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Merged in corvusvcorax/librepilot/LP-500_HoTT_Telemetry_Bridge (pull request #409)

LP-500 HoTT Telemetry Bridge

Approved-by: Philippe Renon <philippe_renon@yahoo.fr>
Approved-by: Eric Price <corvuscorax@cybertrench.com>
Approved-by: Lalanne Laurent <f5soh@free.fr>
Approved-by: Alessio Morale <alessiomorale@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Eric Price 2017-03-30 18:02:29 +00:00 committed by Philippe Renon
commit faf51bb13b
15 changed files with 1519 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
* @addtogroup Modules
* @{
* @addtogroup UAVOHoTTBridge UAVO to HoTT Bridge Telemetry Module
* @{
* @file uavohottbridge.h
* @author The LibrePilot Project, http://www.librepilot.org Copyright (C) 2017.
* Tau Labs, http://taulabs.org, Copyright (C) 2013
* @brief sends telemery data on HoTT request
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// timing variables
#define IDLE_TIME 10 // idle line delay to prevent data crashes on telemetry line.
#define DATA_TIME 3 // time between 2 transmitted bytes
// sizes and lengths
#define climbratesize 50 // defines size of ring buffer for climbrate calculation
#define statussize 21 // number of characters in status line
// scale factors
#define M_TO_CM 100 // scale m to cm or m/s to cm/s
#define MS_TO_KMH 3.6f // scale m/s to km/h
#define DEG_TO_UINT 0.5f // devide degrees by 2. then the value fits into a byte.
// offsets. used to make transmitted values unsigned.
#define OFFSET_ALTITUDE 500 // 500m
#define OFFSET_CLIMBRATE 30000 // 30000cm/s or 300m/s
#define OFFSET_CLIMBRATE3S 120 // 120m/s
#define OFFSET_TEMPERATURE 20 // 20 degrees
// Bits to invert display areas or values
#define VARIO_INVERT_ALT (1 << 0) // altitude
#define VARIO_INVERT_MAX (1 << 1) // max altitude
#define VARIO_INVERT_MIN (1 << 2) // min altitude
#define VARIO_INVERT_CR1S (1 << 3) // climbrate 1s
#define VARIO_INVERT_CR3S (1 << 4) // climbrate 3s
#define VARIO_INVERT_CR10S (1 << 5) // climbrate 10s
#define GPS_INVERT_HDIST (1 << 0) // home distance
#define GPS_INVERT_SPEED (1 << 1) // speed (kmh)
#define GPS_INVERT_ALT (1 << 2) // altitude
#define GPS_INVERT_CR1S (1 << 3) // climbrate 1s
#define GPS_INVERT_CR3S (1 << 4) // climbrate 3s
#define GPS_INVERT2_POS (1 << 0) // GPS postion values
#define GAM_INVERT_CELL (1 << 0) // cell voltage
#define GAM_INVERT_BATT1 (1 << 1) // battery 1 voltage
#define GAM_INVERT_BATT2 (1 << 2) // battery 1 voltage
#define GAM_INVERT_TEMP1 (1 << 3) // temperature 1
#define GAM_INVERT_TEMP2 (1 << 4) // temperature 2
#define GAM_INVERT_FUEL (1 << 5) // fuel
#define GAM_INVERT2_CURRENT (1 << 0) // current
#define GAM_INVERT2_VOLTAGE (1 << 1) // voltage
#define GAM_INVERT2_ALT (1 << 2) // altitude
#define GAM_INVERT2_CR1S (1 << 3) // climbrate 1s
#define GAM_INVERT2_CR3S (1 << 4) // climbrate 3s
#define EAM_INVERT_CAPACITY (1 << 0) // capacity
#define EAM_INVERT_BATT1 (1 << 1) // battery 1 voltage
#define EAM_INVERT_BATT2 (1 << 2) // battery 1 voltage
#define EAM_INVERT_TEMP1 (1 << 3) // temperature 1
#define EAM_INVERT_TEMP2 (1 << 4) // temperature 2
#define EAM_INVERT_ALT (1 << 5) // altitude
#define EAM_INVERT_CURRENT (1 << 6) // current
#define EAM_INVERT_VOLTAGE (1 << 7) // voltage
#define EAM_INVERT2_ALT (1 << 2) // altitude
#define EAM_INVERT2_CR1S (1 << 3) // climbrate 1s
#define EAM_INVERT2_CR3S (1 << 4) // climbrate 3s
#define ESC_INVERT_VOLTAGE (1 << 0) // voltage
#define ESC_INVERT_TEMP1 (1 << 1) // temperature 1
#define ESC_INVERT_TEMP2 (1 << 2) // temperature 2
#define ESC_INVERT_CURRENT (1 << 3) // current
#define ESC_INVERT_RPM (1 << 4) // rpm
#define ESC_INVERT_CAPACITY (1 << 5) // capacity
#define ESC_INVERT_MAXCURRENT (1 << 6) // maximum current
// message codes
#define HOTT_TEXT_ID 0x7f // Text request
#define HOTT_BINARY_ID 0x80 // Binary request
#define HOTT_VARIO_ID 0x89 // Vario Module ID
#define HOTT_VARIO_TEXT_ID 0x90 // Vario Module TEXT ID
#define HOTT_GPS_ID 0x8a // GPS Module ID
#define HOTT_GPS_TEXT_ID 0xa0 // GPS Module TEXT ID
#define HOTT_ESC_ID 0x8c // ESC Module ID
#define HOTT_ESC_TEXT_ID 0xc0 // ESC Module TEXT ID
#define HOTT_GAM_ID 0x8d // General Air Module ID
#define HOTT_GAM_TEXT_ID 0xd0 // General Air Module TEXT ID
#define HOTT_EAM_ID 0x8e // Electric Air Module ID
#define HOTT_EAM_TEXT_ID 0xe0 // Electric Air Module TEXT ID
#define HOTT_TEXT_START 0x7b // Start byte Text mode
#define HOTT_START 0x7c // Start byte Binary mode
#define HOTT_STOP 0x7d // End byte
#define HOTT_BUTTON_DEC 0xEB // minus button
#define HOTT_BUTTON_INC 0xED // plus button
#define HOTT_BUTTON_SET 0xE9 // set button
#define HOTT_BUTTON_NIL 0x0F // esc button
#define HOTT_BUTTON_NEXT 0xEE // next button
#define HOTT_BUTTON_PREV 0xE7 // previous button
// prefined signal tones or spoken announcments
#define HOTT_TONE_A 1 // minimum speed
#define HOTT_TONE_B 2 // sink rate 3 seconds
#define HOTT_TONE_C 3 // sink rate 1 second
#define HOTT_TONE_D 4 // maximum distance
#define HOTT_TONE_E 5 // -
#define HOTT_TONE_F 6 // minimum temperature sensor 1
#define HOTT_TONE_G 7 // minimum temperature sensor 2
#define HOTT_TONE_H 8 // maximum temperature sensor 1
#define HOTT_TONE_I 9 // maximum temperature sensor 2
#define HOTT_TONE_J 10 // overvoltage sensor 1
#define HOTT_TONE_K 11 // overvoltage sensor 2
#define HOTT_TONE_L 12 // maximum speed
#define HOTT_TONE_M 13 // climb rate 3 seconds
#define HOTT_TONE_N 14 // climb rate 1 second
#define HOTT_TONE_O 15 // minimum height
#define HOTT_TONE_P 16 // minimum input voltage
#define HOTT_TONE_Q 17 // minimum cell voltage
#define HOTT_TONE_R 18 // undervoltage sensor 1
#define HOTT_TONE_S 19 // undervoltage sensor 2
#define HOTT_TONE_T 20 // minimum rpm
#define HOTT_TONE_U 21 // fuel reserve
#define HOTT_TONE_V 22 // capacity
#define HOTT_TONE_W 23 // maximum current
#define HOTT_TONE_X 24 // maximum input voltage
#define HOTT_TONE_Y 25 // maximum rpm
#define HOTT_TONE_Z 26 // maximum height
#define HOTT_TONE_20M 37 // 20 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_40M 38 // 40 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_60M 39 // 60 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_80M 40 // 80 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_100M 41 // 100 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_42 42 // receiver voltage
#define HOTT_TONE_43 43 // receiver temperature
#define HOTT_TONE_200M 46 // 200 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_400M 47 // 400 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_600M 48 // 600 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_800M 49 // 800 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_1000M 50 // 10000 meters
#define HOTT_TONE_51 51 // maximum servo temperature
#define HOTT_TONE_52 52 // maximum servo position difference
// Private types
typedef struct {
uint8_t l;
uint8_t h;
} uword_t;
// Private structures
struct telemetrydata {
HoTTBridgeSettingsData Settings;
AttitudeStateData Attitude;
BaroSensorData Baro;
FlightBatteryStateData Battery;
FlightStatusData FlightStatus;
GPSPositionSensorData GPS;
GPSTimeData GPStime;
GyroSensorData Gyro;
HomeLocationData Home;
PositionStateData Position;
SystemAlarmsData SysAlarms;
VelocityStateData Velocity;
int16_t climbratebuffer[climbratesize];
uint8_t climbrate_pointer;
float altitude;
float min_altitude;
float max_altitude;
float altitude_last;
float climbrate1s;
