mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 22:29:15 +01:00
Rework the altitude hold code a bit
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,9 @@
#include "openpilot.h"
#include "altitudeholdsettings.h"
#include "altitudeholddesired.h" // object that will be updated by the module
#include "baroaltitude.h"
#include "positionactual.h"
#include "flightstatus.h"
#include "stabilizationdesired.h"
// Private constants
@ -58,6 +60,7 @@
// Private variables
static xTaskHandle altitudeHoldTaskHandle;
static xQueueHandle queue;
static AltitudeHoldSettingsData altitudeHoldSettings;
// Private functions
static void altitudeHoldTask(void *parameters);
@ -87,17 +90,22 @@ int32_t AltitudeHoldInitialize()
// Create object queue
queue = xQueueCreate(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(UAVObjEvent));
// Listen for updates.
return 0;
MODULE_INITCALL(AltitudeHoldInitialize, AltitudeHoldStart)
static float throttleIntegral = 0;
float tau;
float velocity, lastAltitude;
float throttleIntegral;
float decay;
bool running = false;
* Module thread, should not return.
@ -106,16 +114,15 @@ static void altitudeHoldTask(void *parameters)
AltitudeHoldSettingsData altitudeHoldSettings;
AltitudeHoldDesiredData altitudeHoldDesired;
PositionActualData positionActual;
BaroAltitudeData baroAltitude;
StabilizationDesiredData stabilizationDesired;
portTickType thisTime;
portTickType lastSysTime;
portTickType thisTime, lastSysTime;
UAVObjEvent ev;
// Force update of the settings
// Main task loop
lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
while (1) {
@ -124,36 +131,47 @@ static void altitudeHoldTask(void *parameters)
if ( xQueueReceive(queue, &ev, 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE )
// Todo: Add alarm if it should be running
throttleIntegral = 0;
} else {
} else if (ev.obj == BaroAltitudeHandle()) {
float dT;
// Verify that we are still in altitude hold mode
FlightStatusData flightStatus;
UAVObjDisconnectQueue(BaroAltitudeHandle(), queue);
running = false;
thisTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
if(thisTime > lastSysTime) // reuse dt in case of wraparound
dT = (thisTime - lastSysTime) / portTICK_RATE_MS / 1000.0f;
dT = ((portTickType)(thisTime - lastSysTime)) / portTICK_RATE_MS / 1000.0f;
lastSysTime = thisTime;
static float altitude;
const float altitudeTau = 0.1;
// Flipping sign on error since altitude is "down"
float error = - (altitudeHoldDesired.Down - positionActual.Down);
static float
throttleIntegral += error * altitudeHoldSettings.Ki * dT * 1000;
if(throttleIntegral > altitudeHoldSettings.ILimit)
throttleIntegral = altitudeHoldSettings.ILimit;
else if (throttleIntegral < 0)
throttleIntegral = 0;
stabilizationDesired.Throttle = error * altitudeHoldSettings.Kp + throttleIntegral;
if(stabilizationDesired.Throttle > 1)
float error = (altitudeHoldDesired.Altitude - baroAltitude.Altitude);
// Estimate velocity by smoothing derivative
decay = expf(-dT / tau);
velocity = velocity * decay + (baroAltitude.Altitude - lastAltitude) / dT * (1-decay); // m/s
lastAltitude = baroAltitude.Altitude;
// Compute integral off altitude error
throttleIntegral += error * altitudeHoldSettings.Ki * dT;
// Instead of explicit limit on integral you output limit feedback
stabilizationDesired.Throttle = error * altitudeHoldSettings.Kp + throttleIntegral -
velocity * altitudeHoldSettings.Kd;
if(stabilizationDesired.Throttle > 1) {
throttleIntegral -= (stabilizationDesired.Throttle - 1);
stabilizationDesired.Throttle = 1;
else if (stabilizationDesired.Throttle < 0)
else if (stabilizationDesired.Throttle < 0) {
throttleIntegral -= stabilizationDesired.Throttle;
stabilizationDesired.Throttle = 0;
@ -161,6 +179,20 @@ static void altitudeHoldTask(void *parameters)
stabilizationDesired.Pitch = altitudeHoldDesired.Pitch;
stabilizationDesired.Yaw = altitudeHoldDesired.Yaw;
} else if (ev.obj == FlightStatusHandle()) {
FlightStatusData flightStatus;
if(flightStatus.FlightMode == FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_ALTITUDEHOLD && !running) {
