diff --git a/flight/modules/Stabilization/stabilization.c b/flight/modules/Stabilization/stabilization.c
index d148a8867..53a0a8d02 100644
--- a/flight/modules/Stabilization/stabilization.c
+++ b/flight/modules/Stabilization/stabilization.c
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ static float cruise_control_power_trim;
static int8_t cruise_control_inverted_power_switch;
static float cruise_control_max_power_factor_angle;
static float cruise_control_half_power_delay;
+static float cruise_control_thrust_difference;
static uint8_t cruise_control_flight_mode_switch_pos_enable[FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_FLIGHTMODEPOSITION_NUMELEM];
// Private functions
@@ -122,6 +123,9 @@ static void ZeroPids(void);
static void SettingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev);
static void BankUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev);
static void SettingsBankUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev);
+static float CruiseControlAngleToFactor(float angle);
+static float CruiseControlFactorToThrust(float factor, float stick_thrust);
+static float CruiseControlLimitThrust(float thrust);
* Module initialization
@@ -433,7 +437,7 @@ static void stabilizationTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
// the following assumes the transition would otherwise be at 0.618033989f
- // and that assumes that Att ramps up to max roll rate
+ // and THAT assumes that Att ramps up to max roll rate
// when a small number of degrees off of where it should be
// if below the transition angle (still in attitude mode)
@@ -441,21 +445,24 @@ static void stabilizationTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
if (magnitude <= rattitude_mode_transition_stick_position) {
magnitude *= STICK_VALUE_AT_MODE_TRANSITION / rattitude_mode_transition_stick_position;
} else {
- magnitude = (magnitude - rattitude_mode_transition_stick_position) * (1.0f-STICK_VALUE_AT_MODE_TRANSITION) / (1.0f - rattitude_mode_transition_stick_position) + STICK_VALUE_AT_MODE_TRANSITION;
+ magnitude = (magnitude - rattitude_mode_transition_stick_position)
+ / (1.0f - rattitude_mode_transition_stick_position)
rateDesiredAxis[i] = (1.0f - magnitude) * rateDesiredAxisAttitude
+ magnitude * rateDesiredAxisRate;
// Compute the inner loop for the averaged rate
// actuatorDesiredAxis[i] is the weighted average
- actuatorDesiredAxis[i] = pid_apply_setpoint(&pids[PID_RATE_ROLL + i], speedScaleFactor, rateDesiredAxis[i], gyro_filtered[i], dT);
+ actuatorDesiredAxis[i] = pid_apply_setpoint(&pids[PID_RATE_ROLL + i], speedScaleFactor,
+ rateDesiredAxis[i], gyro_filtered[i], dT);
actuatorDesiredAxis[i] = bound(actuatorDesiredAxis[i], 1.0f);
// Store for debugging output
rateDesiredAxis[i] = stabDesiredAxis[i];
@@ -564,42 +571,47 @@ static void stabilizationTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
// to maintain same altitude with changing bank angle
// but without manually adjusting thrust
// do it here and all the various flight modes (e.g. Altitude Hold) can use it
- uint8_t previous_flight_mode_switch_position = 254; // something invalid
&& cruise_control_flight_mode_switch_pos_enable[flight_mode_switch_position] != (uint8_t)0
&& cruise_control_max_power_factor > 0.0001f) {
static float factor;
+ static float previous_angle;
static uint32_t previous_time;
+ static bool previous_time_valid; // initially false
+ static bool inverted_flight_mode;
static uint8_t calc_count;
- float angle;
+ static uint8_t previous_flight_mode_switch_position;
uint32_t time;
- // flight mode has changed. there could be a time gap
+ // flight mode has changed. there could be a time gap. leave thrust alone.
