mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2025-03-23 15:19:43 +01:00

remove unused uavo collect stuff

This commit is contained in:
James Duley 2016-01-15 23:04:05 +00:00
parent 6dd13bc698
commit d9ebaaf2c3

View File

@ -302,116 +302,6 @@ uploader_clean:
$(V1) [ ! -d "$(UPLOADER_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(UPLOADER_DIR)"
# We want to take snapshots of the UAVOs at each point that they change
# to allow the GCS to be compatible with as many versions as possible.
# We always include a pseudo collection called "srctree" which represents
# the UAVOs in the source tree. So not necessary to add current tree UAVO
# hash here, it is always included.
# Find the git hashes of each commit that changes uavobjects with:
# git log --format=%h -- shared/uavobjectdefinition/ | head -n 2
# List only UAVO hashes of past releases, do not list current hash.
# Past compatible versions are so far: RELEASE-12.10.2
# All versions includes also the current source tree UAVO hash
# This is where the UAVO collections are stored
UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/uavo-collections
# $(1) git hash of a UAVO snapshot
# Make the output directory that will contain all of the synthetics for the
# uavo collection referenced by the git hash $(1)
$$(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)
# Extract the snapshot of shared/uavobjectdefinition from git hash $(1)
$$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavo-xml.tar: | $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)
$$(V0) @$(ECHO) " UAVOTAR $(1)"
$$(V1) $(GIT) archive $(1) -o $$@ -- shared/uavobjectdefinition/
# Extract the uavo xml files from our snapshot
$$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavo-xml: $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavo-xml.tar
$$(V0) @$(ECHO) " UAVOUNTAR $(1)"
$$(V1) $(RM) -rf $$@
$$(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$@
$$(V1) $(TAR) -C $$(call toprel, $$@) -xf $$(call toprel, $$<) || $(RM) -rf $$@
# Map the current working directory into the set of UAVO collections
$(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $@
$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/srctree/uavo-xml: | $(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/srctree
$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/srctree/uavo-xml: $(UAVOBJ_XML_DIR)
$(V1) $(LN) -sf $(ROOT_DIR) $(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/srctree/uavo-xml
# $(1) git hash (or symbolic name) of a UAVO snapshot
# This leaves us with a (broken) symlink that points to the full sha1sum of the collection
$$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavohash: $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavo-xml
# Compute the sha1 hash for this UAVO collection
# The sed bit truncates the UAVO hash to 16 hex digits
$$(V1) $$(VERSION_INFO) \
--uavodir=$$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavo-xml/shared/uavobjectdefinition \
--format='$$$${UAVO_HASH}' | \
$(SED) -e 's|\(................\).*|\1|' > $$@
$$(V0) @$(ECHO) " UAVOHASH $(1) ->" $$$$(cat $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavohash)
# Generate the java uavobjects for this UAVO collection
$$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/java-build/java: $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavohash
$$(V0) @$(ECHO) " UAVOJAVA $(1) " $$$$(cat $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavohash)
$$(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$@
$$(V1) ( \
cd $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/java-build && \
$$(UAVOBJGENERATOR) -java $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavo-xml/shared/uavobjectdefinition $$(ROOT_DIR) ; \
# Build a jar file for this UAVO collection
$$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/java-build/uavobjects.jar: | $$(ANDROIDGCS_ASSETS_DIR)/uavos
$$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/java-build/uavobjects.jar: $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/java-build/java
$$(V0) @$(ECHO) " UAVOJAR $(1) " $$$$(cat $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavohash)
$$(V1) ( \
HASH=$$$$(cat $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/uavohash) && \
cd $$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(1)/java-build && \
$(JAVAC) java/*.java \
$$(ROOT_DIR)/androidgcs/src/org/openpilot/uavtalk/UAVDataObject.java \
$$(ROOT_DIR)/androidgcs/src/org/openpilot/uavtalk/UAVObject*.java \
$$(ROOT_DIR)/androidgcs/src/org/openpilot/uavtalk/UAVMetaObject.java \
-d . && \
find ./org/openpilot/uavtalk/uavobjects -type f -name '*.class' > classlist.txt && \
$(JAR) cf tmp_uavobjects.jar @classlist.txt && \
--dex \
--output $$(ANDROIDGCS_ASSETS_DIR)/uavos/$$$${HASH}.jar \
tmp_uavobjects.jar && \
$(LN) -sf $$(ANDROIDGCS_ASSETS_DIR)/uavos/$$$${HASH}.jar uavobjects.jar \
# One of these for each element of UAVO_GIT_VERSIONS so we can extract the UAVOs from git
$(foreach githash, $(UAVO_GIT_VERSIONS), $(eval $(call UAVO_COLLECTION_GIT_TEMPLATE,$(githash))))
# One of these for each UAVO_ALL_VERSIONS which includes the ones in the srctree
$(foreach githash, $(UAVO_ALL_VERSIONS), $(eval $(call UAVO_COLLECTION_BUILD_TEMPLATE,$(githash))))
.PHONY: uavo-collections_java
uavo-collections_java: $(foreach githash, $(UAVO_ALL_VERSIONS), $(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)/$(githash)/java-build/uavobjects.jar)
.PHONY: uavo-collections
uavo-collections: uavo-collections_java
.PHONY: uavo-collections_clean
@$(ECHO) " CLEAN $(call toprel, $(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR))"
$(V1) [ ! -d "$(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r $(UAVO_COLLECTION_DIR)