// Copy the current throttle as a starting point for integral
throttleIntegral /= altitudeHoldSettings.Ki;
running = true;
} else if (ev.obj == AltitudeHoldDesiredHandle()) {
@ -168,13 +200,7 @@ static void altitudeHoldTask(void *parameters)
static void SettingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent * ev)
const float fakeDt = 0.0025;
if(settings.GyroTau < 0.0001)
gyro_alpha = 0; // not trusting this to resolve to 0
gyro_alpha = expf(-fakeDt / settings.GyroTau);
tau = altitudeHoldSettings.Tau / 1000.0f;
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "receiveractivity.h"
#include "altitudeholddesired.h"
#include "positionactual.h"
#include "baroaltitude.h"
// Private constants
@ -626,12 +627,14 @@ static void altitudeHoldDesired(ManualControlCommandData * cmd)
if(dT > 1) {
// After not being in this mode for a while init at current height
altitudeHoldDesired.Down = currentDown;
BaroAltitudeData baroAltitude;
altitudeHoldDesired.Altitude = baroAltitude.Altitude;
zeroed = false;
} else if (cmd->Throttle > DEADBAND_HIGH && zeroed)
altitudeHoldDesired.Down += (DEADBAND_HIGH - cmd->Throttle) * dT;
altitudeHoldDesired.Altitude += (cmd->Throttle - DEADBAND_HIGH) * dT;
else if (cmd->Throttle < DEADBAND_LOW && zeroed)
altitudeHoldDesired.Down += (DEADBAND_LOW - cmd->Throttle) * dT;
altitudeHoldDesired.Altitude += (cmd->Throttle - DEADBAND_LOW) * dT;
else if (cmd->Throttle >= DEADBAND_LOW && cmd->Throttle <= DEADBAND_HIGH) // Require the stick to enter the dead band before they can move height
zeroed = true;
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
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65C35E6912EFB2F3004811C2 /* manualcontrolsettings.xml */,
65C35E6A12EFB2F3004811C2 /* mixersettings.xml */,
65C35E6B12EFB2F3004811C2 /* mixerstatus.xml */,
65C35E6C12EFB2F3004811C2 /* nedaccel.xml */,
65C35E6D12EFB2F3004811C2 /* objectpersistence.xml */,
65C35E6E12EFB2F3004811C2 /* positionactual.xml */,
65C35E6F12EFB2F3004811C2 /* positiondesired.xml */,
65C35E7012EFB2F3004811C2 /* ratedesired.xml */,
65FAB8CF147FFD76000FF8B2 /* receiveractivity.xml */,
652C856A132B6EA600BFCC70 /* sonaraltitude.xml */,
6536D47B1307962C0042A298 /* stabilizationdesired.xml */,
65C35E7112EFB2F3004811C2 /* stabilizationsettings.xml */,
65C35E7212EFB2F3004811C2 /* systemalarms.xml */,
65C35E7312EFB2F3004811C2 /* systemsettings.xml */,
65C35E7412EFB2F3004811C2 /* systemstats.xml */,
65C35E7512EFB2F3004811C2 /* taskinfo.xml */,
65C35E7612EFB2F3004811C2 /* telemetrysettings.xml */,
65C35E7712EFB2F3004811C2 /* velocityactual.xml */,
65C35E7812EFB2F3004811C2 /* velocitydesired.xml */,
65C35E7912EFB2F3004811C2 /* watchdogstatus.xml */,
path = uavobjectdefinition;
sourceTree = "<group>";
65C35EA212F0A834004811C2 /* inc */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<object name="AltitudeHoldDesired" singleinstance="true" settings="false">
<description>Holds the desired altitude (from manual control) as well as the desired attitude to pass through</description>
<field name="Down" units="m" type="float" elements="1"/>
<field name="Altitude" units="m" type="float" elements="1"/>
<field name="Roll" units="deg" type="float" elements="1"/>
<field name="Pitch" units="deg" type="float" elements="1"/>
<field name="Yaw" units="deg/s" type="float" elements="1"/>
<field name="Yaw" units="deg/s" type="float" elements="1"/>
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="false" updatemode="manual" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="false" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<field name="Kp" units="throttle/m" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.025"/>
<field name="Ki" units="throttle/m" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.025"/>
<field name="Kd" units="throttle/m" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.25"/>
<field name="AltitudeTau" units="s" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.1"/>
<field name="Tau" units="s" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.1"/>
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user