mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2024-12-01 09:24:10 +01:00

new design of altitude hold - warning not tested yet!

This commit is contained in:
Corvus Corax 2013-12-07 23:16:22 +01:00
parent a4d53c18ac
commit 623c25aa99
3 changed files with 99 additions and 207 deletions

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@ -46,39 +46,37 @@
#include <openpilot.h> #include <openpilot.h>
#include <math.h> #include <math.h>
#include <pid.h>
#include <CoordinateConversions.h> #include <CoordinateConversions.h>
#include <altholdsmoothed.h>
#include <attitudestate.h> #include <attitudestate.h>
#include <altitudeholdsettings.h> #include <altitudeholdsettings.h>
#include <altitudeholddesired.h> // object that will be updated by the module #include <altitudeholddesired.h> // object that will be updated by the module
#include <barosensor.h>
#include <positionstate.h>
#include <flightstatus.h> #include <flightstatus.h>
#include <stabilizationdesired.h> #include <stabilizationdesired.h>
#include <accelstate.h> #include <accelstate.h>
#include <taskinfo.h>
#include <pios_constants.h> #include <pios_constants.h>
#include <velocitystate.h> #include <velocitystate.h>
#include <positionstate.h> #include <positionstate.h>
// Private constants // Private constants
#define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 2
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 1024 #define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 1024
#define TIMEOUT_TRESHOLD 200000
#define DESIRED_UPDATE_RATE_MS 100 // milliseconds #define DESIRED_UPDATE_RATE_MS 100 // milliseconds
// Private types // Private types
// Private variables // Private variables
static xTaskHandle altitudeHoldTaskHandle; static DelayedCallbackInfo *altitudeHoldCBInfo;
static xQueueHandle queue;
static AltitudeHoldSettingsData altitudeHoldSettings; static AltitudeHoldSettingsData altitudeHoldSettings;
static float throttleAlpha = 1.0f; static struct pid accelpid;
static float throttle_old = 0.0f; static float accelStateDown;
// Private functions // Private functions
static void altitudeHoldTask(void *parameters); static void altitudeHoldTask(void);
static void SettingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev); static void SettingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev);
static void AccelStateUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev);
/** /**
* Initialise the module, called on startup * Initialise the module, called on startup
@ -87,8 +85,8 @@ static void SettingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev);
int32_t AltitudeHoldStart() int32_t AltitudeHoldStart()
{ {
// Start main task // Start main task
xTaskCreate(altitudeHoldTask, (signed char *)"AltitudeHold", STACK_SIZE_BYTES / 4, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &altitudeHoldTaskHandle); SettingsUpdatedCb(NULL);
PIOS_TASK_MONITOR_RegisterTask(TASKINFO_RUNNING_ALTITUDEHOLD, altitudeHoldTaskHandle); DelayedCallbackDispatch(altitudeHoldCBInfo);
return 0; return 0;
} }
@ -101,216 +99,111 @@ int32_t AltitudeHoldInitialize()
{ {
AltitudeHoldSettingsInitialize(); AltitudeHoldSettingsInitialize();
AltitudeHoldDesiredInitialize(); AltitudeHoldDesiredInitialize();
// Create object queue // Create object queue
queue = xQueueCreate(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(UAVObjEvent));
altitudeHoldCBInfo = DelayedCallbackCreate(&altitudeHoldTask, CALLBACK_PRIORITY, CBTASK_PRIORITY, STACK_SIZE_BYTES);
AltitudeHoldSettingsConnectCallback(&SettingsUpdatedCb); AltitudeHoldSettingsConnectCallback(&SettingsUpdatedCb);
return 0; return 0;
} }
MODULE_INITCALL(AltitudeHoldInitialize, AltitudeHoldStart); MODULE_INITCALL(AltitudeHoldInitialize, AltitudeHoldStart);
float tau;
float positionAlpha;
float velAlpha;
bool running = false;
float velocity;
float velocityIntegral;
float altitudeIntegral;
float error;
float velError;
float derivative;
uint32_t timeval;
bool posUpdated;
/** /**
* Module thread, should not return. * Module thread, should not return.
