## ############################################################################## # # @file objectManager.py # @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2011. # @brief Base classes for python UAVObject # # @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 # #############################################################################/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # import logging import sys import os import inspect from librepilot.uavtalk.uavobject import * class TimeoutException(Exception): pass class ObjManager(object): def __init__(self, uavTalk): self.objs = {} self.uavTalk = uavTalk uavTalk.setObjMan(self) def addObj(self, obj): obj.objMan = self self.objs[obj.objId] = obj def getObj(self, objId): try: return self.objs[objId] except KeyError: return None def getObjByName(self, name): for objId, obj in self.objs.items(): if obj.name == name: return obj return None def importDefinitions(self, uavObjDefPath=None): # when the uavObjDefPath is nor defined, assume it is installed together with this module if uavObjDefPath == None: currModPath = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__) uavObjDefPath = os.path.join(currModPath, "..", "uavobjects") logging.info("Importing UAVObject definitions from %s" % uavObjDefPath) sys.path.append(uavObjDefPath) for fileName in os.listdir(uavObjDefPath): if fileName[-3:] == ".py": logging.debug("Importing from file %s", fileName) module = __import__(fileName.replace(".py","")) for name in dir(module): klass = getattr(module, name) obj = getattr(module, name) if inspect.isclass(obj): if name != "UAVObject" and name != "UAVMetaDataObject" and name != "UAVDataObject" and issubclass(klass, UAVObject): logging.debug("Importing class %s", name) obj = klass() obj.name = name setattr(self, name, obj) self.addObj(obj) metaObj = UAVMetaDataObject(obj.getMetaObjId()) obj.metadata = metaObj metaObj.name = "Meta[%s]" % name self.addObj(metaObj) def regObjectObserver(self, obj, observerObj, observerMethod): o = Observer(observerObj, observerMethod) obj.observers.append(o) def objUpdate(self, obj, rxData): obj.deserialize(rxData) obj.updateCnt += 1 for observer in obj.observers: observer.call(obj) obj.updateEvent.acquire() obj.updateEvent.notifyAll() obj.updateEvent.release() def requestObjUpdate(self, obj): logging.debug("Requesting %s" % obj) self.uavTalk.sendObjReq(obj) def waitObjUpdate(self, obj, request=True, timeout=.5): logging.debug("Waiting for %s " % obj) cnt = obj.updateCnt if request: self.requestObjUpdate(obj) obj.updateEvent.acquire() obj.updateEvent.wait(timeout) obj.updateEvent.release() timeout = (cnt == obj.updateCnt) logging.debug("-> Waiting for %s Done. " % (obj)) if timeout: s = "Timeout waiting for %s" % obj logging.debug(s) raise TimeoutException(s) def objLocallyUpdated(self, obj): # TODO: should check meta-data what to do self.uavTalk.sendObject(obj) def requestAllObjUpdate(self): for objId, obj in self.objs.items(): if not obj.isMetaData(): #print "GetMeta %s" % obj try: logging.debug("Getting %s" % obj) self.waitObjUpdate(obj, request=True, timeout=.1) logging.debug(" Getting %s" % obj.metadata) self.waitObjUpdate(obj.metadata, request=True, timeout=.1) except TimeoutException: logging.debug(" TIMEOUT") pass def disableAllAutomaticUpdates(self): objsToExclude = [self.getObjByName("GCSTelemetryStats"), self.getObjByName("FlightTelemetryStats"), self.getObjByName("ObjectPersistence")] for i in xrange(len(objsToExclude)): objsToExclude[i] = objsToExclude[i].metadata.objId for objId, obj in self.objs.items(): if obj.isMetaData() and obj.updateCnt>0: if obj.objId not in objsToExclude: #print "Disabling automatic updates for %s" % (obj) #print obj.telemetryUpdateMode.value obj.telemetryUpdateMode.value = UAVMetaDataObject.UpdateMode.MANUAL self.uavTalk.sendObject(obj)