/* ****************************************************************************** * * @file vtolflycontroller.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2015. * @brief Class implements the fly controller for vtols * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "plans.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include } // C++ includes #include "vtolflycontroller.h" #include "pathfollowerfsm.h" #include "pidcontroldown.h" #include "pidcontrolne.h" // Private constants #define DEADBAND_HIGH 0.10f #define DEADBAND_LOW -0.10f #define RTB_LAND_FRACTIONAL_PROGRESS_START_CHECKS 0.95f #define RTB_LAND_NE_DISTANCE_REQUIRED_TO_START_LAND_SEQUENCE 2.0f // pointer to a singleton instance VtolFlyController *VtolFlyController::p_inst = 0; VtolFlyController::VtolFlyController() : vtolPathFollowerSettings(NULL), mActive(false), mManualThrust(false), mMode(0), vtolEmergencyFallback(0.0f), vtolEmergencyFallbackSwitch(false) {} // Called when mode first engaged void VtolFlyController::Activate(void) { if (!mActive) { mActive = true; mManualThrust = false; SettingsUpdated(); controlDown.Activate(); controlNE.Activate(); mMode = pathDesired->Mode; vtolEmergencyFallback = 0.0f; vtolEmergencyFallbackSwitch = false; } } uint8_t VtolFlyController::IsActive(void) { return mActive; } uint8_t VtolFlyController::Mode(void) { return mMode; } // Objective updated in pathdesired void VtolFlyController::ObjectiveUpdated(void) {} void VtolFlyController::Deactivate(void) { if (mActive) { mActive = false; mManualThrust = false; controlDown.Deactivate(); controlNE.Deactivate(); vtolEmergencyFallback = 0.0f; vtolEmergencyFallbackSwitch = false; } } void VtolFlyController::SettingsUpdated(void) { const float dT = vtolPathFollowerSettings->UpdatePeriod / 1000.0f; controlNE.UpdateParameters(vtolPathFollowerSettings->HorizontalVelPID.Kp, vtolPathFollowerSettings->HorizontalVelPID.Ki, vtolPathFollowerSettings->HorizontalVelPID.Kd, vtolPathFollowerSettings->HorizontalVelPID.ILimit, dT, vtolPathFollowerSettings->HorizontalVelMax); controlNE.UpdatePositionalParameters(vtolPathFollowerSettings->HorizontalPosP); controlNE.UpdateCommandParameters(-vtolPathFollowerSettings->MaxRollPitch, vtolPathFollowerSettings->MaxRollPitch, vtolPathFollowerSettings->VelocityFeedforward); controlDown.UpdateParameters(vtolPathFollowerSettings->VerticalVelPID.Kp, vtolPathFollowerSettings->VerticalVelPID.Ki, vtolPathFollowerSettings->VerticalVelPID.Kd, vtolPathFollowerSettings->VerticalVelPID.ILimit, // TODO Change to BETA dT, vtolPathFollowerSettings->VerticalVelMax); controlDown.UpdatePositionalParameters(vtolPathFollowerSettings->VerticalPosP); VtolSelfTuningStatsData vtolSelfTuningStats; VtolSelfTuningStatsGet(&vtolSelfTuningStats); controlDown.UpdateNeutralThrust(vtolSelfTuningStats.NeutralThrustOffset + vtolPathFollowerSettings->ThrustLimits.Neutral); controlDown.SetThrustLimits(vtolPathFollowerSettings->ThrustLimits.Min, vtolPathFollowerSettings->ThrustLimits.Max); } /** * Initialise the module, called on startup * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t VtolFlyController::Initialize(VtolPathFollowerSettingsData *ptr_vtolPathFollowerSettings) { PIOS_Assert(ptr_vtolPathFollowerSettings); vtolPathFollowerSettings = ptr_vtolPathFollowerSettings; return 0; } /** * Compute desired velocity from the current position and path */ void VtolFlyController::UpdateVelocityDesired() { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); VelocityStateData velocityState; VelocityStateGet(&velocityState); controlNE.UpdateVelocityState(velocityState.North, velocityState.East); controlDown.UpdateVelocityState(velocityState.Down); VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired; // look ahead kFF seconds float cur[3] = { positionState.North + (velocityState.North * vtolPathFollowerSettings->CourseFeedForward), positionState.East + (velocityState.East * vtolPathFollowerSettings->CourseFeedForward), positionState.Down + (velocityState.Down * vtolPathFollowerSettings->CourseFeedForward) }; struct path_status progress; path_progress(pathDesired, cur, &progress, true); controlNE.ControlPositionWithPath(&progress); if (!mManualThrust) { controlDown.ControlPositionWithPath(&progress); } float north, east; controlNE.GetVelocityDesired(&north, &east); velocityDesired.North = north; velocityDesired.East = east; if (!mManualThrust) { velocityDesired.Down = controlDown.GetVelocityDesired(); } else { velocityDesired.Down = 0.0f; } // update pathstatus pathStatus->error = progress.error; pathStatus->fractional_progress = progress.fractional_progress; pathStatus->path_direction_north = progress.path_vector[0]; pathStatus->path_direction_east = progress.path_vector[1]; pathStatus->path_direction_down = progress.path_vector[2]; pathStatus->correction_direction_north = progress.correction_vector[0]; pathStatus->correction_direction_east = progress.correction_vector[1]; pathStatus->correction_direction_down = progress.correction_vector[2]; VelocityDesiredSet(&velocityDesired); } int8_t VtolFlyController::UpdateStabilizationDesired(bool yaw_attitude, float yaw_direction) { uint8_t result = 1; StabilizationDesiredData stabDesired; AttitudeStateData attitudeState; StabilizationBankData stabSettings; float northCommand; float eastCommand; StabilizationDesiredGet(&stabDesired); AttitudeStateGet(&attitudeState); StabilizationBankGet(&stabSettings); controlNE.GetNECommand(&northCommand, &eastCommand); float angle_radians = DEG2RAD(attitudeState.Yaw); float cos_angle = cosf(angle_radians); float sine_angle = sinf(angle_radians); float maxPitch = vtolPathFollowerSettings->MaxRollPitch; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Pitch = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ATTITUDE; stabDesired.Pitch = boundf(-northCommand * cos_angle - eastCommand * sine_angle, -maxPitch, maxPitch); // this should be in the controller stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Roll = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ATTITUDE; stabDesired.Roll = boundf(-northCommand * sine_angle + eastCommand * cos_angle, -maxPitch, maxPitch); ManualControlCommandData manualControl; ManualControlCommandGet(&manualControl); // TODO The below need to be rewritten because the PID implementation has changed. #if 0 // DEBUG HACK: allow user to skew compass on purpose to see if emergency failsafe kicks in if (vtolPathFollowerSettings->FlyawayEmergencyFallback == VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_FLYAWAYEMERGENCYFALLBACK_DEBUGTEST) { attitudeState.Yaw += 120.0f; if (attitudeState.Yaw > 180.0f) { attitudeState.Yaw -= 360.0f; } } if ( // emergency flyaway detection ( // integral already at its limit vtolPathFollowerSettings.HorizontalVelPID.ILimit - fabsf(global.PIDvel[0].iAccumulator) < 1e-6f || vtolPathFollowerSettings.HorizontalVelPID.ILimit - fabsf(global.PIDvel[1].iAccumulator) < 1e-6f ) && // angle between desired and actual velocity >90 degrees (by dot product) (velocityDesired.North * velocityState.North + velocityDesired.East * velocityState.East < 0.0f) && // quad is moving at significant speed (during flyaway it would keep speeding up) squaref(velocityState.North) + squaref(velocityState.East) > 1.0f ) { vtolEmergencyFallback += dT; if (vtolEmergencyFallback >= vtolPathFollowerSettings->FlyawayEmergencyFallbackTriggerTime) { // after emergency timeout, trigger alarm - everything else is handled by callers // (switch to emergency algorithm, switch to emergency waypoint in pathplanner, alarms, ...) result = 0; } } else { vtolEmergencyFallback = 0.0f; } #endif // if 0 if (yaw_attitude) { stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Yaw = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ATTITUDE; stabDesired.Yaw = yaw_direction; } else { stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Yaw = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_AXISLOCK; stabDesired.Yaw = stabSettings.MaximumRate.Yaw * manualControl.Yaw; } // default thrust mode to cruise control stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Thrust = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_CRUISECONTROL; if (mManualThrust) { stabDesired.Thrust = manualControl.Thrust; } else { stabDesired.Thrust = controlDown.GetDownCommand(); } StabilizationDesiredSet(&stabDesired); return result; } /** * Compute desired attitude for vtols - emergency fallback */ void VtolFlyController::UpdateDesiredAttitudeEmergencyFallback() { VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired; VelocityStateData velocityState; StabilizationDesiredData stabDesired; float courseError; float courseCommand; VelocityStateGet(&velocityState); VelocityDesiredGet(&velocityDesired); ManualControlCommandData manualControlData; ManualControlCommandGet(&manualControlData); courseError = RAD2DEG(atan2f(velocityDesired.East, velocityDesired.North) - atan2f(velocityState.East, velocityState.North)); if (courseError < -180.0f) { courseError += 360.0f; } if (courseError > 180.0f) { courseError -= 360.0f; } courseCommand = (courseError * vtolPathFollowerSettings->EmergencyFallbackYawRate.kP); stabDesired.Yaw = boundf(courseCommand, -vtolPathFollowerSettings->EmergencyFallbackYawRate.Max, vtolPathFollowerSettings->EmergencyFallbackYawRate.Max); controlDown.UpdateVelocitySetpoint(velocityDesired.Down); controlDown.UpdateVelocityState(velocityState.Down); stabDesired.Thrust = controlDown.GetDownCommand(); stabDesired.Roll = vtolPathFollowerSettings->EmergencyFallbackAttitude.Roll; stabDesired.Pitch = vtolPathFollowerSettings->EmergencyFallbackAttitude.Pitch; if (vtolPathFollowerSettings->ThrustControl == VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THRUSTCONTROL_MANUAL) { stabDesired.Thrust = manualControlData.Thrust; } stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Roll = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ATTITUDE; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Pitch = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ATTITUDE; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Yaw = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_RATE; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Thrust = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_CRUISECONTROL; StabilizationDesiredSet(&stabDesired); } void VtolFlyController::UpdateAutoPilot() { if (vtolPathFollowerSettings->ThrustControl == VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_THRUSTCONTROL_MANUAL) { mManualThrust = true; } uint8_t result = RunAutoPilot(); if (result) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_OK); } else { pathStatus->Status = PATHSTATUS_STATUS_CRITICAL; AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_WARNING); } PathStatusSet(pathStatus); // If rtbl, detect arrival at the endpoint and then triggers a change // to the pathDesired to initiate a Landing sequence. This is the simpliest approach. plans.c // can't manage this. And pathplanner whilst similar does not manage this as it is not a // waypoint traversal and is not aware of flight modes other than path plan. if ((uint8_t)pathDesired->ModeParameters[PATHDESIRED_MODEPARAMETER_GOTOENDPOINT_NEXTCOMMAND] == FLIGHTMODESETTINGS_RETURNTOBASENEXTCOMMAND_LAND) { if (pathStatus->fractional_progress > RTB_LAND_FRACTIONAL_PROGRESS_START_CHECKS) { if (fabsf(pathStatus->correction_direction_north) < RTB_LAND_NE_DISTANCE_REQUIRED_TO_START_LAND_SEQUENCE && fabsf(pathStatus->correction_direction_east) < RTB_LAND_NE_DISTANCE_REQUIRED_TO_START_LAND_SEQUENCE) { plan_setup_land(); } } } } /** * vtol autopilot * use hover capable algorithm with unlimeted movement calculation. if that fails (flyaway situation due to compass failure) * fall back to emergency fallback autopilot to keep minimum amount of flight control */ uint8_t VtolFlyController::RunAutoPilot() { enum { RETURN_0 = 0, RETURN_1 = 1, RETURN_RESULT } returnmode; enum { FOLLOWER_REGULAR, FOLLOWER_FALLBACK } followermode; uint8_t result = 0; // decide on behaviour based on settings and system state if (vtolEmergencyFallbackSwitch) { returnmode = RETURN_0; followermode = FOLLOWER_FALLBACK; } else { if (vtolPathFollowerSettings->FlyawayEmergencyFallback == VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_FLYAWAYEMERGENCYFALLBACK_ALWAYS) { returnmode = RETURN_1; followermode = FOLLOWER_FALLBACK; } else { returnmode = RETURN_RESULT; followermode = FOLLOWER_REGULAR; } } switch (followermode) { case FOLLOWER_REGULAR: { // horizontal position control PID loop works according to settings in regular mode, allowing integral terms UpdateVelocityDesired(); // yaw behaviour is configurable in vtolpathfollower, select yaw control algorithm bool yaw_attitude = true; float yaw = 0.0f; switch (vtolPathFollowerSettings->YawControl) { case VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_YAWCONTROL_MANUAL: yaw_attitude = false; break; case VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_YAWCONTROL_TAILIN: yaw = updateTailInBearing(); break; case VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_YAWCONTROL_MOVEMENTDIRECTION: yaw = updateCourseBearing(); break; case VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_YAWCONTROL_PATHDIRECTION: yaw = updatePathBearing(); break; case VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_YAWCONTROL_POI: yaw = updatePOIBearing(); break; } result = UpdateStabilizationDesired(yaw_attitude, yaw); if (!result) { if (vtolPathFollowerSettings->FlyawayEmergencyFallback != VTOLPATHFOLLOWERSETTINGS_FLYAWAYEMERGENCYFALLBACK_DISABLED) { // switch to emergency follower if follower indicates problems vtolEmergencyFallbackSwitch = true; } } } break; case FOLLOWER_FALLBACK: { // fallback loop only cares about intended horizontal flight direction, simplify control behaviour accordingly controlNE.UpdatePositionalParameters(1.0f); UpdateVelocityDesired(); // emergency follower has no return value UpdateDesiredAttitudeEmergencyFallback(); } break; } switch (returnmode) { case RETURN_RESULT: return result; default: // returns either 0 or 1 according to enum definition above return returnmode; } } /** * Compute bearing of current takeoff location */ float VtolFlyController::updateTailInBearing() { PositionStateData p; PositionStateGet(&p); TakeOffLocationData t; TakeOffLocationGet(&t); // atan2f always returns in between + and - 180 degrees return RAD2DEG(atan2f(p.East - t.East, p.North - t.North)); } /** * Compute bearing of current movement direction */ float VtolFlyController::updateCourseBearing() { VelocityStateData v; VelocityStateGet(&v); // atan2f always returns in between + and - 180 degrees return RAD2DEG(atan2f(v.East, v.North)); } /** * Compute bearing of current path direction */ float VtolFlyController::updatePathBearing() { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); float cur[3] = { positionState.North, positionState.East, positionState.Down }; struct path_status progress; path_progress(pathDesired, cur, &progress, true); // atan2f always returns in between + and - 180 degrees return RAD2DEG(atan2f(progress.path_vector[1], progress.path_vector[0])); } /** * Compute bearing between current position and POI */ float VtolFlyController::updatePOIBearing() { PoiLocationData poi; PoiLocationGet(&poi); PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); const float dT = vtolPathFollowerSettings->UpdatePeriod / 1000.0f; float dLoc[3]; float yaw = 0; /*float elevation = 0;*/ dLoc[0] = positionState.North - poi.North; dLoc[1] = positionState.East - poi.East; dLoc[2] = positionState.Down - poi.Down; if (dLoc[1] < 0) { yaw = RAD2DEG(atan2f(dLoc[1], dLoc[0])) + 180.0f; } else { yaw = RAD2DEG(atan2f(dLoc[1], dLoc[0])) - 180.0f; } ManualControlCommandData manualControlData; ManualControlCommandGet(&manualControlData); float pathAngle = 0; if (manualControlData.Roll > DEADBAND_HIGH) { pathAngle = -(manualControlData.Roll - DEADBAND_HIGH) * dT * 300.0f; } else if (manualControlData.Roll < DEADBAND_LOW) { pathAngle = -(manualControlData.Roll - DEADBAND_LOW) * dT * 300.0f; } return yaw + (pathAngle / 2.0f); }