mirror of https://bitbucket.org/librepilot/librepilot.git synced 2025-03-16 08:29:15 +01:00

Pretty major rewrite which can either run with thread monitoring (windows) or with conditional waits. Definitions in file set mode, but robust for all modes on OSX, now for windows testing

git-svn-id: svn://svn.openpilot.org/OpenPilot/trunk@1054 ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba
This commit is contained in:
peabody124 2010-07-10 06:25:33 +00:00 committed by peabody124
parent d23ac909db
commit db1dde5d8c

View File

@ -76,8 +76,9 @@
#define DB_P(x) // x
/* Parameters to pass to the newly created pthread. */
typedef struct XPARAMS
@ -90,9 +91,10 @@ typedef struct XPARAMS
pthread_t hThread;
pthread_cond_t hCond;
pthread_mutex_t hMutex;
pthread_cond_t * hCond;
pthread_mutex_t * hMutex;
xTaskHandle hTask;
portBASE_TYPE xThreadState;
unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;
} xThreadState;
@ -100,16 +102,21 @@ typedef struct THREAD_SUSPENSIONS
static xThreadState *pxThreads;
static pthread_once_t hSigSetupThread = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static pthread_attr_t xThreadAttributes;
static pthread_mutex_t xRunningThread = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t xSuspendResumeThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t xSingleThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t xSwappingThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_t hMainThread = ( pthread_t )NULL;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xSentinel = 0;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xRunning = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xSuspended = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xStarted = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xHandover = 0;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xSchedulerEnd = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xInterruptsEnabled = pdTRUE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xInterruptsCurrent = pdTRUE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xServicingTick = pdFALSE;
static volatile portBASE_TYPE xPendYield = pdFALSE;
static volatile portLONG lIndexOfLastAddedTask = 0;
@ -121,34 +128,38 @@ static volatile unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxCriticalNesting;
static void *prvWaitForStart( void * pvParams );
static void prvSuspendSignalHandler(int sig);
//static void prvResumeSignalHandler(int sig);
static void prvSetupSignalsAndSchedulerPolicy( void );
static void prvSuspendThread( pthread_t xThreadId );
static void pauseThread();
//static void prvResumeThread( pthread_t xThreadId );
static void pauseThread( portBASE_TYPE pauseMode );
static pthread_t prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskHandle hTask );
static pthread_cond_t prvGetThreadCondition( xTaskHandle hTask );
static pthread_mutex_t prvGetThreadMutex( xTaskHandle hTask );
static xTaskHandle prvGetThreadTask( pthread_t hThread );
static pthread_cond_t * prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskHandle hTask );
static pthread_mutex_t * prvGetMutexHandle( xTaskHandle hTask );
static xTaskHandle prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_t hThread );
static portLONG prvGetFreeThreadState( void );
static void prvSetTaskCriticalNesting( pthread_t xThreadId, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxNesting );
static unsigned portBASE_TYPE prvGetTaskCriticalNesting( pthread_t xThreadId );
static void prvDeleteThread( void *xThreadId );
* Exception handlers.
