/* # This file is Copyright 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Dean Hall. # # This file is part of the PyMite VM. # The PyMite VM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. # # The PyMite VM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # A copy of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 # is seen in the file COPYING in this directory. */ #undef __FILE_ID__ #define __FILE_ID__ 0x09 /** * \file * \brief VM Interpreter * * VM interpreter operations. */ #include "pm.h" PmReturn_t interpret(const uint8_t returnOnNoThreads) { PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; pPmObj_t pobj1 = C_NULL; pPmObj_t pobj2 = C_NULL; pPmObj_t pobj3 = C_NULL; int16_t t16 = 0; int8_t t8 = 0; uint8_t bc; uint8_t objid, objid2; /* Activate a thread the first time */ retval = interp_reschedule(); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Interpret loop */ for (;;) { if (gVmGlobal.pthread == C_NULL) { if (returnOnNoThreads) { /* User chose to return on no threads left */ return retval; } /* * Without a frame there is nothing to execute, so reschedule * (possibly activating a recently added thread). */ retval = interp_reschedule(); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); continue; } /* Reschedule threads if flag is true? */ if (gVmGlobal.reschedule) { retval = interp_reschedule(); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); } /* Get byte; the func post-incrs PM_IP */ bc = mem_getByte(PM_FP->fo_memspace, &PM_IP); switch (bc) { case POP_TOP: pobj1 = PM_POP(); continue; case ROT_TWO: pobj1 = TOS; TOS = TOS1; TOS1 = pobj1; continue; case ROT_THREE: pobj1 = TOS; TOS = TOS1; TOS1 = TOS2; TOS2 = pobj1; continue; case DUP_TOP: pobj1 = TOS; PM_PUSH(pobj1); continue; case ROT_FOUR: pobj1 = TOS; TOS = TOS1; TOS1 = TOS2; TOS2 = TOS3; TOS3 = pobj1; continue; case NOP: continue; case UNARY_POSITIVE: /* Raise TypeError if TOS is not an int */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_FLT) #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ ) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } /* When TOS is an int, this is a no-op */ continue; case UNARY_NEGATIVE: #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT) { retval = float_negative(TOS, &pobj2); } else #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ { retval = int_negative(TOS, &pobj2); } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); TOS = pobj2; continue; case UNARY_NOT: pobj1 = PM_POP(); if (obj_isFalse(pobj1)) { PM_PUSH(PM_TRUE); } else { PM_PUSH(PM_FALSE); } continue; #ifdef HAVE_BACKTICK /* #244 Add support for the backtick operation (UNARY_CONVERT) */ case UNARY_CONVERT: retval = obj_repr(TOS, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); TOS = pobj3; continue; #endif /* HAVE_BACKTICK */ case UNARY_INVERT: /* Raise TypeError if it's not an int */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } /* Otherwise perform bit-wise complement */ retval = int_bitInvert(TOS, &pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); TOS = pobj2; continue; case LIST_APPEND: /* list_append will raise a TypeError if TOS1 is not a list */ retval = list_append(TOS1, TOS); PM_SP -= 2; continue; case BINARY_POWER: case INPLACE_POWER: #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT)) { /* Calculate float power */ retval = float_op(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3, 'P'); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ /* Calculate integer power */ retval = int_pow(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Set return value */ PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; case GET_ITER: #ifdef HAVE_GENERATORS /* Raise TypeError if TOS is an instance, but not iterable */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI) { retval = class_getAttr(TOS, PM_NEXT_STR, &pobj1); if (retval != PM_RET_OK) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } } else #endif /* HAVE_GENERATORS */ { /* Convert sequence to sequence-iterator */ retval = seqiter_new(TOS, &pobj1); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Put sequence-iterator on top of stack */ TOS = pobj1; } continue; case BINARY_MULTIPLY: case INPLACE_MULTIPLY: /* If both objs are ints, perform the op */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val * ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT else if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT)) { retval = float_op(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3, '*'); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ #ifdef HAVE_REPLICATION /* If it's a list replication operation */ else if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_LST)) { t16 = (int16_t)((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val; if (t16 < 0) { t16 = 0; } retval = list_replicate(TOS1, t16, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* If it's a tuple replication operation */ else if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_TUP)) { t16 = (int16_t)((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val; if (t16 < 0) { t16 = 0; } retval = tuple_replicate(TOS1, t16, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* If it's a string replication operation */ else if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_STR)) { t16 = (int16_t)((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val; if (t16 < 0) { t16 = 0; } pobj2 = TOS1; pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)&((pPmString_t)pobj2)->val; retval = string_replicate( (uint8_t const **)(uint8_t *)&pobj2, t16, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_REPLICATION */ /* Otherwise raise a TypeError */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; case BINARY_DIVIDE: case INPLACE_DIVIDE: case BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE: case INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE: #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT)) { retval = float_op(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3, '/'); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ /* Raise TypeError if args aren't ints */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) != OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } /* Raise ZeroDivisionError if denominator is zero */ if (((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val == 0) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_ZDIV); break; } /* Otherwise perform operation */ retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val / ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; case BINARY_MODULO: case