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Complementary filter added

This commit is contained in:
Corvus Corax 2013-05-20 15:04:36 +02:00
parent 741c70cda4
commit a03f87efb5
2 changed files with 419 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
* @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules
* @{
* @addtogroup State Estimation
* @brief Acquires sensor data and computes state estimate
* @{
* @file filtercf.c
* @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2013.
* @brief Complementary filter to calculate Attitude from Accels and Gyros
* and optionally magnetometers:
* WARNING: Will drift if the mean acceleration force doesn't point
* to ground, unsafe on fixed wing, since position hold is
* implemented as continuous circular flying!
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "inc/stateestimation.h"
#include <attitudesettings.h>
#include <attitudestate.h>
#include <flightstatus.h>
#include <homelocation.h>
#include <CoordinateConversions.h>
// Private constants
// Private types
// Private variables
static AttitudeSettingsData attitudeSettings;
static FlightStatusData flightStatus;
static HomeLocationData homeLocation;
static bool first_run = 1;
static bool useMag = 0;
static float currentAccel[3];
static float currentMag[3];
static float gyroBias[3];
static bool accelUpdated = 0;
static bool magUpdated = 0;
static float accel_alpha = 0;
static bool accel_filter_enabled = false;
// Private functions
static int32_t initwithmag(void);
static int32_t initwithoutmag(void);
static int32_t maininit(void);
static int32_t filter(stateEstimation *state);
static int32_t complementaryFilter(float gyro[3], float accel[3], float mag[3], float q[4]);
static void flightStatusUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev);
void filterCFInitialize(stateFilter *handle)
handle->init = &initwithoutmag;
handle->filter = &filter;
void filterCFMInitialize(stateFilter *handle)
handle->init = &initwithmag;
handle->filter = &filter;
static int32_t initwithmag(void)
useMag = 1;
return maininit();
static int32_t initwithoutmag(void)
useMag = 0;
return maininit();
static int32_t maininit(void)
first_run = 1;
accelUpdated = 0;
const float fakeDt = 0.0025f;
if (attitudeSettings.AccelTau < 0.0001f) {
accel_alpha = 0; // not trusting this to resolve to 0
accel_filter_enabled = false;
} else {
accel_alpha = expf(-fakeDt / attitudeSettings.AccelTau);
accel_filter_enabled = true;
// reset gyro Bias
gyroBias[0] = 0.0f;
gyroBias[1] = 0.0f;
gyroBias[2] = 0.0f;
return 0;
* Collect all required state variables, then run complementary filter
static int32_t filter(stateEstimation *state)
int32_t result = 0;
if (ISSET(state->updated, mag_UPDATED)) {
magUpdated = 1;
currentMag[0] = state->mag[0];
currentMag[1] = state->mag[1];
currentMag[2] = state->mag[2];
if (ISSET(state->updated, acc_UPDATED)) {
accelUpdated = 1;
currentAccel[0] = state->acc[0];
currentAccel[1] = state->acc[1];
currentAccel[2] = state->acc[2];
if (ISSET(state->updated, gyr_UPDATED)) {
if (accelUpdated) {
float att[4];
result = complementaryFilter(state->gyr, currentAccel, currentMag, att);
if (!result) {
state->att[0] = att[0];
state->att[1] = att[1];
state->att[2] = att[2];
state->att[3] = att[3];
state->updated |= att_UPDATED;
accelUpdated = 0;
magUpdated = 0;
state->gyr[0] -= gyroBias[0];
state->gyr[1] -= gyroBias[1];
state->gyr[2] -= gyroBias[2];
return result;