float climbrate3s;
float climbrate10s;
float homedistance;
float homecourse;
uint8_t last_armed;
char statusline[statussize];
// VARIO Module message structure
struct hott_vario_message {
uint8_t start; // start byte
uint8_t sensor_id; // VARIO sensor ID
uint8_t warning; // 0…= warning beeps
uint8_t sensor_text_id; // VARIO sensor text ID
uint8_t alarm_inverse; // this inverts specific parts of display
uword_t altitude; // altitude (meters), offset 500, 500 == 0m
uword_t max_altitude; // max. altitude (meters)
uword_t min_altitude; // min. altitude (meters)
uword_t climbrate; // climb rate (0.01m/s), offset 30000, 30000 == 0.00m/s
uword_t climbrate3s; // climb rate (0.01m/3s)
uword_t climbrate10s; // climb rate (0.01m/10s)
uint8_t ascii[21]; // 21 chars of text
uint8_t ascii1; // ASCII Free character [1] (next to Alt)
uint8_t ascii2; // ASCII Free character [2] (next to Dir)
uint8_t ascii3; // ASCII Free character [3] (next to I)
int8_t compass; // 1=2°, -1=-2°
uint8_t version; // version number
uint8_t stop; // stop byte
uint8_t checksum; // Lower 8-bits of all bytes summed
// GPS Module message structure
struct hott_gps_message {
uint8_t start; // start byte
uint8_t sensor_id; // GPS sensor ID
uint8_t warning; // 0…= warning beeps
uint8_t sensor_text_id; // GPS Sensor text mode ID
uint8_t alarm_inverse1; // this inverts specific parts of display
uint8_t alarm_inverse2;
uint8_t flight_direction; // flight direction (1 = 2°; 0° = north, 90° = east , 180° = south , 270° west)
uword_t gps_speed; // GPS speed (km/h)
uint8_t latitude_ns; // GPS latitude north/south (0 = N)
uword_t latitude_min; // GPS latitude (min)
uword_t latitude_sec; // GPS latitude (sec)
uint8_t longitude_ew; // GPS longitude east/west (0 = E)
uword_t longitude_min; // GPS longitude (min)
uword_t longitude_sec; // GPS longitude (sec)
uword_t distance; // distance from home location (meters)
uword_t altitude; // altitude (meters), offset 500, 500 == 0m
uword_t climbrate; // climb rate (0.01m/s), offset of 30000, 30000 = 0.00 m/s
uint8_t climbrate3s; // climb rate in (m/3s). offset of 120, 120 == 0m/3sec
uint8_t gps_num_sat; // GPS number of satelites
uint8_t gps_fix_char; // GPS FixChar ('D'=DGPS, '2'=2D, '3'=3D)
uint8_t home_direction; // home direction (1=2°, direction from starting point to model position)
int8_t angle_roll; // angle x-direction (roll 1=2°, 255=-2°)
int8_t angle_nick; // angle y-direction (nick)
int8_t angle_compass; // angle z-direction (yaw)
uint8_t gps_hour; // GPS time hours
uint8_t gps_min; // GPS time minutes
uint8_t gps_sec; // GPS time seconds
uint8_t gps_msec; // GPS time .sss
uword_t msl; // MSL or NN altitude
uint8_t vibration; // vibration
uint8_t ascii4; // ASCII Free Character [4] (next to home distance)
uint8_t ascii5; // ASCII Free Character [5] (next to home direction)
uint8_t ascii6; // ASCII Free Character [6] (next to number of sats)
uint8_t version; // version number (0=gps, 1=gyro, 255=multicopter)
uint8_t stop; // stop byte
uint8_t checksum; // Lower 8-bits of all bytes summed
// General Air Module message structure
struct hott_gam_message {
uint8_t start; // start byte
uint8_t sensor_id; // GAM sensor ID
uint8_t warning; // 0…= warning beeps
uint8_t sensor_text_id; // EAM Sensor text mode ID
uint8_t alarm_inverse1; // this inverts specific parts of display
uint8_t alarm_inverse2;
uint8_t cell1; // cell voltages in 0.02V steps, 210 == 4.2V
uint8_t cell2;
uint8_t cell3;
uint8_t cell4;
uint8_t cell5;
uint8_t cell6;
uword_t batt1_voltage; // battery sensor 1 in 0.1V steps, 50 == 5.5V
uword_t batt2_voltage; // battery sensor 2 voltage
uint8_t temperature1; // temperature 1 in °C, offset of 20, 20 == 0°C
uint8_t temperature2; // temperature 2
uint8_t fuel_procent; // fuel capacity in %, values from 0..100
uword_t fuel_ml; // fuel capacity in ml, values from 0..65535
uword_t rpm; // rpm, scale factor 10, 300 == 3000rpm
uword_t altitude; // altitude in meters, offset of 500, 500 == 0m
uword_t climbrate; // climb rate (0.01m/s), offset of 30000, 30000 = 0.00 m/s
uint8_t climbrate3s; // climb rate (m/3sec). offset of 120, 120 == 0m/3sec
uword_t current; // current in 0.1A steps
uword_t voltage; // main power voltage in 0.1V steps
uword_t capacity; // used battery capacity in 10mAh steps
uword_t speed; // speed in km/h
uint8_t min_cell_volt; // lowest cell voltage in 20mV steps. 124 == 2.48V
uint8_t min_cell_volt_num; // number of the cell with the lowest voltage
uword_t rpm2; // rpm2 in 10 rpm steps, 300 == 3000rpm
uint8_t g_error_number; // general error number (Voice error == 12)
uint8_t pressure; // pressure up to 15bar, 0.1bar steps
uint8_t version; // version number
uint8_t stop; // stop byte
uint8_t checksum; // Lower 8-bits of all bytes summed
// Electric Air Module message structure
struct hott_eam_message {
uint8_t start; // Start byte
uint8_t sensor_id; // EAM sensor id
uint8_t warning;
uint8_t sensor_text_id; // EAM Sensor text mode ID
uint8_t alarm_inverse1; // this inverts specific parts of display
uint8_t alarm_inverse2;
uint8_t cell1_L; // cell voltages of the lower battery
uint8_t cell2_L;
uint8_t cell3_L;
uint8_t cell4_L;
uint8_t cell5_L;
uint8_t cell6_L;
uint8_t cell7_L;
uint8_t cell1_H; // cell voltages of higher battery
uint8_t cell2_H;
uint8_t cell3_H;
uint8_t cell4_H;
uint8_t cell5_H;
uint8_t cell6_H;
uint8_t cell7_H;
uword_t batt1_voltage; // battery sensor 1 voltage, in steps of 0.02V
uword_t batt2_voltage; // battery sensor 2 voltage, in steps of 0.02V
uint8_t temperature1; // temperature sensor 1. 20 = 0 degrees
uint8_t temperature2; // temperature sensor 2. 20 = 0 degrees
uword_t altitude; // altitude (meters). 500 = 0 meters
uword_t current; // current (A) in steps of 0.1A
uword_t voltage; // main power voltage in steps of 0.1V
uword_t capacity; // used battery capacity in steps of 10mAh
uword_t climbrate; // climb rate in 0.01m/s. 0m/s = 30000
uint8_t climbrate3s; // climb rate in m/3sec. 0m/3sec = 120
uword_t rpm; // rpm in steps of 10 rpm
uint8_t electric_min; // estaminated flight time in minutes.
uint8_t electric_sec; // estaminated flight time in seconds.
uword_t speed; // speed in km/h in steps of 1 km/h
uint8_t stop; // Stop byte
uint8_t checksum; // Lower 8-bits of all bytes summed.
// ESC Module message structure
struct hott_esc_message {
uint8_t start; // Start byte
uint8_t sensor_id; // EAM sensor id
uint8_t warning;
uint8_t sensor_text_id; // ESC Sensor text mode ID
uint8_t alarm_inverse1;
uint8_t alarm_inverse2;
uword_t batt_voltage; // battery voltage in steps of 0.1V
uword_t min_batt_voltage; // min battery voltage
uword_t batt_capacity; // used battery capacity in steps of 10mAh
uint8_t temperatureESC; // temperature of ESC . 20 = 0 degrees
uint8_t max_temperatureESC; // max temperature of ESC
uword_t current; // Current in steps of 0.1A
uword_t max_current; // maximal current
uword_t rpm; // rpm in steps of 10 rpm
uword_t max_rpm; // max rpm
uint8_t temperatureMOT; // motor temperature
uint8_t max_temperatureMOT; // maximal motor temperature
uint8_t dummy[19]; // 19 dummy bytes
uint8_t stop; // Stop byte
uint8_t checksum; // Lower 8-bits of all bytes summed.
// TEXT message structure
struct hott_text_message {
uint8_t start; // Start byte
uint8_t sensor_id; // TEXT id
uint8_t warning;
uint8_t text[21][8]; // text field 21 columns and 8 rows (bit 7=1 for inverse display)
uint8_t stop; // Stop byte
uint8_t checksum; // Lower 8-bits of all bytes summed.
* @}
* @}

