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synced 2025-03-23 15:19:43 +01:00
changed scripts and added tools for creating multilingual installer
git-svn-id: svn://svn.openpilot.org/OpenPilot/trunk@2275 ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,11 +8,24 @@ set WixBin=C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3\bin
"%WixBin%\candle.exe" -nologo "C:\Projects\builds\OpenPilot_Release\packaging\winx86\OpenPilot.wxs" -out OpenPilot.wixobj -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -cultures:en-us -loc UI_translations\en-us.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_en.rtf -out OpenPilot_en.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -cultures:ru-ru -loc UI_translations\ru-ru.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_ru.rtf -out OpenPilot_ru.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -cultures:de-de -loc UI_translations\de-de.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_de.rtf -out OpenPilot_de.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -cultures:es-es -loc UI_translations\es-es.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_es.rtf -out OpenPilot_es.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -cultures:fr-fr -loc UI_translations\fr-fr.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_fr.rtf -out OpenPilot_fr.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -cultures:zh-tw -loc UI_translations\zh_cn.wxl -loc UI_translations\wixui_zh-tw.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_zh_cn.rtf -out OpenPilot_zh_ch.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -sval -spdb -cultures:en-us -loc UI_translations\en-us.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_en.rtf -out OpenPilot.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -sval -spdb -cultures:ru-ru -loc UI_translations\ru-ru.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_ru.rtf -out OpenPilot_ru.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -sval -spdb -cultures:de-de -loc UI_translations\de-de.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_de.rtf -out OpenPilot_de.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -sval -spdb -cultures:es-es -loc UI_translations\es-es.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_es.rtf -out OpenPilot_es.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -sval -spdb -cultures:fr-fr -loc UI_translations\fr-fr.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_fr.rtf -out OpenPilot_fr.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
"%WixBin%\light.exe" -nologo OpenPilot.wixobj -sval -spdb -cultures:zh-tw -loc UI_translations\zh_cn.wxl -loc UI_translations\wixui_zh-tw.wxl -dWixUILicenseRtf=license\GPLv3_zh_cn.rtf -out OpenPilot_zh_ch.msi -ext WixUtilExtension -ext WixUIExtension
MsiTools\MsiTran.exe -g OpenPilot.msi OpenPilot_ru.msi ru.mst
MsiTools\MsiTran.exe -g OpenPilot.msi OpenPilot_de.msi de.mst
MsiTools\MsiTran.exe -g OpenPilot.msi OpenPilot_es.msi es.mst
MsiTools\MsiTran.exe -g OpenPilot.msi OpenPilot_fr.msi fr.mst
MsiTools\MsiTran.exe -g OpenPilot.msi OpenPilot_zh_ch.msi zn.mst
MsiTools\wisubstg.vbs OpenPilot.msi ru.mst 1049
MsiTools\wisubstg.vbs OpenPilot.msi de.mst 1031
MsiTools\wisubstg.vbs OpenPilot.msi es.mst 3082
MsiTools\wisubstg.vbs OpenPilot.msi fr.mst 1036
MsiTools\wisubstg.vbs OpenPilot.msi zn.mst 1028
del OpenPilot.wixobj OpenPilot_ru.msi ru.mst OpenPilot_de.msi de.mst OpenPilot_es.msi es.mst OpenPilot_fr.msi fr.mst OpenPilot_zh_ch.msi zn.mst
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
' Windows Installer utility to add a transform or nested database as a substorage
' For use with Windows Scripting Host, CScript.exe or WScript.exe
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Demonstrates the use of the database _Storages table
Option Explicit
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeCreate = 3
Const msiViewModifyInsert = 1
Const msiViewModifyUpdate = 2
Const msiViewModifyAssign = 3
Const msiViewModifyReplace = 4
Const msiViewModifyDelete = 6
Const ForAppending = 8
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const TristateTrue = -1
' Check arg count, and display help if argument not present or contains ?
Dim argCount:argCount = Wscript.Arguments.Count
If argCount > 0 Then If InStr(1, Wscript.Arguments(0), "?", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then argCount = 0
If (argCount = 0) Then
Wscript.Echo "Windows Installer database substorage managment utility" &_
vbNewLine & " 1st argument is the path to MSI database (installer package)" &_
vbNewLine & " 2nd argument is the path to a transform or database to import" &_
vbNewLine & " If the 2nd argument is missing, substorages will be listed" &_
vbNewLine & " 3rd argument is optional, the name used for the substorage" &_
vbNewLine & " If the 3rd arugment is missing, the file name is used" &_
vbNewLine & " To remove a substorage, use /D or -D as the 2nd argument" &_
vbNewLine & " followed by the name of the substorage to remove" &_
vbNewLine &_
vbNewLine & "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."
Wscript.Quit 1
End If
' Connect to Windows Installer object
On Error Resume Next
Dim installer : Set installer = Nothing
Set installer = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") : CheckError
' Evaluate command-line arguments and set open and update modes
Dim databasePath:databasePath = Wscript.Arguments(0)
Dim openMode : If argCount = 1 Then openMode = msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly Else openMode = msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact
Dim updateMode : If argCount > 1 Then updateMode = msiViewModifyAssign 'Either insert or replace existing row
Dim importPath : If argCount > 1 Then importPath = Wscript.Arguments(1)
Dim storageName : If argCount > 2 Then storageName = Wscript.Arguments(2)
If storageName = Empty And importPath <> Empty Then storageName = Right(importPath, Len(importPath) - InStrRev(importPath, "\",-1,vbTextCompare))
If UCase(importPath) = "/D" Or UCase(importPath) = "-D" Then updateMode = msiViewModifyDelete : importPath = Empty 'substorage will be deleted if no input data
' Open database and create a view on the _Storages table
Dim sqlQuery : Select Case updateMode
Case msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly: sqlQuery = "SELECT `Name` FROM _Storages"
Case msiViewModifyAssign: sqlQuery = "SELECT `Name`,`Data` FROM _Storages"
Case msiViewModifyDelete: sqlQuery = "SELECT `Name` FROM _Storages WHERE `Name` = ?"
End Select
Dim database : Set database = installer.OpenDatabase(databasePath, openMode) : CheckError
Dim view : Set view = database.OpenView(sqlQuery)
Dim record
If openMode = msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly Then 'If listing storages, simply fetch all records
Dim message, name
view.Execute : CheckError
Set record = view.Fetch
If record Is Nothing Then Exit Do
name = record.StringData(1)
If message = Empty Then message = name Else message = message & vbNewLine & name
Wscript.Echo message
Else 'If adding a storage, insert a row, else if removing a storage, delete the row
Set record = installer.CreateRecord(2)
record.StringData(1) = storageName
view.Execute record : CheckError
If importPath <> Empty Then 'Insert storage - copy data into stream
record.SetStream 2, importPath : CheckError
Else 'Delete storage, fetch first to provide better error message if missing
Set record = view.Fetch
If record Is Nothing Then Wscript.Echo "Storage not present:", storageName : Wscript.Quit 2
End If
view.Modify updateMode, record : CheckError
database.Commit : CheckError
Set view = Nothing
Set database = Nothing
End If
Sub CheckError
Dim message, errRec
If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub
message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description
If Not installer Is Nothing Then
Set errRec = installer.LastErrorRecord
If Not errRec Is Nothing Then message = message & vbNewLine & errRec.FormatText
End If
Wscript.Echo message
Wscript.Quit 2
End Sub
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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@ -134,7 +134,6 @@
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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
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@ -79,35 +102,5 @@
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Reference in New Issue
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