#!/bin/bash # Exit if an error or an unset variable set -e -u # make sure unmatched glob gives empty shopt -s nullglob root_dir=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) tools_dir=${TOOLS_DIR:-${root_dir}/tools} downloads_dir=${DL_DIR:-${root_dir}/downloads} tool_overrides_dir=$root_dir/make/tool_install batch=${BATCH:-false} force=false remove=false includes=true for arg in "${@:1}" do [ "$arg" = "-r" ] && remove=true [ "$arg" = "-f" ] && force=true [ "$arg" = "-n" ] && includes=false done tool=${@: -1} uname=$(uname) if [[ "$uname" != [LD]* ]] then uname=Windows fi # Batch mode if $batch then CURL_OPTIONS=(--silent -L) else CURL_OPTIONS=(-L) fi ################################################################################ # Helper functions ################################################################################ function exit_error { error=$? echo "${@}" exit $error } ## Downloads a file if it doesn't exist #1 URL #2 Output filename (optional) #3+ Additional options to pass to curl ## Sets: #out_file: path of the downloaded file function download_file { out_file="$downloads_dir/${2:-$(basename "$1")}" if ! [ -f "$out_file" ] then mkdir -p "$downloads_dir" && \ cd "$downloads_dir" && \ echo "Downloading $1" && \ curl "${CURL_OPTIONS[@]}" "${@:3}" -o "$out_file" "$1" fi } ## Unzips a file #1 The file to unzip #2 The output directory function zip_extract { unzip -q "$1" -d "$2" } ## Extracts a 7zip file #1 The file to extract #2 The output directory function sevenzip_extract { if [ "$uname" = Windows ] then 7za.exe x -o"$2" "$1" else 7zr x -o"$2" "$1" fi } ## Extracts a tar file #1 The file to extract #2 The output directory function tar_extract { tar -xf "$1" -C "$2" } ## Extracts a file #1 File to extract #2 Extract directory (optional) no_extract=false # Optional ## Sets: #out_dir: directory the file was extracted into function extract_file { out_dir="${2:-.}" echo "Extracting $1" mkdir -p "$out_dir" && \ case "$1" in *.zip) zip_extract "$1" "$out_dir" ;; *.7z) sevenzip_extract "$1" "$out_dir" ;; *.tar*) tar_extract "$1" "$out_dir" ;; *) if $no_extract then cp "$1" "$out_dir" else return 1 fi esac } ## Verifies an md5 file #1 md5 file #2 file to check function md5_verify_file { if [ "$uname" = Darwin ] then [[ "$(md5 "$2")" = *"$(awk '{print $1}' "$1")"* ]] else ( cd "$downloads_dir" && md5sum -c "$1" ) fi } ################################################################################ # Default functions ################################################################################ function validate_target { false; } function remove { rm -rf "$tools_dir/$tool_install_name" rm -f "$tools_dir/$tool".{sh,mk} } declare -a depends=() function install_deps { # Workaround for set -u and empty array for dep in "${depends[@]:+${depends}}" do BATCH="$batch" "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" "$dep" done && \ source_includes } ## Downloads and verifies the tool ## Required: #tool_url: the url to download the tool from ## Optional: #tool_md5 #tool_md5_url function download_and_verify { verified=true download_file "$tool_url" && \ downloaded_file=$out_file && \ if [ -n "${tool_md5_url:-}" ] then download_file "$tool_md5_url" "$(basename "$downloaded_file").md5" --silent && \ if ! md5_verify_file "$out_file" "$downloaded_file" then mv -f "$downloaded_file"{,.rej} && \ mv -f "$downloaded_file".md5{,.rej} && \ verified=false fi elif [ -n "${tool_md5:-}" ] then if [[ "$(cd "$downloads_dir" && md5sum <"$downloaded_file")" != ${tool_md5:-}* ]] then mv -f "$downloaded_file"{,.rej} && \ verified=false fi fi && \ $verified } function tool_is_installed { [ -e "$full_tool_install_name" ] || which "$tool" &>/dev/null; } ## Downloads and extracts the tool ## Required: #tool_url: the url to download the tool from #tool_install_name: the directory or file the tool will be installed as ## Optional: #tool_extract_dir: Directory to extract into (useful if build required) function download_and_extract { local full_tool_install_name="$tools_dir/$tool_install_name" if ! tool_is_installed || $force then download_and_verify || exit_error "Failed to verify $downloaded_file" rm -rf "$full_tool_install_name" && \ extract_file "$downloaded_file" "${tool_extract_dir:-$tools_dir}" fi } function build_and_install { true; } # Most tools don't need this step ## Write modules that are included by this script and make ## Optional: bin_dir="" bin_subdir="" # module_file=$tool function write_modules { if [ -n "$bin_subdir" ] then bin_dir="$tools_dir/$tool_install_name/$bin_subdir" fi if [ -n "$bin_dir" ] then local new_path="$bin_dir"':${PATH}' # Write shell module file echo 'if [[ ":$PATH:" != *":'"$bin_dir"':"* ]]; then export PATH='"$new_path"'; fi' > "$tools_dir/$module_file".sh # Write make module file echo 'ifeq ($(findstring :'"$bin_dir"':,:$(PATH):),)' > "$tools_dir/$module_file".mk echo "export PATH := $new_path" >> "$tools_dir/$module_file".mk echo "endif" >> "$tools_dir/$module_file".mk fi } function source_includes { if $includes then for module in "$tools_dir"/*.sh do source "$module" done fi } ################################################################################ # Peform tool install ################################################################################ source_includes || exit_error "failed to source includes" source "$tool_overrides_dir/${tool}.sh" if $remove then remove || exit_error "Failed to remove ${tool}" else validate_target || exit_error "${tool} is not a valid target" install_deps || exit_error "Failed to install dependencies for ${tool}" download_and_extract || exit_error "Failed to download and extract ${tool}" build_and_install || exit_error "Failed to build and install ${tool}" write_modules || exit_error "Failed to write modules for ${tool}" fi