diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/gcscontrol/gcscontrolgadgetoptionspage.ui b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/gcscontrol/gcscontrolgadgetoptionspage.ui
index 5191788a0..42c7ed974 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/gcscontrol/gcscontrolgadgetoptionspage.ui
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/gcscontrol/gcscontrolgadgetoptionspage.ui
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- 587
+ 738
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/aerosimrcsimulator.cpp b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/aerosimrcsimulator.cpp
index de26cb278..b238d0bda 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/aerosimrcsimulator.cpp
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/aerosimrcsimulator.cpp
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void AeroSimRCSimulator::transmitUpdate()
stream << armed << mode; // flight status
stream << udpCounterASrecv; // packet counter
- if (outSocket->writeDatagram(data, QHostAddress(settings.remoteHostAddress), settings.outPort) == -1) {
+ if (outSocket->writeDatagram(data, QHostAddress(settings.remoteAddress), settings.outPort) == -1) {
qDebug() << "write failed: " << outSocket->errorString();
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void AeroSimRCSimulator::processUpdate(const QByteArray &data)
- float timeStep,
+ float delT,
homeX, homeY, homeZ,
WpHX, WpHY, WpLat, WpLon,
posX, posY, posZ, // world
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void AeroSimRCSimulator::processUpdate(const QByteArray &data)
rx, ry, rz, fx, fy, fz, ux, uy, uz, // matrix
- stream >> timeStep;
+ stream >> delT;
stream >> homeX >> homeY >> homeZ;
stream >> WpHX >> WpHY >> WpLat >> WpLon;
stream >> posX >> posY >> posZ;
@@ -156,294 +156,50 @@ void AeroSimRCSimulator::processUpdate(const QByteArray &data)
memset(&out, 0, sizeof(Output2OP));
-// struct Output2OP{
-// float latitude;
-// float longitude;
-// float altitude;
-// float heading;
-// float groundspeed; //[m/s]
-// float calibratedAirspeed; //[m/s]
-// float pitch;
-// float roll;
-// float pressure;
-// float temperature;
-// float velNorth; //[m/s]
-// float velEast; //[m/s]
-// float velDown; //[m/s]
-// float dstN; //[m]
-// float dstE; //[m]
-// float dstD; //[m]
-// float accX; //[m/s^2]
-// float accY; //[m/s^2]
-// float accZ; //[m/s^2]
-// float rollRate;
-// float pitchRate;
-// float yawRate;
-// };
+ out.delT=delT;
+ /**********************************************************************************************/
+ QMatrix4x4 mat;
+ mat = QMatrix4x4( fy, fx, -fz, 0.0, // model matrix
+ ry, rx, -rz, 0.0, // (X,Y,Z) -> (+Y,+X,-Z)
+ -uy, -ux, uz, 0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ mat.optimize();
+ QQuaternion quat; // model quat
+ asMatrix2Quat(mat, quat);
+ // rotate gravity
+ /*************************************************************************************/
+ QVector3D acc = QVector3D(accY, accX, -accZ); // accel (X,Y,Z) -> (+Y,+X,-Z)
+ QVector3D gee = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, -GEE);
+ QQuaternion qWorld = quat.conjugate();
+ gee = qWorld.rotatedVector(gee);
+ acc += gee;
+ out.rollRate = angY * RAD2DEG; // gyros (X,Y,Z) -> (+Y,+X,-Z)
+ out.pitchRate = angX * RAD2DEG;
+ out.yawRate = angZ * -RAD2DEG;
+ out.accX = acc.x();
+ out.accY = acc.y();
+ out.accZ = acc.z();
+ /*************************************************************************************/
+ QVector3D rpy; // model roll, pitch, yaw
+ asMatrix2RPY(mat, rpy);
+ out.roll = rpy.x();
+ out.pitch = rpy.y();
+ out.heading = rpy.z();
- QTime currentTime = QTime::currentTime();
- /**********************************************************************************************/
-// static bool firstRun = true;
-// if (settings.homeLocation) {
-// if (firstRun) {
-// HomeLocation::DataFields homeData;
-// homeData = posHome->getData();
+ out.altitude = posZ;
+ out.heading = yaw * RAD2DEG;
+ out.latitude = lat * 10e6;
+ out.longitude = lon * 10e6;
+ out.groundspeed = qSqrt(velX * velX + velY * velY);
-// homeData.Latitude = WpLat * 10e6;
-// homeData.Longitude = WpLon * 10e6;
-// homeData.Altitude = homeZ;
-// homeData.Set = HomeLocation::SET_TRUE;
-// posHome->setData(homeData);
-// firstRun = false;
-// }
-// if (settings.homeLocRate > 0) {
-// static QTime homeLocTime = currentTime;
-// if (homeLocTime.secsTo(currentTime) >= settings.homeLocRate) {
-// firstRun = true;
-// homeLocTime = currentTime;
-// }
-// }
-// }
- /**********************************************************************************************/
-// if (settings.attRaw || settings.attActual) {
- QMatrix4x4 mat;
- mat = QMatrix4x4( fy, fx, -fz, 0.0, // model matrix
- ry, rx, -rz, 0.0, // (X,Y,Z) -> (+Y,+X,-Z)
- -uy, -ux, uz, 0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- mat.optimize();
- QQuaternion quat; // model quat
- asMatrix2Quat(mat, quat);
- // rotate gravity
- QVector3D acc = QVector3D(accY, accX, -accZ); // accel (X,Y,Z) -> (+Y,+X,-Z)
- QVector3D gee = QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, -GEE);
- QQuaternion qWorld = quat.conjugate();
- gee = qWorld.rotatedVector(gee);
- acc += gee;
- /*************************************************************************************/
-// if (settings.attRaw) {
- out.rollRate = angY * RAD2DEG; // gyros (X,Y,Z) -> (+Y,+X,-Z)
- out.pitchRate = angX * RAD2DEG;
- out.yawRate = angZ * -RAD2DEG;
- out.accX = acc.x();
- out.accY = acc.y();
- out.accZ = acc.z();
-// }
- /*************************************************************************************/
- QVector3D rpy; // model roll, pitch, yaw
- asMatrix2RPY(mat, rpy);
- out.roll = rpy.x();
- out.pitch = rpy.y();
- out.heading = rpy.z();
-// if (settings.attActHW) {
-// // do nothing
-// /*****************************************/
-// } else if (settings.attActSim) {
-// // take all data from simulator
-// AttitudeActual::DataFields attActData;
-// attActData = attActual->getData();
-// attActData.Roll = rpy.x();
-// attActData.Pitch = rpy.y();
-// attActData.Yaw = rpy.z();
-// attActData.q1 = quat.scalar();
-// attActData.q2 = quat.x();
-// attActData.q3 = quat.y();
-// attActData.q4 = quat.z();
-// attActual->setData(attActData);
-// /*****************************************/
-// } else if (settings.attActCalc) {
-// // calculate RPY with code from Attitude module
-// AttitudeActual::DataFields attActData;
-// attActData = attActual->getData();
-// static float q[4] = {1, 0, 0, 0};
-// static float gyro_correct_int2 = 0;
-// float dT = timeStep;
-// AttitudeSettings::DataFields attSettData = attSettings->getData();
-// float accelKp = attSettData.AccelKp * 0.1666666666666667;
-// float accelKi = attSettData.AccelKp * 0.1666666666666667;
-// float yawBiasRate = attSettData.YawBiasRate;
-// // calibrate sensors on arming
-// if (flightStatus->getData().Armed == FlightStatus::ARMED_ARMING) {
-// accelKp = 2.0;
-// accelKi = 0.9;
-// }
-// float gyro[3] = {angY * RAD2DEG, angX * RAD2DEG, angZ * -RAD2DEG};
-// float attRawAcc[3] = {acc.x(), acc.y(), acc.z()};
-// // code from Attitude module begin ///////////////////////////////
-// float *accels = attRawAcc;
-// float grot[3];
-// float accel_err[3];
-// // Rotate gravity to body frame and cross with accels
-// grot[0] = -(2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]));
-// grot[1] = -(2 * (q[2] * q[3] + q[0] * q[1]));
-// grot[2] = -(q[0] * q[0] - q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
-// // CrossProduct
-// {
-// accel_err[0] = accels[1]*grot[2] - grot[1]*accels[2];
-// accel_err[1] = grot[0]*accels[2] - accels[0]*grot[2];
-// accel_err[2] = accels[0]*grot[1] - grot[0]*accels[1];
-// }
-// // Account for accel magnitude
-// float accel_mag = sqrt(accels[0] * accels[0] + accels[1] * accels[1] + accels[2] * accels[2]);
-// accel_err[0] /= accel_mag;
-// accel_err[1] /= accel_mag;
-// accel_err[2] /= accel_mag;
-// // Accumulate integral of error. Scale here so that units are (deg/s) but Ki has units of s
-// gyro_correct_int2 += -gyro[2] * yawBiasRate;
-// // Correct rates based on error, integral component dealt with in updateSensors
-// gyro[0] += accel_err[0] * accelKp / dT;
-// gyro[1] += accel_err[1] * accelKp / dT;
-// gyro[2] += accel_err[2] * accelKp / dT + gyro_correct_int2;
-// // Work out time derivative from INSAlgo writeup
-// // Also accounts for the fact that gyros are in deg/s
-// float qdot[4];
-// qdot[0] = (-q[1] * gyro[0] - q[2] * gyro[1] - q[3] * gyro[2]) * dT * M_PI / 180 / 2;
-// qdot[1] = (+q[0] * gyro[0] - q[3] * gyro[1] + q[2] * gyro[2]) * dT * M_PI / 180 / 2;
-// qdot[2] = (+q[3] * gyro[0] + q[0] * gyro[1] - q[1] * gyro[2]) * dT * M_PI / 180 / 2;
-// qdot[3] = (-q[2] * gyro[0] + q[1] * gyro[1] + q[0] * gyro[2]) * dT * M_PI / 180 / 2;
-// // Take a time step
-// q[0] += qdot[0];
-// q[1] += qdot[1];
-// q[2] += qdot[2];
-// q[3] += qdot[3];
-// if(q[0] < 0) {
-// q[0] = -q[0];
-// q[1] = -q[1];
-// q[2] = -q[2];
-// q[3] = -q[3];
-// }
-// // Renomalize
-// float qmag = sqrt((q[0] * q[0]) + (q[1] * q[1]) + (q[2] * q[2]) + (q[3] * q[3]));
-// q[0] /= qmag;
-// q[1] /= qmag;
-// q[2] /= qmag;
-// q[3] /= qmag;
-// // If quaternion has become inappropriately short or is nan reinit.
-// if((fabs(qmag) < 1e-3) || (qmag != qmag)) {
-// q[0] = 1;
-// q[1] = 0;
-// q[2] = 0;
-// q[3] = 0;
-// }
-// float rpy2[3];
-// // Quaternion2RPY
-// {
-// float q0s, q1s, q2s, q3s;
-// q0s = q[0] * q[0];
-// q1s = q[1] * q[1];
-// q2s = q[2] * q[2];
-// q3s = q[3] * q[3];
-// float R13, R11, R12, R23, R33;
-// R13 = 2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]);
-// R11 = q0s + q1s - q2s - q3s;
-// R12 = 2 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[0] * q[3]);
-// R23 = 2 * (q[2] * q[3] + q[0] * q[1]);
-// R33 = q0s - q1s - q2s + q3s;
-// rpy2[1] = RAD2DEG * asinf(-R13); // pitch always between -pi/2 to pi/2
-// rpy2[2] = RAD2DEG * atan2f(R12, R11);
-// rpy2[0] = RAD2DEG * atan2f(R23, R33);
-// }
-// attActData.Roll = rpy2[0];
-// attActData.Pitch = rpy2[1];
-// attActData.Yaw = rpy2[2];
-// attActData.q1 = q[0];
-// attActData.q2 = q[1];
-// attActData.q3 = q[2];
-// attActData.q4 = q[3];
-// attActual->setData(attActData);
-// /*****************************************/
-// }
-// }
- /**********************************************************************************************/
-// if (settings.gcsReciever) {
-// static QTime gcsRcvrTime = currentTime;
-// if (!settings.manualOutput || gcsRcvrTime.msecsTo(currentTime) >= settings.outputRate) {
-// GCSReceiver::DataFields gcsRcvrData;
-// gcsRcvrData = gcsReceiver->getData();
-// for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
-// gcsRcvrData.Channel[i] = 1500 + (ch[i] * 500);
-// gcsReceiver->setData(gcsRcvrData);
-// if (settings.manualOutput)
-// gcsRcvrTime = currentTime;
-// }
-// } else if (settings.manualControl) {
-// // not implemented yet
-// }
- /**********************************************************************************************/
-// if (settings.gpsPosition) {
- static QTime gpsPosTime = currentTime;
-// if (gpsPosTime.msecsTo(currentTime) >= settings.gpsPosRate) {
- out.altitude = posZ;
- out.heading = yaw * RAD2DEG;
- out.latitude = lat * 10e6;
- out.longitude = lon * 10e6;
- out.groundspeed = qSqrt(velX * velX + velY * velY);
-// gpsPosData.GeoidSeparation = 0.0;
-// gpsPosData.Satellites = 8;
-// gpsPosData.PDOP = 3.0;
-// gpsPosData.Status = GPSPosition::STATUS_FIX3D;
-// gpsPosition->setData(gpsPosData);
-// gpsPosTime = currentTime;
-// }
-// }
- /**********************************************************************************************/
-// if (settings.sonarAltitude) {
-// static QTime sonarAltTime = currentTime;
-// if (sonarAltTime.msecsTo(currentTime) >= settings.sonarAltRate) {
-// SonarAltitude::DataFields sonarAltData;
-// sonarAltData = sonarAlt->getData();
-// float sAlt = settings.sonarMaxAlt;
-// // 0.35 rad ~= 20 degree
-// if ((agl < (sAlt * 2.0)) && (roll < 0.35) && (pitch < 0.35)) {
-// float x = agl * qTan(roll);
-// float y = agl * qTan(pitch);
-// float h = qSqrt(x*x + y*y + agl*agl);
-// sAlt = qMin(h, sAlt);
-// }
-// sonarAltData.Altitude = sAlt;
-// sonarAlt->setData(sonarAltData);
-// sonarAltTime = currentTime;
-// }
-// }
out.dstN = posY * 100;
out.dstE = posX * 100;
@@ -453,6 +209,9 @@ void AeroSimRCSimulator::processUpdate(const QByteArray &data)
out.velEast = velX * 100;
out.velDown = velZ * 100; //WHY ISN'T THIS `-velZ`???
+ updateUAVOs(out);
static int cntRX = 0;
if (cntRX >= 100) {
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/fgsimulator.cpp b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/fgsimulator.cpp
index fec61c88d..1d60978a8 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/fgsimulator.cpp
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/fgsimulator.cpp
@@ -98,44 +98,44 @@ bool FGSimulator::setupProcess()
QString cmdShell("bash");
- // Start shell (Note: Could not start FG directly on Windows, only through terminal!)
- simProcess->start(cmdShell);
- if (simProcess->waitForStarted() == false)
- {
- emit processOutput("Error:" + simProcess->errorString());
- return false;
- }
+ // Start shell (Note: Could not start FG directly on Windows, only through terminal!)
+ simProcess->start(cmdShell);
+ if (simProcess->waitForStarted() == false)
+ {
+ emit processOutput("Error:" + simProcess->errorString());
+ return false;
+ }
- // Setup arguments
- // Note: The input generic protocol is set to update at a much higher rate than the actual updates are sent by the GCS.