INPLACE_MODULO: #ifdef HAVE_STRING_FORMAT /* If it's a string, perform string format */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_STR) { retval = string_format((pPmString_t)TOS1, TOS, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_STRING_FORMAT */ #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT)) { retval = float_op(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3, '%'); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ /* Raise TypeError if args aren't ints */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) != OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } /* Raise ZeroDivisionError if denominator is zero */ if (((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val == 0) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_ZDIV); break; } /* Otherwise perform operation */ retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val % ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; case STORE_MAP: /* #213: Add support for Python 2.6 bytecodes */ C_ASSERT(OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS2) == OBJ_TYPE_DIC); retval = dict_setItem(TOS2, TOS, TOS1); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP -= 2; continue; case BINARY_ADD: case INPLACE_ADD: #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT)) { retval = float_op(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3, '+'); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ /* If both objs are ints, perform the op */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val + ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* #242: If both objs are strings, perform concatenation */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_STR) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_STR)) { retval = string_concat((pPmString_t)TOS1, (pPmString_t)TOS, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* Otherwise raise a TypeError */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; case BINARY_SUBTRACT: case INPLACE_SUBTRACT: #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT)) { retval = float_op(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3, '-'); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ /* If both objs are ints, perform the op */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val - ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* Otherwise raise a TypeError */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; case BINARY_SUBSCR: /* Implements TOS = TOS1[TOS]. */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_DIC) { retval = dict_getItem(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3); } else { /* Raise a TypeError if index is not an Integer or Bool */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_BOOL)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } pobj1 = TOS1; #ifdef HAVE_BYTEARRAY /* If object is an instance, get the thing it contains */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI) { retval = dict_getItem((pPmObj_t)((pPmInstance_t)pobj1)->cli_attrs, PM_NONE, &pobj2); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); pobj1 = pobj2; } #endif /* HAVE_BYTEARRAY */ /* Ensure the index doesn't overflow */ C_ASSERT(((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val <= 0x0000FFFF); t16 = (int16_t)((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val; retval = seq_getSubscript(pobj1, t16, &pobj3); } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT /* #213: Add support for Python 2.6 bytecodes */ case BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE: case INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE: /* Perform division; float_op() checks for types and zero-div */ retval = float_op(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3, '/'); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ case SLICE_0: /* Implements TOS = TOS[:], push a copy of the sequence */ /* Create a copy if it is a list */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_LST) { retval = list_copy(TOS, &pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); TOS = pobj2; } /* If TOS is an immutable sequence leave it (no op) */ /* Raise a TypeError for types that can not be sliced */ else if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_STR) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_TUP)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } continue; case STORE_SUBSCR: /* Implements TOS1[TOS] = TOS2 */ /* If it's a list */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_LST) { /* Ensure subscr is an int or bool */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_BOOL)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } /* Set the list item */ retval = list_setItem(TOS1, (int16_t)(((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val), TOS2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP -= 3; continue; } /* If it's a dict */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_DIC) { /* Set the dict item */ retval = dict_setItem(TOS1, TOS, TOS2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP -= 3; continue; } #ifdef HAVE_BYTEARRAY /* If object is an instance, get the thing it contains */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI) { retval = dict_getItem((pPmObj_t)((pPmInstance_t)TOS1)->cli_attrs, PM_NONE, &pobj2); /* Raise TypeError if instance isn't a ByteArray */ if ((retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj2) != OBJ_TYPE_BYA)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Ensure subscr is an int or bool */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) != OBJ_TYPE_BOOL)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } retval = bytearray_setItem(pobj2, (int16_t)(((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val), TOS2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP -= 3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_BYTEARRAY */ /* TypeError for all else */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; #ifdef HAVE_DEL case DELETE_SUBSCR: if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_LST) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { retval = list_delItem(TOS1, (int16_t)((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val); } else if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_DIC) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) <= OBJ_TYPE_HASHABLE_MAX)) { retval = dict_delItem(TOS1, TOS); } /* Raise TypeError if obj is not a list or dict */ else { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP -= 2; continue; #endif /* HAVE_DEL */ case BINARY_LSHIFT: case INPLACE_LSHIFT: /* If both objs are ints, perform the op */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val << ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* Otherwise raise a TypeError */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; case BINARY_RSHIFT: case INPLACE_RSHIFT: /* If both objs are ints, perform the op */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val >> ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* Otherwise raise a TypeError */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; case BINARY_AND: case INPLACE_AND: /* If both objs are ints, perform the op */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val & ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* Otherwise raise a TypeError */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; case BINARY_XOR: case INPLACE_XOR: /* If both objs are ints, perform the op */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val ^ ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* Otherwise raise a TypeError */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; case BINARY_OR: case INPLACE_OR: /* If both objs are ints, perform the op */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_INT)) { retval = int_new(((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val | ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } /* Otherwise raise a TypeError */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; #ifdef HAVE_PRINT case PRINT_EXPR: /* Print interactive expression */ /* Fallthrough */ case PRINT_ITEM: if (gVmGlobal.needSoftSpace && (bc == PRINT_ITEM)) { retval = plat_putByte(' '); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); } gVmGlobal.needSoftSpace = C_TRUE; /* Print out topmost stack element */ retval = obj_print(TOS, (uint8_t)(bc == PRINT_EXPR), C_FALSE); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; if (bc != PRINT_EXPR) { continue; } /* If PRINT_EXPR, Fallthrough to print a newline */ case PRINT_NEWLINE: gVmGlobal.needSoftSpace = C_FALSE; if (gVmGlobal.somethingPrinted) { retval = plat_putByte('\n'); gVmGlobal.somethingPrinted = C_FALSE; } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); continue; #endif /* HAVE_PRINT */ case BREAK_LOOP: { pPmBlock_t pb1 = PM_FP->fo_blockstack; /* Ensure there's a block */ C_ASSERT(pb1 != C_NULL); /* Delete blocks until first loop block */ while ((pb1->b_type != B_LOOP) && (pb1->next != C_NULL)) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)pb1; pb1 = pb1->next; retval = heap_freeChunk(pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); } /* Test again outside while loop */ PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Restore PM_SP */ PM_SP = pb1->b_sp; /* Goto handler */ PM_IP = pb1->b_handler; /* Pop and delete this block */ PM_FP->fo_blockstack = pb1->next; retval = heap_freeChunk((pPmObj_t)pb1); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); } continue; case LOAD_LOCALS: /* Pushes local attrs dict of current frame */ /* WARNING: does not copy fo_locals to attrs */ PM_PUSH((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_attrs); continue; case RETURN_VALUE: /* Get expiring frame's TOS */ pobj2 = PM_POP(); #if 0 /*__DEBUG__*/ /* #251: This safety check is disabled because it breaks ipm */ /* #109: Check that stack should now be empty */ /* If this is regular frame (not native and not a generator) */ if ((PM_FP != (pPmFrame_t)(&gVmGlobal.nativeframe)) && !(PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_flags & CO_GENERATOR)) { /* An empty stack points one past end of locals */ t8 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_nlocals; C_ASSERT(PM_SP == &(PM_FP->fo_locals[t8])); } #endif /* __DEBUG__ */ /* Keep ref of expiring frame */ pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)PM_FP; C_ASSERT(OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1) == OBJ_TYPE_FRM); /* If no previous frame, quit thread */ if (PM_FP->fo_back == C_NULL) { gVmGlobal.pthread->interpctrl = INTERP_CTRL_EXIT; retval = PM_RET_OK; break; } /* Otherwise return to previous frame */ PM_FP = PM_FP->fo_back; #ifdef HAVE_GENERATORS /* If returning function was a generator */ if (((pPmFrame_t)pobj1)->fo_func->f_co->co_flags & CO_GENERATOR) { /* Raise a StopIteration exception */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_STOP); break; } #endif /* HAVE_GENERATORS */ #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES /* * If returning function was class initializer * do not push a return object */ if (((pPmFrame_t)pobj1)->fo_isInit) { /* Raise TypeError if __init__ did not return None */ if (pobj2 != PM_NONE) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } } else #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ /* * Push frame's return val, except if the expiring frame * was due to an import statement */ if (!(((pPmFrame_t)pobj1)->fo_isImport)) { PM_PUSH(pobj2); } /* Deallocate expired frame */ PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(heap_freeChunk(pobj1)); continue; #ifdef HAVE_IMPORTS case IMPORT_STAR: /* #102: Implement the remaining IMPORT_ bytecodes */ /* Expect a module on the top of the stack */ C_ASSERT(OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_MOD); /* Update PM_FP's attrs with those of the module on the stack */ retval = dict_update((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_attrs, (pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)TOS)->f_attrs); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; continue; #endif /* HAVE_IMPORTS */ #ifdef HAVE_GENERATORS case YIELD_VALUE: /* #207: Add support for the yield keyword */ /* Get expiring frame's TOS */ pobj1 = PM_POP(); /* Raise TypeError if __init__ did not return None */ /* (Yield means this is a generator) */ if ((PM_FP)->fo_isInit) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } /* Return to previous frame */ PM_FP = PM_FP->fo_back; /* Push yield value onto caller's TOS */ PM_PUSH(pobj1); continue; #endif /* HAVE_GENERATORS */ case POP_BLOCK: /* Get ptr to top block */ pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_blockstack; /* If there's no block, raise SystemError */ C_ASSERT(pobj1 != C_NULL); /* Pop block */ PM_FP->fo_blockstack = PM_FP->fo_blockstack->next; /* Set stack to previous level, jump to code outside block */ PM_SP = ((pPmBlock_t)pobj1)->b_sp; PM_IP = ((pPmBlock_t)pobj1)->b_handler; PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(heap_freeChunk(pobj1)); continue; #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES case BUILD_CLASS: /* Create and push new class */ retval = class_new(TOS, TOS1, TOS2, &pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP -= 2; TOS = pobj2; continue; #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ /*************************************************** * All bytecodes after 90 (0x5A) have a 2-byte arg * that needs to be swallowed using GET_ARG(). **************************************************/ case STORE_NAME: /* Get name index */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Get key */ pobj2 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Set key=val in current frame's attrs dict */ retval = dict_setItem((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_attrs, pobj2, TOS); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; continue; #ifdef HAVE_DEL case DELETE_NAME: /* Get name index */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Get key */ pobj2 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Remove key,val pair from current frame's attrs dict */ retval = dict_delItem((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_attrs, pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); continue; #endif /* HAVE_DEL */ case UNPACK_SEQUENCE: /* Get ptr to sequence */ pobj1 = PM_POP(); #ifdef HAVE_BYTEARRAY /* If object is an instance, get the thing it contains */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI) { retval = dict_getItem((pPmObj_t)((pPmInstance_t)pobj1)->cli_attrs, PM_NONE, &pobj2); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); pobj1 = pobj2; } #endif /* HAVE_BYTEARRAY */ /* * Get the length of the sequence; this will * raise TypeError if obj is not a sequence. * * #59: Unpacking to a Dict shall not be supported */ retval = seq_getLength(pobj1, &t16); if (retval != PM_RET_OK) { GET_ARG(); break; } /* Raise ValueError if seq length does not match num args */ if (t16 != GET_ARG()) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_VAL); break; } /* Push sequence's objs onto stack */ for (; --t16 >= 0;) { retval = seq_getSubscript(pobj1, t16, &pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_PUSH(pobj2); } /* Test again outside the for loop */ PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); continue; case FOR_ITER: t16 = GET_ARG(); #ifdef HAVE_GENERATORS /* If TOS is an instance, call next method */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI) { /* Get the next() func */ retval = class_getAttr(TOS, PM_NEXT_STR, &pobj1); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Push the func and instance as an arg */ pobj2 = TOS; PM_PUSH(pobj1); PM_PUSH(pobj2); t16 = 1; /* Ensure pobj1 is the func */ goto CALL_FUNC_FOR_ITER; } else #endif /* HAVE_GENERATORS */ { /* Get the next item in the sequence iterator */ retval = seqiter_getNext(TOS, &pobj2); } /* Catch StopIteration early: pop iterator and break loop */ if (retval == PM_RET_EX_STOP) { PM_SP--; retval = PM_RET_OK; PM_IP += t16; continue; } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Push the next item onto the stack */ PM_PUSH(pobj2); continue; case STORE_ATTR: /* TOS.name = TOS1 */ /* Get names index */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Get attrs dict from obj */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FXN) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_MOD)) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)TOS)->f_attrs; } #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLO) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmClass_t)TOS)->cl_attrs; } else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmInstance_t)TOS)->cli_attrs; } else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_MTH) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmMethod_t)TOS)->m_attrs; } #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ /* Other types result in an AttributeError */ else { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_ATTR); break; } /* If attrs is not a dict, raise SystemError */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj2) != OBJ_TYPE_DIC) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } /* Get name/key obj */ pobj3 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Set key=val in obj's dict */ retval = dict_setItem(pobj2, pobj3, TOS1); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP -= 2; continue; #ifdef HAVE_DEL case DELETE_ATTR: /* del TOS.name */ /* Get names index */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Get attrs dict from obj */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FXN) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_MOD)) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)TOS)->f_attrs; } #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLO) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmClass_t)TOS)->cl_attrs; } else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmInstance_t)TOS)->cli_attrs; } else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_MTH) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmMethod_t)TOS)->m_attrs; } #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ /* Other types result in an AttributeError */ else { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_ATTR); break; } /* If attrs is not a dict, raise SystemError */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj2) != OBJ_TYPE_DIC) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } /* Get name/key obj */ pobj3 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Remove key,val from obj's dict */ retval = dict_delItem(pobj2, pobj3); /* Raise an AttributeError if key is not found */ if (retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_ATTR); } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; continue; #endif /* HAVE_DEL */ case STORE_GLOBAL: /* Get name index */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Get key */ pobj2 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Set key=val in global dict */ retval = dict_setItem((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_globals, pobj2, TOS); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; continue; #ifdef HAVE_DEL case DELETE_GLOBAL: /* Get name index */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Get key */ pobj2 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Remove key,val from globals */ retval = dict_delItem((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_globals, pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); continue; #endif /* HAVE_DEL */ case DUP_TOPX: t16 = GET_ARG(); C_ASSERT(t16 <= 3); pobj1 = TOS; pobj2 = TOS1; pobj3 = TOS2; if (t16 >= 3) PM_PUSH(pobj3); if (t16 >= 2) PM_PUSH(pobj2); if (t16 >= 1) PM_PUSH(pobj1); continue; case