SYNTAX: Makefile.cmd [build / clean / help]
- build: builds all flight targets including uavobjects, bootloaders and firmware
- clean: cleans all flight targets including bootloaders and firmware
- help: this help
Environment variables:
- TARGETS_FW - list of target (default is all flight targets)
- TARGETS_BL - list of target (default is all flight bootloader targets)
- TARGET_FW_SUBDIR - subdirectory of build/ to build targets (default is .)
- TARGET_BL_SUBDIR - subdirectory of build/ to build bootloaders (default is bootloaders)
Example usage (from a batch file with .cmd extension):
set PATH=D:\Work\OpenPilot\Apps\CodeSourcery\bin\;%PATH%
set TARGETS_FW=ahrs openpilot
call svn\trunk\Makefile.cmd build
git-svn-id: svn:// ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba
Now it has variables TARGET_FW_SUBDIR=. and TARGET_BL_SUBDIR=bootloaders - you may easily choose where do you want to build targets today :-) (in build or build/flight, etc).
git-svn-id: svn:// ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba
SYNTAX: Makefile.cmd [build | clean | help]
- build: builds all flight targets including uavobjects, bootloaders and firmware
- clean: cleans all flight targets including bootloaders and firmware
- help: this help
Currently set are OpenPilot, AHRS, PipXtreme targets and their bootloaders.
It could be done even better but it seems that Windows users don't like command line.
Extra batches which could help (not committed) are:
@echo off
rem Build all flight targets
Makefile.cmd build
flight-clean.cmd :
@echo off
rem Clean all flight targets
Makefile.cmd clean
git-svn-id: svn:// ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba