mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2025-03-22 14:19:42 +01:00

Added some include files for task.c and removed an asserting that is sometimes violated in the signal handler

git-svn-id: svn://svn.openpilot.org/OpenPilot/trunk@1059 ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba
This commit is contained in:
peabody124 2010-07-10 14:07:28 +00:00 committed by peabody124
parent 6495fcf388
commit bd197886e5
3 changed files with 374 additions and 361 deletions

View File

@ -465,6 +465,7 @@ tskTCB * oldTask, * newTask;
/* This means between masking the interrupt and getting the lock, there was an interrupt */
/* and this task should suspend. Release the lock, then unmask interrupts to go ahead and */
/* service the signal */
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) );
debug_printf( "The current task isn't even us, letting interrupt happen. Watch for swap.\r\n" );
/* Now we are resuming, want to be able to catch this interrupt again */
@ -815,7 +816,7 @@ sigset_t xBlockSignals;
assert( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
// assert( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
while( pthread_self() != prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) )
debug_printf( "Incorrectly woke up. Repausing\r\n" );

View File

@ -76,8 +76,11 @@
#define DB_P(x) // x
#ifndef __CYGWIN__
/* Parameters to pass to the newly created pthread. */
typedef struct XPARAMS
@ -90,7 +93,10 @@ typedef struct XPARAMS
pthread_t hThread;
pthread_cond_t * hCond;
pthread_mutex_t * hMutex;
xTaskHandle hTask;
portBASE_TYPE xThreadState;
unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;
} xThreadState;
@ -98,17 +104,21 @@ typedef struct THREAD_SUSPENSIONS
static xThreadState *pxThreads;
static pthread_once_t hSigSetupThread = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static pthread_attr_t xThreadAttributes;
static pthread_mutex_t xRunningThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t xRunningThread = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t xSuspendResumeThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t xSingleThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t xSwappingThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_t hMainThread = ( pthread_t )NULL;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xSentinel = 0;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xRunning = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xSuspended = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xStarted = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xHandover = 0;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xSchedulerEnd = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xInterruptsEnabled = pdTRUE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xInterruptsCurrent = pdTRUE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xServicingTick = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xPendYield = pdFALSE;
static volatile portLONG lIndexOfLastAddedTask = 0;
@ -118,33 +128,37 @@ static volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;
* Setup the timer to generate the tick interrupts.
static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void );
static void *prvWaitForStart( void * pvParams );
static void prvSuspendSignalHandler(int sig);
//static void prvResumeSignalHandler(int sig);
static void prvSetupSignalsAndSchedulerPolicy( void );
static void prvSuspendThread( pthread_t xThreadId );
//static void prvResumeThread( pthread_t xThreadId );
static void pauseThread( portBASE_TYPE pauseMode );
static pthread_t prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskHandle hTask );
static pthread_cond_t * prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskHandle hTask );
static pthread_mutex_t * prvGetMutexHandle( xTaskHandle hTask );
static xTaskHandle prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_t hThread );
static portLONG prvGetFreeThreadState( void );
static void prvSetTaskCriticalNesting( pthread_t xThreadId, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxNesting );
static unsigned portBASE_TYPE prvGetTaskCriticalNesting( pthread_t xThreadId );
static void prvDeleteThread( void *xThreadId );
* Exception handlers.