*/ */
static void altitudeHoldTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters) static void altitudeHoldTask(void)
{ {
AltitudeHoldDesiredData altitudeHoldDesired;
StabilizationDesiredData stabilizationDesired;
AltHoldSmoothedData altHold;
VelocityStateData velocityData;
float dT;
float fblimit = 0;
portTickType thisTime, lastUpdateTime; static float startThrottle =0.5f;
UAVObjEvent ev;
dT = 0; // make sure we run only when we are supposed to run
timeval = 0; FlightStatusData flightStatus;
lastUpdateTime = 0; FlightStatusGet(&flightStatus);
// Force update of the settings switch (flightStatus.FlightMode) {
uint32_t lastAltitudeHoldDesiredUpdate = 0; break;
bool enterFailSafe = false; default:
// Listen for updates. pid_zero(&accelpid);
AltitudeHoldDesiredConnectQueue(queue); StabilizationDesiredThrottleGet(&startThrottle);
// PositionStateConnectQueue(queue); DelayedCallbackSchedule(altitudeHoldCBInfo, DESIRED_UPDATE_RATE_MS, CALLBACK_UPDATEMODE_SOONER);
FlightStatusConnectQueue(queue); return;
VelocityStateConnectQueue(queue); break;
bool altitudeHoldFlightMode = false; }
running = false;
uint8_t flightMode; // do the actual control loop(s)
FlightStatusFlightModeGet(&flightMode); AltitudeHoldDesiredData altitudeHoldDesired;
// initialize enable flag AltitudeHoldDesiredGet(&altitudeHoldDesired);
altitudeHoldFlightMode = flightMode == FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_ALTITUDEHOLD || flightMode == FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_ALTITUDEVARIO; float positionStateDown;
// Main task loop PositionStateDownGet(&positionStateDown);
while (1) { float velocityStateDown;
enterFailSafe = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(lastAltitudeHoldDesiredUpdate) > TIMEOUT_TRESHOLD; VelocityStateDownGet(&velocityStateDown);
// Wait until the AttitudeRaw object is updated, if a timeout then go to failsafe
if (xQueueReceive(queue, &ev, 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE) {
if (!running) {
altitudeIntegral = 0;
// Todo: Add alarm if it should be running // altitude control loop
continue; float velocityDesiredDown = altitudeHoldSettings.AltitudeP * (positionStateDown - altitudeHoldDesired.Altitude) + altitudeHoldDesired.Velocity;
} else if (ev.obj == FlightStatusHandle()) {
if (altitudeHoldFlightMode && !running) {
AttitudeStateData attitudeState;
float q[4], Rbe[3][3];
q[0] = attitudeState.q1;
q[1] = attitudeState.q2;
q[2] = attitudeState.q3;
q[3] = attitudeState.q4;
Quaternion2R(q, Rbe);
// Copy the current throttle as a starting point for integral
float initThrottle;
initThrottle *= Rbe[2][2]; // rotate into earth frame
if (initThrottle > 1) {
initThrottle = 1;
} else if (initThrottle < 0) {
initThrottle = 0;
error = 0;
altitudeHoldDesired.Velocity = 0;
altitudeHoldDesired.Altitude = altHold.Altitude;
altitudeIntegral = initThrottle;
velocityIntegral = 0;
running = true;
} else if (!altitudeHoldFlightMode) {
running = false;
lastAltitudeHoldDesiredUpdate = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
} else if (ev.obj == VelocityStateHandle()) {
init = (init == WAITING_BARO) ? WAITIING_INIT : init;
dT = 0.1f * PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(timeval) / 1.0e6f + 0.9f * dT;
timeval = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
AltHoldSmoothedGet(&altHold); // velocity control loop
float realAccelDesired = altitudeHoldSettings.VelocityP * (velocityStateDown - velocityDesiredDown) -9.81f;
altHold.Velocity = -(velAlpha * altHold.Velocity + (1 - velAlpha) * velocityData.Down);
float position;
altHold.Altitude = -(positionAlpha * position) + (1 - positionAlpha) * altHold.Altitude;
// Verify that we are in altitude hold mode
uint8_t armed;
if (!altitudeHoldFlightMode || armed != FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED) {
running = false;
if (!running) {
lastAltitudeHoldDesiredUpdate = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
float lastError = error;
error = altitudeHoldDesired.Altitude - altHold.Altitude;
derivative = (error - lastError) / dT;
velError = altitudeHoldDesired.Velocity - altHold.Velocity;
// Compute altitude and velocity integral
altitudeIntegral += (error - fblimit) * altitudeHoldSettings.AltitudePID[ALTITUDEHOLDSETTINGS_ALTITUDEPID_KI] * dT;
velocityIntegral += (velError - fblimit) * altitudeHoldSettings.VelocityPI[ALTITUDEHOLDSETTINGS_VELOCITYPI_KI] * dT;
thisTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); // compensate acceleration by rotation
// Only update stabilizationDesired less frequently // explanation: Rbe[2][2] is the Down component of a 0,0,1 vector rotated by Attitude.Q
if ((thisTime - lastUpdateTime) * 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ < DESIRED_UPDATE_RATE_MS) { // It is 1.0 for no rotation, 0.0 for a 90 degrees roll or pitch and -1.0 for a 180 degrees flipped rotation
continue; // multiplying with 1/Rbe[2][2] therefore is the acceleration/thrust required to overcome gravity and achieve the wanted vertical
} // acceleration at the current tilt angle.
