Sounds for the notification plugin. Before being included, all files should be normalized using with no options. Do not however re-normalise the files already here. Work in progress, any ideas PM me - dankers. Noises: alarmsound beepsound whoopsound Spoken Collection (sorted alphabetically): aborted active alert altitude amps aquired autonomous flight battery camera cancelled changed circle position cleared complete connected connection control critical disabled disconnected feet figure eight flight Geofence GPS ground station heading height high hippodrome hold position Home location initiated initiazlised KPH landing launch left logging lost low altitude low battery low gps quality manual flight maxium meters minimum mode MPH navigation OpenPilot point range reached ready for flight return home right set speed stabalisation started stopped take off telemtry time triggered UAV volts warning waypoint Numbers: zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven tweleve thriteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eightteen nineteen twenty thirty fourty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundread thousand Upto: OpenPilot critical battery point