void vPortYield( void );
void vPortSystemTickHandler( int sig );
//#define DEBUG_OUTPUT
static pthread_mutex_t xPrintfMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
//#define ERROR_OUTPUT
static pthread_mutex_t xPrintfMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
#define debug_printf(...) ( (real_pthread_mutex_lock( &xPrintfMutex )|1)?( \
( \
@ -166,24 +180,30 @@ void vPortSystemTickHandler( int sig );
#define pthread_mutex_lock(...) ( (debug_printf(" -!- pthread_mutex_lock(%s)\n",#__VA_ARGS__)|1)?pthread_mutex_lock(__VA_ARGS__):0 )
#define pthread_mutex_unlock(...) ( (debug_printf(" -=- pthread_mutex_unlock(%s)\n",#__VA_ARGS__)|1)?pthread_mutex_unlock(__VA_ARGS__):0 )
#define pthread_kill(thread,signal) ( (debug_printf("Sending signal %i to thread %li!\n",(int)signal,(long)thread)|1)?pthread_kill(thread,signal):0 )
#define debug_error(...) ( (pthread_mutex_lock( &xPrintfMutex )|1)?( \
( \
(NULL != (debug_task_handle = prvGetTaskHandle(pthread_self())) )? \
(fprintf( stderr, "%20s(%li)\t%20s\t%i: ",debug_task_handle->pcTaskName,(long)pthread_self(),__func__,__LINE__)): \
(fprintf( stderr, "%20s(%li)\t%20s\t%i: ","__unknown__",(long)pthread_self(),__func__,__LINE__)) \
|1)?( \
((fprintf( stderr, __VA_ARGS__ )|1)?pthread_mutex_unlock( &xPrintfMutex ):0) \
):0 ):0 )
#define pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) (debug_printf( "pthread_cond_signals(%li)\r\n", *((long int *) hCond) ) ? 1 : pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) )
#define pthread_cond_timedwait( hCond, hMutex, it ) (debug_printf( "pthread_cond_timedwait(%li,%li)\r\n", *((long int *) hCond), *((long int *) hMutex )) ? 1 : pthread_cond_timedwait( hCond, hMutex, it ) )
#define pthread_sigmask( how, set, out ) (debug_printf( "pthread_sigmask( %i, %li )\r\n", how, *((long int*) set) ) ? 1 : pthread_sigmask( how, set, out ) )
#define debug_printf(...)
static pthread_mutex_t xPrintfMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
#define debug_error(...) ( (pthread_mutex_lock( &xPrintfMutex )|1)?( \
( \
(NULL != (debug_task_handle = prvGetTaskHandle(pthread_self())) )? \
(fprintf( stderr, "%20s(%li)\t%20s\t%i: ",debug_task_handle->pcTaskName,(long)pthread_self(),__func__,__LINE__)): \
(fprintf( stderr, "%20s(%li)\t%20s\t%i: ","__unknown__",(long)pthread_self(),__func__,__LINE__)) \
|1)?( \
((fprintf( stderr, __VA_ARGS__ )|1)?pthread_mutex_unlock( &xPrintfMutex ):0) \
):0 ):0 )
#define debug_printf(...)
#define debug_printf(...)
#define debug_error(...)
//#define debug_printf(...) fprintf( stderr, __VA_ARGS__ );
* Start first task is a separate function so it can be tested in isolation.
@ -232,22 +252,6 @@ typedef struct tskTaskControlBlock
} tskTCB;
tskTCB *debug_task_handle;
tskTCB * prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_t hThread )
portLONG lIndex;
if (pxThreads==NULL) return NULL;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == hThread )
return pxThreads[ lIndex ].hTask;
return NULL;
* See header file for description.
