diff --git a/flight/modules/Attitude/revolution/attitude.c b/flight/modules/Attitude/revolution/attitude.c
index 6036a1691..b518a00d8 100644
--- a/flight/modules/Attitude/revolution/attitude.c
+++ b/flight/modules/Attitude/revolution/attitude.c
@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ static void settingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *objEv);
static int32_t getNED(GPSPositionData *gpsPosition, float *NED);
+static void magOffsetEstimation(MagnetoSensorData *mag);
// check for invalid values
static inline bool invalid(float data)
@@ -161,10 +163,19 @@ static inline bool invalid_var(float data)
int32_t AttitudeInitialize(void)
- AttitudeStateInitialize();
- AirspeedStateInitialize();
+ GyroSensorInitialize();
+ GyroStateInitialize();
+ AccelSensorInitialize();
+ AccelStateInitialize();
+ MagnetoSensorInitialize();
+ MagnetoStateInitialize();
+ AirspeedStateInitialize();
+ BaroSensorInitialize();
+ GPSPositionInitialize();
+ GPSVelocityInitialize();
+ AttitudeStateInitialize();
@@ -286,10 +297,12 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeComplementary(bool first_run)
UAVObjEvent ev;
GyroSensorData gyroSensorData;
+ GyroStateData gyroStateData;
AccelSensorData accelSensorData;
static int32_t timeval;
float dT;
static uint8_t init = 0;
+ static float gyro_bias[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
// Wait until the AttitudeRaw object is updated, if a timeout then go to failsafe
if (xQueueReceive(gyroQueue, &ev, FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE ||
@@ -304,6 +317,13 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeComplementary(bool first_run)
+// TODO: put in separate filter
+ AccelStateData accelState;
+ accelState.x = accelSensorData.x;
+ accelState.y = accelSensorData.y;
+ accelState.z = accelSensorData.z;
+ AccelStateSet(&accelState);
// During initialization and
if (first_run) {
#if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_HMC5883)
@@ -374,6 +394,9 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeComplementary(bool first_run)
+ gyroStateData.x = gyroSensorData.x;
+ gyroStateData.y = gyroSensorData.y;
+ gyroStateData.z = gyroSensorData.z;
// Compute the dT using the cpu clock
dT = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(timeval) / 1000000.0f;
@@ -412,6 +435,16 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeComplementary(bool first_run)
Quaternion2R(q, Rbe);
+// TODO: separate filter!
+ if (revoCalibration.MagBiasNullingRate > 0) {
+ magOffsetEstimation(&mag);
+ }
+ MagnetoStateData mags;
+ mags.x = mag.x;
+ mags.y = mag.y;
+ mags.z = mag.z;
+ MagnetoStateSet(&mags);
// If the mag is producing bad data don't use it (normally bad calibration)
if (!isnan(mag.x) && !isinf(mag.x) && !isnan(mag.y) && !isinf(mag.y) && !isnan(mag.z) && !isinf(mag.z)) {
rot_mult(Rbe, homeLocation.Be, brot);
@@ -438,35 +471,30 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeComplementary(bool first_run)
// Accumulate integral of error. Scale here so that units are (deg/s) but Ki has units of s
-// TODO
- GyrosBiasData gyrosBias;
- GyrosBiasGet(&gyrosBias);
- gyrosBias.x -= accel_err[0] * attitudeSettings.AccelKi;
- gyrosBias.y -= accel_err[1] * attitudeSettings.AccelKi;
- gyrosBias.z -= mag_err[2] * magKi;
- GyrosBiasSet(&gyrosBias);
+ gyro_bias[0] -= accel_err[0] * attitudeSettings.AccelKi;
+ gyro_bias[0] -= accel_err[1] * attitudeSettings.AccelKi;
+ gyro_bias[0] -= mag_err[2] * magKi;
- if (revoCalibration.BiasCorrectedRaw != REVOCALIBRATION_BIASCORRECTEDRAW_TRUE) {
- // if the raw values are not adjusted, we need to adjust here.
