/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file uavobjectparser.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief Parses XML files and extracts object information. * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "uavobjectparser.h" /** * Constructor */ UAVObjectParser::UAVObjectParser() { fieldTypeStrXML << "int8" << "int16" << "int32" << "uint8" << "uint16" << "uint32" <<"float" << "enum"; updateModeStrXML << "periodic" << "onchange" << "manual" << "never"; accessModeStr << "ACCESS_READWRITE" << "ACCESS_READONLY"; fieldTypeNumBytes << int(1) << int(2) << int(4) << int(1) << int(2) << int(4) << int(4) << int(1); accessModeStrXML << "readwrite" << "readonly"; } /** * Get number of objects */ int UAVObjectParser::getNumObjects() { return objInfo.length(); } /** * Get the detailed object information */ QList<ObjectInfo*> UAVObjectParser::getObjectInfo() { return objInfo; } ObjectInfo* UAVObjectParser::getObjectByIndex(int objIndex) { return objInfo[objIndex]; } /** * Get the name of the object */ QString UAVObjectParser::getObjectName(int objIndex) { ObjectInfo* info = objInfo[objIndex]; if (info == NULL) return QString(); return info->name; } /** * Get the ID of the object */ quint32 UAVObjectParser::getObjectID(int objIndex) { ObjectInfo* info = objInfo[objIndex]; if (info == NULL) return 0; return info->id; } /** * Get the number of bytes in the data fields of this object */ int UAVObjectParser::getNumBytes(int objIndex) { ObjectInfo* info = objInfo[objIndex]; if (info == NULL) { return 0; } else { int numBytes = 0; for (int n = 0; n < info->fields.length(); ++n) { numBytes += info->fields[n]->numBytes * info->fields[n]->numElements; } return numBytes; } } /** * Parse supplied XML file * @param xml The xml text * @param filename The xml filename * @returns Null QString() on success, error message on failure */ QString UAVObjectParser::parseXML(QString& xml, QString& filename) { // Create DOM document and parse it QDomDocument doc("UAVObjects"); bool parsed = doc.setContent(xml); if (!parsed) return QString("Improperly formated XML file"); // Read all objects contained in the XML file, creating an new ObjectInfo for each QDomElement docElement = doc.documentElement(); QDomNode node = docElement.firstChild(); while ( !node.isNull() ) { // Create new object entry ObjectInfo* info = new ObjectInfo; info->filename=filename; // Process object attributes QString status = processObjectAttributes(node, info); if (!status.isNull()) return status; // Process child elements (fields and metadata) QDomNode childNode = node.firstChild(); bool fieldFound = false; bool accessFound = false; bool telGCSFound = false; bool telFlightFound = false; bool logFound = false; bool descriptionFound = false; while ( !childNode.isNull() ) { // Process element depending on its type if ( childNode.nodeName().compare(QString("field")) == 0 ) { QString status = processObjectFields(childNode, info); if (!status.isNull()) return status; fieldFound = true; } else if ( childNode.nodeName().compare(QString("access")) == 0 ) { QString status = processObjectAccess(childNode, info); if (!status.isNull()) return status; accessFound = true; } else if ( childNode.nodeName().compare(QString("telemetrygcs")) == 0 ) { QString status = processObjectMetadata(childNode, &info->gcsTelemetryUpdateMode, &info->gcsTelemetryUpdatePeriod, &info->gcsTelemetryAcked); if (!status.isNull()) return status; telGCSFound = true; } else if ( childNode.nodeName().compare(QString("telemetryflight")) == 0 ) { QString status = processObjectMetadata(childNode, &info->flightTelemetryUpdateMode, &info->flightTelemetryUpdatePeriod, &info->flightTelemetryAcked); if (!status.isNull()) return status; telFlightFound = true; } else if ( childNode.nodeName().compare(QString("logging")) == 0 ) { QString status = processObjectMetadata(childNode, &info->loggingUpdateMode, &info->loggingUpdatePeriod, NULL); if (!status.isNull()) return status; logFound = true; } else if ( childNode.nodeName().compare(QString("description")) == 0 ) { QString status = processObjectDescription(childNode, &info->description); if (!status.isNull()) return status; descriptionFound = true; } else if (!childNode.isComment()) { return QString("Unknown object element"); } // Get next element childNode = childNode.nextSibling(); } // Make sure that required elements were found if ( !accessFound ) return QString("Object::access element is missing"); if ( !telGCSFound ) return QString("Object::telemetrygcs element is missing"); if ( !telFlightFound ) return QString("Object::telemetryflight element is missing"); if ( !logFound ) return