LOAD_CONST: /* Get const's index in CO */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Push const on stack */ PM_PUSH(PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_consts->val[t16]); continue; case LOAD_NAME: /* Get name index */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Get name from names tuple */ pobj1 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Get value from frame's attrs dict */ retval = dict_getItem((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_attrs, pobj1, &pobj2); if (retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) { /* Get val from globals */ retval = dict_getItem((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_globals, pobj1, &pobj2); /* Check for name in the builtins module if it is loaded */ if ((retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) && (PM_PBUILTINS != C_NULL)) { /* Get val from builtins */ retval = dict_getItem(PM_PBUILTINS, pobj1, &pobj2); if (retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) { /* Name not defined, raise NameError */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_NAME); break; } } } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_PUSH(pobj2); continue; case BUILD_TUPLE: /* Get num items */ t16 = GET_ARG(); retval = tuple_new(t16, &pobj1); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Fill tuple with ptrs to objs */ for (; --t16 >= 0;) { ((pPmTuple_t)pobj1)->val[t16] = PM_POP(); } PM_PUSH(pobj1); continue; case BUILD_LIST: t16 = GET_ARG(); retval = list_new(&pobj1); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); for (; --t16 >= 0;) { /* Insert obj into list */ heap_gcPushTempRoot(pobj1, &objid); retval = list_insert(pobj1, 0, TOS); heap_gcPopTempRoot(objid); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; } /* Test again outside for loop */ PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* push list onto stack */ PM_PUSH(pobj1); continue; case BUILD_MAP: /* Argument is ignored */ t16 = GET_ARG(); retval = dict_new(&pobj1); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_PUSH(pobj1); continue; case LOAD_ATTR: /* Implements TOS.attr */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Get attrs dict from obj */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FXN) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_MOD)) { pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)TOS)->f_attrs; } #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLO) { pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmClass_t)TOS)->cl_attrs; } else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI) { pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmInstance_t)TOS)->cli_attrs; } else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_MTH) { pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmMethod_t)TOS)->m_attrs; } #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ /* Other types result in an AttributeError */ else { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_ATTR); break; } /* If attrs is not a dict, raise SystemError */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1) != OBJ_TYPE_DIC) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } /* Get name */ pobj2 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Get attr with given name */ retval = dict_getItem(pobj1, pobj2, &pobj3); #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES /* * If attr is not found and object is a class or instance, * try to get the attribute from the class attrs or parent(s) */ if ((retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) && ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLO) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI))) { retval = class_getAttr(TOS, pobj2, &pobj3); } #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ /* Raise an AttributeError if key is not found */ if (retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_ATTR); } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES /* If obj is an instance and attr is a func, create method */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_CLI) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj3) == OBJ_TYPE_FXN)) { pobj2 = pobj3; retval = class_method(TOS, pobj2, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); } #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ /* Put attr on the stack */ TOS = pobj3; continue; case COMPARE_OP: retval = PM_RET_OK; t16 = GET_ARG(); #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT)) { retval = float_compare(TOS1, TOS, &pobj3, (PmCompare_t)t16); PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; } #endif /* HAVE_FLOAT */ /* Handle all integer-to-integer (or bool) comparisons */ if (((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_BOOL)) && ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) || (OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS1) == OBJ_TYPE_BOOL))) { int32_t a = ((pPmInt_t)TOS1)->val; int32_t b = ((pPmInt_t)TOS)->val; switch (t16) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ case COMP_LT: t8 = (int8_t)(a < b); break; case COMP_LE: t8 = (int8_t)(a <= b); break; case COMP_EQ: t8 = (int8_t)(a == b); break; case COMP_NE: t8 = (int8_t)(a != b); break; case COMP_GT: t8 = (int8_t)(a > b); break; case COMP_GE: t8 = (int8_t)(a >= b); break; case COMP_IS: t8 = (int8_t)(TOS == TOS1); break; case COMP_IS_NOT: t8 = (int8_t)(TOS != TOS1);break; case COMP_IN: case COMP_NOT_IN: PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; default: /* Other compares are not yet supported */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; /* *INDENT-ON* */ } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); pobj3 = (t8) ? PM_TRUE : PM_FALSE; } /* Handle non-integer comparisons */ else { retval = PM_RET_OK; switch (t16) { case COMP_EQ: case COMP_NE: /* Handle equality for non-int types */ pobj3 = PM_FALSE; t8 = obj_compare(TOS, TOS1); if (((t8 == C_SAME) && (t16 == COMP_EQ)) || ((t8 == C_DIFFER) && (t16 == COMP_NE))) { pobj3 = PM_TRUE; } break; case COMP_IN: case COMP_NOT_IN: /* Handle membership comparisons */ pobj3 = PM_FALSE; retval = obj_isIn(TOS, TOS1); if (retval == PM_RET_OK) { if (t16 == COMP_IN) { pobj3 = PM_TRUE; } } else if (retval == PM_RET_NO) { retval = PM_RET_OK; if (t16 == COMP_NOT_IN) { pobj3 = PM_TRUE; } } break; default: /* Other comparisons are not implemented */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); } PM_SP--; TOS = pobj3; continue; case IMPORT_NAME: /* Get name index */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Get name String obj */ pobj1 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Pop