- // If this is not done then a lag will be introduced by FlightGear, likelly because the receive socket buffer builds up during startup.
- QString args("--fg-root=\"" + settings.dataPath + "\" " +
- "--timeofday=noon " +
- "--httpd=5400 " +
- "--enable-hud " +
- "--in-air " +
- "--altitude=3000 " +
- "--vc=100 " +
- "--log-level=alert " +
- "--generic=socket,out,20," + settings.hostAddress + "," + QString::number(settings.inPort) + ",udp,opfgprotocol");
- if(!settings.manual)
- {
- args.append(" --generic=socket,in,400," + settings.remoteHostAddress + "," + QString::number(settings.outPort) + ",udp,opfgprotocol");
- }
+ // Setup arguments
+ // Note: The input generic protocol is set to update at a much higher rate than the actual updates are sent by the GCS.
+ // If this is not done then a lag will be introduced by FlightGear, likelly because the receive socket buffer builds up during startup.
+ QString args("--fg-root=\"" + settings.dataPath + "\" " +
+ "--timeofday=noon " +
+ "--httpd=5400 " +
+ "--enable-hud " +
+ "--in-air " +
+ "--altitude=3000 " +
+ "--vc=100 " +
+ "--log-level=alert " +
+ "--generic=socket,out,20," + settings.hostAddress + "," + QString::number(settings.inPort) + ",udp,opfgprotocol");
+ if(!settings.manualControl)
+ {
+ args.append(" --generic=socket,in,400," + settings.remoteAddress + "," + QString::number(settings.outPort) + ",udp,opfgprotocol");
+ }
- // Start FlightGear - only if checkbox is selected in HITL options page
- if (settings.startSim)
- {
- QString cmd("\"" + settings.binPath + "\" " + args + "\n");
- simProcess->write(cmd.toAscii());
- }
- else
- {
- emit processOutput("Start Flightgear from the command line with the following arguments: \n\n" + args + "\n\n" +
- "You can optionally run Flightgear from a networked computer.\n" +
- "Make sure the computer running Flightgear can can ping your local interface adapter. ie." + settings.hostAddress + "\n"
- "Remote computer must have the correct OpenPilot protocol installed.");
- }
+ // Start FlightGear - only if checkbox is selected in HITL options page
+ if (settings.startSim)
+ {
+ QString cmd("\"" + settings.binPath + "\" " + args + "\n");
+ simProcess->write(cmd.toAscii());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emit processOutput("Start Flightgear from the command line with the following arguments: \n\n" + args + "\n\n" +
+ "You can optionally run Flightgear from a networked computer.\n" +
+ "Make sure the computer running Flightgear can can ping your local interface adapter. ie." + settings.hostAddress + "\n"
+ "Remote computer must have the correct OpenPilot protocol installed.");
+ }
udpCounterGCSsend = 0;
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void FGSimulator::transmitUpdate()
QByteArray data = cmd.toAscii();
- if(outSocket->writeDatagram(data, QHostAddress(settings.remoteHostAddress), settings.outPort) == -1)
+ if(outSocket->writeDatagram(data, QHostAddress(settings.remoteAddress), settings.outPort) == -1)
emit processOutput("Error sending UDP packet to FG: " + outSocket->errorString() + "\n");
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ void FGSimulator::transmitUpdate()
// V2.0 does not currently work with --generic-protocol
- if(!settings.manual)
+ if(!settings.manualControl)
actData.Roll = ailerons;
actData.Pitch = -elevator;
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitlconfiguration.cpp b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitlconfiguration.cpp
index 52d755857..bbee0db49 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitlconfiguration.cpp
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitlconfiguration.cpp
@@ -30,122 +30,62 @@
HITLConfiguration::HITLConfiguration(QString classId, QSettings* qSettings, QObject *parent) :
IUAVGadgetConfiguration(classId, parent)
- settings.simulatorId = "";
- settings.binPath = "";
- settings.dataPath = "";
- settings.manual = false;
- settings.startSim = false;
- settings.hostAddress = "";
- settings.remoteHostAddress = "";
- settings.outPort = 0;
- settings.inPort = 0;
- settings.latitude = "";
- settings.longitude = "";
- //if a saved configuration exists load it
- if(qSettings != 0) {
- settings.simulatorId = qSettings->value("simulatorId").toString();
- settings.binPath = qSettings->value("binPath").toString();
- settings.dataPath = qSettings->value("dataPath").toString();
- settings.manual = qSettings->value("manual").toBool();
- settings.startSim = qSettings->value("startSim").toBool();
- settings.hostAddress = qSettings->value("hostAddress").toString();
- settings.remoteHostAddress = qSettings->value("remoteHostAddress").toString();
- settings.outPort = qSettings->value("outPort").toInt();
- settings.inPort = qSettings->value("inPort").toInt();
- settings.latitude = qSettings->value("latitude").toString();
- settings.longitude = qSettings->value("longitude").toString();
- }
- bool homeLocation = true;
- quint16 homeLocRate = 0;
- bool attRaw = true;
- quint8 attRawRate = 20;
- bool attActual = true;
- bool attActHW = false;
- bool attActSim = true;
- bool attActCalc = false;
- bool sonarAltitude = false;
- float sonarMaxAlt = 5.0;
- quint16 sonarAltRate = 50;
- bool gpsPosition = true;
- quint16 gpsPosRate = 200;
- bool inputCommand = true;
- bool gcsReciever = true;
- bool manualControl = false;
- bool manualOutput = false;
- quint8 outputRate = 20;
settings.simulatorId = "";
settings.binPath = "";
settings.dataPath = "";
- settings.manual = false;
+ settings.manualControl = false;
settings.startSim = false;
settings.addNoise = false;
settings.hostAddress = "";
- settings.remoteHostAddress = "";
+ settings.remoteAddress = "";
settings.outPort = 0;
settings.inPort = 0;
settings.latitude = "";
settings.longitude = "";
- //if a saved configuration exists load it
- if(qSettings != 0) {
- settings.simulatorId = qSettings->value("simulatorId").toString();
- settings.binPath = qSettings->value("binPath").toString();
- settings.dataPath = qSettings->value("dataPath").toString();
- settings.manual = qSettings->value("manual").toBool();
- settings.addNoise = qSettings->value("noiseCheckBox").toBool();
- settings.startSim = qSettings->value("startSim").toBool();
- settings.hostAddress = qSettings->value("hostAddress").toString();
- settings.remoteHostAddress = qSettings->value("remoteHostAddress").toString();
- settings.outPort = qSettings->value("outPort").toInt();
- settings.inPort = qSettings->value("inPort").toInt();
- settings.latitude = qSettings->value("latitude").toString();
- settings.longitude = qSettings->value("longitude").toString();
- }
// if a saved configuration exists load it
if (qSettings != 0) {
- settings.simulatorId = qSettings->value("simulatorId", simulatorId).toString();
- settings.hostAddress = qSettings->value("hostAddress", hostAddress).toString();
- settings.inPort = qSettings->value("inPort", inPort).toInt();
- settings.remoteAddress = qSettings->value("remoteAddress", remoteAddress).toString();
- settings.outPort = qSettings->value("outPort", outPort).toInt();
- settings.binPath = qSettings->value("binPath", binPath).toString();
- settings.dataPath = qSettings->value("dataPath", dataPath).toString();
+ settings.simulatorId = qSettings->value("simulatorId").toString();
+ settings.hostAddress = qSettings->value("hostAddress").toString();
+ settings.inPort = qSettings->value("inPort").toInt();
+ settings.remoteAddress = qSettings->value("remoteAddress").toString();
+ settings.outPort = qSettings->value("outPort").toInt();
- settings.homeLocation = qSettings->value("homeLocation", homeLocation).toBool();
- settings.homeLocRate = qSettings->value("homeLocRate", homeLocRate).toInt();
+ settings.binPath = qSettings->value("binPath").toString();
+ settings.dataPath = qSettings->value("dataPath").toString();
- settings.attRaw = qSettings->value("attRaw", attRaw).toBool();
- settings.attRawRate = qSettings->value("attRawRate", attRawRate).toInt();
+ settings.latitude = qSettings->value("latitude").toString();
+ settings.longitude = qSettings->value("longitude").toString();
+ settings.startSim = qSettings->value("startSim").toBool();
+ settings.addNoise = qSettings->value("noiseCheckBox").toBool();
- settings.attActual = qSettings->value("attActual", attActual).toBool();
- settings.attActHW = qSettings->value("attActHW", attActHW).toBool();
- settings.attActSim = qSettings->value("attActSim", attActSim).toBool();
- settings.attActCalc = qSettings->value("attActCalc", attActCalc).toBool();
+ settings.homeLocation = qSettings->value("homeLocation").toBool();
+ settings.homeLocRate = qSettings->value("homeLocRate").toInt();
- settings.sonarAltitude = qSettings->value("sonarAltitude", sonarAltitude).toBool();
- settings.sonarMaxAlt = qSettings->value("sonarMaxAlt", sonarMaxAlt).toFloat();
- settings.sonarAltRate = qSettings->value("sonarAltRate", sonarAltRate).toInt();
+ settings.attRaw = qSettings->value("attRaw").toBool();
+ settings.attRawRate = qSettings->value("attRawRate").toInt();
- settings.gpsPosition = qSettings->value("gpsPosition", gpsPosition).toBool();
- settings.gpsPosRate = qSettings->value("gpsPosRate", gpsPosRate).toInt();
+ settings.attActual = qSettings->value("attActual").toBool();
+ settings.attActHW = qSettings->value("attActHW").toBool();
+ settings.attActSim = qSettings->value("attActSim").toBool();
+ settings.attActCalc = qSettings->value("attActCalc").toBool();
- settings.inputCommand = qSettings->value("inputCommand", inputCommand).toBool();
- settings.gcsReciever = qSettings->value("gcsReciever", gcsReciever).toBool();
- settings.manualControl = qSettings->value("manualControl", manualControl).toBool();
- settings.manualOutput = qSettings->value("manualOutput", manualOutput).toBool();
- settings.outputRate = qSettings->value("outputRate", outputRate).toInt();
- } else {
+ settings.sonarAltitude = qSettings->value("sonarAltitude").toBool();
+ settings.sonarMaxAlt = qSettings->value("sonarMaxAlt").toFloat();
+ settings.sonarAltRate = qSettings->value("sonarAltRate").toInt();
+ settings.gpsPosition = qSettings->value("gpsPosition").toBool();
+ settings.gpsPosRate = qSettings->value("gpsPosRate").toInt();
+ settings.inputCommand = qSettings->value("inputCommand").toBool();
+ settings.gcsReciever = qSettings->value("gcsReciever").toBool();
+ settings.manualControl = qSettings->value("manualControl").toBool();
+ settings.manualOutput = qSettings->value("manualOutput").toBool();
+ settings.outputRate = qSettings->value("outputRate").toInt();
+ }
+ else {
settings.simulatorId = simulatorId;
settings.hostAddress = hostAddress;
settings.inPort = inPort;
@@ -195,25 +135,20 @@ IUAVGadgetConfiguration *HITLConfiguration::clone()
void HITLConfiguration::saveConfig(QSettings* qSettings) const {
qSettings->setValue("simulatorId", settings.simulatorId);
- qSettings->setValue("hostAddress", settings.hostAddress);
- qSettings->setValue("inPort", settings.inPort);
- qSettings->setValue("remoteAddress", settings.remoteAddress);
- qSettings->setValue("outPort", settings.outPort);
qSettings->setValue("binPath", settings.binPath);
qSettings->setValue("dataPath", settings.dataPath);
- qSettings->setValue("manual", settings.manual);
- qSettings->setValue("startSim", settings.startSim);
qSettings->setValue("hostAddress", settings.hostAddress);
- qSettings->setValue("remoteHostAddress", settings.remoteHostAddress);
+ qSettings->setValue("remoteAddress", settings.remoteAddress);
qSettings->setValue("outPort", settings.outPort);
qSettings->setValue("inPort", settings.inPort);
qSettings->setValue("latitude", settings.latitude);
qSettings->setValue("longitude", settings.longitude);
+ qSettings->setValue("addNoise", settings.addNoise);
+ qSettings->setValue("startSim", settings.startSim);
+ qSettings->setValue("manualControl", settings.manualControl);
- //Added by hrrrr. Is it all used?
qSettings->setValue("homeLocation", settings.homeLocation);
qSettings->setValue("homeLocRate", settings.homeLocRate);
qSettings->setValue("attRaw", settings.attRaw);
@@ -232,6 +167,5 @@ void HITLConfiguration::saveConfig(QSettings* qSettings) const {
qSettings->setValue("manualControl", settings.manualControl);
qSettings->setValue("manualOutput", settings.manualOutput);
qSettings->setValue("outputRate", settings.outputRate);
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitloptionspage.cpp b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitloptionspage.cpp
index dd9cadb63..b979e495d 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitloptionspage.cpp
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitloptionspage.cpp
@@ -67,47 +67,49 @@ QWidget *HITLOptionsPage::createPage(QWidget *parent)
m_optionsPage->dataPath->setPromptDialogTitle(tr("Choose flight simulator data directory"));
// Restore the contents from the settings:
- foreach(SimulatorCreator* creator, HITLPlugin::typeSimulators)
- {
- QString id = config->Settings().simulatorId;
- if(creator->ClassId() == id)
- m_optionsPage->chooseFlightSimulator->setCurrentIndex(HITLPlugin::typeSimulators.indexOf(creator));
- }
+ foreach(SimulatorCreator* creator, HITLPlugin::typeSimulators)
+ {
+ QString id = config->Settings().simulatorId;
+ if(creator->ClassId() == id)
+ m_optionsPage->chooseFlightSimulator->setCurrentIndex(HITLPlugin::typeSimulators.indexOf(creator));
+ }
- m_optionsPage->executablePath->setPath(config->Settings().binPath);
- m_optionsPage->dataPath->setPath(config->Settings().dataPath);
- m_optionsPage->manualControl->setChecked(config->Settings().manual);
- m_optionsPage->startSim->setChecked(config->Settings().startSim);
+ m_optionsPage->executablePath->setPath(config->Settings().binPath);
+ m_optionsPage->dataPath->setPath(config->Settings().dataPath);
+ m_optionsPage->manualControl->setChecked(config->Settings().manualControl);
+ m_optionsPage->startSim->setChecked(config->Settings().startSim);
+ m_optionsPage->noiseCheckBox->setChecked(config->Settings().addNoise);
- m_optionsPage->hostAddress->setText(config->Settings().hostAddress);
- m_optionsPage->remoteHostAddress->setText(config->Settings().remoteHostAddress);
- m_optionsPage->outputPort->setText(QString::number(config->Settings().outPort));
- m_optionsPage->inputPort->setText(QString::number(config->Settings().inPort));
- m_optionsPage->latitude->setText(config->Settings().latitude);
- m_optionsPage->longitude->setText(config->Settings().longitude);
+ m_optionsPage->hostAddress->setText(config->Settings().hostAddress);
+ m_optionsPage->remoteAddress->setText(config->Settings().remoteAddress);
+ m_optionsPage->outputPort->setText(QString::number(config->Settings().outPort));
+ m_optionsPage->inputPort->setText(QString::number(config->Settings().inPort));
+ m_optionsPage->latitude->setText(config->Settings().latitude);
+ m_optionsPage->longitude->setText(config->Settings().longitude);
return optionsPageWidget;
void HITLOptionsPage::apply()
- SimulatorSettings settings;
- int i = m_optionsPage->chooseFlightSimulator->currentIndex();
+ SimulatorSettings settings;
+ int i = m_optionsPage->chooseFlightSimulator->currentIndex();
- settings.simulatorId = m_optionsPage->chooseFlightSimulator->itemData(i).toString();
- settings.binPath = m_optionsPage->executablePath->path();
- settings.dataPath = m_optionsPage->dataPath->path();
- settings.manual = m_optionsPage->manualControl->isChecked();
- settings.startSim = m_optionsPage->startSim->isChecked();
- settings.hostAddress = m_optionsPage->hostAddress->text();
- settings.remoteHostAddress = m_optionsPage->remoteHostAddress->text();
+ settings.simulatorId = m_optionsPage->chooseFlightSimulator->itemData(i).toString();
