diff --git a/CREDITS.txt b/CREDITS.txt index 2e5e8d0ad..1df183158 100644 --- a/CREDITS.txt +++ b/CREDITS.txt @@ -6,47 +6,41 @@ It is sorted alphabetically by name and formatted so that it allows for easy gre The fields are: Name (N) -Email (E), Description of work (D) Current maintainer function (M) ---------- N: Connor Abbott -E: connor (at) abbott (dot) cx D: Win32 OpenPilot port N: David Ankers -E: david (at) openpilot (dot) org D: Co-founder, Project Coordination D: Minor GCS infrastructure, updating the credit file M: Admin +N: Sergiy Anikeyev +D: Improvments to Camera Gimbal control + N: Pedro Assuncao -E: pedro (dot) agda (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: Initial GCS Settings Gadget work N: Fredrik Arvidsson -E: fredrik (at) arvidssons (dot) org -W: GCS Setup Wizard +D: GCS Setup Wizard M: GCS Setup Wizard N: Werner Backes -E: werner (at) bit-1 (dot) de D: Port of CopterControl to PS3 Move Controller (MoveCopter) N: Jose Barros -E: josembarros (at) hotmail (dot) com D: Next-Gen OP Map Lib, Y-Modem Library, Uploader Plugin D: OP Bootloader, AHRS Bootloader, OPUploadTool and much else M: Bootloader, OP MAP Lib N: David "Buzz" Carlson -E: chebuzz (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: 3D ModelView GCS Plugin, sponsor of HITL merge work and XPlane addition N: James Cotton -E: peabody124 (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: Multiplatform HID implementation (firmware & GCS), GCS Joystick control D: Posix OpenPilot work and Mac implementation D: Firmware implementation of Professor Schinstock's INS/GPS @@ -54,187 +48,153 @@ D: Android GCS and much else M: Architecture co-lead, Android GCS Lead N: Steve Doll -E: speakfree07 (at) hotmail (dot) com D: Much Artwork, Logo rework, Welcome page design N: Piotr Esden-Tempski -E: esden (at) esden (dot) net D: Floss-JTAG Rev A, 4-layer initial design +N: Richard Flay +D: Multiple fixes / Review guru + N: Darren Furniss -E: furnibird (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com -W: GCS Artwork and Android GCS Artwork +D: GCS Artwork and Android GCS Artwork N: Frederic Goddeeris -E: fredericgoddeeris (at) hotmail (dot) com D: I2C work and FreeRTOS work, MK integration D: EagleTree OSD implementation N: Daniel Godin -E: dgodin (at) dnsct (dot) com -W: Sponsor: Notify Plugin for the GCS +D: Sponsor: Notify Plugin for the GCS N: Bani Greyling -E: bani (dot) greyling (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: GCS Scope plugin N: Nuno Guedes -E: muralha (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: 3D artwork, moving surfaces and work on ModelView D: PFD Artwork +N: Erik Gustavsson +D: Attitude LPF improvments to Self Level + N: Peter Gunnarsson -E: peter (at) pyne (dot) se D: GCS Core Developer D: Multiple GCS plugins, Gadget foundations, UAVObject viewer N: Dean Hall -E: dwhall256 (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: Creator of http://pythononachip.org N: Joe Hlebasko -E: joe (dot) hlebasko(plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: Early versions of Main Board & Production OP GPS M: Hardware Architecture Team N: Andy Honecker -E: andywh (at) yahoo (dot) com D: Hardware design review and optimisation N: Mark James -E: mjames (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: Some of Silk Icon set used in GCS - http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk N: Sami Korhonen -E: samik (dot) korhonen (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: GPS Module, Spektrum RC Module, OSD work M: OpenPilot OSD N: Thorsten Klose -E: thorsten (dot) klose (at) dmx (dot) de D: Embedded STM32 infrastructure N: Hallvard Kristiansen -E: hal (at) fleshmx (dot) com D: GCS Artwork, Quad layout diagrams N: Mike Labranche -E: mdlabranche (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: Tab bar Telem Monitor N: Edouard Lafargue -E: edouard (at) lafargue (dot) name D: GCS Dial Plugins, GCS PFD Plugin, GCS GPS plugin, GCS Config plugin D: Artwork including standard display dials N: Matt Lipski -E: mattlipski (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: Deluxe Dials Set artwork, (Artificial Horizon, Compass, Turn Indicator) N: Les Newell -E: les (dot) newell (at) fastmail (dot) co (dot) uk D: Advanced mixer matrix, SPI protocol based on UAVObjects, feedforward N: Ken Northup -E: helos360 (at) bellsouth (dot) net D: 3D Modelling, Easystar adaption from FMS N: Guy McCaldin -E: guymcc (at) gmail (dot) com D: Artwork and design including work on the Deluxe Dial Set N: Cathy Moss -E: cmoss296 (at) blueyonder (dot) co (dot) uk D: Hardware design Lead: Gen 2 Mainboard, PipXtreme, Current Sensor D: PipXtreme designer, creator OP Map Plugin N: Angus Peart -E: gussy (at) openpilot (dot) org D: Co-founder, Principal hardware architect. D: Hardware design of early OpenPilot, AHRS, GPS and other hardware N: Dmytro Poplavskiy -E: dmytro (dot) poplavskiy (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com -W: QML PFD, QML Welcome page +D: QML PFD, QML Welcome page M: Qml plugins N: Eric Price -E: corvus (dot) corax (at) cybertrench (dot) com D: IL2 HITL GCS Plugin, Posix OpenPilot, Advanced stabilisation module M: SITL Posix, SLAM work N: Richard Querin -E: rfquerin (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: Graphic Design, OpenPilot Logo N: Laurent Ribon -E: ribon (dot) l (at) club-internet (dot) fr D: The GLC_lib as used in the ModelView Plugin D: See: http://www.glc-lib.net/ N: Julien Rouviere -E: julien (dot) rouviere (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: GCS Framework and Plugins for the GCS N: Zik Saleeba -E: zik (at) zikzak (dot) net D: Initial schematic based on Zik's Flying Fox schematic N: Professor Dale Schinstock -E: dales (at) ksu (dot) edu -D: Lead AHRS Developer +D: Lead INS Developer D: Creator of the OpenPilot INS / EKF N: Professor Kenn Sebesta E: kenn (at) openpilot (dot) org -D: Lead Fixed Wing Developer -M: Fixed Wing support +D: Lead Fixed Wing Developer CC3D / Controls +D: GCS improvments including HiTL Merge +M: Fixed Wing support CC3D N: Oleg Semyonov -E: os-openpilot-org (at) os-propo (dot) info -D: Core tester & Project organisation +D: Core Developer & Project organisation +M: TxPID module M: Common part of multi-platform packaging system M: Windows NSIS Installer -M: Russian Documentation Lead N: Stacey Sheldon -E: stac (at) solidgoldbomb (dot) org D: Core Embedded Developer D: SPI protocol for AHRS, I2C rewrite and much core work N: Troy Schultz -E: troy (dot) schultz (at) rogers (dot) com D: INS design review and optimisation N: Dr. Erhard Siegl -E: Erhard (dot) Siegl (at) zogazoga (dot) at D: Configuration engine for the GCS N: Pete Stapley -E: pete (at) stapleylabs (dot) com D: PPM inputs N: Rowan Taubitz -E: rowan (at) zantek (dot) com (dot) au D: Hardware debugging and testing, creation of 2-layer Floss-JTAG Rev B D: Creation of Next-Gen FOSS-JTAG board N: Andrew Thoms -E: electronics (at) andrewspizza (dot) net D: IP Telemtry plugin for the GCS D: Helicopter support code and mixing for CCPM N: Vassilis Varveropoulos -E: vassilis (at) openpilot (dot) org D: Co-founder, Principal embedded software architect. D: Module architecture and UAVTalk/UAVObjects implementation. N: Alex Vrubel -E: alex (dot) vrubel (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com D: Russian translation of the GCS N: Brian Webb -E: webbbn (plus) openpilot (at) gmail (dot) com -W: Modem lead developer +D: Modem lead developer M: OP Modems - diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/coreplugin/CREDITS.html b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/coreplugin/CREDITS.html index cd1c8661d..e61d5f9ed 100644 --- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/coreplugin/CREDITS.html +++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/coreplugin/CREDITS.html @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Without the work of the people in this file OpenPilot would not be what it is to
Connor Abbott David Ankers +Sergiy Anikeyev Pedro Assuncao Fredrik Arvidsson Werner Backes @@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ David Carlson James Cotton Steve Doll Piotr Esden-Tempski +Richard Flay Peter Farnworth Ed Faulkner Darren Furniss @@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ Frederic Goddeeris Daniel Godin Bani Greyling Nuno Guedes +Erik Gustavsson Peter Gunnarsson Dean Hall Joe Hlebasko