@ -264,13 +268,7 @@ xParams *pxThisThreadParams = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( xParams ) );
if ( (pthread_t)NULL == hMainThread )
hMainThread = pthread_self();
} /*else {
sigset_t xSignals;
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_TICK );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xSignals, NULL );
} */
/* No need to join the threads. */
pthread_attr_init( &xThreadAttributes );
@ -284,22 +282,32 @@ xParams *pxThisThreadParams = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( xParams ) );
lIndexOfLastAddedTask = prvGetFreeThreadState();
/* Create the new pThread. */
// if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) )
xSentinel = 0;
if ( 0 != pthread_create( &( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hThread ), &xThreadAttributes, prvWaitForStart, (void *)pxThisThreadParams ) )
/* Thread create failed, signal the failure */
pxTopOfStack = 0;
/* Wait until the task suspends. */
//(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
while ( xSentinel == 0 );
debug_printf( "Got index for new task %i\r\n", lIndexOfLastAddedTask );
/* Create a condition signal for this thread */
// pthread_condattr_t condAttr;
// assert( 0 == pthread_condattr_init( &condAttr ) );
pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hCond = ( pthread_cond_t *) malloc( sizeof( pthread_cond_t ) );
assert( 0 == pthread_cond_init( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hCond , NULL ) ); //&condAttr ) );
debug_printf("Cond: %li\r\n", *( (long int *) &pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hCond) );
/* Create a condition mutex for this thread */
// pthread_mutexattr_t mutexAttr;
// assert( 0 == pthread_mutexattr_init( &mutexAttr ) );
// assert( 0 == pthread_mutexattr_settype( &mutexAttr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK ) );
pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hMutex = ( pthread_mutex_t *) malloc( sizeof( pthread_mutex_t ) );
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_init( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hMutex, NULL ) ); //&mutexAttr ) );
debug_printf("Mutex: %li\r\n", *( (long int *) &pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hMutex) );
/* Create a thread and store it's handle number */
xSentinel = 0;
assert( 0 == pthread_create( &( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hThread ), &xThreadAttributes, prvWaitForStart, (void *)pxThisThreadParams ) );
/* Wait until the task suspends. */
while ( xSentinel == 0 );
return pxTopOfStack;
@ -314,12 +322,13 @@ void vPortStartFirstTask( void )
/* Start the first task. */
xRunning = 1;
/* Start the first task. */
//prvResumeThread( prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
debug_printf( "Sending resume signal to %li\r\n", (long int) prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
pthread_kill( prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ), SIG_RESUME );
pthread_cond_t * hCond = prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
assert( pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) == 0 );
@ -329,52 +338,40 @@ void vPortStartFirstTask( void )
portBASE_TYPE xPortStartScheduler( void )
portBASE_TYPE xResult;
int iSignal;
sigset_t xSignals;
sigset_t xSignalToBlock;
sigset_t xSignalsBlocked;
portLONG lIndex;
debug_printf( "xPortStartScheduler\r\n" );
/* Establish the signals to block before they are needed. */
sigfillset( &xSignalToBlock );
/* sigaddset( &xSignalToBlock, SIG_SUSPEND );
sigaddset( &xSignalToBlock, SIG_RESUME );
sigaddset( &xSignalToBlock, SIG_TICK ); */
sigaddset( &xSignalToBlock, SIG_SUSPEND );
/* Block until the end */
(void)pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignalToBlock, &xSignalsBlocked );
(void)pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignalToBlock, NULL );
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
pxThreads[ lIndex ].uxCriticalNesting = 0;
/* Start the timer that generates the tick ISR. Interrupts are disabled
here already. */
/* Start the first task. Will not return unless all threads are killed. */
/* This is the end signal we are looking for. */
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_RESUME );
while ( pdTRUE != xSchedulerEnd )
if ( 0 != sigwait( &xSignals, &iSignal ) )
debug_printf( "Main thread spurious signal: %d\n", iSignal );
struct timespec x;
while( pdTRUE != xSchedulerEnd ) {
x.tv_nsec=portTICK_RATE_MICROSECONDS * 1000;
//printf("."); fflush(stdout);
debug_printf( "Cleaning Up, Exiting.\n" );
/* Cleanup the mutexes */
xResult = pthread_mutex_destroy( &xSuspendResumeThreadMutex );
xResult = pthread_mutex_destroy( &xSingleThreadMutex );
xResult = pthread_mutex_destroy( &xSwappingThreadMutex );
vPortFree( (void *)pxThreads );
/* Should not get here! */
@ -387,7 +384,6 @@ void vPortEndScheduler( void )
portBASE_TYPE xNumberOfThreads;
portBASE_TYPE xResult;
for ( xNumberOfThreads = 0; xNumberOfThreads < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; xNumberOfThreads++ )
@ -407,20 +403,16 @@ portBASE_TYPE xResult;
void vPortYieldFromISR( void )
/* Calling Yield from a Interrupt/Signal handler often doesn't work because the
* xSingleThreadMutex is already owned by an original call to Yield. Therefore,
* xSwappingThreadMutex is already owned by an original call to Yield. Therefore,
* simply indicate that a yield is required soon.