+ // angle could be invalid because of the time spent with CC off
+ // if (cruise_control_flight_mode_switch_pos_enable[flight_mode_switch_position] != cruise_control_flight_mode_switch_pos_enable[previous_flight_mode_switch_position]) {
if (flight_mode_switch_position != previous_flight_mode_switch_position) {
- // flag to skip this loop because time diff may be invalid
- previous_time = 0;
+ previous_flight_mode_switch_position = flight_mode_switch_position;
+ // flag to skip delay comp calculations and just use thrust as it is
+ // because time diff may be invalid
+ previous_time_valid = false;
time = PIOS_DELAY_GetuS(); // good for 72 minutes, then it wraps (handled OK)
// get attitude state and calculate angle
// do it every 8th iteration to save CPU
- if (time != previous_time && calc_count++ >= 8) {
- static float previous_angle;
- float rate;
- // float thrust;
+ if ((time != previous_time && calc_count++ >= 8) || previous_time_valid == false) {
+ float angle;
calc_count = 0;
// spherical right triangle
- // 0 <= acosf() <= Pi
+ // 0 <= acosf() <= Pi(180)
angle = RAD2DEG(acosf(cos_lookup_deg(attitudeState.Roll) * cos_lookup_deg(attitudeState.Pitch)));
// combined bank angle change rate in degrees per second
// rate is currently calculated over the most recent CALCCOUNT loops
+ // it may be that the angle doesn't change at all between two consecutive passes
+ // because the sensors aren't read that often
// keeping the sign for rate is important, it can be negative
- if (previous_time == 0UL) {
- rate = 0.0f;
- } else {
+ if (previous_time_valid) {
+ float rate;
// handle wrap around
// the assumption here is that it's been less than 0x7fffffff since prev_time
// and thus likewise since time
@@ -609,98 +621,94 @@ static void stabilizationTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
} else { // the wrap around case
rate = (angle - previous_angle) / ((float) ((uint32_t) ((int32_t) time - (int32_t) previous_time)) / 1000000.0f);
- }
- previous_time = time;
- previous_angle = angle;
- // define "within range" to be those transitions that should be executing now
- // - recall that each impulse transition is spread out over a range of time / angle
+ // define "within range" to be those transitions that should be executing now
+ // - recall that each impulse transition is spread out over a range of time / angle
- // there is only one transition and the high power level for it is either
- // = full thrust
- // = max power factor
- // = 1/fabsf(cos(angle))
- // OK, you could say there are two transitions in 360 degrees (90 and 270)
+ // there is only one transition and the high power level for it is either
+ // = full thrust
+ // = max power factor
+ // = 1/fabsf(cos(angle))
+ // OK, you could say there are two transitions in 360 degrees (90 and 270)
- {
- float thrust;
- {
- float full_thrust_angle;
- // calculate angle where thrust is full (as limited by max_thrust)
- full_thrust_angle = RAD2DEG(acosf(cruise_control_max_thrust / actuatorDesired.Thrust));
- // if full thrust comes before the artificially limited max_power_factor
- if (full_thrust_angle < cruise_control_max_power_factor_angle) {
- thrust = cruise_control_max_thrust;
- } else {
- thrust = cruise_control_max_power_factor * actuatorDesired.Thrust;
- // 'full_thrust_angle' is now the angle that goes with 'thrust'
- full_thrust_angle = cruise_control_max_power_factor_angle;
+ if (actuatorDesired.Thrust > 0.0f) {
+ float max_thrust;
+ // calculate the max positive thrust at the transition
+ // <5% t<5
+ // 5.01% 19.3
+ // 10% 38.6
+ // 50% max
+ // 100% max
+ thrust = CruiseControlFactorToThrust(CruiseControlAngleToFactor(cruise_control_max_angle), actuatorDesired.Thrust);
+revisit all the GCS settings
+51 <= maxt <= 100
+No (0 <= mint <= 49 plus -51 -> -100)
+0 <= mint <= 49 or maybe -100 -> 49
+1 <= mpf <= 50
+50 <= trim <= 200
+?? <= maxa <= 255?
+0 <= pdc <= 2?