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@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
* @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules
* @{
* @addtogroup UAVOHoTTBridge UAVO to HoTT Bridge Telemetry Module
* @{
* @file uavohottbridge.c
* @author The LibrePilot Project, http://www.librepilot.org Copyright (C) 2017.
* Tau Labs, http://taulabs.org, Copyright (C) 2013-2014
* @brief sends telemery data on HoTT request
* @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Additional note on redistribution: The copyright and license notices above
* must be maintained in each individual source file that is a derivative work
* of this source file; otherwise redistribution is prohibited.
#include "openpilot.h"
#include "hwsettings.h"
#include "taskinfo.h"
#include "callbackinfo.h"
#include "hottbridgesettings.h"
#include "attitudestate.h"
#include "barosensor.h"
#include "flightbatterystate.h"
#include "flightstatus.h"
#include "gyrosensor.h"
#include "gpspositionsensor.h"
#include "gpstime.h"
#include "homelocation.h"
#include "positionstate.h"
#include "systemalarms.h"
#include "velocitystate.h"
#include "hottbridgestatus.h"
#include "hottbridgesettings.h"
#include "objectpersistence.h"
#include "pios_sensors.h"
#include "uavohottbridge.h"
#if defined(PIOS_HoTT_STACK_SIZE)
#define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 2048
static bool module_enabled = false;
// Private variables
static bool module_enabled;
static struct telemetrydata *telestate;
static HoTTBridgeStatusData status;
// Private functions
static void uavoHoTTBridgeTask(void *parameters);
static uint16_t build_VARIO_message(struct hott_vario_message *msg);
static uint16_t build_GPS_message(struct hott_gps_message *msg);
static uint16_t build_GAM_message(struct hott_gam_message *msg);
static uint16_t build_EAM_message(struct hott_eam_message *msg);
static uint16_t build_ESC_message(struct hott_esc_message *msg);
static uint16_t build_TEXT_message(struct hott_text_message *msg);
static uint8_t calc_checksum(uint8_t *data, uint16_t size);
static uint8_t generate_warning();
static void update_telemetrydata();
static void convert_long2gps(int32_t value, uint8_t *dir, uword_t *min, uword_t *sec);
static uint8_t scale_float2uint8(float value, float scale, float offset);
static int8_t scale_float2int8(float value, float scale, float offset);
static uword_t scale_float2uword(float value, float scale, float offset);
* Module start routine automatically called after initialization routine
* @return 0 when was successful
static int32_t uavoHoTTBridgeStart(void)
status.TxPackets = 0;
status.RxPackets = 0;
status.TxFail = 0;
status.RxFail = 0;
// Start task
if (module_enabled) {
xTaskHandle taskHandle;
xTaskCreate(uavoHoTTBridgeTask, "uavoHoTTBridge", STACK_SIZE_BYTES / 4, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &taskHandle);
return 0;
* Module initialization routine
* @return 0 when initialization was successful
static int32_t uavoHoTTBridgeInitialize(void)
module_enabled = true;
// HoTT telemetry baudrate is fixed to 19200
PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(PIOS_COM_HOTT, 19200);
PIOS_COM_SetHalfDuplex(PIOS_COM_HOTT, true);
// allocate memory for telemetry data
telestate = (struct telemetrydata *)pios_malloc(sizeof(*telestate));
if (telestate == NULL) {
// there is not enough free memory. the module could not run.
module_enabled = false;
return -1;
} else {
module_enabled = false;
return 0;
MODULE_INITCALL(uavoHoTTBridgeInitialize, uavoHoTTBridgeStart);
* Main task. It does not return.
static void uavoHoTTBridgeTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters)
uint8_t rx_buffer[2];
uint8_t tx_buffer[HOTT_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
uint16_t message_size;
// clear all state values
memset(telestate, 0, sizeof(*telestate));
// initialize timer variables
portTickType lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
// idle delay between telemetry request and answer
uint32_t idledelay = IDLE_TIME;
// data delay between transmitted bytes
uint32_t datadelay = DATA_TIME;
// work on hott telemetry. endless loop.
while (1) {
// clear message size on every loop before processing
message_size = 0;
// shift receiver buffer. make room for one byte.
rx_buffer[1] = rx_buffer[0];
// wait for a byte of telemetry request in data delay interval
while (PIOS_COM_ReceiveBuffer(PIOS_COM_HOTT, rx_buffer, 1, 0) == 0) {
vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, datadelay / portTICK_RATE_MS);
// set start trigger point
lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
// examine received data stream
if (rx_buffer[1] == HOTT_BINARY_ID) {
// first received byte looks like a binary request. check second received byte for a sensor id.
switch (rx_buffer[0]) {
message_size = build_VARIO_message((struct hott_vario_message *)tx_buffer);
message_size = build_GPS_message((struct hott_gps_message *)tx_buffer);
message_size = build_GAM_message((struct hott_gam_message *)tx_buffer);
message_size = build_EAM_message((struct hott_eam_message *)tx_buffer);
message_size = build_ESC_message((struct hott_esc_message *)tx_buffer);
message_size = 0;
} else if (rx_buffer[1] == HOTT_TEXT_ID) {
// first received byte looks like a text request. check second received byte for a valid button.
switch (rx_buffer[0]) {
message_size = build_TEXT_message((struct hott_text_message *)tx_buffer);
message_size = 0;
// check if a message is in the transmit buffer.
if (message_size > 0) {
// check idle line before transmit. pause, then check receiver buffer
vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, idledelay / portTICK_RATE_MS);
if (PIOS_COM_ReceiveBuffer(PIOS_COM_HOTT, rx_buffer, 1, 0) == 0) {
// nothing received means idle line. ready to transmit the requested message
for (int i = 0; i < message_size; i++) {
// send message content with pause between each byte
PIOS_COM_SendCharNonBlocking(PIOS_COM_HOTT, tx_buffer[i]);
// grab possible incoming loopback data and throw it away
PIOS_COM_ReceiveBuffer(PIOS_COM_HOTT, rx_buffer, sizeof(rx_buffer), 0);
vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, datadelay / portTICK_RATE_MS);
// after transmitting the message, any loopback data needs to be cleaned up.
vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, idledelay / portTICK_RATE_MS);
PIOS_COM_ReceiveBuffer(PIOS_COM_HOTT, tx_buffer, message_size, 0);
} else {
* Build requested answer messages.
* \return value sets message size
uint16_t build_VARIO_message(struct hott_vario_message *msg)
return 0;
// clear message buffer
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(*msg));
// message header
msg->start = HOTT_START;
msg->stop = HOTT_STOP;
msg->sensor_id = HOTT_VARIO_ID;
msg->warning = generate_warning();
msg->sensor_text_id = HOTT_VARIO_TEXT_ID;
// alarm inverse bits. invert display areas on limits
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MinHeight > telestate->altitude) ? VARIO_INVERT_ALT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxHeight < telestate->altitude) ? VARIO_INVERT_ALT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxHeight < telestate->altitude) ? VARIO_INVERT_MAX : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MinHeight > telestate->altitude) ? VARIO_INVERT_MIN : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference1 > telestate->climbrate1s) ? VARIO_INVERT_CR1S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference1 < telestate->climbrate1s) ? VARIO_INVERT_CR1S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference2 > telestate->climbrate3s) ? VARIO_INVERT_CR3S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference2 < telestate->climbrate3s) ? VARIO_INVERT_CR3S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference2 > telestate->climbrate10s) ? VARIO_INVERT_CR10S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference2 < telestate->climbrate10s) ? VARIO_INVERT_CR10S : 0;