static inline void apply_accel_filter(const float *raw, float *filtered)
if (accel_filter_enabled) {
filtered[0] = filtered[0] * accel_alpha + raw[0] * (1 - accel_alpha);
filtered[1] = filtered[1] * accel_alpha + raw[1] * (1 - accel_alpha);
filtered[2] = filtered[2] * accel_alpha + raw[2] * (1 - accel_alpha);
} else {
filtered[0] = raw[0];
filtered[1] = raw[1];
filtered[2] = raw[2];
static int32_t complementaryFilter(float gyro[3], float accel[3], float mag[3], float q[4])
static int32_t timeval;
float dT;
static uint8_t init = 0;
float magKp = 0.0f; // TODO: make this non hardcoded at some point
float magKi = 0.000001f;
// During initialization and
if (first_run) {
#if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_HMC5883)
// wait until mags have been updated
if (!mag_updated) {
return 1;
mag[0] = 100.0f;
mag[1] = 0.0f;
mag[2] = 0.0f;
AttitudeStateData attitudeState; // base on previous state
init = 0;
// Set initial attitude. Use accels to determine roll and pitch, rotate magnetic measurement accordingly,
// so pseudo "north" vector can be estimated even if the board is not level
attitudeState.Roll = atan2f(-accel[2], -accel[3]);
float zn = cosf(attitudeState.Roll) * mag[2] + sinf(attitudeState.Roll) * mag[1];
float yn = cosf(attitudeState.Roll) * mag[1] - sinf(attitudeState.Roll) * mag[2];
// rotate accels z vector according to roll
float azn = cosf(attitudeState.Roll) * accel[2] + sinf(attitudeState.Roll) * accel[1];
attitudeState.Pitch = atan2f(accel[0], -azn);
float xn = cosf(attitudeState.Pitch) * mag[0] + sinf(attitudeState.Pitch) * zn;
attitudeState.Yaw = atan2f(-yn, xn);
// TODO: This is still a hack
// Put this in a proper generic function in CoordinateConversion.c
// should take 4 vectors: g (0,0,-9.81), accels, Be (or 1,0,0 if no home loc) and magnetometers (or 1,0,0 if no mags)
// should calculate the rotation in 3d space using proper cross product math
// SUBTODO: formulate the math required
attitudeState.Roll = RAD2DEG(attitudeState.Roll);
attitudeState.Pitch = RAD2DEG(attitudeState.Pitch);
attitudeState.Yaw = RAD2DEG(attitudeState.Yaw);
RPY2Quaternion(&attitudeState.Roll, &attitudeState.q1);
q[0] = attitudeState.q1;
q[1] = attitudeState.q1;
q[2] = attitudeState.q1;
q[3] = attitudeState.q1;
timeval = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
return 0;
if ((init == 0 && xTaskGetTickCount() < 7000) && (xTaskGetTickCount() > 1000)) {
// For first 7 seconds use accels to get gyro bias
attitudeSettings.AccelKp = 1.0f;
attitudeSettings.AccelKi = 0.9f;
attitudeSettings.YawBiasRate = 0.23f;
magKp = 1.0f;
} else if ((attitudeSettings.ZeroDuringArming == ATTITUDESETTINGS_ZERODURINGARMING_TRUE) && (flightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMING)) {
attitudeSettings.AccelKp = 1.0f;
attitudeSettings.AccelKi = 0.9f;
attitudeSettings.YawBiasRate = 0.23f;
magKp = 1.0f;
init = 0;
} else if (init == 0) {
// Reload settings (all the rates)
magKp = 0.01f;
init = 1;
// Compute the dT using the cpu clock
dT = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(timeval) / 1000000.0f;
timeval = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
if (dT < 0.001f) { // safe bounds
dT = 0.001f;
AttitudeStateData attitudeState; // base on previous state
// Get the current attitude estimate
quat_copy(&attitudeState.q1, q);
float accels_filtered[3];
// Apply smoothing to accel values, to reduce vibration noise before main calculations.