+ // determine if we are in range of the transition
+//CP helis go -max to +max and have min set to 0 and max to +1
+//min_thrust is defined to be where the power goes when inverted
+ // calculate the actual proportion of change in thrust
+ switch (cruise_control_inverted_power_switch) {
+ case -3:
+ case -2:
+ // CP heli case, stroke is max to -max
+ thrust = (thrust + thrust) / cruise_control_thrust_difference;
+ break;
+ case -1:
+ // CP heli case, stroke is max to -stick
+ thrust = (thrust + CruiseControlLimitThrust(actuatorDesired.Thrust)) / cruise_control_thrust_difference;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ // normal multi-copter case, stroke is max to zero
+ // technically max to constant min_thrust
+ // can be used by CP
+ thrust = (thrust - cruise_control_min_thrust) / cruise_control_thrust_difference;
+//shit, cruise_control_thrust_difference is a problem, maybe remove it
+//thrust_difference is always max-min, and now for CP it needs to be max+max here
+//maybe not a problem since we don't limit thrust on the negative side any more
+//CP: max=1.0, min=-1.0 diff=2.0
+//MR: max=0.9, min=0.1 diff=0.8
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // simply turn off boost, stroke is max to +stick
+ thrust = (thrust - CruiseControlLimitThrust(actuatorDesired.Thrust)) / cruise_control_thrust_difference;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ // CP heli case, no transition, stroke is zero
+ thrust = 0.0f;
+ break;
- // if the transition is outside the max thrust regions
- if (full_thrust_angle < cruise_control_max_angle
- || 180.0f - cruise_control_max_angle < full_thrust_angle ) {
- // max thrust is 1/cos(transition angle)
- thrust = 1.0f / fabsf(cos_lookup_deg(cruise_control_max_angle));
+ // multiply this proportion of max stroke, times the max stroke time, to get this stroke time
+ // we only want half of this time before the transition (and half after the transition)
+ thrust *= cruise_control_half_power_delay;
+ // times angular rate gives angle that this stroke will take to execute
+ thrust *= fabsf(rate);
+ // if the transition is within range we use it, else we just use the current calculated thrust
+ if (cruise_control_max_angle - thrust < angle
+ && angle < cruise_control_max_angle + thrust) {
+ // default to a little above max angle
+ angle = cruise_control_max_angle + 0.01f;
+ // if roll direction is downward then thrust value is taken from below max angle
+ if (rate < 0.0f) {
+ angle -= 0.02f;
+ }
- }
- // determine if we are in range of the transition
- // calculate the actual proportion of change in thrust
- switch (cruise_control_inverted_power_switch) {
- case -3:
- case -2:
- // CP heli case, stroke is max to -max
- // thrust = (thrust + thrust) / (cruise_control_max_thrust + cruise_control_max_thrust);
- thrust /= cruise_control_max_thrust;
- break;
- case -1:
- // CP heli case, stroke is max to -stick
- thrust = (thrust + actuatorDesired.Thrust) / (cruise_control_max_thrust + cruise_control_max_thrust);
- break;
- case 0:
- // normal multi-copter case, stroke is max to min
- thrust = (thrust - cruise_control_min_thrust) / (cruise_control_max_thrust - cruise_control_min_thrust);
- break;
- case 1:
- // simply turn off boost, stroke is max to stick
- thrust = (thrust - actuatorDesired.Thrust) / (cruise_control_max_thrust - cruise_control_min_thrust);
- break;
- case 2:
- // CP heli case, no transition, stroke is zero
- thrust = 0.0f;
- break;
+ factor = CruiseControlAngleToFactor(angle);
+ } else { // if thrust > 0 set factor from angle; else
+ factor = 1.0f;
- // multiply this proportion of max stroke, times the max stroke time, to get this stroke time
- // we only want half of this time before the transition (and half after the transition)
- thrust *= cruise_control_half_power_delay;
- // times angular rate gives angle that this stroke will take to execute
- thrust *= fabsf(rate);