xPendYield = pdTRUE;
void vPortEnterCritical( void )
@ -428,7 +420,6 @@ void vPortEnterCritical( void )
void vPortExitCritical( void )
/* Check for unmatched exits. */
if ( uxCriticalNesting > 0 )
@ -453,52 +444,87 @@ void vPortYield( void )
pthread_t xTaskToSuspend;
pthread_t xTaskToResume;
sigset_t xSignals;
tskTCB * oldTask, * newTask;
sigset_t xSignals;
/* We must mask the suspend signal here, because otherwise there can be an */
/* interrupt while in pthread_mutex_lock and that will cause the next thread */
/* to deadlock when it tries to get this mutex */
debug_printf( "Entering\r\n" );
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_TICK );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xSignals, NULL );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_SUSPEND );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL );
assert( pthread_mutex_lock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) == 0);
oldTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
xTaskToSuspend = prvGetThreadHandle( oldTask ); //xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
xTaskToSuspend = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
if(xTaskToSuspend != pthread_self() ) {
printf( "Called from different thread (%li) than what it will suspend (%li(%s)). Probably reflects bad state\r\n", (long int) pthread_self(), (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName );
kill(getpid(), SIGKILL );
/* This means between masking the interrupt and getting the lock, there was an interrupt */
/* and this task should suspend. Release the lock, then unmask interrupts to go ahead and */
/* service the signal */
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) );
debug_printf( "The current task isn't even us, letting interrupt happen. Watch for swap.\r\n" );
/* Now we are resuming, want to be able to catch this interrupt again */
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL);
xStarted = pdFALSE;
/* Get new task then release the task switching mutex */
newTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
xTaskToResume = prvGetThreadHandle( newTask ) ; //xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
xTaskToResume = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
if ( xTaskToSuspend != xTaskToResume )
if ( pthread_self() != xTaskToResume )
/* Remember and switch the critical nesting. */
prvSetTaskCriticalNesting( xTaskToSuspend, uxCriticalNesting );
uxCriticalNesting = prvGetTaskCriticalNesting( xTaskToResume );
debug_error( "Swapping From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
/* Switch tasks. */
debug_printf( "Yielding %li: From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n",(long int) pthread_self(), (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
prvSuspendThread( xTaskToSuspend );
debug_printf( "Yielded %li: From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n",(long int) pthread_self(), (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
/* Set resume condition for specific thread */
pthread_cond_t * hCond = prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
assert( pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) == 0 );
while( xStarted == pdFALSE )
debug_printf( "Waiting for task to resume\r\n" );
debug_printf( "Detected task resuming. Pausing this task\r\n" );
/* Release swapping thread mutex and pause self */
assert( pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) == 0);
pauseThread( THREAD_PAUSE_YIELD );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &xSignals, NULL );
else {
assert( pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) == 0);
/* Now we are resuming, want to be able to catch this interrupt again */
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL);
void vPortDisableInterrupts( void )
xInterruptsEnabled = pdFALSE;
void vPortEnableInterrupts( void )
xInterruptsEnabled = pdTRUE;
@ -506,7 +532,7 @@ void vPortEnableInterrupts( void )
portBASE_TYPE xPortSetInterruptMask( void )
portBASE_TYPE xReturn = xInterruptsEnabled;
xInterruptsEnabled = pdFALSE;
return xReturn;
@ -514,70 +540,31 @@ portBASE_TYPE xReturn = xInterruptsEnabled;
void vPortClearInterruptMask( portBASE_TYPE xMask )
xInterruptsEnabled = xMask;
* Setup the systick timer to generate the tick interrupts at the required
* frequency.