QString("Object::logging element is missing"); // TODO: Make into error once all objects updated if ( !descriptionFound ) return QString("Object::description element is missing"); // Calculate ID calculateID(info); // Add object objInfo.append(info); // Get next object node = node.nextSibling(); } all_units.removeDuplicates(); // Done, return null string return QString(); } /** * Calculate the unique object ID based on the object information. * The ID will change if the object definition changes, this is intentional * and is used to avoid connecting objects with incompatible configurations. * The LSB is set to zero and is reserved for metadata */ void UAVObjectParser::calculateID(ObjectInfo* info) { // Hash object name quint32 hash = updateHash(info->name, 0); // Hash object attributes hash = updateHash(info->isSettings, hash); hash = updateHash(info->isSingleInst, hash); // Hash field information for (int n = 0; n < info->fields.length(); ++n) { hash = updateHash(info->fields[n]->name, hash); hash = updateHash(info->fields[n]->numElements, hash); hash = updateHash(info->fields[n]->type, hash); if(info->fields[n]->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) { QStringList options = info->fields[n]->options; for (int m = 0; m < options.length(); m++) hash = updateHash(options[m], hash); } } // Done info->id = hash & 0xFFFFFFFE; } /** * Shift-Add-XOR hash implementation. LSB is set to zero, it is reserved * for the ID of the metaobject. * * http://eternallyconfuzzled.com/tuts/algorithms/jsw_tut_hashing.aspx */ quint32 UAVObjectParser::updateHash(quint32 value, quint32 hash) { return (hash ^ ((hash<<5) + (hash>>2) + value)); } /** * Update the hash given a string */ quint32 UAVObjectParser::updateHash(QString& value, quint32 hash) { QByteArray bytes = value.toAscii(); quint32 hashout = hash; for (int n = 0; n < bytes.length(); ++n) hashout = updateHash(bytes[n], hashout); return hashout; } /** * Process the metadata part of the XML */ QString UAVObjectParser::processObjectMetadata(QDomNode& childNode, UpdateMode* mode, int* period, bool* acked) { // Get updatemode attribute QDomNamedNodeMap elemAttributes = childNode.attributes(); QDomNode elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("updatemode"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:telemetrygcs:updatemode attribute is missing"); int index = updateModeStrXML.indexOf( elemAttr.nodeValue() ); if (index<0) return QString("Object:telemetrygcs:updatemode attribute value is invalid"); *mode = (UpdateMode)index; // Get period attribute elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("period"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:telemetrygcs:period attribute is missing"); *period = elemAttr.nodeValue().toInt(); // Get acked attribute (only if acked parameter is not null, not applicable for logging metadata) if ( acked != NULL) { elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("acked"); if ( elemAttr.isNull()) return QString("Object:telemetrygcs:acked attribute is missing"); if ( elemAttr.nodeValue().compare(QString("true")) == 0 ) *acked = true; else if ( elemAttr.nodeValue().compare(QString("false")) == 0 ) *acked = false; else return QString("Object:telemetrygcs:acked attribute value is invalid"); } // Done return QString(); } /** * Process the object access tag of the XML */ QString UAVObjectParser::processObjectAccess(QDomNode& childNode, ObjectInfo* info) { // Get gcs attribute QDomNamedNodeMap elemAttributes = childNode.attributes(); QDomNode elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("gcs"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:access:gcs attribute is missing"); int index = accessModeStrXML.indexOf( elemAttr.nodeValue() ); if (index >= 0) info->gcsAccess = (AccessMode)index; else return QString("Object:access:gcs attribute value is invalid"); // Get flight attribute elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("flight"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:access:flight attribute is missing"); index = accessModeStrXML.indexOf( elemAttr.nodeValue() ); if (index >= 0) info->flightAccess = (AccessMode)index; else return QString("Object:access:flight attribute value is invalid"); // Done return QString(); } /** * Process the object fields of the XML */ QString UAVObjectParser::processObjectFields(QDomNode& childNode, ObjectInfo* info) { // Create field FieldInfo* field = new FieldInfo; // Get name attribute QDomNamedNodeMap elemAttributes = childNode.attributes(); QDomNode elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("name"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:field:name