Brian Webb
OP-932 Adds a direct PPM channel on each Tx packet when in PPM mode, and adds a PPM only mode that uses a 9600 bps air datarate. Also updates the OPLink configuration tab and moves all OPLink configuration to the OPLink configuration tab on the Revo, and customizes the OPLink configuration tab for the Revo.
2013-06-26 18:01:54 -07:00 |
Brian Webb
OP-932 Replaces the RFM22B PPM/receiver code with an OPLinkReceiver UAVObject. This object is generated on a coordinator OPLink, and is used by both the OPLink to generate PPM output, and the OPLinkReceiver on the Revo.
2013-06-26 17:57:11 -07:00 |
David Ankers
Update date bu just an easy ay to start review +review OPReview-485
2013-05-26 17:50:44 +10:00 |
David Ankers
State in the header which board this is for
2013-05-26 16:12:35 +10:00 |
Sexy Pony
Reformat source code with 'make uncrustify_all' run twice. NO CODE CHANGES
2013-05-19 17:37:30 +03:00 |
Brian Webb
OP-932: Fixes vitual com port and (not tested) raw comms over a UART on the OPLink.
2013-05-02 04:23:26 +01:00 |
Oleg Semyonov
OP-899: move board-specific pios_board.h files into board directories
2013-04-24 00:07:06 +03:00 |