void vPortYield( void );
void vPortSystemTickHandler( int sig );
//#define DEBUG_OUTPUT
// static pthread_mutex_t xPrintfMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
//#define ERROR_OUTPUT
static pthread_mutex_t xPrintfMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
#define debug_printf(...) ( (real_pthread_mutex_lock( &xPrintfMutex )|1)?( \
( \
@ -170,24 +181,30 @@ void vPortSystemTickHandler( int sig );
#define pthread_mutex_lock(...) ( (debug_printf(" -!- pthread_mutex_lock(%s)\n",#__VA_ARGS__)|1)?pthread_mutex_lock(__VA_ARGS__):0 )
#define pthread_mutex_unlock(...) ( (debug_printf(" -=- pthread_mutex_unlock(%s)\n",#__VA_ARGS__)|1)?pthread_mutex_unlock(__VA_ARGS__):0 )
#define pthread_kill(thread,signal) ( (debug_printf("Sending signal %i to thread %li!\n",(int)signal,(long)thread)|1)?pthread_kill(thread,signal):0 )
#define debug_error(...) ( (pthread_mutex_lock( &xPrintfMutex )|1)?( \
( \
(NULL != (debug_task_handle = prvGetTaskHandle(pthread_self())) )? \
(fprintf( stderr, "%20s(%li)\t%20s\t%i: ",debug_task_handle->pcTaskName,(long)pthread_self(),__func__,__LINE__)): \
(fprintf( stderr, "%20s(%li)\t%20s\t%i: ","__unknown__",(long)pthread_self(),__func__,__LINE__)) \
|1)?( \
((fprintf( stderr, __VA_ARGS__ )|1)?pthread_mutex_unlock( &xPrintfMutex ):0) \
):0 ):0 )
#define pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) (debug_printf( "pthread_cond_signals(%li)\r\n", *((long int *) hCond) ) ? 1 : pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) )
#define pthread_cond_timedwait( hCond, hMutex, it ) (debug_printf( "pthread_cond_timedwait(%li,%li)\r\n", *((long int *) hCond), *((long int *) hMutex )) ? 1 : pthread_cond_timedwait( hCond, hMutex, it ) )
#define pthread_sigmask( how, set, out ) (debug_printf( "pthread_sigmask( %i, %li )\r\n", how, *((long int*) set) ) ? 1 : pthread_sigmask( how, set, out ) )
#define debug_printf(...)
static pthread_mutex_t xPrintfMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
#define debug_error(...) ( (pthread_mutex_lock( &xPrintfMutex )|1)?( \
( \
(NULL != (debug_task_handle = prvGetTaskHandle(pthread_self())) )? \
(fprintf( stderr, "%20s(%li)\t%20s\t%i: ",debug_task_handle->pcTaskName,(long)pthread_self(),__func__,__LINE__)): \
(fprintf( stderr, "%20s(%li)\t%20s\t%i: ","__unknown__",(long)pthread_self(),__func__,__LINE__)) \
|1)?( \
((fprintf( stderr, __VA_ARGS__ )|1)?pthread_mutex_unlock( &xPrintfMutex ):0) \
):0 ):0 )
#define debug_printf(...)
#define debug_printf(...)
#define debug_error(...)
//#define debug_printf(...) fprintf( stderr, __VA_ARGS__ );
* Start first task is a separate function so it can be tested in isolation.
@ -236,22 +253,6 @@ typedef struct tskTaskControlBlock
} tskTCB;
tskTCB *debug_task_handle;
tskTCB * prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_t hThread )
portLONG lIndex;
if (pxThreads==NULL) return NULL;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == hThread )
return pxThreads[ lIndex ].hTask;
return NULL;
* See header file for description.
@ -268,13 +269,7 @@ xParams *pxThisThreadParams = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( xParams ) );
if ( (pthread_t)NULL == hMainThread )
hMainThread = pthread_self();
} /*else {
sigset_t xSignals;
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_TICK );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xSignals, NULL );
} */
/* No need to join the threads. */
pthread_attr_init( &xThreadAttributes );
@ -288,22 +283,26 @@ xParams *pxThisThreadParams = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( xParams ) );
lIndexOfLastAddedTask = prvGetFreeThreadState();
debug_printf( "Got index for new task %i\r\n", lIndexOfLastAddedTask );
/* Create a condition signal for this thread */
pthread_condattr_t condAttr;
assert( 0 == pthread_condattr_init(&condAttr) );
assert( 0 == pthread_cond_init( &( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hCond ), &condAttr ) );
assert( 0 == pthread_condattr_init( &condAttr ) );
pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hCond = ( pthread_cond_t *) malloc( sizeof( pthread_cond_t ) );
assert( 0 == pthread_cond_init( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hCond , &condAttr ) );