attribute is missing"); field->name = elemAttr.nodeValue(); // Get units attribute elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("units"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:field:units attribute is missing"); field->units = elemAttr.nodeValue(); all_units << field->units; // Get type attribute elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("type"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:field:type attribute is missing"); int index = fieldTypeStrXML.indexOf(elemAttr.nodeValue()); if (index >= 0) { field->type = (FieldType)index; field->numBytes = fieldTypeNumBytes[index]; } else { return QString("Object:field:type attribute value is invalid"); } // Get numelements or elementnames attribute elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("elementnames"); if ( !elemAttr.isNull() ) { // Get element names QStringList names = elemAttr.nodeValue().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (int n = 0; n < names.length(); ++n) names[n] = names[n].trimmed(); field->elementNames = names; field->numElements = names.length(); field->defaultElementNames = false; } else { elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("elements"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) { return QString("Object:field:elements and Object:field:elementnames attribute is missing"); } else { field->numElements = elemAttr.nodeValue().toInt(); for (int n = 0; n < field->numElements; ++n) field->elementNames.append(QString("%1").arg(n)); field->defaultElementNames = true; } } // Get options attribute (only if an enum type) if (field->type == FIELDTYPE_ENUM) { // Get options attribute elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("options"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:field:options attribute is missing"); QStringList options = elemAttr.nodeValue().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (int n = 0; n < options.length(); ++n) options[n] = options[n].trimmed(); field->options = options; } // Get the default value attribute (required for settings objects, optional for the rest) elemAttr = elemAttributes.namedItem("defaultvalue"); if ( elemAttr.isNull() ) { if ( info->isSettings ) return QString("Object:field:defaultvalue attribute is missing (required for settings objects)"); field->defaultValues = QStringList(); } else { QStringList defaults = elemAttr.nodeValue().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (int n = 0; n < defaults.length(); ++n) defaults[n] = defaults[n].trimmed(); if(defaults.length() != field->numElements) { if(defaults.length() != 1) return QString("Object:field:incorrect number of default values"); /*support legacy single default for multiple elements We sould really issue a warning*/ for(int ct=1; ct< field->numElements; ct++) defaults.append(defaults[0]); } field->defaultValues = defaults; } // Add field to object info->fields.append(field); // Done return QString(); } /** * Process the object attributes from the XML */ QString UAVObjectParser::processObjectAttributes(QDomNode& node, ObjectInfo* info) { // Get name attribute QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = node.attributes(); QDomNode attr = attributes.namedItem("name"); if ( attr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:name attribute is missing"); info->name = attr.nodeValue(); info->namelc = attr.nodeValue().toLower(); // Get singleinstance attribute attr = attributes.namedItem("singleinstance"); if ( attr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:singleinstance attribute is missing"); if ( attr.nodeValue().compare(QString("true")) == 0 ) info->isSingleInst = true; else if ( attr.nodeValue().compare(QString("false")) == 0 ) info->isSingleInst = false; else return QString("Object:singleinstance attribute value is invalid"); // Get settings attribute attr = attributes.namedItem("settings"); if ( attr.isNull() ) return QString("Object:settings attribute is missing"); if ( attr.nodeValue().compare(QString("true")) == 0 ) info->isSettings = true; else if ( attr.nodeValue().compare(QString("false")) == 0 ) info->isSettings = false; else return QString("Object:settings attribute value is invalid"); // Settings objects can only have a single instance if ( info->isSettings && !info->isSingleInst ) return QString("Object: Settings objects can not have multiple instances"); // Done return QString(); } /** * Process the description field from the XML file */ QString UAVObjectParser::processObjectDescription(QDomNode& childNode, QString * description) { description->append(childNode.firstChild().nodeValue()); return QString(); }