- gyroSensorData.x -= gyrosBias.x;
- gyroSensorData.y -= gyrosBias.y;
- gyroSensorData.z -= gyrosBias.z;
- }
- */
+ // Correct rates based on integral coefficient
+ gyroStateData.x -= gyro_bias[0];
+ gyroStateData.y -= gyro_bias[1];
+ gyroStateData.z -= gyro_bias[2];
- // Correct rates based on error, integral component dealt with in updateSensors
- gyroSensorData.x += accel_err[0] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT;
- gyroSensorData.y += accel_err[1] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT;
- gyroSensorData.z += accel_err[2] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT + mag_err[2] * magKp / dT;
+ // save gyroscope state
+ GyroStateSet(&gyroStateData);
+ // Correct rates based on proportional coefficient
+ gyroStateData.x += accel_err[0] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT;
+ gyroStateData.y += accel_err[1] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT;
+ gyroStateData.z += accel_err[2] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT + mag_err[2] * magKp / dT;
// Work out time derivative from INSAlgo writeup
// Also accounts for the fact that gyros are in deg/s
float qdot[4];
- qdot[0] = DEG2RAD(-q[1] * gyroSensorData.x - q[2] * gyroSensorData.y - q[3] * gyroSensorData.z) * dT / 2;
- qdot[1] = DEG2RAD(q[0] * gyroSensorData.x - q[3] * gyroSensorData.y + q[2] * gyroSensorData.z) * dT / 2;
- qdot[2] = DEG2RAD(q[3] * gyroSensorData.x + q[0] * gyroSensorData.y - q[1] * gyroSensorData.z) * dT / 2;
- qdot[3] = DEG2RAD(-q[2] * gyroSensorData.x + q[1] * gyroSensorData.y + q[0] * gyroSensorData.z) * dT / 2;
+ qdot[0] = DEG2RAD(-q[1] * gyroStateData.x - q[2] * gyroStateData.y - q[3] * gyroStateData.z) * dT / 2;
+ qdot[1] = DEG2RAD(q[0] * gyroStateData.x - q[3] * gyroStateData.y + q[2] * gyroStateData.z) * dT / 2;
+ qdot[2] = DEG2RAD(q[3] * gyroStateData.x + q[0] * gyroStateData.y - q[1] * gyroStateData.z) * dT / 2;
+ qdot[3] = DEG2RAD(-q[2] * gyroStateData.x + q[1] * gyroStateData.y + q[0] * gyroStateData.z) * dT / 2;
// Take a time step
q[0] = q[0] + qdot[0];
@@ -580,7 +608,7 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeINSGPS(bool first_run, bool outdoor_mode)
UAVObjEvent ev;
GyroSensorData gyroSensorData;
AccelSensorData accelSensorData;
- MagnetoSensorData magData;
+ MagnetoStateData magData;
AirspeedSensorData airspeedData;
BaroSensorData baroData;
GPSPositionData gpsData;
@@ -660,12 +688,33 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeINSGPS(bool first_run, bool outdoor_mode)
// Get most recent data
- MagnetoSensorGet(&magData);
+// TODO: separate filter!
