mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2025-03-22 14:19:42 +01:00
math complete but untested

git-svn-id: svn://svn.openpilot.org/OpenPilot/trunk@919 ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba
This commit is contained in:
corvus 2010-06-28 14:29:47 +00:00 committed by corvus
parent 912fdc6a5a
commit 6f81e33338
2 changed files with 163 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -25,8 +25,43 @@
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Description of DeviceLink Protocol:
* A Request is initiated with R/ followed by id's of to be requested settings
* even id's indicate read only values, odd are write only
* (usually id =get value id+1= set - for same setting)
* id's are separated by /
* requests can contain values to set, or to select a subsystem
* values are separated by \
* example: R/30/48/64\0/64\1/
* request read only settings 30,48 and 64 with parameters 0 and 1
* the answer consists of an A followed by id value pairs in the same format
* example: A/30\0/48\0/64\0\22/64\1\102/
* A full protocol description as well as a list of ID's and their meanings
* can be found shipped with IL2 in the file DeviceLink.txt
* id's used in this file:
* 30: IAS in km/h (float)
* 32: vario in m/s (float)
* 38: angular speed °/s (float) (which direction? azimuth?)
* 40: barometric alt in m (float)
* 42: flight course in ° (0-360) (float)
* 46: roll angle in ° (-180 - 180) (floatniguration)
* 48: pitch angle in ° (-90 - 90) (float)
* 80/81: engine power (-1.0 (0%) - 1.0 (100%)) (float)
* 84/85: aileron servo (-1.0 - 1.0) (float)
* 86/87: elevator servo (-1.0 - 1.0) (float)
* 88/89: rudder servo (-1.0 - 1.0) (float)
* IL2 currently offers no useful way of providing GPS data
* therefore fake GPS data will be calculated using IMS
* unfortunately angular acceleration provided is very limited, too
#include "il2bridge.h"
#include "extensionsystem/pluginmanager.h"
#include <math.h>
Il2Bridge::Il2Bridge(QString il2HostName, int il2Port)
@ -76,6 +111,12 @@ Il2Bridge::Il2Bridge(QString il2HostName, int il2Port)
connect(il2Timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onIl2ConnectionTimeout()));
// setup time
time = new QTime();
@ -112,7 +153,11 @@ void Il2Bridge::transmitUpdate()
// .arg(rudder)
// .arg(throttle);
QString cmd;
QByteArray data = cmd.toAscii();
@ -203,66 +248,82 @@ void Il2Bridge::onIl2ConnectionTimeout()
float Il2Bridge::DENSITY(float alt) {
return (GROUNDDENSITY * pow(
float Il2Bridge::PRESSURE(float alt) {
float Il2Bridge::TAS(float IAS, float alt) {
return (IAS*sqrt(GROUNDDENSITY/DENSITY(alt)));
void Il2Bridge::processUpdate(QString& data)
// Split
QStringList fields = data.split(",");
// Get xRate (deg/s)
float xRate = fields[0].toFloat() * 180.0/M_PI;
// Get yRate (deg/s)
float yRate = fields[1].toFloat() * 180.0/M_PI;
// Get zRate (deg/s)
float zRate = fields[2].toFloat() * 180.0/M_PI;
// Get xAccel (m/s^2)
float xAccel = fields[3].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get yAccel (m/s^2)
float yAccel = fields[4].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get xAccel (m/s^2)
float zAccel = fields[5].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get pitch (deg)
float pitch = fields[6].toFloat();
// Get pitchRate (deg/s)
float pitchRate = fields[7].toFloat();
// Get roll (deg)
float roll = fields[8].toFloat();
// Get rollRate (deg/s)
float rollRate = fields[9].toFloat();
// Get yaw (deg)
float yaw = fields[10].toFloat();
// Get yawRate (deg/s)
float yawRate = fields[11].toFloat();
// Get latitude (deg)
float latitude = fields[12].toFloat();
// Get longitude (deg)
float longitude = fields[13].toFloat();
// Get heading (deg)
float heading = fields[14].toFloat();
// Get altitude (m)
float altitude = fields[15].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get altitudeAGL (m)
float altitudeAGL = fields[16].toFloat() * FT2M;
// Get groundspeed (m/s)