// altitude relative to ground
msg->altitude = scale_float2uword(telestate->altitude, 1, OFFSET_ALTITUDE);
msg->min_altitude = scale_float2uword(telestate->min_altitude, 1, OFFSET_ALTITUDE);
msg->max_altitude = scale_float2uword(telestate->max_altitude, 1, OFFSET_ALTITUDE);
// climbrate
msg->climbrate = scale_float2uword(telestate->climbrate1s, M_TO_CM, OFFSET_CLIMBRATE);
msg->climbrate3s = scale_float2uword(telestate->climbrate3s, M_TO_CM, OFFSET_CLIMBRATE);
msg->climbrate10s = scale_float2uword(telestate->climbrate10s, M_TO_CM, OFFSET_CLIMBRATE);
// compass
msg->compass = scale_float2int8(telestate->Attitude.Yaw, DEG_TO_UINT, 0);
// statusline
memcpy(msg->ascii, telestate->statusline, sizeof(msg->ascii));
// free display characters
msg->ascii1 = 0;
msg->ascii2 = 0;
msg->ascii3 = 0;
msg->checksum = calc_checksum((uint8_t *)msg, sizeof(*msg));
return sizeof(*msg);
uint16_t build_GPS_message(struct hott_gps_message *msg)
if (telestate->Settings.Sensor.GPS == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_SENSOR_DISABLED) {
return 0;
// clear message buffer
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(*msg));
// message header
msg->start = HOTT_START;
msg->stop = HOTT_STOP;
msg->sensor_id = HOTT_GPS_ID;
msg->warning = generate_warning();
msg->sensor_text_id = HOTT_GPS_TEXT_ID;
// alarm inverse bits. invert display areas on limits
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxDistance < telestate->homedistance) ? GPS_INVERT_HDIST : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MinSpeed > telestate->GPS.Groundspeed) ? GPS_INVERT_SPEED : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxSpeed < telestate->GPS.Groundspeed) ? GPS_INVERT_SPEED : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MinHeight > telestate->altitude) ? GPS_INVERT_ALT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxHeight < telestate->altitude) ? GPS_INVERT_ALT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference1 > telestate->climbrate1s) ? GPS_INVERT_CR1S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference1 < telestate->climbrate1s) ? GPS_INVERT_CR1S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference2 > telestate->climbrate3s) ? GPS_INVERT_CR3S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference2 < telestate->climbrate3s) ? GPS_INVERT_CR3S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->SysAlarms.Alarm.GPS != SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_OK) ? GPS_INVERT2_POS : 0;
// gps direction, groundspeed and postition
msg->flight_direction = scale_float2uint8(telestate->GPS.Heading, DEG_TO_UINT, 0);
msg->gps_speed = scale_float2uword(telestate->GPS.Groundspeed, MS_TO_KMH, 0);
convert_long2gps(telestate->GPS.Latitude, &msg->latitude_ns, &msg->latitude_min, &msg->latitude_sec);
convert_long2gps(telestate->GPS.Longitude, &msg->longitude_ew, &msg->longitude_min, &msg->longitude_sec);
// homelocation distance, course and state
msg->distance = scale_float2uword(telestate->homedistance, 1, 0);
msg->home_direction = scale_float2uint8(telestate->homecourse, DEG_TO_UINT, 0);
msg->ascii5 = (telestate->Home.Set ? 'H' : '-');
// altitude relative to ground and climb rate
msg->altitude = scale_float2uword(telestate->altitude, 1, OFFSET_ALTITUDE);
msg->climbrate = scale_float2uword(telestate->climbrate1s, M_TO_CM, OFFSET_CLIMBRATE);
msg->climbrate3s = scale_float2uint8(telestate->climbrate3s, 1, OFFSET_CLIMBRATE3S);
// number of satellites,gps fix and state
msg->gps_num_sat = telestate->GPS.Satellites;
switch (telestate->GPS.Status) {
msg->gps_fix_char = '2';
msg->gps_fix_char = '3';
msg->gps_fix_char = 0;
switch (telestate->SysAlarms.Alarm.GPS) {
msg->ascii6 = 0;
// if there is no gps, show compass flight direction
msg->flight_direction = scale_float2int8((telestate->Attitude.Yaw > 0) ? telestate->Attitude.Yaw : 360 + telestate->Attitude.Yaw, DEG_TO_UINT, 0);
msg->ascii6 = '.';
msg->ascii6 = '?';
msg->ascii6 = '!';
msg->ascii6 = 0;
// model angles
msg->angle_roll = scale_float2int8(telestate->Attitude.Roll, DEG_TO_UINT, 0);
msg->angle_nick = scale_float2int8(telestate->Attitude.Pitch, DEG_TO_UINT, 0);
msg->angle_compass = scale_float2int8(telestate->Attitude.Yaw, DEG_TO_UINT, 0);
// gps time
msg->gps_hour = telestate->GPStime.Hour;
msg->gps_min = telestate->GPStime.Minute;
msg->gps_sec = telestate->GPStime.Second;
msg->gps_msec = 0;
// gps MSL (NN) altitude MSL
msg->msl = scale_float2uword(telestate->GPS.Altitude, 1, 0);
// free display chararacter
msg->ascii4 = 0;
msg->checksum = calc_checksum((uint8_t *)msg, sizeof(*msg));
return sizeof(*msg);
uint16_t build_GAM_message(struct hott_gam_message *msg)
if (telestate->Settings.Sensor.GAM == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_SENSOR_DISABLED) {
return 0;
// clear message buffer
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(*msg));
// message header
msg->start = HOTT_START;
msg->stop = HOTT_STOP;
msg->sensor_id = HOTT_GAM_ID;
msg->warning = generate_warning();
msg->sensor_text_id = HOTT_GAM_TEXT_ID;
// alarm inverse bits. invert display areas on limits
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxCurrent < telestate->Battery.Current) ? GAM_INVERT2_CURRENT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MinPowerVoltage > telestate->Battery.Voltage) ? GAM_INVERT2_VOLTAGE : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxPowerVoltage < telestate->Battery.Voltage) ? GAM_INVERT2_VOLTAGE : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MinHeight > telestate->altitude) ? GAM_INVERT2_ALT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxHeight < telestate->altitude) ? GAM_INVERT2_ALT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference1 > telestate->climbrate1s) ? GAM_INVERT2_CR1S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference1 < telestate->climbrate1s) ? GAM_INVERT2_CR1S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference2 > telestate->climbrate3s) ? GAM_INVERT2_CR3S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference2 < telestate->climbrate3s) ? GAM_INVERT2_CR3S : 0;
// temperatures
msg->temperature1 = scale_float2uint8(telestate->Gyro.temperature, 1, OFFSET_TEMPERATURE);
msg->temperature2 = scale_float2uint8(telestate->Baro.Temperature, 1, OFFSET_TEMPERATURE);
// altitude
msg->altitude = scale_float2uword(telestate->altitude, 1, OFFSET_ALTITUDE);
// climbrate
msg->climbrate = scale_float2uword(telestate->climbrate1s, M_TO_CM, OFFSET_CLIMBRATE);
msg->climbrate3s = scale_float2uint8(telestate->climbrate3s, 1, OFFSET_CLIMBRATE3S);
// main battery
float voltage = (telestate->Battery.Voltage > 0) ? telestate->Battery.Voltage : 0;
float current = (telestate->Battery.Current > 0) ? telestate->Battery.Current : 0;
float energy = (telestate->Battery.ConsumedEnergy > 0) ? telestate->Battery.ConsumedEnergy : 0;
msg->voltage = scale_float2uword(voltage, 10, 0);
msg->current = scale_float2uword(current, 10, 0);
msg->capacity = scale_float2uword(energy, 0.1f, 0);
// pressure kPa to 0.1Bar
msg->pressure = scale_float2uint8(telestate->Baro.Pressure, 0.1f, 0);
msg->checksum = calc_checksum((uint8_t *)msg, sizeof(*msg));
return sizeof(*msg);
uint16_t build_EAM_message(struct hott_eam_message *msg)
if (telestate->Settings.Sensor.EAM == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_SENSOR_DISABLED) {
return 0;
// clear message buffer
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(*msg));
// message header
msg->start = HOTT_START;
msg->stop = HOTT_STOP;
msg->sensor_id = HOTT_EAM_ID;
msg->warning = generate_warning();
msg->sensor_text_id = HOTT_EAM_TEXT_ID;
// alarm inverse bits. invert display areas on limits