debug_printf("Cond: %li\r\n", *( (long int *) &pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hCond) );
/* Create a condition mutex for this thread */
pthread_mutexattr_t mutexAttr;
assert( 0 == pthread_mutexattr_init( &mutexAttr ) );
assert( 0 == pthread_mutexattr_settype( &mutexAttr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK ) );
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_init( &( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hMutex ), &mutexAttr ) );
pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hMutex = ( pthread_mutex_t *) malloc( sizeof( pthread_mutex_t ) );
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_init( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hMutex, &mutexAttr ) );
debug_printf("Mutex: %li\r\n", *( (long int *) &pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hMutex) );
/* Create a thread and store it's handle number */
xSentinel = 0;
assert( 0 == pthread_create( &( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hThread ), &xThreadAttributes, prvWaitForStart, (void *)pxThisThreadParams ) );
assert( 0 == pthread_create( &( pxThreads[ lIndexOfLastAddedTask ].hThread ), &xThreadAttributes, prvWaitForStart, (void *)pxThisThreadParams ) );
/* Wait until the task suspends. */
while ( xSentinel == 0 );
@ -322,16 +321,13 @@ void vPortStartFirstTask( void )
/* Start the first task. */
xRunning = 1;
/* Start the first task. */
//prvResumeThread( prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
debug_printf( "Sending resume signal to %li\r\n", (long int) prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
// pthread_kill( prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ), SIG_RESUME );
// Set resume condition for specific thread
pthread_cond_t hCond = prvGetThreadCondition( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
assert( pthread_cond_signal( &hCond ) == 0 );
pthread_cond_t * hCond = prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
assert( pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) == 0 );
@ -341,9 +337,7 @@ void vPortStartFirstTask( void )
portBASE_TYPE xPortStartScheduler( void )
portBASE_TYPE xResult;
sigset_t xSignals;
sigset_t xSignalToBlock;
sigset_t xSignalsBlocked;
portLONG lIndex;
debug_printf( "xPortStartScheduler\r\n" );
@ -351,41 +345,32 @@ portLONG lIndex;
/* Establish the signals to block before they are needed. */
sigfillset( &xSignalToBlock );
sigaddset( &xSignalToBlock, SIG_SUSPEND );
/* sigaddset( &xSignalToBlock, SIG_RESUME );
sigaddset( &xSignalToBlock, SIG_TICK ); */
/* Block until the end */
(void)pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignalToBlock, &xSignalsBlocked );
(void)pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignalToBlock, NULL );
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
pxThreads[ lIndex ].uxCriticalNesting = 0;
/* Start the timer that generates the tick ISR. Interrupts are disabled
here already. */
// prvSetupTimerInterrupt();
/* Start the first task. Will not return unless all threads are killed. */
/* This is the end signal we are looking for. */
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_RESUME );
struct timespec x;
while( pdTRUE != xSchedulerEnd ) {
struct timespec x;
x.tv_nsec=portTICK_RATE_MICROSECONDS * 1000;
//printf("."); fflush(stdout);
debug_printf( "Cleaning Up, Exiting.\n" );
/* Cleanup the mutexes */
xResult = pthread_mutex_destroy( &xSuspendResumeThreadMutex );
xResult = pthread_mutex_destroy( &xSingleThreadMutex );
xResult = pthread_mutex_destroy( &xSwappingThreadMutex );
vPortFree( (void *)pxThreads );
/* Should not get here! */
@ -398,7 +383,6 @@ void vPortEndScheduler( void )
portBASE_TYPE xNumberOfThreads;
portBASE_TYPE xResult;
for ( xNumberOfThreads = 0; xNumberOfThreads < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; xNumberOfThreads++ )
@ -418,20 +402,16 @@ portBASE_TYPE xResult;
void vPortYieldFromISR( void )
/* Calling Yield from a Interrupt/Signal handler often doesn't work because the
* xSingleThreadMutex is already owned by an original call to Yield. Therefore,
* xSwappingThreadMutex is already owned by an original call to Yield. Therefore,
* simply indicate that a yield is required soon.
xPendYield = pdTRUE;
void vPortEnterCritical( void )
@ -439,7 +419,6 @@ void vPortEnterCritical( void )
void vPortExitCritical( void )
/* Check for unmatched exits. */
if ( uxCriticalNesting > 0 )
@ -464,52 +443,86 @@ void vPortYield( void )
pthread_t xTaskToSuspend;
pthread_t xTaskToResume;
sigset_t xSignals;
tskTCB * oldTask, * newTask;
sigset_t xSignals;
/* We must mask the suspend signal here, because otherwise there can be an */
/* interrupt while in pthread_mutex_lock and that will cause the next thread */
/* to deadlock when it tries to get this mutex */
debug_printf( "Entering\r\n" );
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_TICK );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xSignals, NULL );
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_SUSPEND );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL );
assert( pthread_mutex_lock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) == 0);
oldTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
xTaskToSuspend = prvGetThreadHandle( oldTask ); //xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
xTaskToSuspend = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
if(xTaskToSuspend != pthread_self() ) {
printf( "Called from different thread (%li) than what it will suspend (%li(%s)). Probably reflects bad state\r\n", (long int) pthread_self(), (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName );
kill(getpid(), SIGKILL );
/* This means between masking the interrupt and getting the lock, there was an interrupt */
/* and this task should suspend. Release the lock, then unmask interrupts to go ahead and */
/* service the signal */
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) );
debug_printf( "The current task isn't even us, letting interrupt happen. Watch for swap.\r\n" );
/* Now we are resuming, want to be able to catch this interrupt again */
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL);
xStarted = pdFALSE;
/* Get new task then release the task switching mutex */
newTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
xTaskToResume = prvGetThreadHandle( newTask ) ; //xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
xTaskToResume = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
if ( xTaskToSuspend != xTaskToResume )
if ( pthread_self() != xTaskToResume )
/* Remember and switch the critical nesting. */
prvSetTaskCriticalNesting( xTaskToSuspend, uxCriticalNesting );
uxCriticalNesting = prvGetTaskCriticalNesting( xTaskToResume );
debug_error( "Swapping From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
/* Switch tasks. */
debug_printf( "Yielding %li: From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n",(long int) pthread_self(), (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
prvSuspendThread( xTaskToSuspend );
debug_printf( "Yielded %li: From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n",(long int) pthread_self(), (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
/* Set resume condition for specific thread */
pthread_cond_t * hCond = prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
assert( pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) == 0 );
while( xStarted == pdFALSE )
debug_printf( "Waiting for task to resume\r\n" );
debug_printf( "Detected task resuming. Pausing this task\r\n" );
/* Release swapping thread mutex and pause self */
assert( pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) == 0);
pauseThread( THREAD_PAUSE_YIELD );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &xSignals, NULL );
else {
assert( pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) == 0);
/* Now we are resuming, want to be able to catch this interrupt again */
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL);
void vPortDisableInterrupts( void )
xInterruptsEnabled = pdFALSE;
void vPortEnableInterrupts( void )
xInterruptsEnabled = pdTRUE;
@ -517,7 +530,7 @@ void vPortEnableInterrupts( void )
portBASE_TYPE xPortSetInterruptMask( void )
portBASE_TYPE xReturn = xInterruptsEnabled;
xInterruptsEnabled = pdFALSE;
return xReturn;
@ -525,7 +538,7 @@ portBASE_TYPE xReturn = xInterruptsEnabled;
void vPortClearInterruptMask( portBASE_TYPE xMask )
xInterruptsEnabled = xMask;
@ -535,26 +548,21 @@ void vPortSystemTickHandler( int sig )
pthread_t xTaskToSuspend;
pthread_t xTaskToResume;
portBASE_TYPE xInterruptValue;
tskTCB * oldTask, * newTask;
int lockResult;
xInterruptValue = xInterruptsEnabled;
debug_printf( "\r\n\r\n" );
debug_printf( "(xInterruptsEnabled = %i, xServicingTick = %i)\r\n", (int) xInterruptValue != 0, (int) xServicingTick != 0);
if ( ( pdTRUE == xInterruptValue ) && ( pdTRUE != xServicingTick ) )