unused None object */ PM_SP--; /* Ensure "level" is -1; no support for relative import yet */ C_ASSERT(obj_compare(TOS, PM_NEGONE) == C_SAME); /* #110: Prevent importing previously-loaded module */ /* If the named module is in globals, put it on the stack */ retval = dict_getItem((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_globals, pobj1, &pobj2); if ((retval == PM_RET_OK) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj2) == OBJ_TYPE_MOD)) { TOS = pobj2; continue; } /* Load module from image */ retval = mod_import(pobj1, &pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Put Module on top of stack */ TOS = pobj2; /* Code after here is a duplicate of CALL_FUNCTION */ /* Make frame object to interpret the module's root code */ heap_gcPushTempRoot(pobj2, &objid); retval = frame_new(pobj2, &pobj3); heap_gcPopTempRoot(objid); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* No arguments to pass */ /* Keep ref to current frame */ ((pPmFrame_t)pobj3)->fo_back = PM_FP; /* Handle to have None popped on return */ ((pPmFrame_t)pobj3)->fo_isImport = (uint8_t)1; /* Set new frame */ PM_FP = (pPmFrame_t)pobj3; continue; #ifdef HAVE_IMPORTS case IMPORT_FROM: /* #102: Implement the remaining IMPORT_ bytecodes */ /* Expect the module on the top of the stack */ C_ASSERT(OBJ_GET_TYPE(TOS) == OBJ_TYPE_MOD); pobj1 = TOS; /* Get the name of the object to import */ t16 = GET_ARG(); pobj2 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Get the object from the module's attributes */ retval = dict_getItem((pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_attrs, pobj2, &pobj3); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Push the object onto the top of the stack */ PM_PUSH(pobj3); continue; #endif /* HAVE_IMPORTS */ case JUMP_FORWARD: t16 = GET_ARG(); PM_IP += t16; continue; case JUMP_IF_FALSE: t16 = GET_ARG(); if (obj_isFalse(TOS)) { PM_IP += t16; } continue; case JUMP_IF_TRUE: t16 = GET_ARG(); if (!obj_isFalse(TOS)) { PM_IP += t16; } continue; case JUMP_ABSOLUTE: case CONTINUE_LOOP: /* Get target offset (bytes) */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Jump to base_ip + arg */ PM_IP = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_codeaddr + t16; continue; case LOAD_GLOBAL: /* Get name */ t16 = GET_ARG(); pobj1 = PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_names->val[t16]; /* Try globals first */ retval = dict_getItem((pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_globals, pobj1, &pobj2); /* If that didn't work, try builtins */ if (retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) { retval = dict_getItem(PM_PBUILTINS, pobj1, &pobj2); /* No such global, raise NameError */ if (retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_NAME); break; } } PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_PUSH(pobj2); continue; case SETUP_LOOP: { uint8_t *pchunk; /* Get block span (bytes) */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Create block */ retval = heap_getChunk(sizeof(PmBlock_t), &pchunk); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)pchunk; OBJ_SET_TYPE(pobj1, OBJ_TYPE_BLK); /* Store current stack pointer */ ((pPmBlock_t)pobj1)->b_sp = PM_SP; /* Default handler is to exit block/loop */ ((pPmBlock_t)pobj1)->b_handler = PM_IP + t16; ((pPmBlock_t)pobj1)->b_type = B_LOOP; /* Insert block into blockstack */ ((pPmBlock_t)pobj1)->next = PM_FP->fo_blockstack; PM_FP->fo_blockstack = (pPmBlock_t)pobj1; continue; } case LOAD_FAST: t16 = GET_ARG(); PM_PUSH(PM_FP->fo_locals[t16]); continue; case STORE_FAST: t16 = GET_ARG(); PM_FP->fo_locals[t16] = PM_POP(); continue; #ifdef HAVE_DEL case DELETE_FAST: t16 = GET_ARG(); PM_FP->fo_locals[t16] = PM_NONE; continue; #endif /* HAVE_DEL */ #ifdef HAVE_ASSERT case RAISE_VARARGS: t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Only supports taking 1 arg for now */ if (t16 != 1) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } /* Load Exception class from builtins */ retval = dict_getItem(PM_PBUILTINS, PM_EXCEPTION_STR, &pobj2); if (retval != PM_RET_OK) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } /* Raise TypeError if TOS is not an instance of Exception */ pobj1 = TOS; if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1) != OBJ_TYPE_CLO) || !class_isSubclass(pobj1, pobj2)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } /* Push the traceback, parameter and exception object */ TOS = PM_NONE; PM_PUSH(PM_NONE); PM_PUSH(pobj1); /* Get the exception's code attr */ retval = dict_getItem((pPmObj_t)((pPmClass_t)pobj1)->cl_attrs, PM_CODE_STR, &pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Raise exception by breaking with retval set to code */ PM_RAISE(retval, (PmReturn_t)(((pPmInt_t)pobj2)->val & 0xFF)); break; #endif /* HAVE_ASSERT */ case CALL_FUNCTION: /* Get num args */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* Ensure no keyword args */ if ((t16 & (uint16_t)0xFF00) != 0) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } /* Get the callable */ pobj1 = STACK(t16); /* Useless push to get temp-roots stack level used in cleanup */ heap_gcPushTempRoot(pobj1, &objid); C_DEBUG_PRINT(VERBOSITY_LOW, "interpret(), CALL_FUNCTION on <obj type=%d @ %p>\n", OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1), pobj1); #ifdef HAVE_GENERATORS /* If the callable is a generator function (can't be native) */ if ((OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1) == OBJ_TYPE_FXN) && (OBJ_GET_TYPE(((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co) == OBJ_TYPE_COB) && (((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_flags & CO_GENERATOR)) { #ifdef HAVE_DEFAULTARGS /* Num required args := argcount - num default args */ t8 = ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_argcount; if (((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_defaultargs != C_NULL) { t8 -= ((pPmTuple_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_defaultargs)-> length; } /* * Raise a TypeError if num args passed * is more than allowed or less than required */ if (((t16 & ((uint8_t)0xFF)) > ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_argcount) || ((t16 & ((uint8_t)0xFF)) < t8)) #else if ((t16 & ((uint8_t)0xFF)) != ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_argcount) #endif /* HAVE_DEFAULTARGS */ { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } /* Collect the function and arguments into a tuple */ retval = tuple_new(t16 + 1, &pobj2); heap_gcPushTempRoot(pobj2, &objid2); PM_GOTO_IF_ERROR(retval, CALL_FUNC_CLEANUP); sli_memcpy((uint8_t *)&((pPmTuple_t)pobj2)->val, (uint8_t *)&STACK(t16), (t16 + 1) * sizeof(pPmObj_t)); /* Remove old args, push func/args tuple as one arg */ PM_SP -= t16; PM_PUSH(pobj2); t16 = 1; /* Set pobj1 and stack to create an instance of Generator */ retval = dict_getItem(PM_PBUILTINS, PM_GENERATOR_STR, &pobj1); C_ASSERT(retval == PM_RET_OK); STACK(t16) = pobj1; } #endif /* HAVE_GENERATORS */ #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES /* If the callable is a class, create an instance of it */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1) == OBJ_TYPE_CLO) { /* This marks that the original callable was a class */ bc = 0; /* Replace class with new instance */ retval = class_instantiate(pobj1, &pobj2); heap_gcPushTempRoot(pobj2, &objid2); STACK(t16) = pobj2; /* If __init__ does not exist */ pobj3 = C_NULL; retval = class_getAttr(pobj1, PM_INIT_STR, &pobj3); if (retval == PM_RET_EX_KEY) { /* Raise TypeError if there are args */ if (t16 > 0) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); goto CALL_FUNC_CLEANUP; } /* Otherwise, continue with instance */ heap_gcPopTempRoot(objid); continue; } else if (retval != PM_RET_OK) { PM_GOTO_IF_ERROR(retval, CALL_FUNC_CLEANUP); } /* Slide the arguments up 1 slot in the stack */ PM_SP++; for (t8 = 0; t8 < t16; t8++) { STACK(t8) = STACK(t8 + 1); } /* Convert __init__ to method, insert it as the callable */ retval = class_method(pobj2, pobj3, &pobj1); PM_GOTO_IF_ERROR(retval, CALL_FUNC_CLEANUP); heap_gcPushTempRoot(pobj2, &objid2); STACK(t16) = pobj1; /* Fall through to call the method */ } if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1) == OBJ_TYPE_MTH) { /* Set the method's func to be the callable */ STACK(t16) = (pPmObj_t)((pPmMethod_t)pobj1)->m_func; /* Slide the arguments up 1 slot in the stack */ PM_SP++; for (t8 = 0; t8 < t16; t8++) { STACK(t8) = STACK(t8 + 1); } /* Insert instance as "self" arg to the method */ STACK(t16++) = (pPmObj_t)((pPmMethod_t)pobj1)->m_instance; /* Refresh the callable */ pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmMethod_t)pobj1)->m_func; } #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ #ifdef HAVE_GENERATORS CALL_FUNC_FOR_ITER: #endif /* HAVE_GENERATORS */ /* Raise a TypeError if object is not callable */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj1) != OBJ_TYPE_FXN) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); goto CALL_FUNC_CLEANUP; } /* If it is a regular func (not native) */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co) == OBJ_TYPE_COB) { /* * #132 Raise TypeError if num args does not match the * code object's expected argcount */ #ifdef HAVE_DEFAULTARGS /* Num required args := argcount - num default args */ t8 = ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_argcount; if (((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_defaultargs != C_NULL) { t8 -= ((pPmTuple_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_defaultargs)-> length; } /* * Raise a TypeError if num args passed * is more than allowed or less than required */ if (((t16 & ((uint8_t)0xFF)) > ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_argcount) || ((t16 & ((uint8_t)0xFF)) < t8)) #else if ((t16 & ((uint8_t)0xFF)) != ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_argcount) #endif /* HAVE_DEFAULTARGS */ { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } /* Make frame object to run the func object */ retval = frame_new(pobj1, &pobj2); heap_gcPushTempRoot(pobj2, &objid2); PM_GOTO_IF_ERROR(retval, CALL_FUNC_CLEANUP); #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES /* * If the original callable was a class, indicate that * the frame is running the initializer so that * its return object is checked for None and ignored. */ if (bc == 0) { ((pPmFrame_t)pobj2)->fo_isInit = C_TRUE; } #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ #ifdef HAVE_DEFAULTARGS /* If this func has default arguments, put them in place */ if (((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_defaultargs != C_NULL) { int8_t i = 0; /* Copy default args into the new frame's locals */ for ( /* t8 set above */ ; t8 < ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_argcount; t8++) { ((pPmFrame_t)pobj2)->fo_locals[t8] = ((pPmTuple_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)-> f_defaultargs)->val[i++]; } } #endif /* HAVE_DEFAULTARGS */ /* Pass args to new frame */ while (--t16 >= 0) { /* * Pop args from stack right to left, * since args are pushed left to right, */ ((pPmFrame_t)pobj2)->fo_locals[t16] = PM_POP(); } #ifdef HAVE_CLOSURES /* #256: Add support for closures */ /* Copy arguments that become cellvars */ if (((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_cellvars != C_NULL) { for (t8 = 0; t8 < ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_cellvars->length; t8++) { if (((pPmInt_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)-> f_co->co_cellvars->val[t8])->val >= 0) { ((pPmFrame_t)pobj2)->fo_locals[ ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_nlocals + t8] = ((pPmFrame_t)pobj2)->fo_locals[ ((pPmInt_t)(((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)-> f_co->co_cellvars->val[t8]))->val ]; } } } /* Fill frame's freevars with references from closure */ for (t8 = 0; t8 < ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_nfreevars; t8++) { C_ASSERT(((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_closure != C_NULL); ((pPmFrame_t)pobj2)->fo_locals[ ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_nlocals + ((((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_cellvars == C_NULL) ? 0 : ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co->co_cellvars->length) + t8] = ((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_closure->val[t8]; } #endif /* HAVE_CLOSURES */ /* Pop func obj */ pobj3 = PM_POP(); /* Keep ref to current frame */ ((pPmFrame_t)pobj2)->fo_back = PM_FP; /* Set new frame */ PM_FP = (pPmFrame_t)pobj2; } /* If it's native func */ else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co) == OBJ_TYPE_NOB) { /* Set number of locals (arguments) */ gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_numlocals = (uint8_t)t16; /* Pop args from stack */ while (--t16 >= 0) { gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_locals[t16] = PM_POP(); } #ifdef HAVE_GC /* If the heap is low on memory, run the GC */ if (heap_getAvail() < HEAP_GC_NF_THRESHOLD) { retval = heap_gcRun(); PM_GOTO_IF_ERROR(retval, CALL_FUNC_CLEANUP); } #endif /* HAVE_GC */ /* Pop the function object */ PM_SP--; /* Get native function index */ pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj1)->f_co; t16 = ((pPmNo_t)pobj2)->no_funcindx; /* Set