void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )
struct itimerval itimer, oitimer;
portTickType xMicroSeconds = portTICK_RATE_MICROSECONDS;
/* Initialise the structure with the current timer information. */
if ( 0 == getitimer( TIMER_TYPE, &itimer ) )
/* Set the interval between timer events. */
itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = xMicroSeconds;
/* Set the current count-down. */
itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
itimer.it_value.tv_usec = xMicroSeconds;
/* Set-up the timer interrupt. */
if ( 0 != setitimer( TIMER_TYPE, &itimer, &oitimer ) )
printf( "Set Timer problem.\n" );
printf( "Get Timer problem.\n" );
void vPortSystemTickHandler( int sig )
pthread_t xTaskToSuspend;
pthread_t xTaskToResume;
portBASE_TYPE xInterruptValue;
tskTCB * oldTask, * newTask;
int lockResult;
xInterruptValue = xInterruptsEnabled;
debug_printf( "\r\n\r\n" );
debug_printf( "(xInterruptsEnabled = %i, xServicingTick = %i)\r\n", (int) xInterruptValue != 0, (int) xServicingTick != 0);
if ( ( pdTRUE == xInterruptValue ) && ( pdTRUE != xServicingTick ) )
debug_printf( "(xInterruptsEnabled = %i, xServicingTick = %i)\r\n", (int) xInterruptsEnabled != 0, (int) xServicingTick != 0);
if ( ( pdTRUE == xInterruptsEnabled ) && ( pdTRUE != xServicingTick ) )
// debug_printf( "Checking for lock ...\r\n" );
// lockResult = pthread_mutex_trylock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
lockResult = 0;
// debug_printf( "Done\r\n" );
if ( 0 == lockResult)
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_trylock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) )
debug_printf( "Handling\r\n");
xServicingTick = pdTRUE;
oldTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
xTaskToSuspend = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
/* Tick Increment. */
@ -585,35 +572,62 @@ int lockResult;
#if ( configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1 )
newTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
xTaskToResume = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
debug_printf( "Want %s running\r\n", newTask->pcTaskName );
/* The only thread that can process this tick is the running thread. */
if ( xTaskToSuspend != xTaskToResume )
xSuspended = pdFALSE;
xStarted = pdFALSE;
/* Remember and switch the critical nesting. */
prvSetTaskCriticalNesting( xTaskToSuspend, uxCriticalNesting );
uxCriticalNesting = prvGetTaskCriticalNesting( xTaskToResume );
debug_printf( "Swapping From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
/* It shouldn't be possible for a second task swap to happen while waiting for this because */
/* they can't get the xSwappingThreadMutex */
while( xSuspended == pdFALSE )
assert( pthread_kill( xTaskToSuspend, SIG_SUSPEND ) == 0);
debug_printf( "Swapping From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
// prvResumeThread( xTaskToResume ); /* Resume next task. */
prvSuspendThread( xTaskToSuspend ); /* Suspend the current task. */
debug_printf( "Swapped From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
while( xStarted == pdFALSE)
// Set resume condition for specific thread
pthread_cond_t * hCond = prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
assert( pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) == 0 );
assert( pthread_kill( xTaskToSuspend, SIG_SUSPEND ) == 0);
debug_printf( "Swapped From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName); }
debug_printf( "Resuming previous task\r\n" );
/* Release the lock as we are Resuming. */
// (void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
// debug_error ("Want %s running \r\n", newTask->pcTaskName );
xServicingTick = pdFALSE;
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex );
debug_printf( "Pending yield here (portYield has lock - hopefully)\r\n" );
debug_error( "Pending yield here (portYield has lock - hopefully)\r\n" );
xPendYield = pdTRUE;
@ -632,7 +646,7 @@ portBASE_TYPE xResult;
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) )
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) )
xTaskToDelete = prvGetThreadHandle( hTaskToDelete );
xTaskToResume = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
@ -654,19 +668,19 @@ portBASE_TYPE xResult;
xResult = pthread_cancel( xTaskToDelete );
/* Pthread Clean-up function will note the cancellation. */
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex );
/* Resume the other thread. */