+ if (mag_updated) {
+ MagnetoSensorData mags;
+ MagnetoSensorGet(&mags);
+ if (revoCalibration.MagBiasNullingRate > 0) {
+ magOffsetEstimation(&mags);
+ }
+ magData.x = mags.x;
+ magData.y = mags.y;
+ magData.z = mags.z;
+ MagnetoStateSet(&magData);
+ }
+ MagnetoStateGet(&magData);
+// TODO: put in separate filter
+ AccelStateData accelState;
+ accelState.x = accelSensorData.x;
+ accelState.y = accelSensorData.y;
+ accelState.z = accelSensorData.z;
+ AccelStateSet(&accelState);
value_error = false;
// safety checks
if (invalid(gyroSensorData.x) ||
@@ -806,8 +855,8 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeINSGPS(bool first_run, bool outdoor_mode)
pos[2] = -(baroData.Altitude + baroOffset);
- xQueueReceive(magQueue, &ev, 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
- MagnetoSensorGet(&magData);
+ // xQueueReceive(magQueue, &ev, 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
+ // MagnetoSensorGet(&magData);
AttitudeStateData attitudeState;
@@ -848,13 +897,6 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeINSGPS(bool first_run, bool outdoor_mode)
// Because the sensor module remove the bias we need to add it
// back in here so that the INS algorithm can track it correctly
float gyros[3] = { DEG2RAD(gyroSensorData.x), DEG2RAD(gyroSensorData.y), DEG2RAD(gyroSensorData.z) };
- /* TODO
- if (revoCalibration.BiasCorrectedRaw == REVOCALIBRATION_BIASCORRECTEDRAW_TRUE) {
- gyros[0] += DEG2RAD(gyrosBias.x);
- gyros[1] += DEG2RAD(gyrosBias.y);
- gyros[2] += DEG2RAD(gyrosBias.z);
- }
- */
INSStatePrediction(gyros, &accelSensorData.x, dT);
AttitudeStateData attitude;
@@ -882,13 +924,6 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeINSGPS(bool first_run, bool outdoor_mode)
// Because the sensor module remove the bias we need to add it
// back in here so that the INS algorithm can track it correctly
float gyros[3] = { DEG2RAD(gyroSensorData.x), DEG2RAD(gyroSensorData.y), DEG2RAD(gyroSensorData.z) };
- /* TODO
- if (revoCalibration.BiasCorrectedRaw == REVOCALIBRATION_BIASCORRECTEDRAW_TRUE) {
- gyros[0] += DEG2RAD(gyrosBias.x);
- gyros[1] += DEG2RAD(gyrosBias.y);
- gyros[2] += DEG2RAD(gyrosBias.z);
- }
- */
// Advance the state estimate
INSStatePrediction(gyros, &accelSensorData.x, dT);
@@ -1011,12 +1046,11 @@ static int32_t updateAttitudeINSGPS(bool first_run, bool outdoor_mode)
velocityState.Down = Nav.Vel[2];
-/* TODO
- gyrosBias.x = RAD2DEG(Nav.gyro_bias[0]);
- gyrosBias.y = RAD2DEG(Nav.gyro_bias[1]);
- gyrosBias.z = RAD2DEG(Nav.gyro_bias[2]);
- GyrosBiasSet(&gyrosBias);
- */
+ GyroStateData gyroState;
+ gyroState.x = RAD2DEG(gyros[0] - Nav.gyro_bias[0]);
+ gyroState.y = RAD2DEG(gyros[1] - Nav.gyro_bias[1]);
+ gyroState.z = RAD2DEG(gyros[2] - Nav.gyro_bias[2]);
+ GyroStateSet(&gyroState);
EKFStateVarianceData vardata;
@@ -1121,6 +1155,104 @@ static void settingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev)
+ * Perform an update of the @ref MagBias based on
+ * Magnetometer Offset Cancellation: Theory and Implementation,
+ * revisited William Premerlani, October 14, 2011
+ */
+static void magOffsetEstimation(MagnetoSensorData *mag)
+ #if 0
+ // Constants, to possibly go into a UAVO
+ static const float MIN_NORM_DIFFERENCE = 50;
+ static float B2[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+ MagBiasData magBias;
+ MagBiasGet(&magBias);
+ // Remove the current estimate of the bias
+ mag->x -= magBias.x;
+ mag->y -= magBias.y;
+ mag->z -= magBias.z;
+ // First call
+ if (B2[0] == 0 && B2[1] == 0 && B2[2] == 0) {
+ B2[0] = mag->x;
+ B2[1] = mag->y;
+ B2[2] = mag->z;
+ return;
+ }
+ float B1[3] = { mag->x, mag->y, mag->z };
+ float norm_diff = sqrtf(powf(B2[0] - B1[0], 2) + powf(B2[1] - B1[1], 2) + powf(B2[2] - B1[2], 2));
+ if (norm_diff > MIN_NORM_DIFFERENCE) {
+ float norm_b1 = sqrtf(B1[0] * B1[0] + B1[1] * B1[1] + B1[2] * B1[2]);
+ float norm_b2 = sqrtf(B2[0] * B2[0] + B2[1] * B2[1] + B2[2] * B2[2]);
+ float scale = cal.MagBiasNullingRate * (norm_b2 - norm_b1) / norm_diff;
+ float b_error[3] = { (B2[0] - B1[0]) * scale, (B2[1] - B1[1]) * scale, (B2[2] - B1[2]) * scale };
+ magBias.x += b_error[0];
+ magBias.y += b_error[1];
+ magBias.z += b_error[2];
+ MagBiasSet(&magBias);
+ // Store this value to compare against next update
+ B2[0] = B1[0]; B2[1] = B1[1]; B2[2] = B1[2];
+ }
+ #else // if 0
+ static float magBias[3] = { 0 };
+ // Remove the current estimate of the bias
+ mag->x -= magBias[0];
+ mag->y -= magBias[1];
+ mag->z -= magBias[2];
+ AttitudeStateData attitude;
+ AttitudeStateGet(&attitude);
+ const float Rxy = sqrtf(homeLocation.Be[0] * homeLocation.Be[0] + homeLocation.Be[1] * homeLocation.Be[1]);
+ const float Rz = homeLocation.Be[2];
+ const float rate = revoCalibration.MagBiasNullingRate;
+ float Rot[3][3];
+ float B_e[3];
+ float xy[2];
+ float delta[3];
+ // Get the rotation matrix
+ Quaternion2R(&attitude.q1, Rot);
+ // Rotate the mag into the NED frame
+ B_e[0] = Rot[0][0] * mag->x + Rot[1][0] * mag->y + Rot[2][0] * mag->z;
+ B_e[1] = Rot[0][1] * mag->x + Rot[1][1] * mag->y + Rot[2][1] * mag->z;
+ B_e[2] = Rot[0][2] * mag->x + Rot[1][2] * mag->y + Rot[2][2] * mag->z;
+ float cy = cosf(DEG2RAD(attitude.Yaw));
+ float sy = sinf(DEG2RAD(attitude.Yaw));
+ xy[0] = cy * B_e[0] + sy * B_e[1];
+ xy[1] = -sy * B_e[0] + cy * B_e[1];
+ float xy_norm = sqrtf(xy[0] * xy[0] + xy[1] * xy[1]);
+ delta[0] = -rate * (xy[0] / xy_norm * Rxy - xy[0]);
+ delta[1] = -rate * (xy[1] / xy_norm * Rxy - xy[1]);
+ delta[2] = -rate * (Rz - B_e[2]);
+ if (!isnan(delta[0]) && !isinf(delta[0]) &&
+ !isnan(delta[1]) && !isinf(delta[1]) &&
+ !isnan(delta[2]) && !isinf(delta[2])) {
+ magBias[0] += delta[0];
+ magBias[1] += delta[1];
+ magBias[2] += delta[2];
+ }
+ #endif // if 0
* @}
* @}
diff --git a/flight/modules/Sensors/sensors.c b/flight/modules/Sensors/sensors.c
index bfbe62f18..4984e2350 100644
--- a/flight/modules/Sensors/sensors.c
+++ b/flight/modules/Sensors/sensors.c
@@ -423,110 +423,6 @@ static void SensorsTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
- * Perform an update of the @ref MagBias based on
- * Magnetometer Offset Cancellation: Theory and Implementation,
- * revisited William Premerlani, October 14, 2011
- */
-// TODO
- static void magOffsetEstimation(MagnetoSensorData *mag)
- {
- #if 0
- // Constants, to possibly go into a UAVO
- static const float MIN_NORM_DIFFERENCE = 50;