debug_printf( "(xInterruptsEnabled = %i, xServicingTick = %i)\r\n", (int) xInterruptsEnabled != 0, (int) xServicingTick != 0);
if ( ( pdTRUE == xInterruptsEnabled ) && ( pdTRUE != xServicingTick ) )
// debug_printf( "Checking for lock ...\r\n" );
// lockResult = pthread_mutex_trylock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
lockResult = 0;
// debug_printf( "Done\r\n" );
if ( 0 == lockResult)
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_trylock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) )
debug_printf( "Handling\r\n");
xServicingTick = pdTRUE;
oldTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
xTaskToSuspend = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
/* Tick Increment. */
@ -562,35 +570,62 @@ int lockResult;
#if ( configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1 )
newTask = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
xTaskToResume = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
debug_printf( "Want %s running\r\n", newTask->pcTaskName );
/* The only thread that can process this tick is the running thread. */
if ( xTaskToSuspend != xTaskToResume )
xSuspended = pdFALSE;
xStarted = pdFALSE;
/* Remember and switch the critical nesting. */
prvSetTaskCriticalNesting( xTaskToSuspend, uxCriticalNesting );
uxCriticalNesting = prvGetTaskCriticalNesting( xTaskToResume );
debug_printf( "Swapping From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
/* It shouldn't be possible for a second task swap to happen while waiting for this because */
/* they can't get the xSwappingThreadMutex */
while( xSuspended == pdFALSE )
assert( pthread_kill( xTaskToSuspend, SIG_SUSPEND ) == 0);
debug_printf( "Swapping From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
// prvResumeThread( xTaskToResume ); /* Resume next task. */
prvSuspendThread( xTaskToSuspend ); /* Suspend the current task. */
debug_printf( "Swapped From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName);
while( xStarted == pdFALSE)
// Set resume condition for specific thread
pthread_cond_t * hCond = prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
assert( pthread_cond_signal( hCond ) == 0 );
assert( pthread_kill( xTaskToSuspend, SIG_SUSPEND ) == 0);
debug_printf( "Swapped From %li(%s) to %li(%s)\r\n", (long int) xTaskToSuspend, oldTask->pcTaskName, (long int) xTaskToResume, newTask->pcTaskName); }
debug_printf( "Resuming previous task\r\n" );
/* Release the lock as we are Resuming. */
// (void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
// debug_error ("Want %s running \r\n", newTask->pcTaskName );
xServicingTick = pdFALSE;
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex );
debug_printf( "Pending yield here (portYield has lock - hopefully)\r\n" );
debug_error( "Pending yield here (portYield has lock - hopefully)\r\n" );
xPendYield = pdTRUE;
@ -609,7 +644,7 @@ portBASE_TYPE xResult;
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) )
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSwappingThreadMutex ) )
xTaskToDelete = prvGetThreadHandle( hTaskToDelete );
xTaskToResume = prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
@ -631,19 +666,19 @@ portBASE_TYPE xResult;
xResult = pthread_cancel( xTaskToDelete );
/* Pthread Clean-up function will note the cancellation. */
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex );
/* Resume the other thread. */
//prvResumeThread( xTaskToResume );
/* Assert zero - I never fixed this functionality */
assert( 0 );
/* Pthread Clean-up function will note the cancellation. */
/* Release the execution. */
uxCriticalNesting = 0;
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSwappingThreadMutex );
/* Commit suicide */
pthread_exit( (void *)1 );
@ -659,8 +694,6 @@ void * pParams = pxParams->pvParams;
vPortFree( pvParams );
pthread_cleanup_push( prvDeleteThread, (void *)pthread_self() );
xSentinel = 1; // tell creating block to resume
/* want to block suspend when not the active thread */
sigset_t xSignals;
@ -668,18 +701,28 @@ void * pParams = pxParams->pvParams;
sigaddset( &xSignals, SIG_SUSPEND );
assert( pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xSignals, NULL ) == 0);
/* Because the FreeRTOS creates the TCB stack, which in this implementation */
/* creates a thread, we need to wait until the task handle is added before */
/* trying to pause. Must set xSentinel high so the creating task knows we're */
/* here */
debug_printf("Thread started, waiting till handle is added\r\n");
xSentinel = 1;
while( prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_self() ) == NULL ){
debug_printf("Handle added, pausing\r\n");
// wait for resume signal
debug_printf("Pausing newly created thread for SIG_RESUME\r\n");