+ settings.binPath = m_optionsPage->executablePath->path();
+ settings.dataPath = m_optionsPage->dataPath->path();
+ settings.manualControl = m_optionsPage->manualControl->isChecked();
+ settings.startSim = m_optionsPage->startSim->isChecked();
+ settings.addNoise = m_optionsPage->noiseCheckBox->isChecked();
+ settings.hostAddress = m_optionsPage->hostAddress->text();
+ settings.remoteAddress = m_optionsPage->remoteAddress->text();
- settings.inPort = m_optionsPage->inputPort->text().toInt();
- settings.outPort = m_optionsPage->outputPort->text().toInt();
- settings.longitude = m_optionsPage->longitude->text();
- settings.latitude = m_optionsPage->latitude->text();
+ settings.inPort = m_optionsPage->inputPort->text().toInt();
+ settings.outPort = m_optionsPage->outputPort->text().toInt();
+ settings.longitude = m_optionsPage->longitude->text();
+ settings.latitude = m_optionsPage->latitude->text();
- config->setSimulatorSettings(settings);
+ config->setSimulatorSettings(settings);
void HITLOptionsPage::finish()
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitloptionspage.ui b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitloptionspage.ui
index 2120c94b5..17d050197 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitloptionspage.ui
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/hitloptionspage.ui
@@ -6,258 +6,968 @@
- 590
- 367
+ 885
+ 741
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
- -
- Choose flight simulator:
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ Choose flight simulator:
+ -
- -
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
+ 0
+ 0
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- 20
- 182
+ 0
+ 100
- -
- 0
- 0
+ 350
+ 16777215
- Local interface address (IP):
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
+ IP addresses
+ 10
+ 30
+ 323
+ 24
+ Local host:
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 125
+ 16777215
+ For communication with sim computer via network. Should be the IP address of one of the interfaces of the GCS computer.
+ Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
+ -
+ Port:
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 55
+ 16777215
+ IP port for receiving data from sim
+ Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
+ 10
+ 60
+ 322
+ 24
+ -
+ Remote host:
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 125
+ 16777215
+ Only required if running simulator on remote machine. Should be the IP of the machine on which the simulator is running.
+ Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
+ -
+ Port:
+ -
+ 0
+ 0
+ 55
+ 16777215
+ IP port for sending data to sim
+ Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
+ layoutWidget
+ layoutWidget
- -
- Latitude in degrees:
+ 0
+ 180
+ Program parameters
+ 120
+ 60
+ 401
+ 16
+ 0
+ 0
+ 10
+ 60
+ 94
+ 16
+ 0
+ 0
+ 110
+ 16777215
+ Data directory:
+ 120
+ 34
+ 401
+ 16
+ 0
+ 0
+ 10
+ 34
+ 104
+ 16
+ 0
+ 0
+ 110
+ 16777215
+ Path executable:
+ 10
+ 120
+ 229
+ 20
+ Check this box to start the simulator on the local computer
+ Start simulator on local machine
+ 10
+ 150
+ 89
+ 20
+ Add noise to sensor simulation
+ Add noise
+ 10
+ 80
+ 491
+ 16
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 10
+ 90
+ 161
+ 22
+ Initial latitude (decimal):
+ 290
+ 90
+ 171
+ 22
+ Initial longitude (decimal):
+ 460
+ 90
+ 100
+ 22
+ 0
+ 0
+ 100
+ 16777215
+ Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
+ 170
+ 90
+ 100
+ 22
+ 0
+ 0
+ 100
+ 16777215
+ Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- Longitude in degrees:
+ QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow
+ -
+ QFrame::StyledPanel
+ QFrame::Raised
- -
- 0
- 0
- Data directory:
- -
- 0
- 0
- For receiving data from sim
- -
- 1
- 0
- -
- 0
- 0
- Output Port:
- -
- -
- 0
- 0
- -
- 0
- 0
- For sending data to sim
- -
- 0
- 0
- Manual aircraft control (can be used when hardware is not available)
- Manual aircraft control (can be used when hardware is not available)
- -
- 0
- 0
- Path executable:
- -
- 0
- 0
- -
- Input Port:
- -
- true
- 0
- 0
- Check this box to start the simulator on the local computer
- Start simulator on local machine
- -
- Remote interface address (IP):
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- 0
- 0
- Only required if running simulator on remote machine. Should be the IP of the machine on which the simulator is running.
- -
- 0
- 0
- For communication with sim computer via network. Should be the IP address of one of the interfaces of the GCS computer.
+ Attitude data
+ 3
+ 3
+ 3
+ 3
+ 0
+ AttitudeRaw (gyro, accels)
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ 3
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
+ Refresh rate
+ -
+ false
+ ms
+ 10
+ 100
+ 20
+ -
+ AttitudeActual
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ 3
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
+ send raw data to board
+ -
+ 75
+ true
+ use values from simulator
+ true
+ -
+ calculate from (noised) simulated sensor data
+ -
+ Qt::Vertical
+ 20
+ 40
+ -
+ 0
+ 275
+ Other data
+ 3
+ 3
+ 3
+ 3
+ 0
+ Ground truth position and velocity
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ 3
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
+ Refresh rate
+ -
+ false
+ 0 - update once, or every N seconds
+ sec
+ 10
+ -
+ GPS data
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ 3
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
+ Refresh rate
+ -
+ false
+ ms
+ 100
+ 2000
+ 500
+ -
+ false
+ SonarAltitude
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ 3
+ 6
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
+ Range detectioon
+ -
+ m
+ 1
+ 10
+ 5
+ -
+ Refresh rate
+ -
+ ms
+ 20
+ 2000
+ 10
+ 50
+ -
+ false
+ Map command from simulator
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ 3
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
+ 75
+ true
+ to GCSReciver
+ true
+ -
+ false
+ to ManualCtrl (not implemented)
+ -
+ 6
+ false
+ Maximum output rate
+ -
+ false
+ ms
+ 10
+ 100
+ 5
+ 15
+ -
+ Qt::Vertical
+ 20
+ 40
@@ -269,6 +979,13 @@
+ chooseFlightSimulator
+ hostAddress
+ inputPort
+ remoteAddress
+ outputPort
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/simulator.cpp b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/simulator.cpp
index 103677199..fb1b157d8 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/simulator.cpp
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/simulator.cpp
@@ -116,49 +116,53 @@ void Simulator::onDeleteSimulator(void)
void Simulator::onStart()
- QMutexLocker locker(&lock);
+ QMutexLocker locker(&lock);
- QThread* mainThread = QThread::currentThread();
- qDebug() << "Simulator Thread: "<< mainThread;
+ QThread* mainThread = QThread::currentThread();
- // Get required UAVObjects
- ExtensionSystem::PluginManager* pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance();
- UAVObjectManager* objManager = pm->getObject();
- actDesired = ActuatorDesired::GetInstance(objManager);
- manCtrlCommand = ManualControlCommand::GetInstance(objManager);
- flightStatus = FlightStatus::GetInstance(objManager);
- posHome = HomeLocation::GetInstance(objManager);
- velActual = VelocityActual::GetInstance(objManager);
- posActual = PositionActual::GetInstance(objManager);
- altActual = BaroAltitude::GetInstance(objManager);
- attActual = AttitudeActual::GetInstance(objManager);
- accels = Accels::GetInstance(objManager);
- gyros = Gyros::GetInstance(objManager);
- gpsPos = GPSPosition::GetInstance(objManager);
- telStats = GCSTelemetryStats::GetInstance(objManager);
+ qDebug() << "Simulator Thread: "<< mainThread;
- // Listen to autopilot connection events
- TelemetryManager* telMngr = pm->getObject();
- connect(telMngr, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(onAutopilotConnect()));