//prvResumeThread( xTaskToResume );
/* Assert zero - I never fixed this functionality */
assert( 0 );
/* Pthread Clean-up function will note the cancellation. */
/* Release the execution. */
uxCriticalNesting = 0;
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex );
/* Commit suicide */
pthread_exit( (void *)1 );
@ -682,33 +696,35 @@ void * pParams = pxParams->pvParams;
vPortFree( pvParams );
pthread_cleanup_push( prvDeleteThread, (void *)pthread_self() );
int sig;
xSentinel = 1; // tell creating block to resume
// want to block both resume events and timer handler for most threads
/* want to block suspend when not the active thread */
sigset_t xSignals;
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_RESUME );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_TICK );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_SUSPEND );
assert( pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xSignals, NULL ) == 0);
// wait for resume signal
debug_printf("Pausing newly created thread for SIG_RESUME\r\n");
sigdelset( &xSignals, SIG_TICK );
assert( sigwait( &xSignals, &sig ) == 0 );
xHandover = 1;
// no longer want to block any signals
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
assert( pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL ) == 0);
/* Because the FreeRTOS creates the TCB stack, which in this implementation */
/* creates a thread, we need to wait until the task handle is added before */
/* trying to pause. Must set xSentinel high so the creating task knows we're */
/* here */
debug_printf("Thread started, waiting till handle is added\r\n");
xSentinel = 1;
while( prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_self() ) == NULL ){
debug_printf("Handle added, pausing\r\n");
/* Want to delay briefly until we have explicit resume signal as otherwise the */
/* current task variable might be in the wrong state */
debug_printf("Starting first run\r\n");
if ( 0 != pthread_mutex_lock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) )
debug_error("Couldn't get lock to suspend newly created thread\r\n");
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
assert( pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL ) == 0);
pvCode( pParams );
@ -717,68 +733,105 @@ void * pParams = pxParams->pvParams;
void pauseThread( portBASE_TYPE pauseMode )
debug_printf( "Pausing thread %li. Set xSuspended false\r\n", (long int) pthread_self() );
if( pauseMode != THREAD_PAUSE_CREATED )
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_unlock( &xRunningThread ) );
int xResult;
xTaskHandle hTask = prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_self() );
pthread_cond_t * hCond = prvGetConditionHandle( hTask );
pthread_mutex_t * hMutex = prvGetMutexHandle( hTask );
debug_printf("Cond: %li\r\n", *( (long int *) hCond) );
debug_printf("Mutex: %li\r\n", *( (long int *) hMutex) );
struct timeval tv;
struct timespec ts;
gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + 0;
xSuspended = pdTRUE;
while (1) {
if( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) && xRunning )
xStarted = pdTRUE;
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xRunningThread ) );
else {
gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
ts.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec + 1;
ts.tv_nsec = 0;
xResult = pthread_cond_timedwait( hCond, hMutex, &ts );
assert( xResult != EINVAL );
/* For windows where conditional signaling is buggy */
/* It would be wonderful to put a nanosleep here, but since its not reentrant safe */
/* and there may be a sleep in the main code (this can be called from an ISR) we must */
/* check this */
// debug_error( "Checked my status\r\n" );
void prvSuspendSignalHandler(int sig)
sigset_t xBlockSignals, xWaitSignals;
int shouldResume = 0;
sigset_t xBlockSignals;
/* This signal is set here instead of pauseThread because it is checked by the tick handler */
/* which means if there were a swap it should result in a suspend interrupt */
assert(0 == sigpending( &xBlockSignals ) );
assert( !sigismember( &xBlockSignals, SIG_RESUME ) );
assert( !sigismember( &xBlockSignals, SIG_SUSPEND ) );
//assert( !sigismember( &xBlockSignals, SIG_TICK ) );
/* Only interested in the resume signal. */
debug_error( "Caught signal %i\r\n", sig );
/* Check that we aren't suspending when we should be running. This bug would need tracking down */