// no longer want to block any signals
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
assert( pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL ) == 0);
/* Want to delay briefly until we have explicit resume signal as otherwise the */
/* current task variable might be in the wrong state */
debug_printf("Starting first run\r\n");
//xHandover = 1;
//assert ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) )
sigemptyset( &xSignals );
assert( pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &xSignals, NULL ) == 0);
pvCode( pParams );
@ -688,38 +731,96 @@ void * pParams = pxParams->pvParams;
void pauseThread()
void pauseThread( portBASE_TYPE pauseMode )
xTaskHandle hTask = prvGetThreadTask( pthread_self() );
pthread_cond_t hCond = prvGetThreadCondition( hTask );
pthread_mutex_t hMutex = prvGetThreadMutex( hTask );
// while( !shouldResume ) {
pthread_cond_wait( &hCond, &hMutex );
// }
debug_printf( "Pausing thread %li. Set xSuspended false\r\n", (long int) pthread_self() );
if( pauseMode != THREAD_PAUSE_CREATED )
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_unlock( &xRunningThread ) );
int xResult;
xTaskHandle hTask = prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_self() );
pthread_cond_t * hCond = prvGetConditionHandle( hTask );
pthread_mutex_t * hMutex = prvGetMutexHandle( hTask );
debug_printf("Cond: %li\r\n", *( (long int *) hCond) );
debug_printf("Mutex: %li\r\n", *( (long int *) hMutex) );
struct timeval tv;
struct timespec ts;
gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + 0;
xSuspended = pdTRUE;
while (1) {
if( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) && xRunning )
xStarted = pdTRUE;
assert( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xRunningThread ) );
else {
gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
ts.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec + 1;
ts.tv_nsec = 0;
xResult = pthread_cond_timedwait( hCond, hMutex, &ts );
assert( xResult != EINVAL );
/* For windows where conditional signaling is buggy */
/* It would be wonderful to put a nanosleep here, but since its not reentrant safe */
/* and there may be a sleep in the main code (this can be called from an ISR) we must */
/* check this */
// debug_error( "Checked my status\r\n" );
void prvSuspendSignalHandler(int sig)
sigset_t xBlockSignals;
/* This signal is set here instead of pauseThread because it is checked by the tick handler */
/* which means if there were a swap it should result in a suspend interrupt */
debug_error( "Caught signal %i\r\n", sig );
/* Check that we aren't suspending when we should be running. This bug would need tracking down */
assert( pthread_self() != prvGetThreadHandle(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
//assert( pthread_self() != prvGetThreadHandle(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
if( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) )
debug_printf( "Suspend ISR called while this thread still marked active. Reflects buggy behavior in scheduler\r\n" );
/* Block further suspend signals. They need to go to their thread */
sigemptyset( &xBlockSignals );
sigaddset( &xBlockSignals, SIG_SUSPEND );
assert( pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &xBlockSignals, NULL ) == 0);
/* Unlock the Single thread mutex to allow the resumed task to continue. */
//assert ( 0 == pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) );
// Set resume condition for specific thread
pthread_cond_t hCond = prvGetThreadCondition( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );
assert( pthread_cond_signal( &hCond ) == 0 );
assert( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
while( pthread_self() != prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) )
debug_printf( "Incorrectly woke up. Repausing\r\n" );
/* Make sure the right thread is resuming */
assert( pthread_self() == prvGetThreadHandle(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() ) );
@ -745,69 +846,7 @@ sigset_t xBlockSignals;
void prvSuspendThread( pthread_t xThreadId )
debug_printf( "Suspending %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId);
/* Set-up for the Suspend Signal handler? */
xSentinel = 0;
debug_printf( "About to kill %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId );
assert( pthread_kill( xThreadId, SIG_SUSPEND ) == 0);
debug_printf( "Killed %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId );
while ( ( xSentinel == 0 ) && ( pdTRUE != xServicingTick ) )
debug_printf( "sched_yield()\r\n" );
/*void prvResumeSignalHandler(int sig)
debug_printf( "prvResumeSignalHandler getLock");
// Yield the Scheduler to ensure that the yielding thread completes.