- connect(telMngr, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onAutopilotDisconnect()));
- //connect(telStats, SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject*)), this, SLOT(telStatsUpdated(UAVObject*)));
+ // Get required UAVObjects
+ ExtensionSystem::PluginManager* pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance();
+ UAVObjectManager* objManager = pm->getObject();
+ actDesired = ActuatorDesired::GetInstance(objManager);
+ manCtrlCommand = ManualControlCommand::GetInstance(objManager);
+ flightStatus = FlightStatus::GetInstance(objManager);
+ posHome = HomeLocation::GetInstance(objManager);
+ velActual = VelocityActual::GetInstance(objManager);
+ posActual = PositionActual::GetInstance(objManager);
+ baroAlt = BaroAltitude::GetInstance(objManager);
+ baroAirspeed = BaroAirspeed::GetInstance(objManager);
+ attActual = AttitudeActual::GetInstance(objManager);
+ attSettings = AttitudeSettings::GetInstance(objManager);
+ accels = Accels::GetInstance(objManager);
+ gyros = Gyros::GetInstance(objManager);
+ gpsPos = GPSPosition::GetInstance(objManager);
+ gpsVel = GPSVelocity::GetInstance(objManager);
+ telStats = GCSTelemetryStats::GetInstance(objManager);
- // If already connect setup autopilot
- GCSTelemetryStats::DataFields stats = telStats->getData();
- if ( stats.Status == GCSTelemetryStats::STATUS_CONNECTED )
- onAutopilotConnect();
+ // Listen to autopilot connection events
+ TelemetryManager* telMngr = pm->getObject();
+ connect(telMngr, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(onAutopilotConnect()));
+ connect(telMngr, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onAutopilotDisconnect()));
+ //connect(telStats, SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject*)), this, SLOT(telStatsUpdated(UAVObject*)));
- inSocket = new QUdpSocket();
- outSocket = new QUdpSocket();
- setupUdpPorts(settings.hostAddress,settings.inPort,settings.outPort);
+ // If already connect setup autopilot
+ GCSTelemetryStats::DataFields stats = telStats->getData();
+ if ( stats.Status == GCSTelemetryStats::STATUS_CONNECTED )
+ onAutopilotConnect();
+ inSocket = new QUdpSocket();
+ outSocket = new QUdpSocket();
+ setupUdpPorts(settings.hostAddress,settings.inPort,settings.outPort);
emit processOutput("\nLocal interface: " + settings.hostAddress + "\n" + \
- "Remote interface: " + settings.remoteHostAddress + "\n" + \
+ "Remote interface: " + settings.remoteAddress + "\n" + \
"inputPort: " + QString::number(settings.inPort) + "\n" + \
"outputPort: " + QString::number(settings.outPort) + "\n");
qxtLog->info("\nLocal interface: " + settings.hostAddress + "\n" + \
- "Remote interface: " + settings.remoteHostAddress + "\n" + \
+ "Remote interface: " + settings.remoteAddress + "\n" + \
"inputPort: " + QString::number(settings.inPort) + "\n" + \
"outputPort: " + QString::number(settings.outPort) + "\n");
@@ -297,3 +301,326 @@ void Simulator::telStatsUpdated(UAVObject* obj)
+void Simulator::updateUAVOs(Output2OP out){
+// QTime currentTime = QTime::currentTime();
+ Noise noise;
+ HitlNoiseGeneration noiseSource;
+ if(settings.addNoise){
+ noise = noiseSource.generateNoise();
+ }
+ else{
+ memset(&noise, 0, sizeof(Noise));
+ }
+ HomeLocation::DataFields homeData = posHome->getData();
+ if(!once)
+ {
+ // Upon startup, we reset the HomeLocation object to
+ // the plane's location:
+ memset(&homeData, 0, sizeof(HomeLocation::DataFields));
+ // Update homelocation
+ homeData.Latitude = out.latitude; //Already in *10^7 integer format
+ homeData.Longitude = out.longitude; //Already in *10^7 integer format
+ homeData.Altitude = out.altitude;
+ double LLA[3];
+ LLA[0]=out.latitude;
+ LLA[1]=out.longitude;
+ LLA[2]=out.altitude;
+ double ECEF[3];
+ double RNE[9];
+ Utils::CoordinateConversions().RneFromLLA(LLA,(double (*)[3])RNE);
+ Utils::CoordinateConversions().LLA2ECEF(LLA,ECEF);
+ homeData.Be[0]=0;
+ homeData.Be[1]=0;
+ homeData.Be[2]=0;
+ posHome->setData(homeData);
+ posHome->updated();
+ // Compute initial distance
+ initN = out.dstN;
+ initE = out.dstE;
+ initD = out.dstD;
+ once=true;
+ }
+ // Update attActual object
+ AttitudeActual::DataFields attActualData;
+ attActualData = attActual->getData();
+ if (settings.attActHW) {
+ // do nothing
+ /*****************************************/
+ } else if (settings.attActSim) {
+ // take all data from simulator
+ attActualData.Roll = out.roll + noise.attActualData.Roll; //roll;
+ attActualData.Pitch = out.pitch + noise.attActualData.Pitch; // pitch
+ attActualData.Yaw = out.heading + noise.attActualData.Yaw; // Yaw
+ float rpy[3];
+ float quat[4];
+ rpy[0] = attActualData.Roll;
+ rpy[1] = attActualData.Pitch;
+ rpy[2] = attActualData.Yaw;
+ Utils::CoordinateConversions().RPY2Quaternion(rpy,quat);
+ attActualData.q1 = quat[0];
+ attActualData.q2 = quat[1];
+ attActualData.q3 = quat[2];
+ attActualData.q4 = quat[3];
+ //Set UAVO
+ attActual->setData(attActualData);
+ /*****************************************/
+ } else if (settings.attActCalc) {
+ // calculate RPY with code from Attitude module
+ AttitudeActual::DataFields attActData;
+ static float q[4] = {1, 0, 0, 0};
+ static float gyro_correct_int2 = 0;
+ float dT = out.delT;
+ AttitudeSettings::DataFields attSettData = attSettings->getData();
+ float accelKp = attSettData.AccelKp * 0.1666666666666667;
+ float accelKi = attSettData.AccelKp * 0.1666666666666667;
+ float yawBiasRate = attSettData.YawBiasRate;
+ // calibrate sensors on arming
+ if (flightStatus->getData().Armed == FlightStatus::ARMED_ARMING) {
+ accelKp = 2.0;
+ accelKi = 0.9;
+ }
+ float gyro[3] = {out.rollRate, out.pitchRate, out.yawRate};
+ float attRawAcc[3] = {out.accX, out.accY, out.accZ};
+ // code from Attitude module begin ///////////////////////////////
+ float *accels = attRawAcc;
+ float grot[3];
+ float accel_err[3];
+ // Rotate gravity to body frame and cross with accels
+ grot[0] = -(2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]));
+ grot[1] = -(2 * (q[2] * q[3] + q[0] * q[1]));
+ grot[2] = -(q[0] * q[0] - q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
+ // CrossProduct
+ {
+ accel_err[0] = accels[1]*grot[2] - grot[1]*accels[2];
+ accel_err[1] = grot[0]*accels[2] - accels[0]*grot[2];
+ accel_err[2] = accels[0]*grot[1] - grot[0]*accels[1];
+ }
+ // Account for accel magnitude
+ float accel_mag = sqrt(accels[0] * accels[0] + accels[1] * accels[1] + accels[2] * accels[2]);
+ accel_err[0] /= accel_mag;
+ accel_err[1] /= accel_mag;
+ accel_err[2] /= accel_mag;
+ // Accumulate integral of error. Scale here so that units are (deg/s) but Ki has units of s
+ gyro_correct_int2 += -gyro[2] * yawBiasRate;
+ // Correct rates based on error, integral component dealt with in updateSensors
+ gyro[0] += accel_err[0] * accelKp / dT;
+ gyro[1] += accel_err[1] * accelKp / dT;
+ gyro[2] += accel_err[2] * accelKp / dT + gyro_correct_int2;
+ // Work out time derivative from INSAlgo writeup
+ // Also accounts for the fact that gyros are in deg/s
+ float qdot[4];
+ qdot[0] = (-q[1] * gyro[0] - q[2] * gyro[1] - q[3] * gyro[2]) * dT * M_PI / 180 / 2;
+ qdot[1] = (+q[0] * gyro[0] - q[3] * gyro[1] + q[2] * gyro[2]) * dT * M_PI / 180 / 2;
+ qdot[2] = (+q[3] * gyro[0] + q[0] * gyro[1] - q[1] * gyro[2]) * dT * M_PI / 180 / 2;
+ qdot[3] = (-q[2] * gyro[0] + q[1] * gyro[1] + q[0] * gyro[2]) * dT * M_PI / 180 / 2;
+ // Take a time step
+ q[0] += qdot[0];
+ q[1] += qdot[1];
+ q[2] += qdot[2];
+ q[3] += qdot[3];
+ if(q[0] < 0) {
+ q[0] = -q[0];
+ q[1] = -q[1];
+ q[2] = -q[2];
+ q[3] = -q[3];
+ }
+ // Renomalize
+ float qmag = sqrt((q[0] * q[0]) + (q[1] * q[1]) + (q[2] * q[2]) + (q[3] * q[3]));
+ q[0] /= qmag;
+ q[1] /= qmag;
+ q[2] /= qmag;
+ q[3] /= qmag;
+ // If quaternion has become inappropriately short or is nan reinit.