lastUpdateTime = thisTime; // around 90 degrees rotation this is infinite (since no possible acceleration would get us up or down) so we set the error to zero to keep
// integrals from winding in any direction
// Instead of explicit limit on integral you output limit feedback AttitudeStateData attitudeState;
StabilizationDesiredGet(&stabilizationDesired); AttitudeStateGet(&attitudeState);
if (!enterFailSafe) { float Rbe[3][3];
stabilizationDesired.Throttle = altitudeIntegral + velocityIntegral Quaternion2R(&attitudeState.q1,Rbe);
+ error * altitudeHoldSettings.AltitudePID[ALTITUDEHOLDSETTINGS_ALTITUDEPID_KP]
+ velError * altitudeHoldSettings.VelocityPI[ALTITUDEHOLDSETTINGS_VELOCITYPI_KP]
+ derivative * altitudeHoldSettings.AltitudePID[ALTITUDEHOLDSETTINGS_ALTITUDEPID_KD];
// scale up throttle to compensate for roll/pitch angle but limit this to 60 deg (cos(60) == 0.5) to prevent excessive scaling float rotatedAccelDesired = realAccelDesired;
AttitudeStateData attitudeState; if (fabsf(Rbe[2][2])>1e-3f) {
float q[4], Rbe[3][3]; rotatedAccelDesired /= Rbe[2][2];
AttitudeStateGet(&attitudeState); } else {
q[0] = attitudeState.q1; rotatedAccelDesired = accelStateDown;
q[1] = attitudeState.q2; }
q[2] = attitudeState.q3;
q[3] = attitudeState.q4;
Quaternion2R(q, Rbe);
float throttlescale = Rbe[2][2] < 0.5f ? 0.5f : Rbe[2][2];
stabilizationDesired.Throttle /= throttlescale;
stabilizationDesired.Throttle = stabilizationDesired.Throttle * throttleAlpha + throttle_old * (1.0f - throttleAlpha);
throttle_old = stabilizationDesired.Throttle;
fblimit = 0;
if (stabilizationDesired.Throttle > 1) { // acceleration control loop
fblimit = stabilizationDesired.Throttle - 1; float throttle = startThrottle + pid_apply_setpoint(&accelpid, 1.0f, rotatedAccelDesired, accelStateDown, 1000/DESIRED_UPDATE_RATE_MS);
stabilizationDesired.Throttle = 1;
} else if (stabilizationDesired.Throttle < 0) {
fblimit = stabilizationDesired.Throttle;
stabilizationDesired.Throttle = 0;
} else {
// shutdown motors
stabilizationDesired.Throttle = -1;
stabilizationDesired.Roll = altitudeHoldDesired.Roll;
stabilizationDesired.Pitch = altitudeHoldDesired.Pitch;
stabilizationDesired.Yaw = altitudeHoldDesired.Yaw;
StabilizationDesiredSet(&stabilizationDesired); if (throttle>=1.0f) {
} else if (ev.obj == AltitudeHoldDesiredHandle()) { throttle=1.0f;
// reset the failsafe timer }
lastAltitudeHoldDesiredUpdate = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw(); if (throttle<=0.0f) {
AltitudeHoldDesiredGet(&altitudeHoldDesired); throttle=0.0f;
} }
} StabilizationDesiredData stab;
stab.Roll = altitudeHoldDesired.Roll;
stab.Pitch = altitudeHoldDesired.Pitch;
stab.Yaw = altitudeHoldDesired.Yaw;
stab.Throttle = throttle;
static void AccelStateUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev)
float down;
accelStateDown = down * altitudeHoldSettings.AccelAlpha + accelStateDown * (1.0f - altitudeHoldSettings.AccelAlpha);
} }
static void SettingsUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev) static void SettingsUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev)
{ {
AltitudeHoldSettingsGet(&altitudeHoldSettings); AltitudeHoldSettingsGet(&altitudeHoldSettings);
positionAlpha = expf(-(1000.0f / 666.0f * ACCEL_DOWNSAMPLE) / altitudeHoldSettings.PositionTau); pid_configure(&accelpid, altitudeHoldSettings.AccelPI.Kp, altitudeHoldSettings.AccelPI.Kp, 0, altitudeHoldSettings.AccelPI.Ilimit);
velAlpha = expf(-(1000.0f / 666.0f * ACCEL_DOWNSAMPLE) / altitudeHoldSettings.VelocityTau); pid_zero(&accelpid);
// don't use throttle filter if specified cutoff frequency is too low or above nyquist criteria (half the sampling frequency)
if (altitudeHoldSettings.ThrottleFilterCutoff > 0.001f && altitudeHoldSettings.ThrottleFilterCutoff < 2000.0f / DESIRED_UPDATE_RATE_MS) {
throttleAlpha = (float)DESIRED_UPDATE_RATE_MS / ((float)DESIRED_UPDATE_RATE_MS + 1000.0f / (2.0f * M_PI_F * altitudeHoldSettings.ThrottleFilterCutoff));
} else {
throttleAlpha = 1.0f;
} }

