From da1a7620723f5e82e4bad7fb362e598a754eaa0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: andrew Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 05:52:34 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Added basic code for Yaw stabilisation in manual mode for Helis. This is functionally the same as having a heading hold gyro in hardware. Code is copied from the simple stabilisation routine and is a bit rough at the minute, but initial testing looks good. git-svn-id: svn:// ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba --- flight/OpenPilot/Modules/Actuator/actuator.c | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+) diff --git a/flight/OpenPilot/Modules/Actuator/actuator.c b/flight/OpenPilot/Modules/Actuator/actuator.c index fa4f73fa5..335512736 100644 --- a/flight/OpenPilot/Modules/Actuator/actuator.c +++ b/flight/OpenPilot/Modules/Actuator/actuator.c @@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ #include "actuatorcommand.h" #include "manualcontrolcommand.h" +//yaw stabilisation for helis... +#include "stabilizationsettings.h" +#include "attitudeactual.h" +//yaw stabilisation for helis... + + // Private constants #define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 2 #define STACK_SIZE configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE @@ -47,6 +53,18 @@ #define FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT_MS 100 // Private types + //yaw stabilisation for helis... + //currently just coppied from simple stabilisation + #define YAW_INTEGRAL_LIMIT 0.5 + AttitudeActualData attitudeActual; + StabilizationSettingsData stabSettings; + float ccpmYawError, ccpmYawErrorLast; + float ccpmYawDerivative; + float ccpmYawIntegral, ccpmYawIntegralLimit; + float desiredYaw; + static float bound(float val, float min, float max); + //yaw stabilisation for helis... + // Private variables static xQueueHandle queue; @@ -76,6 +94,10 @@ int32_t ActuatorInitialize() // Listen for ExampleObject1 updates ActuatorDesiredConnectQueue(queue); + ccpmYawErrorLast = 0.0; + + + // Start main task xTaskCreate(actuatorTask, (signed char*)"Actuator", STACK_SIZE, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &taskHandle); @@ -563,10 +585,46 @@ static int32_t mixerCCPM( ActuatorSettingsData* settings, const ActuatorDesiredD { configOK=0; } + ccpmYawErrorLast = 0.0; + } else {//TODO need to implement the stabilization PID loop to provide heading hold gyro functionality in manual control mode + //currently just coppied from simple stabilisation + AttitudeActualGet(&attitudeActual); + StabilizationSettingsGet(&stabSettings); + + if (desired->Yaw<0) + { + desiredYaw = 360 + (desired->Yaw*180.0); + } + else + { + desiredYaw = (desired->Yaw*180.0); + } + + // Yaw stabilization control loop + ccpmYawError = desiredYaw - attitudeActual.Yaw; + //this should make it take the quickest path to reach the desired yaw + if (ccpmYawError>180.0)ccpmYawError -= 360; + if (ccpmYawError<-180.0)ccpmYawError += 360; + ccpmYawDerivative = ccpmYawError - ccpmYawErrorLast; + ccpmYawIntegralLimit = YAW_INTEGRAL_LIMIT / stabSettings.YawKi; + ccpmYawIntegral = bound(ccpmYawIntegral+ccpmYawError*stabSettings.UpdatePeriod, -ccpmYawIntegralLimit, ccpmYawIntegralLimit); + desiredYaw = stabSettings.YawKp*ccpmYawError + stabSettings.YawKi*ccpmYawIntegral + stabSettings.YawKd*ccpmYawDerivative;; + desiredYaw = bound(desiredYaw, -1.0, 1.0); + ccpmYawErrorLast = ccpmYawError; + if ( settings->CCPMTailRotor != ACTUATORSETTINGS_CCPMTAILROTOR_NONE ) + { + cmd->Channel[ settings->CCPMTailRotor ] = scaleChannel(desiredYaw, settings->ChannelMax[ settings->CCPMTailRotor ], + settings->ChannelMin[ settings->CCPMTailRotor ], + settings->ChannelNeutral[ settings->CCPMTailRotor ]); + } + else + { + configOK=0; + } } if (configOK<2)return -1; return 0;