+ if((fabs(qmag) < 1e-3) || (qmag != qmag)) {
+ q[0] = 1;
+ q[1] = 0;
+ q[2] = 0;
+ q[3] = 0;
+ }
+ float rpy2[3];
+ // Quaternion2RPY
+ {
+ float q0s, q1s, q2s, q3s;
+ q0s = q[0] * q[0];
+ q1s = q[1] * q[1];
+ q2s = q[2] * q[2];
+ q3s = q[3] * q[3];
+ float R13, R11, R12, R23, R33;
+ R13 = 2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]);
+ R11 = q0s + q1s - q2s - q3s;
+ R12 = 2 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[0] * q[3]);
+ R23 = 2 * (q[2] * q[3] + q[0] * q[1]);
+ R33 = q0s - q1s - q2s + q3s;
+ rpy2[1] = RAD2DEG * asinf(-R13); // pitch always between -pi/2 to pi/2
+ rpy2[2] = RAD2DEG * atan2f(R12, R11);
+ rpy2[0] = RAD2DEG * atan2f(R23, R33);
+ }
+ attActualData.Roll = rpy2[0];
+ attActualData.Pitch = rpy2[1];
+ attActualData.Yaw = rpy2[2];
+ attActualData.q1 = q[0];
+ attActualData.q2 = q[1];
+ attActualData.q3 = q[2];
+ attActualData.q4 = q[3];
+ //Set UAVO
+ attActual->setData(attActualData);
+ /*****************************************/
+ }
+ if (settings.gcsReciever) {
+// static QTime gcsRcvrTime = currentTime;
+// if (!settings.manualOutput || gcsRcvrTime.msecsTo(currentTime) >= settings.outputRate) {
+// GCSReceiver::DataFields gcsRcvrData;
+// gcsRcvrData = gcsReceiver->getData();
+// for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+// gcsRcvrData.Channel[i] = 1500 + (ch[i] * 500);
+// gcsReceiver->setData(gcsRcvrData);
+// if (settings.manualOutput)
+// gcsRcvrTime = currentTime;
+// }
+ } else if (settings.manualControl) {
+ // not implemented yet
+ }
+ if (settings.gpsPosition) {
+// if (gpsPosTime.msecsTo(currentTime) >= settings.gpsPosRate) {
+ // Update GPS Position objects
+ GPSPosition::DataFields gpsPosData;
+ memset(&gpsPosData, 0, sizeof(GPSPosition::DataFields));
+ gpsPosData.Altitude = out.altitude + noise.gpsPosData.Altitude;
+ gpsPosData.Heading = out.heading + noise.gpsPosData.Heading;
+ gpsPosData.Groundspeed = out.groundspeed + noise.gpsPosData.Groundspeed;
+ gpsPosData.Latitude = out.latitude + noise.gpsPosData.Latitude; //Already in *10^7 integer format
+ gpsPosData.Longitude = out.longitude + noise.gpsPosData.Longitude; //Already in *10^7 integer format
+ gpsPosData.GeoidSeparation = 0.0;
+ gpsPosData.PDOP = 3.0;
+ gpsPosData.VDOP = gpsPosData.PDOP*1.5;
+ gpsPosData.Satellites = 10;
+ gpsPosData.Status = GPSPosition::STATUS_FIX3D;
+ gpsPos->setData(gpsPosData);
+ // Update GPS Velocity.{North,East,Down}
+ GPSVelocity::DataFields gpsVelData;
+ memset(&gpsVelData, 0, sizeof(GPSVelocity::DataFields));
+ gpsVelData.North = out.velNorth + noise.gpsVelData.North;
+ gpsVelData.East = out.velEast + noise.gpsVelData.East;
+ gpsVelData.Down = out.velDown + noise.gpsVelData.Down;
+ gpsVel->setData(gpsVelData);
+// static QTime gpsPosTime = currentTime;
+// gpsPosTime = currentTime;
+// }
+ }
+ // Update VelocityActual.{North,East,Down}
+ if (settings.groundTruth) {
+ VelocityActual::DataFields velocityActualData;
+ memset(&velocityActualData, 0, sizeof(VelocityActual::DataFields));
+ velocityActualData.North = out.velNorth + noise.velocityActualData.North;
+ velocityActualData.East = out.velEast + noise.velocityActualData.East;
+ velocityActualData.Down = out.velDown + noise.velocityActualData.Down;
+ velActual->setData(velocityActualData);
+ // Update PositionActual.{Nort,East,Down}
+ PositionActual::DataFields positionActualData;
+ memset(&positionActualData, 0, sizeof(PositionActual::DataFields));
+ positionActualData.North = (out.dstN-initN) + noise.positionActualData.North;
+ positionActualData.East = (out.dstE-initE) + noise.positionActualData.East;
+ positionActualData.Down = (out.dstD/*-initD*/) + noise.positionActualData.Down;
+ posActual->setData(positionActualData);
+ }
+ if (settings.sonarAltitude) {
+// static QTime sonarAltTime = currentTime;
+// if (sonarAltTime.msecsTo(currentTime) >= settings.sonarAltRate) {
+// SonarAltitude::DataFields sonarAltData;
+// sonarAltData = sonarAlt->getData();
+// float sAlt = settings.sonarMaxAlt;
+// // 0.35 rad ~= 20 degree
+// if ((agl < (sAlt * 2.0)) && (roll < 0.35) && (pitch < 0.35)) {
+// float x = agl * qTan(roll);
+// float y = agl * qTan(pitch);
+// float h = qSqrt(x*x + y*y + agl*agl);
+// sAlt = qMin(h, sAlt);
+// }
+// sonarAltData.Altitude = sAlt;
+// sonarAlt->setData(sonarAltData);
+// sonarAltTime = currentTime;
+// }
+ }
+ // Update BaroAltitude object
+ BaroAltitude::DataFields baroAltData;
+ memset(&baroAltData, 0, sizeof(BaroAltitude::DataFields));
+ baroAltData.Altitude = out.altitude + noise.baroAltData.Altitude;
+ baroAltData.Temperature = out.temperature + noise.baroAltData.Temperature;
+ baroAltData.Pressure = out.pressure + noise.baroAltData.Pressure;
+ baroAlt->setData(baroAltData);
+ // Update BaroAirspeed object
+ BaroAirspeed::DataFields baroAirspeedData;
+ memset(&baroAirspeedData, 0, sizeof(BaroAirspeed::DataFields));
+ baroAirspeedData.CalibratedAirspeed = out.calibratedAirspeed + noise.baroAirspeed.CalibratedAirspeed;
+ baroAirspeed->setData(baroAirspeedData);
+ if (settings.attRaw) {
+ //Update gyroscope sensor data
+ Gyros::DataFields gyroData;
+ memset(&gyroData, 0, sizeof(Gyros::DataFields));
+ gyroData.x = out.rollRate + noise.gyroData.x;
+ gyroData.y = out.pitchRate + noise.gyroData.y;
+ gyroData.z = out.yawRate + noise.gyroData.z;
+ gyros->setData(gyroData);
+ //Update accelerometer sensor data
+ Accels::DataFields accelData;
+ memset(&accelData, 0, sizeof(Accels::DataFields));
+ accelData.x = out.accX + noise.accelData.x;
+ accelData.y = out.accY + noise.accelData.y;
+ accelData.z = out.accZ + noise.accelData.z;
+ accels->setData(accelData);
+ }
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/simulator.h b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/simulator.h
index 8ca683654..ee2721fab 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/simulator.h
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/simulator.h
@@ -107,13 +107,42 @@ typedef struct _CONNECTION
QString binPath;
QString dataPath;
QString hostAddress;
