {
systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuickSource = SMOOTH_QUICK_DISABLED;
switch (SmoothQuickSource) {
case SMOOTH_QUICK_ACCESSORY_BASE + 0: // use accessory0
case SMOOTH_QUICK_ACCESSORY_BASE + 1: // use accessory1
case SMOOTH_QUICK_ACCESSORY_BASE + 2: // use accessory2
case SMOOTH_QUICK_ACCESSORY_BASE + 3: // use accessory3
accessoryToUse = smoothQuick - SMOOTH_QUICK_ACCESSORY_BASE;
systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuick = smoothQuick;
accessoryToUse = SmoothQuickSource - SMOOTH_QUICK_ACCESSORY_BASE;
systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuickSource = SmoothQuickSource;
case SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE + 2: // use flight mode switch toggle with 3 points
case SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE + 4: // use flight mode switch toggle with 5 points
// first test PID is in the middle of the smooth -> quick range
flightModeSwitchTogglePosition = (smoothQuick - SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE) / 2;
systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuick = smoothQuick;
flightModeSwitchTogglePosition = (SmoothQuickSource - SMOOTH_QUICK_TOGGLE_BASE) / 2;
systemIdentSettings.SmoothQuickSource = SmoothQuickSource;
@ -671,8 +671,9 @@ static uint8_t CheckSettingsRaw()
if (systemIdentState.Beta.Pitch < 6) {
if (systemIdentState.Beta.Yaw < 4) {
retVal |= YAW_BETA_LOW;
// if (systemIdentState.Beta.Yaw < 4) {
if (systemIdentState.Beta.Yaw < systemIdentSettings.YawBetaMin) {
retVal |= YAW_BETA_LOW;
// Check the response speed
// Extreme values: Your estimated response speed (tau) is slower than normal. This will result in large PID values.
@ -714,7 +715,8 @@ static uint8_t CheckSettings()
// most of the doubles could be replaced with floats
static void ComputeStabilizationAndSetPidsFromDampAndNoise(float dampRate, float noiseRate)
StabilizationSettingsBank1Data stabSettingsBank;
// StabilizationSettingsBank1Data stabSettingsBank;
StabilizationBankData stabSettingsBank;
switch (systemIdentSettings.DestinationPidBank) {
case 1:
@ -763,14 +765,56 @@ static void ComputeStabilizationAndSetPidsFromDampAndNoise(float dampRate, float
// critically damped;
const double zeta_o = 1.3d;
const double kp_o = 1.0d / 4.0d / (zeta_o * zeta_o) / (1.0d / wn);
const double ki_o = 0.75d * kp_o / (2.0d * M_PI_D * tau * 10.0d);
// dRonin simply uses default PID settings for yaw
float kpMax = 0.0f;
double betaMinLn = 1000.0d;
StabilizationBankRollRatePIDData *rollPitchPid = NULL; // satisfy compiler warning only
for (int i = 0; i < ((systemIdentSettings.CalculateYaw != SYSTEMIDENTSETTINGS_CALCULATEYAW_FALSE) ? 3 : 2); i++) {
double beta = exp(SystemIdentStateBetaToArray(systemIdentState.Beta)[i]);
double ki = a * b * wn * wn * tau * tau_d / beta;
double kp = tau * tau_d * ((a + b) * wn * wn + 2.0d * a * b * damp * wn) / beta - ki * tau_d;
double kd = (tau * tau_d * (a * b + wn * wn + (a + b) * 2.0d * damp * wn) - 1.0d) / beta - kp * tau_d;
double betaLn = SystemIdentStateBetaToArray(systemIdentState.Beta)[i];
double beta = exp(betaLn);
double ki;
double kp;
double kd;
switch (i) {
case 0: // Roll
case 1: // Pitch
ki = a * b * wn * wn * tau * tau_d / beta;
kp = tau * tau_d * ((a + b) * wn * wn + 2.0d * a * b * damp * wn) / beta - ki * tau_d;
kd = (tau * tau_d * (a * b + wn * wn + (a + b) * 2.0d * damp * wn) - 1.0d) / beta - kp * tau_d;
if (betaMinLn > betaLn) {
betaMinLn = betaLn;
// RollRatePID PitchRatePID YawRatePID
// form an array of structures
// point to one
rollPitchPid = &(&stabSettingsBank.RollRatePID)[i];
case 2: // Yaw
// yaw uses a mixture of yaw and the slowest axis (pitch) for it's beta and thus PID calculation
// calculate the ratio to use when converting from the slowest axis (pitch) to the yaw axis
// as (e^(betaMinLn-betaYawLn))^0.6
// which is (e^betaMinLn / e^betaYawLn)^0.6
// which is (betaMin / betaYaw)^0.6
