diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/configstabilizationwidget.cpp b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/configstabilizationwidget.cpp
index cbe554f4e..69b0427e3 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/configstabilizationwidget.cpp
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/configstabilizationwidget.cpp
@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ ConfigStabilizationWidget::ConfigStabilizationWidget(QWidget *parent) : ConfigTa
m_stabilization = new Ui_StabilizationWidget();
- setupButtons(m_stabilization->saveStabilizationToRAM,m_stabilization->saveStabilizationToSD);
+ setupButtons(m_stabilization->saveStabilizationToRAM, m_stabilization->saveStabilizationToSD);
@@ -71,8 +70,6 @@ ConfigStabilizationWidget::ConfigStabilizationWidget(QWidget *parent) : ConfigTa
connect(m_stabilization->pitchKi, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updatePitchKI(double)));
connect(m_stabilization->pitchILimit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updatePitchILimit(double)));
- // Connect the help button
- connect(m_stabilization->stabilizationHelp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openHelp()));
@@ -102,6 +99,9 @@ ConfigStabilizationWidget::ConfigStabilizationWidget(QWidget *parent) : ConfigTa
+ // Connect buttons
+ connect(m_stabilization->stabilizationResetToDefaults, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(resetToDefaults()));
+ connect(m_stabilization->stabilizationHelp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openHelp()));
@@ -195,21 +195,17 @@ void ConfigStabilizationWidget::updatePitchILimit(double val)
* Stabilization Settings
- Request stabilization settings from the board
+ * Refresh UI with new settings of StabilizationSettings object
+ * (either from active configuration or just loaded defaults
+ * to be applied or saved)
-void ConfigStabilizationWidget::refreshWidgetsValues()
+void ConfigStabilizationWidget::refreshUIValues(StabilizationSettings::DataFields &stabData)
- bool dirty=isDirty();
- // Not needed anymore as this slot is only called whenever we get
- // a signal that the object was just updated
- // stabSettings->requestUpdate();
- StabilizationSettings::DataFields stabData = stabSettings->getData();
// Now fill in all the fields, this is fairly tedious:
@@ -247,15 +243,25 @@ void ConfigStabilizationWidget::refreshWidgetsValues()
m_stabilization->lowThrottleZeroIntegral->setChecked(stabData.LowThrottleZeroIntegral==StabilizationSettings::LOWTHROTTLEZEROINTEGRAL_TRUE ? true : false);
- setDirty(dirty);
+ Request stabilization settings from the board
+ */
+void ConfigStabilizationWidget::refreshWidgetsValues()
+ bool dirty=isDirty();
+ // Not needed anymore as this slot is only called whenever we get
+ // a signal that the object was just updated
+ // stabSettings->requestUpdate();
+ StabilizationSettings::DataFields stabData = stabSettings->getData();
+ refreshUIValues(stabData);
+ setDirty(dirty);
Send telemetry settings to the board
void ConfigStabilizationWidget::updateObjectsFromWidgets()
StabilizationSettings::DataFields stabData = stabSettings->getData();
@@ -298,7 +304,6 @@ void ConfigStabilizationWidget::updateObjectsFromWidgets()
stabData.LowThrottleZeroIntegral = (m_stabilization->lowThrottleZeroIntegral->isChecked() ? StabilizationSettings::LOWTHROTTLEZEROINTEGRAL_TRUE :StabilizationSettings::LOWTHROTTLEZEROINTEGRAL_FALSE);
stabSettings->setData(stabData); // this is atomic
@@ -311,9 +316,16 @@ void ConfigStabilizationWidget::realtimeUpdateToggle(bool state)
-void ConfigStabilizationWidget::openHelp()
+void ConfigStabilizationWidget::resetToDefaults()
- QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl("http://wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/Stabilization+panel", QUrl::StrictMode) );
+ StabilizationSettings stabDefaults;
+ StabilizationSettings::DataFields defaults = stabDefaults.getData();
+ bool dirty=isDirty();
+ refreshUIValues(defaults);
+ setDirty(dirty);
+void ConfigStabilizationWidget::openHelp()
+ QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl("http://wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/Stabilization+panel", QUrl::StrictMode) );
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/configstabilizationwidget.h b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/configstabilizationwidget.h
index e512c5097..b502dd25e 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/configstabilizationwidget.h
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/configstabilizationwidget.h
@@ -49,11 +49,13 @@ private:
Ui_StabilizationWidget *m_stabilization;
StabilizationSettings* stabSettings;
QTimer updateTimer;
+ void refreshUIValues(StabilizationSettings::DataFields &stabData);
private slots:
virtual void refreshWidgetsValues();
void updateObjectsFromWidgets();
void realtimeUpdateToggle(bool);
+ void resetToDefaults();
void openHelp();
void updateRateRollKP(double);
@@ -73,4 +75,4 @@ private slots:
void updatePitchILimit(double);
-#endif // ConfigStabilizationWidget_H
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/stabilization.ui b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/stabilization.ui
index 5c2de727e..f99b35b94 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/stabilization.ui
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/config/stabilization.ui
@@ -1,772 +1,829 @@
- StabilizationWidget
- 0
- 0
- 683
- 685
- Form
- -
- 0
- 1
- QFrame::NoFrame
- true
- 0
- 0
- 665
- 627
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 150
- Rate Stabilization Coefficients (Inner Loop)
- Kp
- Qt::AlignCenter
- -
- Ki
- Qt::AlignCenter
- -
- ILimit
- Qt::AlignCenter
- -
- Roll
- -
- Slowly raise Kp until you start seeing clear oscillations when you fly.
-Then lower the value by 20% or so.
- 6
- 0.000100000000000
- -
- I factor for rate stabilization is usually very low or even zero.
- 6
- 0.000100000000000
- -
- 6
- 0.000100000000000
- -
- If checked, the Roll and Pitch factors will be identical.
-When you change one, the other is updated.
- Link
- -
- Pitch
- -
- Slowly raise Kp until you start seeing clear oscillations when you fly.
-Then lower the value by 20% or so.
- 6
- 0.000100000000000
- -
- I factor for rate stabilization is usually very low or even zero.
- 6
- 0.000100000000000
- -
- 6
- 0.000100000000000
- -
- Yaw
- -
- Slowly raise Kp until you start seeing clear oscillations when you fly.
-Then lower the value by 20% or so.
-You can usually go for higher values for Yaw factors.
- 6
- 0.000100000000000
- -
- As a rule of thumb, you can set YawRate Ki at roughly the same
-value as YawRate Kp.
- 6
- 0.000100000000000
- -
- 6
- 0.000100000000000
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- QSizePolicy::Fixed
- 20
- 13
- -
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 150
- Attitude Stabization Coefficients (Outer Loop)
- Once Rate stabilization is done, you should increase the Kp factor until the airframe oscillates again, and go back down 20% or so.
- 6
- 0.100000000000000
- -
- Ki can usually be almost identical to Kp.
- 6
- 0.100000000000000
- -
- ILimit can be equal to three to four times Ki, but you can adjust
-depending on whether your airframe is well balanced, and your
-flying style.
- 6
- 0.100000000000000
- -
- Kp
- Qt::AlignCenter
- -
- Ki
- Qt::AlignCenter
- -
- ILimit
- Qt::AlignCenter
- -
- ILimit can be equal to three to four times Ki, but you can adjust
-depending on whether your airframe is well balanced, and your
-flying style.
- 6
- 0.100000000000000
- -
- Ki can usually be almost identical to Kp.
- 6
- 0.100000000000000
- -
- Once Rate stabilization is done, you should increase the Kp factor until the airframe oscillates again, and go back down 20% or so.
- 6
- 0.100000000000000
- -
- Once Rate stabilization is done, you should increase the Kp factor until the airframe oscillates again, and go back down 20% or so.
- 6
- 0.100000000000000
- -
- Yaw
- -
- Pitch
- -
- Roll
- -
- Ki can usually be almost identical to Kp.
- 6
- 0.100000000000000
- -
- ILimit can be equal to three to four times Ki, but you can adjust
-depending on whether your airframe is well balanced, and your
-flying style.
- 6
- 0.100000000000000
- -
- If checked, the Roll and Pitch factors will be identical.
-When you change one, the other is updated.
- Link
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- QSizePolicy::Fixed
- 20
- 13
- -
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- Stick range and limits
- QLayout::SetMinAndMaxSize
- Roll
- Qt::AlignCenter
- -
- Pitch
- Qt::AlignCenter
- -
- Yaw
- Qt::AlignCenter
- -
- 180
- -
- 180
- -
- 180
- -
- 150
- 0
- 50
- false
- Full stick angle (deg)
- -
- 150
- 0
- 50
- false
- Full stick rate (deg/s)
- -
- 500
- -
- 500
- -
- 500
- -
- 150
- 0
- 50
- false
- Maximum rate in attitude mode (deg/s)
- -
- 500
- -
- 500
- -
- 500
- -
- Zero the integral when throttle is low
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- 20
- 0
- -
- If you check this, the GCS will udpate the stabilization factors
-automatically every 300ms, which will help for fast tuning.
- Update in real time
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- 40
- 20
- -
- 0
- 0
- 32
- 32
- :/core/images/helpicon.svg:/core/images/helpicon.svg
- 32
- 32
- true
- -
- Apply
- -
- Save
+ StabilizationWidget
+ 0
+ 0
+ 683
+ 685
+ Form
+ -
+ 0
+ 1
+ QFrame::NoFrame
+ true
+ 0
+ 0
+ 665
+ 627
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 150
+ Rate Stabilization Coefficients (Inner Loop)
+ Kp
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ -
+ Ki
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ -
+ ILimit
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ -
+ Roll
+ -
+ Slowly raise Kp until you start seeing clear oscillations when you fly.
+Then lower the value by 20% or so.
+ 6
+ 0.000100000000000
+ -
+ I factor for rate stabilization is usually very low or even zero.