- // if the transition is within range we use it, else we just use the current calculated thrust
- if (cruise_control_max_angle - thrust < angle
- && angle < cruise_control_max_angle + thrust) {
- // default to a little above max angle
- angle = cruise_control_max_angle + 0.01f;
- // if roll direction is downward then thrust value is taken from below max angle
- if (rate < 0.0f) {
- angle -= 0.02f;
- }
- }
- }
- // avoid singularity
- if (angle > 89.999f && angle < 90.001f) {
- factor = cruise_control_max_power_factor;
- } else {
- // the simple bank angle boost calculation that Cruise Control revolves around
- factor = 1.0f / fabsf(cos_lookup_deg(angle));
- // factor in the power trim, no effect at 1.0, linear effect increases with factor
- factor = (factor - 1.0f) * cruise_control_power_trim + 1.0f;
- // limit to user specified max power multiplier
- if (factor > cruise_control_max_power_factor) {
- factor = cruise_control_max_power_factor;
- }
- }
convert these to enums? something like
@@ -709,47 +717,46 @@ inverted thrust direction: unchanged, reversed
inverted power: zero, normal, boosted
inverted yaw/pitch reverse: off, on
- // if past max angle and so needing to go into an inverted mode
- if (angle >= cruise_control_max_angle) {
- // -3 inverted mode, -2 boosted reverse, -1 normal reverse, 0 zero power, 1 normal power, 2 boosted power
- switch (cruise_control_inverted_power_switch) {
- case -3: // reversed boosted thrust with pitch/yaw reverse
- actuatorDesired.Pitch = -actuatorDesired.Pitch;
- actuatorDesired.Yaw = -actuatorDesired.Yaw;
- factor = -factor;
- break;
- case -2: // reversed boosted thrust
- factor = -factor;
- break;
- case -1: // reversed normal thrust
- factor = -1.0f;
- break;
- case 0: // no thrust
- factor = -0.0f;
- break;
- case 1: // normal thrust
- factor = 1.0f;
- break;
- case 2: // normal boosted thrust
- // no change to factor
- break;
+ inverted_flight_mode = false;
+ // if past max angle and so needing to go into an inverted mode
+ if (angle >= cruise_control_max_angle) {
+ // -3 inverted mode, -2 boosted reverse, -1 normal reverse, 0 zero power, 1 normal power, 2 boosted power
+ switch (cruise_control_inverted_power_switch) {
+ case -3: // reversed boosted thrust with pitch/yaw reverse
+ inverted_flight_mode = true;
+ factor = -factor;
+ break;
+ case -2: // reversed boosted thrust
+ factor = -factor;
+ break;
+ case -1: // reversed normal thrust
+ factor = -1.0f;
+ break;
+ case 0: // no thrust
+ factor = 0.0f;
+ break;
+ case 1: // normal thrust
+ factor = 1.0f;
+ break;
+ case 2: // normal boosted thrust
+ // no change to factor
+ break;
+ }
- }
- }
+ } // if previous_time_valid i.e. we've got a rate; else leave (angle and) factor alone
+ previous_time = time;
+ previous_time_valid = true;
+ previous_angle = angle;
+ } // every 8th time
- // also don't adjust thrust if <= 0, leaves neg alone and zero thrust stops motors
- if (actuatorDesired.Thrust > cruise_control_min_thrust) {
- actuatorDesired.Thrust *= factor;
- // limit to user specified absolute max thrust
- if (actuatorDesired.Thrust > cruise_control_max_thrust) {
- actuatorDesired.Thrust = cruise_control_max_thrust;
- } else if (actuatorDesired.Thrust < cruise_control_min_thrust) {
- actuatorDesired.Thrust = cruise_control_min_thrust;
- }
+ // don't touch thrust if it's less than min_thrust
+ // without this test, props will spin up to min thrust even at zero throttle stick
+ actuatorDesired.Thrust = CruiseControlFactorToThrust(factor, actuatorDesired.Thrust);
+ if (inverted_flight_mode) {
+ actuatorDesired.Pitch = -actuatorDesired.Pitch;
+ actuatorDesired.Yaw = -actuatorDesired.Yaw;
- }
- previous_flight_mode_switch_position = flight_mode_switch_position;
+ } // if Cruise Control is enabled on this flight switch position
if (flightStatus.ControlChain.Stabilization == FLIGHTSTATUS_CONTROLCHAIN_TRUE) {