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxUsedCapacity < telestate->Battery.ConsumedEnergy) ? EAM_INVERT_CAPACITY : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxCurrent < telestate->Battery.Current) ? EAM_INVERT_CURRENT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MinPowerVoltage > telestate->Battery.Voltage) ? EAM_INVERT_VOLTAGE : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse1 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxPowerVoltage < telestate->Battery.Voltage) ? EAM_INVERT_VOLTAGE : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MinHeight > telestate->altitude) ? EAM_INVERT2_ALT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxHeight < telestate->altitude) ? EAM_INVERT2_ALT : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference1 > telestate->climbrate1s) ? EAM_INVERT2_CR1S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference1 < telestate->climbrate1s) ? EAM_INVERT2_CR1S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference2 > telestate->climbrate3s) ? EAM_INVERT2_CR3S : 0;
msg->alarm_inverse2 |= (telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference2 < telestate->climbrate3s) ? EAM_INVERT2_CR3S : 0;
// main battery
float voltage = (telestate->Battery.Voltage > 0) ? telestate->Battery.Voltage : 0;
float current = (telestate->Battery.Current > 0) ? telestate->Battery.Current : 0;
float energy = (telestate->Battery.ConsumedEnergy > 0) ? telestate->Battery.ConsumedEnergy : 0;
msg->voltage = scale_float2uword(voltage, 10, 0);
msg->current = scale_float2uword(current, 10, 0);
msg->capacity = scale_float2uword(energy, 0.1f, 0);
// temperatures
msg->temperature1 = scale_float2uint8(telestate->Gyro.temperature, 1, OFFSET_TEMPERATURE);
msg->temperature2 = scale_float2uint8(telestate->Baro.Temperature, 1, OFFSET_TEMPERATURE);
// altitude
msg->altitude = scale_float2uword(telestate->altitude, 1, OFFSET_ALTITUDE);
// climbrate
msg->climbrate = scale_float2uword(telestate->climbrate1s, M_TO_CM, OFFSET_CLIMBRATE);
msg->climbrate3s = scale_float2uint8(telestate->climbrate3s, 1, OFFSET_CLIMBRATE3S);
// flight time
float flighttime = (telestate->Battery.EstimatedFlightTime <= 5999) ? telestate->Battery.EstimatedFlightTime : 5999;
msg->electric_min = flighttime / 60;
msg->electric_sec = flighttime - 60 * msg->electric_min;
msg->checksum = calc_checksum((uint8_t *)msg, sizeof(*msg));
return sizeof(*msg);
uint16_t build_ESC_message(struct hott_esc_message *msg)
if (telestate->Settings.Sensor.ESC == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_SENSOR_DISABLED) {
return 0;
// clear message buffer
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(*msg));
// message header
msg->start = HOTT_START;
msg->stop = HOTT_STOP;
msg->sensor_id = HOTT_ESC_ID;
msg->warning = 0;
msg->sensor_text_id = HOTT_ESC_TEXT_ID;
// main batterie
float voltage = (telestate->Battery.Voltage > 0) ? telestate->Battery.Voltage : 0;
float current = (telestate->Battery.Current > 0) ? telestate->Battery.Current : 0;
float max_current = (telestate->Battery.PeakCurrent > 0) ? telestate->Battery.PeakCurrent : 0;
float energy = (telestate->Battery.ConsumedEnergy > 0) ? telestate->Battery.ConsumedEnergy : 0;
msg->batt_voltage = scale_float2uword(voltage, 10, 0);
msg->current = scale_float2uword(current, 10, 0);
msg->max_current = scale_float2uword(max_current, 10, 0);
msg->batt_capacity = scale_float2uword(energy, 0.1f, 0);
// temperatures
msg->temperatureESC = scale_float2uint8(telestate->Gyro.temperature, 1, OFFSET_TEMPERATURE);
msg->max_temperatureESC = scale_float2uint8(0, 1, OFFSET_TEMPERATURE);
msg->temperatureMOT = scale_float2uint8(telestate->Baro.Temperature, 1, OFFSET_TEMPERATURE);
msg->max_temperatureMOT = scale_float2uint8(0, 1, OFFSET_TEMPERATURE);
msg->checksum = calc_checksum((uint8_t *)msg, sizeof(*msg));
return sizeof(*msg);
uint16_t build_TEXT_message(struct hott_text_message *msg)
// clear message buffer
memset(msg, 0, sizeof(*msg));
// message header
msg->start = HOTT_START;
msg->stop = HOTT_STOP;
msg->sensor_id = HOTT_TEXT_ID;
msg->checksum = calc_checksum((uint8_t *)msg, sizeof(*msg));
return sizeof(*msg);
* update telemetry data
* this is called on every telemetry request
* calling interval is 200ms depending on TX
* 200ms telemetry request is used as time base for timed calculations (5Hz interval)
void update_telemetrydata()
// update all available data
if (HoTTBridgeSettingsHandle() != NULL) {
if (AttitudeStateHandle() != NULL) {
if (BaroSensorHandle() != NULL) {
if (FlightBatteryStateHandle() != NULL) {
if (FlightStatusHandle() != NULL) {
if (GPSPositionSensorHandle() != NULL) {
if (GPSTimeHandle() != NULL) {
if (GyroSensorHandle() != NULL) {
if (HomeLocationHandle() != NULL) {
if (PositionStateHandle() != NULL) {
if (SystemAlarmsHandle() != NULL) {
if (VelocityStateHandle() != NULL) {
// send actual climbrate value to ring buffer as mm per 0.2s values
uint8_t n = telestate->climbrate_pointer;
telestate->climbratebuffer[telestate->climbrate_pointer++] = -telestate->Velocity.Down * 200;
telestate->climbrate_pointer %= climbratesize;
// calculate avarage climbrates in meters per 1, 3 and 10 second(s) based on 200ms interval
telestate->climbrate1s = 0;
telestate->climbrate3s = 0;
telestate->climbrate10s = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < climbratesize; i++) {
telestate->climbrate1s += (i < 5) ? telestate->climbratebuffer[n] : 0;
telestate->climbrate3s += (i < 15) ? telestate->climbratebuffer[n] : 0;
telestate->climbrate10s += (i < 50) ? telestate->climbratebuffer[n] : 0;
n += climbratesize - 1;
n %= climbratesize;
telestate->climbrate1s = telestate->climbrate1s / 1000;
telestate->climbrate3s = telestate->climbrate3s / 1000;
telestate->climbrate10s = telestate->climbrate10s / 1000;
// set altitude offset and clear min/max values when arming
if ((telestate->FlightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMING) || ((telestate->last_armed != FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED) && (telestate->FlightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED))) {
telestate->min_altitude = 0;
telestate->max_altitude = 0;
telestate->last_armed = telestate->FlightStatus.Armed;
// calculate altitude relative to start position
telestate->altitude = -telestate->Position.Down;
// check and set min/max values when armed.
if (telestate->FlightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED) {
if (telestate->min_altitude > telestate->altitude) {
telestate->min_altitude = telestate->altitude;
if (telestate->max_altitude < telestate->altitude) {
telestate->max_altitude = telestate->altitude;
// gps home position and course
telestate->homedistance = sqrtf(telestate->Position.North * telestate->Position.North + telestate->Position.East * telestate->Position.East);
telestate->homecourse = acosf(-telestate->Position.North / telestate->homedistance) / 3.14159265f * 180;
if (telestate->Position.East > 0) {
telestate->homecourse = 360 - telestate->homecourse;
// statusline
const char *txt_unknown = "unknown";
const char *txt_manual = "Manual";
const char *txt_stabilized1 = "Stabilized1";
const char *txt_stabilized2 = "Stabilized2";
const char *txt_stabilized3 = "Stabilized3";
const char *txt_stabilized4 = "Stabilized4";
const char *txt_stabilized5 = "Stabilized5";
const char *txt_stabilized6 = "Stabilized6";
const char *txt_positionhold = "PositionHold";
const char *txt_courselock = "CourseLock";
const char *txt_velocityroam = "VelocityRoam";
const char *txt_homeleash = "HomeLeash";
const char *txt_absoluteposition = "AbsolutePosition";
const char *txt_returntobase = "ReturnToBase";
const char *txt_land = "Land";
const char *txt_pathplanner = "PathPlanner";
const char *txt_poi = "PointOfInterest";
const char *txt_autocruise = "AutoCruise";
const char *txt_autotakeoff = "AutoTakeOff";
const char *txt_autotune = "Autotune";