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSingleThreadMutex ) )
debug_printf( "prvResumeSignalHandler: unlocking xSingleThreadMutex (%li)\r\n", (long int) pthread_self());
(void)pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSingleThreadMutex );
/*void prvResumeThread( pthread_t xThreadId )
portBASE_TYPE xResult;
debug_printf( "getLock\r\n" );
if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_lock( &xSuspendResumeThreadMutex ) )
debug_printf( "Resuming %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId );
if ( pthread_self() != xThreadId )
//xResult = pthread_kill( xThreadId, SIG_RESUME );
debug_printf( "No longer doing anything. Suspend handler for previous thread should start %li\r\n", (long int) xThreadId );
else {
debug_printf( "Thread attempting to resume itself. This is not expected behavior\r\n" );
kill( getpid(), SIGKILL );
xResult = pthread_mutex_unlock( &xSuspendResumeThreadMutex );
else {
debug_printf("Error getting lock to resume thread\r\n");
kill( getpid(), SIGKILL );
} */
void prvSetupSignalsAndSchedulerPolicy( void )
@ -839,17 +878,13 @@ portLONG lIndex;
sigsuspendself.sa_handler = prvSuspendSignalHandler;
sigfillset( &sigsuspendself.sa_mask );
if ( 0 != sigaction( SIG_SUSPEND, &sigsuspendself, NULL ) )
printf( "Problem installing SIG_SUSPEND_SELF\n" );
assert ( 0 == sigaction( SIG_SUSPEND, &sigsuspendself, NULL ) );
pthread_mutex_t prvGetThreadMutex( xTaskHandle hTask )
pthread_mutex_t * prvGetMutexHandle( xTaskHandle hTask )
pthread_mutex_t hMutex;
pthread_mutex_t * hMutex;
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
@ -864,11 +899,14 @@ portLONG lIndex;
xTaskHandle prvGetThreadTask( pthread_t hThread )
xTaskHandle prvGetTaskHandle( pthread_t hThread )
xTaskHandle hTask;
xTaskHandle hTask = NULL;
portLONG lIndex;
/* If not initialized yet */
if( pxThreads == NULL ) return NULL;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == hThread )
@ -878,22 +916,26 @@ portLONG lIndex;
return hTask;
pthread_cond_t prvGetThreadCondition( xTaskHandle hTask )
pthread_cond_t * prvGetConditionHandle( xTaskHandle hTask )
pthread_cond_t hCond;
pthread_cond_t * hCond;
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hTask == hTask )
hCond = pxThreads[ lIndex ].hCond;
debug_printf( "Found condition on %i task\r\n", lIndex );
return pxThreads[ lIndex ].hCond;
printf( "Failed to get handle, pausing then recursing\r\n" );
return prvGetConditionHandle( hTask );
return hCond;
@ -903,8 +945,6 @@ pthread_t prvGetThreadHandle( xTaskHandle hTask )
pthread_t hThread = ( pthread_t )NULL;
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hTask == hTask )
@ -921,8 +961,6 @@ portLONG prvGetFreeThreadState( void )
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == ( pthread_t )NULL )
@ -945,7 +983,7 @@ portLONG lIndex;
void prvSetTaskCriticalNesting( pthread_t xThreadId, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxNesting )
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == xThreadId )
@ -962,8 +1000,6 @@ unsigned portBASE_TYPE prvGetTaskCriticalNesting( pthread_t xThreadId )
unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxNesting = 0;
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == xThreadId )
@ -980,8 +1016,6 @@ void prvDeleteThread( void *xThreadId )
portLONG lIndex;
for ( lIndex = 0; lIndex < MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS; lIndex++ )
if ( pxThreads[ lIndex ].hThread == ( pthread_t )xThreadId )
@ -1019,16 +1053,16 @@ portLONG lIndex;
void vPortFindTicksPerSecond( void )
/* Needs to be reasonably high for accuracy. */
//unsigned long ulTicksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
//printf( "Timer Resolution for Run TimeStats is %ld ticks per second.\n", ulTicksPerSecond );
unsigned long ulTicksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
printf( "Timer Resolution for Run TimeStats is %ld ticks per second.\n", ulTicksPerSecond );
@ -1036,8 +1070,6 @@ unsigned long ulPortGetTimerValue( void )
struct tms xTimes;
unsigned long ulTotalTime = times( &xTimes );
/* Return the application code times.
* The timer only increases when the application code is actually running