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@ -887,10 +887,10 @@ static void altitudeHoldDesired(ManualControlCommandData *cmd, bool changed)
} else if (cmd->Throttle > DEADBAND_HIGH && zeroed) { } else if (cmd->Throttle > DEADBAND_HIGH && zeroed) {
// being the two band symmetrical I can divide by DEADBAND_LOW to scale it to a value betweeon 0 and 1 // being the two band symmetrical I can divide by DEADBAND_LOW to scale it to a value betweeon 0 and 1
// then apply an "exp" f(x,k) = (k*x*x*x + (255-k)*x) / 255 // then apply an "exp" f(x,k) = (k*x*x*x + (255-k)*x) / 255
altitudeHoldDesiredData.Velocity = (throttleExp * powf((cmd->Throttle - DEADBAND_HIGH) / (DEADBAND_LOW), 3) + (255 - throttleExp) * (cmd->Throttle - DEADBAND_HIGH) / DEADBAND_LOW) / 255 * throttleRate; altitudeHoldDesiredData.Velocity = -((throttleExp * powf((cmd->Throttle - DEADBAND_HIGH) / (DEADBAND_LOW), 3) + (255 - throttleExp) * (cmd->Throttle - DEADBAND_HIGH) / DEADBAND_LOW) / 255 * throttleRate);
altitudeHoldDesiredData.Altitude = posState.Down; altitudeHoldDesiredData.Altitude = posState.Down;
} else if (cmd->Throttle < DEADBAND_LOW && zeroed) { } else if (cmd->Throttle < DEADBAND_LOW && zeroed) {
altitudeHoldDesiredData.Velocity = -(throttleExp * powf((DEADBAND_LOW - (cmd->Throttle < 0 ? 0 : cmd->Throttle)) / DEADBAND_LOW, 3) + (255 - throttleExp) * (DEADBAND_LOW - cmd->Throttle) / DEADBAND_LOW) / 255 * throttleRate; altitudeHoldDesiredData.Velocity = -(-(throttleExp * powf((DEADBAND_LOW - (cmd->Throttle < 0 ? 0 : cmd->Throttle)) / DEADBAND_LOW, 3) + (255 - throttleExp) * (DEADBAND_LOW - cmd->Throttle) / DEADBAND_LOW) / 255 * throttleRate);
altitudeHoldDesiredData.Altitude = posState.Down; altitudeHoldDesiredData.Altitude = posState.Down;
} else if (cmd->Throttle >= DEADBAND_LOW && cmd->Throttle <= DEADBAND_HIGH && (throttleRate != 0)) { } else if (cmd->Throttle >= DEADBAND_LOW && cmd->Throttle <= DEADBAND_HIGH && (throttleRate != 0)) {
// Require the stick to enter the dead band before they can move height // Require the stick to enter the dead band before they can move height

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@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
<xml> <xml>
<object name="AltitudeHoldSettings" singleinstance="true" settings="true" category="Control"> <object name="AltitudeHoldSettings" singleinstance="true" settings="true" category="Control">
<description>Settings for the @ref AltitudeHold module</description> <description>Settings for the @ref AltitudeHold module</description>
<field name="AltitudePID" units="throttle/m" type="float" elementnames="Kp,Ki,Kd" defaultvalue="0.18,0.06,0.01"/> <field name="AltitudeP" units="(m/s)/m" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="2" />
<field name="VelocityPI" units="throttle/m" type="float" elementnames="Kp,Ki" defaultvalue="0.1,0.1"/> <field name="VelocityP" units="(m/s^2)/(m/s)" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.5" />
<field name="VelocityTau" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.5"/> <field name="AccelPI" units="throttle/(m/s^2)" type="float" elementnames="Kp,Ki,Ilimit" defaultvalue="0.1,0.01,1.0" />
<field name="PositionTau" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.5"/> <field name="AccelAlpha" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.1" />
<field name="ThrottleFilterCutoff" units="Hz" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="2"/> <field name="ThrottleExp" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="128" />
<field name="ThrottleExp" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="128"/> <field name="ThrottleRate" units="m/s" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="5" />
<field name="ThrottleRate" units="m/s" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="5"/>
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/> <access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/> <telemetrygcs acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/> <telemetryflight acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>