flag, so the GC knows a native session is active */ gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_active = C_TRUE; /* * CALL NATIVE FXN: pass caller's frame and numargs */ /* Positive index is a stdlib func */ if (t16 >= 0) { retval = std_nat_fxn_table[t16] (&PM_FP); } /* Negative index is a usrlib func */ else { retval = usr_nat_fxn_table[-t16] (&PM_FP); } /* * RETURN FROM NATIVE FXN */ /* Clear flag, so frame will not be marked by the GC */ gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_active = C_FALSE; #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES /* If class's __init__ called, do not push a return obj */ if (bc == 0) { /* Raise TypeError if returned obj was not None */ if ((retval == PM_RET_OK) && (gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_stack != PM_NONE)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); goto CALL_FUNC_CLEANUP; } } else #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ /* If the frame pointer was switched, do nothing to TOS */ if (retval == PM_RET_FRAME_SWITCH) { retval = PM_RET_OK; } /* Otherwise, return the result from the native function */ else { PM_PUSH(gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_stack); } } CALL_FUNC_CLEANUP: heap_gcPopTempRoot(objid); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); continue; case MAKE_FUNCTION: /* Get num default args to fxn */ t16 = GET_ARG(); /* * The current frame's globals become the function object's * globals. The current frame is the container object * of this new function object */ retval = func_new(TOS, (pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_globals, &pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Put any default args in a tuple */ if (t16 > 0) { #ifdef HAVE_DEFAULTARGS heap_gcPushTempRoot(pobj2, &objid); retval = tuple_new(t16, &pobj3); heap_gcPopTempRoot(objid); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); PM_SP--; while (--t16 >= 0) { ((pPmTuple_t)pobj3)->val[t16] = PM_POP(); } /* Set func's default args */ ((pPmFunc_t)pobj2)->f_defaultargs = (pPmTuple_t)pobj3; #else /* Default arguments not configured in pmfeatures.h */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; #endif /* HAVE_DEFAULTARGS */ } else { PM_SP--; } /* Push func obj */ PM_PUSH(pobj2); continue; #ifdef HAVE_CLOSURES case MAKE_CLOSURE: /* Get number of default args */ t16 = GET_ARG(); retval = func_new(TOS, (pPmObj_t)PM_FP->fo_globals, &pobj2); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Set closure of the new function */ ((pPmFunc_t)pobj2)->f_closure = (pPmTuple_t)TOS1; PM_SP -= 2; /* Collect any default arguments into tuple */ if (t16 > 0) { heap_gcPushTempRoot(pobj2, &objid); retval = tuple_new(t16, &pobj3); heap_gcPopTempRoot(objid); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); while (--t16 >= 0) { ((pPmTuple_t)pobj3)->val[t16] = PM_POP(); } ((pPmFunc_t)pobj2)->f_defaultargs = (pPmTuple_t)pobj3; } /* Push new func with closure */ PM_PUSH(pobj2); continue; case LOAD_CLOSURE: case LOAD_DEREF: /* Loads the i'th cell of free variable storage onto TOS */ t16 = GET_ARG(); pobj1 = PM_FP->fo_locals[PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_nlocals + t16]; if (pobj1 == C_NULL) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } PM_PUSH(pobj1); continue; case STORE_DEREF: /* Stores TOS into the i'th cell of free variable storage */ t16 = GET_ARG(); PM_FP->fo_locals[PM_FP->fo_func->f_co->co_nlocals + t16] = PM_POP(); continue; #endif /* HAVE_CLOSURES */ default: /* SystemError, unknown or unimplemented opcode */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } #ifdef HAVE_GENERATORS /* If got a StopIteration exception, check for a B_LOOP block */ if (retval == PM_RET_EX_STOP) { pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)PM_FP; while ((retval == PM_RET_EX_STOP) && (pobj1 != C_NULL)) { pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmFrame_t)pobj1)->fo_blockstack; while ((retval == PM_RET_EX_STOP) && (pobj2 != C_NULL)) { if (((pPmBlock_t)pobj2)->b_type == B_LOOP) { /* Resume execution where the block handler says */ /* Set PM_FP first, so PM_SP and PM_IP are set in the frame */ PM_FP = (pPmFrame_t)pobj1; PM_SP = ((pPmBlock_t)pobj2)->b_sp; PM_IP = ((pPmBlock_t)pobj2)->b_handler; ((pPmFrame_t)pobj1)->fo_blockstack = ((pPmFrame_t)pobj1)->fo_blockstack->next; retval = PM_RET_OK; break; } pobj2 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmBlock_t)pobj2)->next; } pobj1 = (pPmObj_t)((pPmFrame_t)pobj1)->fo_back; } if (retval == PM_RET_OK) { continue; } } #endif /* HAVE_GENERATORS */ /* * If execution reaches this point, it is because * a return value (from above) is not OK or we should exit the thread * (return of the function). In any case, remove the * current thread and reschedule. */ PM_REPORT_IF_ERROR(retval); /* If this is the last thread, return the error code */ if ((gVmGlobal.threadList->length <= 1) && (retval != PM_RET_OK)) { break; } retval = list_remove((pPmObj_t)gVmGlobal.threadList, (pPmObj_t)gVmGlobal.pthread); gVmGlobal.pthread = C_NULL; PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); retval = interp_reschedule(); PM_BREAK_IF_ERROR(retval); } return retval; } PmReturn_t interp_reschedule(void) { PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; static uint8_t threadIndex = (uint8_t)0; pPmObj_t pobj; /* If there are no threads in the runnable list, null the active thread */ if (gVmGlobal.threadList->length == 0) { gVmGlobal.pthread = C_NULL; } /* Otherwise, get the next thread in the list (round robin) */ else { if (++threadIndex >= gVmGlobal.threadList->length) { threadIndex = (uint8_t)0; } retval = list_getItem((pPmObj_t)gVmGlobal.threadList, threadIndex, &pobj); gVmGlobal.pthread = (pPmThread_t)pobj; PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); } /* Clear flag to indicate a reschedule has occurred */ interp_setRescheduleFlag(0); return retval; } PmReturn_t interp_addThread(pPmFunc_t pfunc) { PmReturn_t retval; pPmObj_t pframe; pPmObj_t pthread; uint8_t objid1, objid2; /* Create a frame for the func */ retval = frame_new((pPmObj_t)pfunc, &pframe); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Create a thread with this new frame */ heap_gcPushTempRoot(pframe, &objid1); retval = thread_new(pframe, &pthread); if (retval != PM_RET_OK) { heap_gcPopTempRoot(objid1); return retval; } /* Add thread to end of list */ heap_gcPushTempRoot(pthread, &objid2); retval = list_append((pPmObj_t)gVmGlobal.threadList, pthread); heap_gcPopTempRoot(objid1); return retval; } void interp_setRescheduleFlag(uint8_t boolean) { gVmGlobal.reschedule = boolean; }