const char *txt_disarmed = "Disarmed";
const char *txt_arming = "Arming";
const char *txt_armed = "Armed";
const char *txt_flightmode;
switch (telestate->FlightStatus.FlightMode) {
txt_flightmode = txt_manual;
txt_flightmode = txt_stabilized1;
txt_flightmode = txt_stabilized2;
txt_flightmode = txt_stabilized3;
txt_flightmode = txt_stabilized4;
txt_flightmode = txt_stabilized5;
txt_flightmode = txt_stabilized6;
txt_flightmode = txt_positionhold;
txt_flightmode = txt_courselock;
txt_flightmode = txt_velocityroam;
txt_flightmode = txt_homeleash;
txt_flightmode = txt_absoluteposition;
txt_flightmode = txt_returntobase;
txt_flightmode = txt_land;
txt_flightmode = txt_pathplanner;
txt_flightmode = txt_poi;
txt_flightmode = txt_autocruise;
txt_flightmode = txt_autotakeoff;
txt_flightmode = txt_autotune;
txt_flightmode = txt_unknown;
const char *txt_armstate;
switch (telestate->FlightStatus.Armed) {
txt_armstate = txt_disarmed;
txt_armstate = txt_arming;
txt_armstate = txt_armed;
txt_armstate = txt_unknown;
snprintf(telestate->statusline, sizeof(telestate->statusline), "%12s,%8s", txt_flightmode, txt_armstate);
* generate warning beeps or spoken announcements
uint8_t generate_warning()
// set warning tone with hardcoded priority
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MinSpeed == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MinSpeed > telestate->GPS.Groundspeed * MS_TO_KMH)) {
return HOTT_TONE_A; // maximum speed
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.NegDifference2 == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference2 > telestate->climbrate3s)) {
return HOTT_TONE_B; // sink rate 3s
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.NegDifference1 == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.NegDifference1 > telestate->climbrate1s)) {
return HOTT_TONE_C; // sink rate 1s
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MaxDistance == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxDistance < telestate->homedistance)) {
return HOTT_TONE_D; // maximum distance
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MinSensor1Temp == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MinSensor1Temp > telestate->Gyro.temperature)) {
return HOTT_TONE_F; // minimum temperature sensor 1
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MinSensor2Temp == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MinSensor2Temp > telestate->Baro.Temperature)) {
return HOTT_TONE_G; // minimum temperature sensor 2
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MaxSensor1Temp == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxSensor1Temp < telestate->Gyro.temperature)) {
return HOTT_TONE_H; // maximum temperature sensor 1
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MaxSensor2Temp == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxSensor2Temp < telestate->Baro.Temperature)) {
return HOTT_TONE_I; // maximum temperature sensor 2
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MaxSpeed == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxSpeed < telestate->GPS.Groundspeed * MS_TO_KMH)) {
return HOTT_TONE_L; // maximum speed
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.PosDifference2 == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference2 > telestate->climbrate3s)) {
return HOTT_TONE_M; // climb rate 3s
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.PosDifference1 == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.PosDifference1 > telestate->climbrate1s)) {
return HOTT_TONE_N; // climb rate 1s
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MinHeight == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MinHeight > telestate->altitude)) {
return HOTT_TONE_O; // minimum height
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MinPowerVoltage == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MinPowerVoltage > telestate->Battery.Voltage)) {
return HOTT_TONE_P; // minimum input voltage
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MaxUsedCapacity == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxUsedCapacity < telestate->Battery.ConsumedEnergy)) {
return HOTT_TONE_V; // capacity
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MaxCurrent == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxCurrent < telestate->Battery.Current)) {
return HOTT_TONE_W; // maximum current
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MaxPowerVoltage == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxPowerVoltage < telestate->Battery.Voltage)) {
return HOTT_TONE_X; // maximum input voltage
if ((telestate->Settings.Warning.MaxHeight == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) &&
(telestate->Settings.Limit.MaxHeight < telestate->altitude)) {
return HOTT_TONE_Z; // maximum height
// altitude beeps when crossing altitude limits at 20,40,60,80,100,200,400,600,800 and 1000 meters
if (telestate->Settings.Warning.AltitudeBeep == HOTTBRIDGESETTINGS_WARNING_ENABLED) {
// update altitude when checked for beeps
float last = telestate->altitude_last;
float actual = telestate->altitude;
telestate->altitude_last = telestate->altitude;
if (((last < 20) && (actual >= 20)) || ((last > 20) && (actual <= 20))) {
return HOTT_TONE_20M;
if (((last < 40) && (actual >= 40)) || ((last > 40) && (actual <= 40))) {
return HOTT_TONE_40M;
if (((last < 60) && (actual >= 60)) || ((last > 60) && (actual <= 60))) {
return HOTT_TONE_60M;
if (((last < 80) && (actual >= 80)) || ((last > 80) && (actual <= 80))) {
return HOTT_TONE_80M;
if (((last < 100) && (actual >= 100)) || ((last > 100) && (actual <= 100))) {
return HOTT_TONE_100M;
if (((last < 200) && (actual >= 200)) || ((last > 200) && (actual <= 200))) {
return HOTT_TONE_200M;
if (((last < 400) && (actual >= 400)) || ((last > 400) && (actual <= 400))) {
return HOTT_TONE_400M;
if (((last < 600) && (actual >= 600)) || ((last > 600) && (actual <= 600))) {
return HOTT_TONE_600M;
if (((last < 800) && (actual >= 800)) || ((last > 800) && (actual <= 800))) {
return HOTT_TONE_800M;
if (((last < 1000) && (actual >= 1000)) || ((last > 1000) && (actual <= 1000))) {
return HOTT_TONE_1000M;
// there is no warning
return 0;
* calculate checksum of data buffer
uint8_t calc_checksum(uint8_t *data, uint16_t size)
uint16_t sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
sum += data[i];
return sum;
* scale float value with scale and offset to unsigned byte
uint8_t scale_float2uint8(float value, float scale, float offset)
uint16_t temp = (uint16_t)roundf(value * scale + offset);
uint8_t result;
result = (uint8_t)temp & 0xff;
return result;
* scale float value with scale and offset to signed byte (int8_t)
int8_t scale_float2int8(float value, float scale, float offset)
int8_t result = (int8_t)roundf(value * scale + offset);
return result;
* scale float value with scale and offset to word
uword_t scale_float2uword(float value, float scale, float offset)
uint16_t temp = (uint16_t)roundf(value * scale + offset);
uword_t result;
result.l = (uint8_t)temp & 0xff;
result.h = (uint8_t)(temp >> 8) & 0xff;
return result;
* convert dword gps value into HoTT gps format and write result to given pointers
void convert_long2gps(int32_t value, uint8_t *dir, uword_t *min, uword_t *sec)
// convert gps decigrad value into degrees, minutes and seconds
uword_t temp;
uint32_t absvalue = abs(value);
uint16_t degrees = (absvalue / 10000000);
uint32_t seconds = (absvalue - degrees * 10000000) * 6;
uint16_t minutes = seconds / 1000000;
seconds %= 1000000;
seconds = seconds / 100;
uint16_t degmin = degrees * 100 + minutes;
// write results
*dir = (value < 0) ? 1 : 0;
temp.l = (uint8_t)degmin & 0xff;
temp.h = (uint8_t)(degmin >> 8) & 0xff;
*min = temp;
temp.l = (uint8_t)seconds & 0xff;
temp.h = (uint8_t)(seconds >> 8) & 0xff;
*sec = temp;
* @}
* @}