- static float B2[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
- MagBiasData magBias;
- MagBiasGet(&magBias);
- // Remove the current estimate of the bias
- mag->x -= magBias.x;
- mag->y -= magBias.y;
- mag->z -= magBias.z;
- // First call
- if (B2[0] == 0 && B2[1] == 0 && B2[2] == 0) {
- B2[0] = mag->x;
- B2[1] = mag->y;
- B2[2] = mag->z;
- return;
- }
- float B1[3] = { mag->x, mag->y, mag->z };
- float norm_diff = sqrtf(powf(B2[0] - B1[0], 2) + powf(B2[1] - B1[1], 2) + powf(B2[2] - B1[2], 2));
- if (norm_diff > MIN_NORM_DIFFERENCE) {
- float norm_b1 = sqrtf(B1[0] * B1[0] + B1[1] * B1[1] + B1[2] * B1[2]);
- float norm_b2 = sqrtf(B2[0] * B2[0] + B2[1] * B2[1] + B2[2] * B2[2]);
- float scale = cal.MagBiasNullingRate * (norm_b2 - norm_b1) / norm_diff;
- float b_error[3] = { (B2[0] - B1[0]) * scale, (B2[1] - B1[1]) * scale, (B2[2] - B1[2]) * scale };
- magBias.x += b_error[0];
- magBias.y += b_error[1];
- magBias.z += b_error[2];
- MagBiasSet(&magBias);
- // Store this value to compare against next update
- B2[0] = B1[0]; B2[1] = B1[1]; B2[2] = B1[2];
- }
- #else // if 0
- MagBiasData magBias;
- MagBiasGet(&magBias);
- // Remove the current estimate of the bias
- mag->x -= magBias.x;
- mag->y -= magBias.y;
- mag->z -= magBias.z;
- HomeLocationData homeLocation;
- HomeLocationGet(&homeLocation);
- AttitudeStateData attitude;
- AttitudeStateGet(&attitude);
- const float Rxy = sqrtf(homeLocation.Be[0] * homeLocation.Be[0] + homeLocation.Be[1] * homeLocation.Be[1]);
- const float Rz = homeLocation.Be[2];
- const float rate = cal.MagBiasNullingRate;
- float Rot[3][3];
- float B_e[3];
- float xy[2];
- float delta[3];
- // Get the rotation matrix
- Quaternion2R(&attitude.q1, R);
- // Rotate the mag into the NED frame
- B_e[0] = Rot[0][0] * mag->x + Rot[1][0] * mag->y + Rot[2][0] * mag->z;
- B_e[1] = Rot[0][1] * mag->x + Rot[1][1] * mag->y + Rot[2][1] * mag->z;
- B_e[2] = Rot[0][2] * mag->x + Rot[1][2] * mag->y + Rot[2][2] * mag->z;
- float cy = cosf(DEG2RAD(attitude.Yaw));
- float sy = sinf(DEG2RAD(attitude.Yaw));
- xy[0] = cy * B_e[0] + sy * B_e[1];
- xy[1] = -sy * B_e[0] + cy * B_e[1];
- float xy_norm = sqrtf(xy[0] * xy[0] + xy[1] * xy[1]);
- delta[0] = -rate * (xy[0] / xy_norm * Rxy - xy[0]);
- delta[1] = -rate * (xy[1] / xy_norm * Rxy - xy[1]);
- delta[2] = -rate * (Rz - B_e[2]);
- if (!isnan(delta[0]) && !isinf(delta[0]) &&
- !isnan(delta[1]) && !isinf(delta[1]) &&
- !isnan(delta[2]) && !isinf(delta[2])) {
- magBias.x += delta[0];
- magBias.y += delta[1];
- magBias.z += delta[2];
- MagBiasSet(&magBias);
- }
- #endif // if 0
- }
- */
* Locally cache some variables from the AtttitudeSettings object
diff --git a/flight/modules/Sensors/simulated/sensors.c b/flight/modules/Sensors/simulated/sensors.c
index 9fea56af1..fdd58abf0 100644
--- a/flight/modules/Sensors/simulated/sensors.c
+++ b/flight/modules/Sensors/simulated/sensors.c
@@ -854,109 +854,6 @@ static float rand_gauss(void)
-// TODO
-#if 0
- * Perform an update of the @ref MagBias based on
- * MagnetoSensor Offset Cancellation: Theory and Implementation,
- * revisited William Premerlani, October 14, 2011
- */
-static void magOffsetEstimation(MagnetoSensorData *mag)