//assert( pthread_self() != prvGetThreadHandle(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
if( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) )
debug_printf( "Suspend ISR called while this thread still marked active. Reflects buggy behavior in scheduler\r\n" );
/* Block further suspend signals. They need to go to their thread */
sigemptyset( &xBlockSignals );
sigaddset( &xBlockSignals, SIG_SUSPEND );
sigaddset( &xBlockSignals, SIG_RESUME );
sigaddset( &xBlockSignals, SIG_TICK );
sigemptyset( &xWaitSignals );
sigaddset( &xWaitSignals, SIG_RESUME );
assert( pthread_self() != prvGetThreadHandle(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
/* Wait on the resume signal. Make sure don't wake for timer though */
assert( pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xBlockSignals, NULL ) == 0);
xSentinel = 1;
xHandover = 0;
assert( pthread_kill( prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ), SIG_RESUME ) == 0);
while( !xHandover );
/* Unlock the Single thread mutex to allow the resumed task to continue. */
assert ( 0 == pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) );
while( !shouldResume )
// assert( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
while( pthread_self() != prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) )
debug_printf( "Blocking for signal %i\r\n", SIG_RESUME );
assert( sigwait( &xWaitSignals, &sig ) == 0 );
debug_printf("Sigwait received %i\r\n", sig );
if( pthread_self() != prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) ) {
debug_error("Incorrect task woke up. This should not happen. Sending delay resume signal then sleeping again.\r\n");
struct timespec xTimeToSleep, xTimeSlept;
/* Makes the process more agreeable when using the Posix simulator. */
xTimeToSleep.tv_sec = 0;
xTimeToSleep.tv_nsec = 100000;
nanosleep( &xTimeToSleep, &xTimeSlept );
pthread_kill( prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ), SIG_RESUME );
} else {
shouldResume = 1;
debug_printf( "Incorrectly woke up. Repausing\r\n" );
/* Make sure the right thread is resuming */
assert( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
xHandover = 1;
/* Old synchronization code, may still be required
while( !xHandover );
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) ); */
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) );
/* Unblock tick so event can be preempted. Unblock resume so false resumes cause a crash and are debugged */
/* Respond to signals again */
sigemptyset( &xBlockSignals );
// sigaddset( &xBlockSignals, SIG_RESUME ); // I would prefer not to do this, but am having problems. If the run task gets a resume signal, not worst thing.
pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xBlockSignals, NULL );
debug_printf( "Resuming %li from signal %i\r\n", (long int) pthread_self(), sig );
@ -795,69 +848,7 @@ int shouldResume = 0;
void prvSuspendThread( pthread_t xThreadId )
debug_printf( "Suspending %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId);
/* Set-up for the Suspend Signal handler? */
xSentinel = 0;
debug_printf( "About to kill %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId );
assert( pthread_kill( xThreadId, SIG_SUSPEND ) == 0);
debug_printf( "Killed %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId );
while ( ( xSentinel == 0 ) && ( pdTRUE != xServicingTick ) )
debug_printf( "sched_yield()\r\n" );
/*void prvResumeSignalHandler(int sig)
debug_printf( "prvResumeSignalHandler getLock");
// Yield the Scheduler to ensure that the yielding thread completes.
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) )
debug_printf( "prvResumeSignalHandler: unlocking xSingleThreadMutex (%li)\r\n", (long int) pthread_self());
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
/*void prvResumeThread( pthread_t xThreadId )
portBASE_TYPE xResult;
debug_printf( "getLock\r\n" );
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSuspendResumeThreadMutex ) )
debug_printf( "Resuming %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId );
if ( pthread_self() != xThreadId )
//xResult = pthread_kill( xThreadId, SIG_RESUME );
debug_printf( "No longer doing anything. Suspend handler for previous thread should start %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId );
else {
debug_printf( "Thread attempting to resume itself. This is not expected behavior\r\n" );
kill( getpid(), SIGKILL );