View File

@ -282,6 +282,30 @@ int32_t PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(uint32_t com_id, uint32_t baud)
return 0;
* Change the port type to halfduplex (shared rx/tx medium)
* \param[in] port COM port
* \param[in] halfduplex enabled
* \return -1 if port not available
* \return 0 on success
int32_t PIOS_COM_SetHalfDuplex(uint32_t com_id, bool halfduplex)
struct pios_com_dev *com_dev = (struct pios_com_dev *)com_id;
if (!PIOS_COM_validate(com_dev)) {
/* Undefined COM port for this board (see pios_board.c) */
return -1;
/* Invoke the driver function if it exists */
if (com_dev->driver->set_halfduplex) {
com_dev->driver->set_halfduplex(com_dev->lower_id, halfduplex);
return 0;
int32_t PIOS_COM_ChangeConfig(uint32_t com_id, enum PIOS_COM_Word_Length word_len, enum PIOS_COM_StopBits stop_bits, enum PIOS_COM_Parity parity, uint32_t baud_rate, enum PIOS_COM_Mode mode)
struct pios_com_dev *com_dev = (struct pios_com_dev *)com_id;

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ enum PIOS_COM_Mode {
struct pios_com_driver {
void (*init)(uint32_t id);
void (*set_baud)(uint32_t id, uint32_t baud);
void (*set_halfduplex)(uint32_t id, bool halfduplex);
void (*set_config)(uint32_t usart_id, enum PIOS_COM_Word_Length word_len, enum PIOS_COM_StopBits stop_bits, enum PIOS_COM_Parity parity, uint32_t baud_rate, enum PIOS_COM_Mode mode);
void (*set_ctrl_line)(uint32_t id, uint32_t mask, uint32_t state);
void (*tx_start)(uint32_t id, uint16_t tx_bytes_avail);
@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ struct pios_com_driver {
/* Public Functions */
extern int32_t PIOS_COM_Init(uint32_t *com_id, const struct pios_com_driver *driver, uint32_t lower_id, uint8_t *rx_buffer, uint16_t rx_buffer_len, uint8_t *tx_buffer, uint16_t tx_buffer_len);
extern int32_t PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(uint32_t com_id, uint32_t baud);
extern int32_t PIOS_COM_SetHalfDuplex(uint32_t com_id, bool halfduplex);
extern int32_t PIOS_COM_ChangeConfig(uint32_t com_id, enum PIOS_COM_Word_Length word_len, enum PIOS_COM_StopBits stop_bits, enum PIOS_COM_Parity parity, uint32_t baud_rate, enum PIOS_COM_Mode mode);
extern int32_t PIOS_COM_SetCtrlLine(uint32_t com_id, uint32_t mask, uint32_t state);
extern int32_t PIOS_COM_RegisterCtrlLineCallback(uint32_t usart_id, pios_com_callback_ctrl_line ctrl_line_cb, uint32_t context);

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
/* Provide a COM driver */
static void PIOS_USART_ChangeBaud(uint32_t usart_id, uint32_t baud);
static void PIOS_USART_SetHalfDuplex(uint32_t usart_id, bool halfduplex);
static void PIOS_USART_ChangeConfig(uint32_t usart_id, enum PIOS_COM_Word_Length word_len, enum PIOS_COM_StopBits stop_bits, enum PIOS_COM_Parity parity, uint32_t baud_rate, enum PIOS_COM_Mode mode);
static void PIOS_USART_SetCtrlLine(uint32_t usart_id, uint32_t mask, uint32_t state);
static void PIOS_USART_RegisterRxCallback(uint32_t usart_id, pios_com_callback rx_in_cb, uint32_t context);
@ -49,13 +50,14 @@ static void PIOS_USART_TxStart(uint32_t usart_id, uint16_t tx_bytes_avail);
static void PIOS_USART_RxStart(uint32_t usart_id, uint16_t rx_bytes_avail);
const struct pios_com_driver pios_usart_com_driver = {
.set_baud = PIOS_USART_ChangeBaud,
.set_config = PIOS_USART_ChangeConfig,
.set_ctrl_line = PIOS_USART_SetCtrlLine,
.tx_start = PIOS_USART_TxStart,
.rx_start = PIOS_USART_RxStart,
.bind_tx_cb = PIOS_USART_RegisterTxCallback,
.bind_rx_cb = PIOS_USART_RegisterRxCallback,
.set_baud = PIOS_USART_ChangeBaud,
.set_halfduplex = PIOS_USART_SetHalfDuplex,
.set_config = PIOS_USART_ChangeConfig,
.set_ctrl_line = PIOS_USART_SetCtrlLine,
.tx_start = PIOS_USART_TxStart,
.rx_start = PIOS_USART_RxStart,
.bind_tx_cb = PIOS_USART_RegisterTxCallback,
.bind_rx_cb = PIOS_USART_RegisterRxCallback,
enum pios_usart_dev_magic {
@ -286,6 +288,22 @@ static void PIOS_USART_ChangeBaud(uint32_t usart_id, uint32_t baud)
USART_Init(usart_dev->cfg->regs, &usart_dev->init);
* Sets the USART peripheral into half duplex mode
* \param[in] usart_id USART name (GPS, TELEM, AUX)
* \param[in] bool wether to set half duplex or not
static void PIOS_USART_SetHalfDuplex(uint32_t usart_id, bool halfduplex)
struct pios_usart_dev *usart_dev = (struct pios_usart_dev *)usart_id;
bool valid = PIOS_USART_validate(usart_dev);
USART_HalfDuplexCmd(usart_dev->cfg->regs, halfduplex ? ENABLE : DISABLE);
* Changes configuration of the USART peripheral without re-initialising.
* \param[in] usart_id USART name (GPS, TELEM, AUX)

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ MODULES += Notify
OPTMODULES += ComUsbBridge

View File

@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ UAVOBJSRCFILENAMES += poilearnsettings
UAVOBJSRCFILENAMES += mpugyroaccelsettings
UAVOBJSRCFILENAMES += hottbridgesettings
UAVOBJSRCFILENAMES += hottbridgestatus
UAVOBJSRCFILENAMES += takeofflocation
UAVOBJSRCFILENAMES += systemidentsettings