- QString remoteHostAddress;
+ QString remoteAddress;
int outPort;
int inPort;
- bool manual;
bool startSim;
QString latitude;
QString longitude;
+ //Added by Hhrrrr
+ bool homeLocation;
+ quint16 homeLocRate;
+ bool attRaw;
+ quint8 attRawRate;
+ bool attActual;
+ bool attActHW;
+ bool attActSim;
+ bool attActCalc;
+ bool sonarAltitude;
+ float sonarMaxAlt;
+ quint16 sonarAltRate;
+ bool groundTruth;
+ bool gpsPosition;
+ quint16 gpsPosRate;
+ bool inputCommand;
+ bool gcsReciever;
+ bool manualControl;
+ bool manualOutput;
+ quint8 outputRate;
} SimulatorSettings;
@@ -140,6 +169,7 @@ struct Output2OP{
float rollRate; //[deg/s]
float pitchRate; //[deg/s]
float yawRate; //[deg/s]
+ float delT;
@@ -214,6 +244,7 @@ protected:
BaroAltitude* baroAlt;
BaroAirspeed* baroAirspeed;
AttitudeActual* attActual;
+ AttitudeSettings* attSettings;
VelocityActual* velActual;
GPSPosition* gpsPos;
GPSVelocity* gpsVel;
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/xplanesimulator.cpp b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/xplanesimulator.cpp
index 1546b862e..051e23013 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/xplanesimulator.cpp
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/hitlnew/xplanesimulator.cpp
@@ -117,59 +117,59 @@ void XplaneSimulator::transmitUpdate()
// 11th data settings (flight con: ail/elv/rud)
- code = 11;
- //quint8 header[] = "DATA";
- /*
- stream << *((quint32*)header) <<
- (quint8)0x30 <<
- code <<
- *((quint32*)&elevator) <<
- *((quint32*)&ailerons) <<
- *((quint32*)&rudder) <<
- none <<
- *((quint32*)&ailerons) <<
- none <<
- none <<
- none;
- */
- buf.append("DATA0");
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&code), sizeof(code));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&elevator), sizeof(elevator));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&ailerons), sizeof(ailerons));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&rudder), sizeof(rudder));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&rudder), sizeof(rudder));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- TraceBuf(buf.data(),41);
+ code = 11;
+ //quint8 header[] = "DATA";
+ /*
+ stream << *((quint32*)header) <<
+ (quint8)0x30 <<
+ code <<
+ *((quint32*)&elevator) <<
+ *((quint32*)&ailerons) <<
+ *((quint32*)&rudder) <<
+ none <<
+ *((quint32*)&ailerons) <<
+ none <<
+ none <<
+ none;
+ */
+ buf.append("DATA0");
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&code), sizeof(code));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&elevator), sizeof(elevator));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&ailerons), sizeof(ailerons));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&rudder), sizeof(rudder));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&rudder), sizeof(rudder));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
+// TraceBuf(buf.data(),41);
- if(outSocket->writeDatagram(buf, QHostAddress(settings.remoteHostAddress), settings.outPort) == -1)
- {
- emit processOutput("Error sending UDP packet to XPlane: " + outSocket->errorString() + "\n");
- }
- //outSocket->write(buf);
+ if(outSocket->writeDatagram(buf, QHostAddress(settings.remoteAddress), settings.outPort) == -1)
+ {
+ emit processOutput("Error sending UDP packet to XPlane: " + outSocket->errorString() + "\n");
+ }
+ //outSocket->write(buf);
- // 25th data settings (throttle command)
- buf.clear();
- code = 25;
- //stream << *((quint32*)header) << (quint8)0x30 << code << *((quint32*)&throttle) << none << none
- // << none << none << none << none << none;
- buf.append("DATA0");
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&code), sizeof(code));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&throttle), sizeof(throttle));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&throttle), sizeof(throttle));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
+ // 25th data settings (throttle command)
+ buf.clear();
+ code = 25;
+ //stream << *((quint32*)header) << (quint8)0x30 << code << *((quint32*)&throttle) << none << none
+ // << none << none << none << none << none;
+ buf.append("DATA0");
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&code), sizeof(code));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&throttle), sizeof(throttle));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&throttle), sizeof(throttle));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&throttle), sizeof(throttle));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&throttle), sizeof(throttle));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
+ buf.append(reinterpret_cast(&none), sizeof(none));
- if(outSocket->writeDatagram(buf, QHostAddress(settings.remoteHostAddress), settings.outPort) == -1)
- {
- emit processOutput("Error sending UDP packet to XPlane: " + outSocket->errorString() + "\n");
- }
+ if(outSocket->writeDatagram(buf, QHostAddress(settings.remoteAddress), settings.outPort) == -1)
+ {
+ emit processOutput("Error sending UDP packet to XPlane: " + outSocket->errorString() + "\n");
+ }
diff --git a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/plugins.pro b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/plugins.pro
index 154335e3a..6add3aa77 100644
--- a/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/plugins.pro
+++ b/ground/openpilotgcs/src/plugins/plugins.pro
@@ -147,12 +147,12 @@ plugin_hitlnew.depends += plugin_uavobjects
plugin_hitlnew.depends += plugin_uavtalk
SUBDIRS += plugin_hitlnew
-#HITLNEW Simulation gadget v2
-plugin_hitl_v2.subdir = hitlv2
-plugin_hitl_v2.depends = plugin_coreplugin
-plugin_hitl_v2.depends += plugin_uavobjects
-plugin_hitl_v2.depends += plugin_uavtalk
-SUBDIRS += plugin_hitl_v2
+##HITLNEW Simulation gadget v2
+#plugin_hitl_v2.subdir = hitlv2
+#plugin_hitl_v2.depends = plugin_coreplugin
+#plugin_hitl_v2.depends += plugin_uavobjects
+#plugin_hitl_v2.depends += plugin_uavtalk
+#SUBDIRS += plugin_hitl_v2
# Export and Import GCS Configuration
plugin_importexport.subdir = importexport