-#if 0
- RevoCalibrationData cal;
- RevoCalibrationGet(&cal);
- // Constants, to possibly go into a UAVO
- static const float MIN_NORM_DIFFERENCE = 50;
- static float B2[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
- MagBiasData magBias;
- MagBiasGet(&magBias);
- // Remove the current estimate of the bias
- mag->x -= magBias.x;
- mag->y -= magBias.y;
- mag->z -= magBias.z;
- // First call
- if (B2[0] == 0 && B2[1] == 0 && B2[2] == 0) {
- B2[0] = mag->x;
- B2[1] = mag->y;
- B2[2] = mag->z;
- return;
- }
- float B1[3] = { mag->x, mag->y, mag->z };
- float norm_diff = sqrtf(powf(B2[0] - B1[0], 2) + powf(B2[1] - B1[1], 2) + powf(B2[2] - B1[2], 2));
- if (norm_diff > MIN_NORM_DIFFERENCE) {
- float norm_b1 = sqrtf(B1[0] * B1[0] + B1[1] * B1[1] + B1[2] * B1[2]);
- float norm_b2 = sqrtf(B2[0] * B2[0] + B2[1] * B2[1] + B2[2] * B2[2]);
- float scale = cal.MagBiasNullingRate * (norm_b2 - norm_b1) / norm_diff;
- float b_error[3] = { (B2[0] - B1[0]) * scale, (B2[1] - B1[1]) * scale, (B2[2] - B1[2]) * scale };
- magBias.x += b_error[0];
- magBias.y += b_error[1];
- magBias.z += b_error[2];
- MagBiasSet(&magBias);
- // Store this value to compare against next update
- B2[0] = B1[0]; B2[1] = B1[1]; B2[2] = B1[2];
- }
-#else /* if 0 */
- HomeLocationData homeLocation;
- HomeLocationGet(&homeLocation);
- AttitudeStateData attitude;
- AttitudeStateGet(&attitude);
- MagBiasData magBias;
- MagBiasGet(&magBias);
- // Remove the current estimate of the bias
- mag->x -= magBias.x;
- mag->y -= magBias.y;
- mag->z -= magBias.z;
- const float Rxy = sqrtf(homeLocation.Be[0] * homeLocation.Be[0] + homeLocation.Be[1] * homeLocation.Be[1]);
- const float Rz = homeLocation.Be[2];
- const float rate = 0.01;
- float R[3][3];
- float B_e[3];
- float xy[2];
- float delta[3];
- // Get the rotation matrix
- Quaternion2R(&attitude.q1, R);
- // Rotate the mag into the NED frame
- B_e[0] = R[0][0] * mag->x + R[1][0] * mag->y + R[2][0] * mag->z;
- B_e[1] = R[0][1] * mag->x + R[1][1] * mag->y + R[2][1] * mag->z;
- B_e[2] = R[0][2] * mag->x + R[1][2] * mag->y + R[2][2] * mag->z;
- float cy = cosf(attitude.Yaw * M_PI / 180.0f);
- float sy = sinf(attitude.Yaw * M_PI / 180.0f);
- xy[0] = cy * B_e[0] + sy * B_e[1];
- xy[1] = -sy * B_e[0] + cy * B_e[1];
- float xy_norm = sqrtf(xy[0] * xy[0] + xy[1] * xy[1]);
- delta[0] = -rate * (xy[0] / xy_norm * Rxy - xy[0]);
- delta[1] = -rate * (xy[1] / xy_norm * Rxy - xy[1]);
- delta[2] = -rate * (Rz - B_e[2]);
- magBias.x += delta[0];
- magBias.y += delta[1];
- magBias.z += delta[2];
- MagBiasSet(&magBias);
-#endif /* if 0 */
-#endif /* if 0 */
* @}
* @}
diff --git a/shared/uavobjectdefinition/accelsensor.xml b/shared/uavobjectdefinition/accelsensor.xml
index f4c1c1038..664533eb2 100644
--- a/shared/uavobjectdefinition/accelsensor.xml
+++ b/shared/uavobjectdefinition/accelsensor.xml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
diff --git a/shared/uavobjectdefinition/magnetosensor.xml b/shared/uavobjectdefinition/magnetosensor.xml
index a11c6c420..5974636f6 100644
--- a/shared/uavobjectdefinition/magnetosensor.xml
+++ b/shared/uavobjectdefinition/magnetosensor.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@