View File

@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
/* #define PIOS_INCLUDE_I2C_ESC */
/* #define PIOS_INCLUDE_OVERO */
/* #define PIOS_OVERO_SPI */

View File

@ -251,6 +251,9 @@ uint32_t pios_rcvr_group_map[MANUALCONTROLSETTINGS_CHANNELGROUPS_NONE];
@ -272,6 +275,7 @@ uint32_t pios_com_telem_usb_id = 0;
uint32_t pios_com_telem_rf_id = 0;
uint32_t pios_com_rf_id = 0;
uint32_t pios_com_bridge_id = 0;
uint32_t pios_com_hott_id = 0;
uint32_t pios_com_overo_id = 0;
uint32_t pios_com_hkosd_id = 0;
uint32_t pios_com_vcp_id = 0;
@ -628,6 +632,9 @@ void PIOS_Board_Init(void)
#endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_HOTT */
PIOS_Board_configure_com(&pios_usart_hott_flexi_cfg, PIOS_COM_HOTT_RX_BUF_LEN, PIOS_COM_HOTT_TX_BUF_LEN, &pios_usart_com_driver, &pios_com_hott_id);
@ -840,6 +847,9 @@ void PIOS_Board_Init(void)
PIOS_Board_configure_com(&pios_usart_main_cfg, PIOS_COM_HOTT_RX_BUF_LEN, PIOS_COM_HOTT_TX_BUF_LEN, &pios_usart_com_driver, &pios_com_hott_id);
PIOS_Board_configure_com(&pios_usart_main_cfg, PIOS_COM_BRIDGE_RX_BUF_LEN, PIOS_COM_BRIDGE_TX_BUF_LEN, &pios_usart_com_driver, &pios_com_bridge_id);
@ -1044,6 +1054,7 @@ void PIOS_Board_Init(void)
#if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_PPM)
@ -1093,6 +1104,10 @@ void PIOS_Board_Init(void)
PIOS_Board_configure_com(&pios_usart_rcvrport_cfg, PIOS_COM_GPS_RX_BUF_LEN, PIOS_COM_GPS_TX_BUF_LEN, &pios_usart_com_driver, &pios_com_gps_id);
PIOS_Board_configure_com(&pios_usart_rcvrport_cfg, PIOS_COM_HOTT_RX_BUF_LEN, PIOS_COM_HOTT_TX_BUF_LEN, &pios_usart_com_driver, &pios_com_hott_id);
#if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_IBUS)

View File

@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ extern uint32_t pios_com_rf_id;
extern uint32_t pios_com_gps_id;
extern uint32_t pios_com_telem_usb_id;
extern uint32_t pios_com_bridge_id;
extern uint32_t pios_com_hott_id;
extern uint32_t pios_com_vcp_id;
extern uint32_t pios_com_hkosd_id;
extern uint32_t pios_com_msp_id;
@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ extern uint32_t pios_com_mavlink_id;
#define PIOS_COM_TELEM_RF (pios_com_telem_rf_id)
#define PIOS_COM_RF (pios_com_rf_id)
#define PIOS_COM_BRIDGE (pios_com_bridge_id)
#define PIOS_COM_HOTT (pios_com_hott_id)
#define PIOS_COM_VCP (pios_com_vcp_id)
#define PIOS_COM_OSDHK (pios_com_hkosd_id)
#define PIOS_COM_MSP (pios_com_msp_id)

View File

@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ UAVOBJS = \
$${UAVOBJ_XML_DIR}/gyrosensor.xml \
$${UAVOBJ_XML_DIR}/gyrostate.xml \
$${UAVOBJ_XML_DIR}/homelocation.xml \
$${UAVOBJ_XML_DIR}/hottbridgesettings.xml \
$${UAVOBJ_XML_DIR}/hottbridgestatus.xml \
$${UAVOBJ_XML_DIR}/hwsettings.xml \
$${UAVOBJ_XML_DIR}/i2cstats.xml \
$${UAVOBJ_XML_DIR}/magsensor.xml \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
<object name="HoTTBridgeSettings" singleinstance="true" settings="true" category="System">
<description>Settings for the @ref HoTT Telemetry Module</description>
<field name="Sensor" units="" type="enum" options="Disabled,Enabled" defaultvalue="Disabled">
<field name="Warning" units="" type="enum" options="Disabled,Enabled" defaultvalue="Disabled">
<field name="Limit" units="(km/h)/(m/s)/m/V/A/mAh/C/ml" type="float" defaultvalue="30,100,-10,10,-1,1,20,500,1500,5,30,5,30,5,30,3.3,40,2000,0,100,0,100,100,100,7000,1000,0">
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
<logging updatemode="manual" period="0"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<object name="HoTTBridgeStatus" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="System" priority="true">
<description>HoTTBridge Status Information</description>
<field name="TxPackets" units="count" type="uint32" elements="1"/>
<field name="RxPackets" units="count" type="uint32" elements="1"/>
<field name="TxFail" units="count" type="uint32" elements="1"/>
<field name="RxFail" units="count" type="uint32" elements="1"/>
<access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
<telemetrygcs acked="false" updatemode="manual" period="0"/>
<telemetryflight acked="false" updatemode="periodic" period="5000"/>
<logging updatemode="manual" period="0"/>

View File

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
<field name="RV_TelemetryPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,Telemetry,ComAux,ComBridge,MSP,MAVLink" defaultvalue="Telemetry"/>
<field name="RV_GPSPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,Telemetry,GPS,ComAux,ComBridge,MSP,MAVLink" defaultvalue="GPS"/>
<field name="RM_RcvrPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,PWM,PPM,PPM+PWM,PPM+Outputs,PPM+Telemetry,PPM+DebugConsole,PPM+ComBridge,PPM+MSP,PPM+MAVLink,PPM+GPS,Outputs,Telemetry,DebugConsole,ComBridge,MSP,MAVLink,GPS,IBus"
<field name="RM_RcvrPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,PWM,PPM,PPM+PWM,PPM+Outputs,PPM+Telemetry,PPM+DebugConsole,PPM+ComBridge,PPM+MSP,PPM+MAVLink,PPM+GPS,PPM+HoTT Telemetry,Outputs,Telemetry,DebugConsole,ComBridge,MSP,MAVLink,GPS,HoTT Telemetry,IBus"
<field name="RM_MainPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,Telemetry,GPS,S.Bus,DSM,DebugConsole,ComBridge,OsdHk,MSP,MAVLink" defaultvalue="Disabled"/>
<field name="RM_FlexiPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,Telemetry,GPS,I2C,DSM,EX.Bus,HoTT SUMD,HoTT SUMH,SRXL,IBus,DebugConsole,ComBridge,OsdHk,MSP,MAVLink" defaultvalue="Disabled"/>
limits="%0905NE:PPM+PWM:PPM+Telemetry:PPM+DebugConsole:PPM+ComBridge:PPM+MSP:PPM+MAVLink:PPM+GPS:PPM+HoTT Telemetry:Telemetry:DebugConsole:ComBridge:MSP:MAVLink:GPS:HoTT Telemetry:IBus;"/>
<field name="RM_MainPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,Telemetry,GPS,S.Bus,DSM,HoTT Telemetry,DebugConsole,ComBridge,OsdHk,MSP,MAVLink" defaultvalue="Disabled"/>
<field name="RM_FlexiPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,Telemetry,GPS,I2C,DSM,EX.Bus,HoTT SUMD,HoTT SUMH,HoTT Telemetry,SRXL,IBus,DebugConsole,ComBridge,OsdHk,MSP,MAVLink" defaultvalue="Disabled"/>
<field name="SPK2_RcvrPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,PPM,S.Bus,DSM,SRXL,IBus,EX.Bus,HoTT SUMD,HoTT SUMH" defaultvalue="PPM"/>
<field name="SPK2_MainPort" units="function" type="enum" elements="1" options="Disabled,Telemetry,GPS,DSM,DebugConsole,ComBridge,OsdHk,MSP,MAVLink" defaultvalue="Disabled"/>

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
<!-- optional -->
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
<!-- optional -->
@ -105,6 +107,7 @@
<!-- optional -->