@@ -920,6 +927,54 @@ static void BankUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev)
+static float CruiseControlAngleToFactor(float angle)
+ float factor;
+ // avoid singularity
+ if (angle > 89.999f && angle < 90.001f) {
+ factor = cruise_control_max_power_factor;
+ } else {
+ // the simple bank angle boost calculation that Cruise Control revolves around
+ factor = 1.0f / fabsf(cos_lookup_deg(angle));
+ // factor in the power trim, no effect at 1.0, linear effect increases with factor
+ factor = (factor - 1.0f) * cruise_control_power_trim + 1.0f;
+ // limit to user specified max power multiplier
+ if (factor > cruise_control_max_power_factor) {
+ factor = cruise_control_max_power_factor;
+ }
+ }
+ return (factor);
+// assumes 1.0 <= factor <= 100.0
+// a factor of less than 1.0 could make it return a value less than cruise_control_min_thrust
+static float CruiseControlFactorToThrust(float factor, float thrust)
+ // don't touch if below min_thrust or we never get to full down stick
+ // e.g. multicopter motors always spin
+ if (thrust > cruise_control_min_thrust) {
+ thrust = CruiseControlLimitThrust(thrust * factor);
+ }
+ return (thrust);
+// we don't want to limit it to cruise_control_min_thrust on the low side
+// because that is always close to zero, and CP helis need to run down to -1
+// but CP needs to have min=-1
+static float CruiseControlLimitThrust(float thrust)
+ // limit to user specified absolute max thrust
+ if (thrust > cruise_control_max_thrust) {
+ thrust = cruise_control_max_thrust;
+// } else if (thrust < cruise_control_min_thrust) {
+// thrust = cruise_control_min_thrust;
+ }
+ return (thrust);
static void SettingsUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev)
@@ -957,10 +1012,10 @@ static void SettingsUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev)
cur_flight_mode = -1;
// Rattitude stick angle where the attitude to rate transition happens
- if (settings.RattitudeModeTransistion < (uint8_t) 10) {
+ if (settings.RattitudeModeTransition < (uint8_t) 10) {
rattitude_mode_transition_stick_position = 10.0f / 100.0f;
} else {
- rattitude_mode_transition_stick_position = (float)settings.RattitudeModeTransistion / 100.0f;
+ rattitude_mode_transition_stick_position = (float)settings.RattitudeModeTransition / 100.0f;
cruise_control_min_thrust = (float)settings.CruiseControlMinThrust / 100.0f;
@@ -971,6 +1026,7 @@ static void SettingsUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev)
cruise_control_inverted_power_switch = settings.CruiseControlInvertedPowerSwitch;
cruise_control_half_power_delay = settings.CruiseControlPowerDelayComp / 2.0f;
cruise_control_max_power_factor_angle = RAD2DEG(acosf(1.0f / settings.CruiseControlMaxPowerFactor));
+ cruise_control_thrust_difference = cruise_control_max_thrust - cruise_control_min_thrust;
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/stabilization.ui b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/stabilization.ui
index 2a663a33d..593fba6e1 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/stabilization.ui
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/stabilization.ui
@@ -13377,6 +13377,7 @@ border-radius: 5;
@@ -19417,6 +19418,7 @@ border-radius: 5;
background-color: qlineargradient(spread:reflect, x1:0.507, y1:0, x2:0.507, y2:0.772, stop:0.208955 rgba(74, 74, 74, 255), stop:0.78607 rgba(36, 36, 36, 255));
@@ -19941,6 +19943,7 @@ border-radius: 5;
@@ -21975,6 +21978,7 @@ border-radius: 5;
@@ -24004,7 +24008,7 @@ border-radius: 5;
@@ -24050,7 +24054,7 @@ border-radius: 5;
- fieldname:RattitudeModeTransistion
+ fieldname:RattitudeModeTransition
diff --git a/shared/uavobjectdefinition/stabilizationsettings.xml b/shared/uavobjectdefinition/stabilizationsettings.xml
index 7da6f92b4..09edbfd18 100644
--- a/shared/uavobjectdefinition/stabilizationsettings.xml
+++ b/shared/uavobjectdefinition/stabilizationsettings.xml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@