apply_accel_filter(accel, accels_filtered);
// Rotate gravity to body frame and cross with accels
float grot[3];
grot[0] = -(2.0f * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]));
grot[1] = -(2.0f * (q[2] * q[3] + q[0] * q[1]));
grot[2] = -(q[0] * q[0] - q[1] * q[1] - q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]);
float grot_filtered[3];
float accel_err[3];
apply_accel_filter(grot, grot_filtered);
CrossProduct((const float *)accels_filtered, (const float *)grot_filtered, accel_err);
// Account for accel magnitude
float accel_mag = sqrtf(accels_filtered[0] * accels_filtered[0] + accels_filtered[1] * accels_filtered[1] + accels_filtered[2] * accels_filtered[2]);
if (accel_mag < 1.0e-3f) {
return 2; // safety feature copied from CC
// Account for filtered gravity vector magnitude
float grot_mag;
if (accel_filter_enabled) {
grot_mag = sqrtf(grot_filtered[0] * grot_filtered[0] + grot_filtered[1] * grot_filtered[1] + grot_filtered[2] * grot_filtered[2]);
} else {
grot_mag = 1.0f;
if (grot_mag < 1.0e-3f) {
return 2;
accel_err[0] /= (accel_mag * grot_mag);
accel_err[1] /= (accel_mag * grot_mag);
accel_err[2] /= (accel_mag * grot_mag);
float mag_err[3] = { 0.0f };
if (magUpdated && useMag) {
// Rotate gravity to body frame and cross with accels
float brot[3];
float Rbe[3][3];
Quaternion2R(q, Rbe);
rot_mult(Rbe, homeLocation.Be, brot);
float mag_len = sqrtf(mag[0] * mag[0] + mag[1] * mag[1] + mag[2] * mag[2]);
mag[0] /= mag_len;
mag[1] /= mag_len;
mag[2] /= mag_len;
float bmag = sqrtf(brot[0] * brot[0] + brot[1] * brot[1] + brot[2] * brot[2]);
brot[0] /= bmag;
brot[1] /= bmag;
brot[2] /= bmag;
// Only compute if neither vector is null
if (bmag < 1.0f || mag_len < 1.0f) {
mag_err[0] = mag_err[1] = mag_err[2] = 0.0f;
} else {
CrossProduct((const float *)mag, (const float *)brot, mag_err);
} else {
mag_err[0] = mag_err[1] = mag_err[2] = 0.0f;
// Accumulate integral of error. Scale here so that units are (deg/s) but Ki has units of s
gyroBias[0] -= accel_err[0] * attitudeSettings.AccelKi;
gyroBias[1] -= accel_err[1] * attitudeSettings.AccelKi;
if (useMag) {
gyroBias[2] -= mag_err[2] * magKi;
// Correct rates based on integral coefficient
gyro[0] -= gyroBias[0];
gyro[1] -= gyroBias[1];
gyro[2] -= gyroBias[2];
float gyrotmp[3] = { gyro[0], gyro[1], gyro[2] };
// Correct rates based on proportional coefficient
gyrotmp[0] += accel_err[0] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT;
gyrotmp[1] += accel_err[1] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT;
if (useMag) {
gyrotmp[2] += accel_err[2] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT + mag_err[2] * magKp / dT;
} else {
gyrotmp[2] += accel_err[2] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT;
// Work out time derivative from INSAlgo writeup
// Also accounts for the fact that gyros are in deg/s
float qdot[4];
qdot[0] = DEG2RAD(-q[1] * gyrotmp[0] - q[2] * gyrotmp[1] - q[3] * gyrotmp[2]) * dT / 2;
qdot[1] = DEG2RAD(q[0] * gyrotmp[0] - q[3] * gyrotmp[1] + q[2] * gyrotmp[2]) * dT / 2;
qdot[2] = DEG2RAD(q[3] * gyrotmp[0] + q[0] * gyrotmp[1] - q[1] * gyrotmp[2]) * dT / 2;
qdot[3] = DEG2RAD(-q[2] * gyrotmp[0] + q[1] * gyrotmp[1] + q[0] * gyrotmp[2]) * dT / 2;
// Take a time step
q[0] = q[0] + qdot[0];
q[1] = q[1] + qdot[1];
q[2] = q[2] + qdot[2];
q[3] = q[3] + qdot[3];
if (q[0] < 0.0f) {
q[0] = -q[0];
q[1] = -q[1];
q[2] = -q[2];
q[3] = -q[3];
// Renomalize
float qmag = sqrtf(q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]);
q[0] = q[0] / qmag;
q[1] = q[1] / qmag;
q[2] = q[2] / qmag;
q[3] = q[3] / qmag;
// If quaternion has become inappropriately short or is nan reinit.
if ((fabsf(qmag) < 1.0e-3f) || isnan(qmag)) {
q[0] = 1.0f;
q[1] = 0.0f;
q[2] = 0.0f;
q[3] = 0.0f;
return 2;
return 0;
static void flightStatusUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev)
* @}
* @}

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@ -355,16 +355,21 @@ static void StateEstimationCb(void)
// apply all filters in the current filter chain
filterQueue *current = (filterQueue *)filterChain;
bool error = 0;
uint8_t error = 0;
while (current != NULL) {
int32_t result = current->filter->filter(&states);
if (result != 0) {
error = 1;
if (result > error) {
error = result;
alarm = 1;
current = current->next;
if (error) {
if (error == 1) {
} else if (error == 2) {
} else if (error == 3) {
// the final output of filters is saved in state variables