// which is betaMin^0.6 / betaYaw^0.6
// now given that kp for each axis can be written as kpaxis = xp / betaaxis
// for xp that is constant across all axes
// then kpmin (probably kppitch) was xp / betamin (probably betapitch)
// which we multiply by betaMin^0.6 / betaYaw^0.6 to get the new Yaw kp
// so the new kpyaw is (xp / betaMin) * (betaMin^0.6 / betaYaw^0.6)
// which is (xp / betaMin) * (betaMin^0.6 / betaYaw^0.6)
// which is (xp * betaMin^0.6) / (betaMin * betaYaw^0.6)
// which is xp / (betaMin * betaYaw^0.6 / betaMin^0.6)
// which is xp / (betaMin^0.4 * betaYaw^0.6)
// hence the new effective betaYaw for Yaw P is (betaMin^0.4)*(betaYaw^0.6)
beta = exp(0.6d * (betaMinLn - (double) systemIdentState.Beta.Yaw));
kp = (double) rollPitchPid->Kp * beta;
ki = 0.8d * (double) rollPitchPid->Ki * beta;
kd = 0.8d * (double) rollPitchPid->Kd * beta;
if (i < 2) {
if (kpMax < (float)kp) {
@ -811,21 +855,26 @@ static void ComputeStabilizationAndSetPidsFromDampAndNoise(float dampRate, float
stabSettingsBank.RollRatePID.Ki = ki;
stabSettingsBank.RollRatePID.Kd = kd;
stabSettingsBank.RollPI.Kp = kp_o;
stabSettingsBank.RollPI.Ki = 0;
stabSettingsBank.RollPI.Ki = ki_o;
case 1: // Pitch
stabSettingsBank.PitchRatePID.Kp = kp;
stabSettingsBank.PitchRatePID.Ki = ki;
stabSettingsBank.PitchRatePID.Kd = kd;
stabSettingsBank.PitchPI.Kp = kp_o;
stabSettingsBank.PitchPI.Ki = 0;
stabSettingsBank.PitchPI.Ki = ki_o;
case 2: // Yaw
stabSettingsBank.YawRatePID.Kp = kp;
stabSettingsBank.YawRatePID.Ki = ki;
stabSettingsBank.YawRatePID.Kd = kd;
#if 0
// if we ever choose to use these
// (e.g. mag yaw attitude)
// here they are
stabSettingsBank.YawPI.Kp = kp_o;
stabSettingsBank.YawPI.Ki = 0;
stabSettingsBank.YawPI.Ki = ki_o;
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ uint32_t PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(uint32_t raw)
* @brief Subrtact two raw times and convert to us.
* @brief Subtract two raw times and convert to us.
* @return Interval between raw times in microseconds
uint32_t PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS2(uint32_t raw, uint32_t later)
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
<field name="NoiseMin" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="8"/>
<field name="NoiseRate" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="10"/>
<field name="NoiseMax" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="13"/>
<field name="CalculateYaw" units="bool" type="enum" elements="1" options="False,True,TrueIgnoreError" defaultvalue="True"/>
<field name="CalculateYaw" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="False,True,TrueIgnoreError" defaultvalue="True"/>
<field name="YawBetaMin" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="5.6"/>
<!-- Mateuze quad needs yaw P to be at most 2.6 times roll/pitch P to avoid yaw oscillation -->
<!-- Cliff sluggish 500 quad would like yaw P to be about 5.8 times roll/pitch P, but can easily live with 2.6 -->
<field name="YawToRollPitchPIDRatioMin" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="1.0"/>
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
<!-- 23 and 25 are discrete 3 and 5 stop rount robin selectors accessed by quickly toggling the fms 3 times -->
<!-- 23 (3 stops) means stops at 0%, 100%, -100% (repeat) -->
<!-- 25 (5 stops) means stops at 0%, 50%, 100%, -100%, -50% (repeat) -->
<field name="SmoothQuick" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="25"/>
<field name="SmoothQuickSource" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="25"/>
<field name="DisableSanityChecks" units="bool" type="enum" elements="1" options="False,True" defaultvalue="False"/>
<field name="Complete" units="bool" type="enum" elements="1" options="False,True" defaultvalue="False"/>
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
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