+ 6
+ 0.000100000000000
+ -
+ 6
+ 0.000100000000000
+ -
+ If checked, the Roll and Pitch factors will be identical.
+When you change one, the other is updated.
+ Link
+ -
+ Pitch
+ -
+ Slowly raise Kp until you start seeing clear oscillations when you fly.
+Then lower the value by 20% or so.
+ 6
+ 0.000100000000000
+ -
+ I factor for rate stabilization is usually very low or even zero.
+ 6
+ 0.000100000000000
+ -
+ 6
+ 0.000100000000000
+ -
+ Yaw
+ -
+ Slowly raise Kp until you start seeing clear oscillations when you fly.
+Then lower the value by 20% or so.
+You can usually go for higher values for Yaw factors.
+ 6
+ 0.000100000000000
+ -
+ As a rule of thumb, you can set YawRate Ki at roughly the same
+value as YawRate Kp.
+ 6
+ 0.000100000000000
+ -
+ 6
+ 0.000100000000000
+ -
+ Qt::Vertical
+ QSizePolicy::Fixed
+ 20
+ 13
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 150
+ Attitude Stabization Coefficients (Outer Loop)
+ Once Rate stabilization is done, you should increase the Kp factor until the airframe oscillates again, and go back down 20% or so.
+ 6
+ 0.100000000000000
+ -
+ Ki can usually be almost identical to Kp.
+ 6
+ 0.100000000000000
+ -
+ ILimit can be equal to three to four times Ki, but you can adjust
+depending on whether your airframe is well balanced, and your
+flying style.
+ 6
+ 0.100000000000000
+ -
+ Kp
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ -
+ Ki
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ -
+ ILimit
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ -
+ ILimit can be equal to three to four times Ki, but you can adjust
+depending on whether your airframe is well balanced, and your
+flying style.
+ 6
+ 0.100000000000000
+ -
+ Ki can usually be almost identical to Kp.
+ 6
+ 0.100000000000000
+ -
+ Once Rate stabilization is done, you should increase the Kp factor until the airframe oscillates again, and go back down 20% or so.
+ 6
+ 0.100000000000000
+ -
+ Once Rate stabilization is done, you should increase the Kp factor until the airframe oscillates again, and go back down 20% or so.
+ 6
+ 0.100000000000000
+ -
+ Yaw
+ -
+ Pitch
+ -
+ Roll
+ -
+ Ki can usually be almost identical to Kp.
+ 6
+ 0.100000000000000
+ -
+ ILimit can be equal to three to four times Ki, but you can adjust
+depending on whether your airframe is well balanced, and your
+flying style.
+ 6
+ 0.100000000000000
+ -
+ If checked, the Roll and Pitch factors will be identical.
+When you change one, the other is updated.
+ Link
+ -
+ Qt::Vertical
+ QSizePolicy::Fixed
+ 20
+ 13
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ Stick range and limits
+ QLayout::SetMinAndMaxSize
+ Roll
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ -
+ Pitch
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ -
+ Yaw
+ Qt::AlignCenter
+ -
+ 180
+ -
+ 180
+ -
+ 180
+ -
+ 150
+ 0
+ 50
+ false
+ Full stick angle (deg)
+ -
+ 150
+ 0
+ 50
+ false
+ Full stick rate (deg/s)
+ -
+ 500
+ -
+ 500
+ -
+ 500
+ -
+ 150
+ 0
+ 50
+ false
+ Maximum rate in attitude mode (deg/s)
+ -
+ 500
+ -
+ 500
+ -
+ 500
+ -
+ Zero the integral when throttle is low
+ -
+ Qt::Vertical
+ 20
+ 0
+ -
+ If you check this, the GCS will udpate the stabilization factors
+automatically every 300ms, which will help for fast tuning.
+ Update in real time
+ -
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 32
+ 32
+ :/core/images/helpicon.svg:/core/images/helpicon.svg
+ 32
+ 32
+ true
+ -
+ Load default Stabilization settings
+Loaded settings are not applied automatically. You have to click the
+Apply or Save button afterwards.
+ Reset To Defaults
+ -
+ Send settings to the board but do not save to the non-volatile memory
+ Apply
+ -
+ Send settings to the board and save to the non-volatile memory
+ Save
+ scrollArea
+ rateRollKp
+ rateRollKi
+ rateRollILimit
+ linkRateRP
+ ratePitchKp
+ ratePitchKi
+ ratePitchILimit
+ rateYawKp
+ rateYawKi
+ rateYawILimit
+ rollKp
+ rollKi
+ rollILimit
+ linkAttitudeRP
+ pitchKp
+ pitchKi
+ pitchILimit
+ yawKp
+ yawKi
+ yawILimit
+ rollMax
+ pitchMax
+ yawMax
+ manualRoll
+ manualPitch
+ manualYaw
+ maximumRoll
+ maximumPitch
+ maximumYaw
+ lowThrottleZeroIntegral
+ realTimeUpdates
+ stabilizationHelp
+ stabilizationResetToDefaults
+ saveStabilizationToRAM
+ saveStabilizationToSD