xResult = pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSuspendResumeThreadMutex );
else {
debug_printf("Error getting lock to resume thread\r\n");
kill( getpid(), SIGKILL );
} */
void prvSetupSignalsAndSchedulerPolicy( void )
@ -872,9 +863,8 @@ int iSchedulerPriority;
iPolicy = SCHED_FIFO;
iResult = pthread_setschedparam( pthread_self(), iPolicy, &iSchedulerPriority ); */
struct sigaction sigsuspendself /*, sigresume*/ , sigtick;
struct sigaction sigsuspendself;
portLONG lIndex;
//pthread_mutexattr_t xMutexAttr;
@ -885,50 +875,78 @@ portLONG lIndex;
pxThreads[ lIndex ].hTask = ( xTaskHandle )NULL;
pxThreads[ lIndex ].uxCriticalNesting = 0;
pthread_mutexattr_init( &xMutexAttr );
pthread_mutexattr_settype( &xMutexAttr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK );
pthread_mutex_init( &xSuspendResumeThreadMutex, &xMutexAttr );
pthread_mutex_init( &xSingleThreadMutex, &xMutexAttr );
sigsuspendself.sa_flags = 0;
sigsuspendself.sa_handler = prvSuspendSignalHandler;
sigfillset( &sigsuspendself.sa_mask );
/* sigresume.sa_flags = 0;
sigresume.sa_handler = prvResumeSignalHandler;
sigfillset( &sigresume.sa_mask ); */
sigtick.sa_flags = 0;
sigtick.sa_handler = vPortSystemTickHandler;
sigfillset( &sigtick.sa_mask );
if ( 0 != sigaction( SIG_SUSPEND, &sigsuspendself, NULL ) )
printf( "Problem installing SIG_SUSPEND_SELF\n" );
/* if ( 0 != sigaction( SIG_RESUME, &sigresume, NULL ) )
printf( "Problem installing SIG_RESUME\n" );
} */
if ( 0 != sigaction( SIG_TICK, &sigtick, NULL ) )
printf( "Problem installing SIG_TICK\n" );
//printf( "Running as PID: %d\n", getpid() );
assert ( 0 == sigaction( SIG_SUSPEND, &sigsuspendself, NULL ) );
pthread_mutex_t * prvGetMutexHandle( xTaskHandle hTask )
pthread_mutex_t * hMutex;
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hTask == hTask )
hMutex = pxThreads[ lIndex ].hMutex;
return hMutex;
xTaskHandle prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_t hThread )
xTaskHandle hTask = NULL;
portLONG lIndex;
/* If not initialized yet */
if( pxThreads == NULL ) return NULL;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == hThread )
hTask = pxThreads[ lIndex ].hTask;
return hTask;
pthread_cond_t * prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskHandle hTask )
pthread_cond_t * hCond;
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hTask == hTask )
debug_printf( "Found condition on %i task\r\n", lIndex );
return pxThreads[ lIndex ].hCond;
printf( "Failed to get handle, pausing then recursing\r\n" );
return prvGetConditionHandle( hTask );
return hCond;
pthread_t prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskHandle hTask )
pthread_t hThread = ( pthread_t )NULL;
portLONG lIndex;
pthread_t hThread = ( pthread_t )NULL;
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hTask == hTask )
@ -945,8 +963,6 @@ portLONG prvGetFreeThreadState( void )
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == ( pthread_t )NULL )
@ -969,7 +985,7 @@ portLONG lIndex;
void prvSetTaskCriticalNesting( pthread_t xThreadId, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxNesting )
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == xThreadId )
@ -986,8 +1002,6 @@ unsigned portBASE_TYPE prvGetTaskCriticalNesting( pthread_t xThreadId )
unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxNesting = 0;
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == xThreadId )
@ -1004,8 +1018,6 @@ void prvDeleteThread( void *xThreadId )
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == ( pthread_t )xThreadId )
@ -1043,16 +1055,16 @@ portLONG lIndex;
void vPortFindTicksPerSecond( void )
/* Needs to be reasonably high for accuracy. */
//unsigned long ulTicksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
//printf( "Timer Resolution for Run TimeStats is %ld ticks per second.\n", ulTicksPerSecond );
unsigned long ulTicksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
printf( "Timer Resolution for Run TimeStats is %ld ticks per second.\n", ulTicksPerSecond );
@ -1060,8 +1072,6 @@ unsigned long ulPortGetTimerValue( void )
struct tms xTimes;
unsigned long ulTotalTime = times( &xTimes );
/* Return the application code times.
* The timer only increases when the application code is actually running

View File

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
/* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining
all the API functions to use the MPU wrappers. That should only be done when