float groundspeed = fields[17].toFloat() * KT2MPS;
// Get airspeed (m/s)
float airspeed = fields[18].toFloat() * KT2MPS;
// Get temperature (degC)
float temperature = fields[19].toFloat();
// Get pressure (kpa)
float pressure = fields[20].toFloat() * INHG2KPA;
QStringList fields = data.split("/");
int t;
for (t=0; t<fields->length(); t++) {
QStringList values = fields[t].split("\\");
int id = values[0].toInt();
float value = values[1].toFloat();
switch (id) {
case 30:
current.ias=value * KMH2MPS;
case 32:
case 38:
case 40:
case 42:
case 46:
case 48:
current.dT = ((float)time->restart()) / 1000.0;
current.T = old.T+current.dT;
current.tas = TAS(current.ias,current.Z);
current.groundspeed = current.tas*cos(current.pitch*DEG2RAD);
current.dX = current.groundspeed*sin(current.azimuth*DEG2RAD);
current.dY = current.groundspeed*cos(current.azimuth*DEG2RAD);
current.X = old.X + (current.dX/current.dT);
current.Y = old.Y + (current.dY/current.dT);
// Update AltitudeActual object
AltitudeActual::DataFields altActualData;
altActualData.Altitude = altitudeAGL;
altActualData.Temperature = temperature;
altActualData.Pressure = pressure;
altActualData.Altitude = current.Z;
altActualData.Temperature = (TEMP_GROUND * current.Z * TEMP_LAPSE_RATE)+273.0;
altActualData.Pressure = PRESSURE(current.Z)*1000.0; // kpa
// Update attActual object
AttitudeActual::DataFields attActualData;
attActualData.Roll = roll;
attActualData.Pitch = pitch;
attActualData.Yaw = yaw;
attActualData.Roll = current.roll;
attActualData.Pitch = current.pitch;
attActualData.Yaw = current.yaw;
attActualData.q1 = 0;
attActualData.q2 = 0;
attActualData.q3 = 0;
@ -272,12 +333,12 @@ return;
// Update gps objects
PositionActual::DataFields gpsData;
gpsData.Altitude = altitude;
gpsData.Heading = heading;
gpsData.Groundspeed = groundspeed;
gpsData.Latitude = latitude;
gpsData.Longitude = longitude;
gpsData.Satellites = 10;
gpsData.Altitude = current.Z;
gpsData.Heading = current.azimuth;
gpsData.Groundspeed = current.groundspeed;
gpsData.Latitude = current.Y * DEG2M;
gpsData.Longitude = current.X * cos(gpsData.Latitude*DEG2RAD) * DEG2M;
gpsData.Satellites = 7;
gpsData.Status = PositionActual::STATUS_FIX3D;

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include <QObject>
#include <QUdpSocket>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QTime>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <math.h>
#include "uavtalk/telemetrymanager.h"
@ -41,6 +42,36 @@
#include "uavobjects/positionactual.h"
#include "uavobjects/gcstelemetrystats.h"
struct flightParams {
// time
float T;
float dT;
// speed (relative)
float ias;
float tas;
float groundspeed;
// position (absolute)
float X;
float Y;
float Z;
// speed (absolute)
float dX;
float dY;
float dZ;
float azimuth;
float pitch;
float roll;
class Il2Bridge: public QObject
@ -69,8 +100,22 @@ private slots:
static const float FT2M = 0.3048;
static const float KT2MPS = 0.514444444;
static const float MPS2KMH = 3.6;
static const float KMH2MPS = (1.0/MPS2KMH);
static const float INHG2KPA = 3.386;
static const float RAD2DEG = (180.0/M_PI);
static const float DEG2RAD = (1.0/RAD2DEG);
static const float M2DEG = 60.*1852.; // 60 miles per degree times 1852 meters per mile
static const float DEG2M = (1.0/M2DEG);
static const float AIR_CONST = 8314.32; // N*m/(Kmol*K)
static const float GROUNDDENSITY = 1.225; // kg/m³ ;)
static const float TEMP_GROUND = (15.0 + 273.0); // 15°C in Kelvin
static const float TEMP_LAPSE_RATE = -0.0065; //degrees per meter
static const float AIR_CONST_FACTOR = -0.0341631947363104; //several nature constants calculated into one
struct FlightParams current;
struct FlightParams old;
QUdpSocket* outSocket;
ActuatorDesired* actDesired;
AltitudeActual* altActual;
@ -82,6 +127,7 @@ private:
int updatePeriod;
QTimer* txTimer;
QTimer* il2Timer;
QTime* time;
bool autopilotConnectionStatus;
bool il2ConnectionStatus;
int il2Timeout;