# # Installers for tools required by the OpenPilot build system. # Copyright (c) 2010-2013, The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org # # NOTE: install targets are not tied to the default goals and must # be invoked manually. But tool paths set by this file are used # across the build system. # # Ready to use: # arm_sdk_install # qt_sdk_install # mingw_install (Windows only - NOT USED for Qt-5.1.x) # python_install (Windows only - NOT USED for Qt-5.1.x) # nsis_install (Windows only) # sdl_install (Windows only) # openssl_install (Windows only) # uncrustify_install # doxygen_install # gtest_install # # TODO: # openocd_install # ftd2xx_install # libusb_win_install # openocd_git_win_install # openocd_git_install # stm32flash_install # dfuutil_install # android_sdk_install # # TODO: # help in the top Makefile # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ifndef OPENPILOT_IS_COOL $(error $(notdir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) should be included by the top level Makefile) endif ############################## # # Toolchain URLs and directories # ############################## ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) ifeq ($(ARCH), x86_64) ARM_SDK_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q1-20130313-linux-amd64.tar.bz2 QT_SDK_URL := http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.2/5.2.1/qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.2.1.run QT_SDK_MD5_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.2.1.run.md5 QT_SDK_ARCH := gcc_64 else ARM_SDK_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q1-20130313-linux-i686.tar.bz2 QT_SDK_URL := http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.2/5.2.1/qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.2.1.run QT_SDK_MD5_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.2.1.run.md5 QT_SDK_ARCH := gcc endif UNCRUSTIFY_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/uncrustify-0.60.tar.gz DOXYGEN_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/doxygen- else ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin) ARM_SDK_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q1-20130313-mac.tar.bz2 QT_SDK_URL := "Please install native Qt 5.1.x SDK using package manager" UNCRUSTIFY_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/uncrustify-0.60.tar.gz DOXYGEN_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/doxygen- else ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) ARM_SDK_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q1-20130313-windows.tar.bz2 QT_SDK_URL := http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.2/5.2.1/qt-opensource-windows-x86-mingw48_opengl-5.2.1.exe QT_SDK_MD5_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/qt-opensource-windows-x86-mingw48_opengl-5.2.1.exe.md5 QT_SDK_ARCH := mingw48_32 NSIS_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/nsis-2.46-unicode.tar.bz2 SDL_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/SDL-devel-1.2.15-mingw32.tar.gz OPENSSL_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/openssl-1.0.1e-win32.tar.bz2 UNCRUSTIFY_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/uncrustify-0.60-windows.tar.bz2 DOXYGEN_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/doxygen- endif GTEST_URL := http://wiki.openpilot.org/download/attachments/18612236/gtest-1.6.0.zip # Changing PYTHON_DIR, also update it in ground/openpilotgcs/src/python.pri ARM_SDK_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q1 QT_SDK_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/qt-5.2.1 MINGW_DIR := $(QT_SDK_DIR)/Tools/mingw48_32 PYTHON_DIR := $(QT_SDK_DIR)/Tools/mingw48_32/opt/bin NSIS_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/nsis-2.46-unicode SDL_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/SDL-1.2.15 OPENSSL_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/openssl-1.0.1e-win32 UNCRUSTIFY_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/uncrustify-0.60 DOXYGEN_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/doxygen- GTEST_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/gtest-1.6.0 QT_SDK_PREFIX := $(QT_SDK_DIR) ############################## # # Build only and all toolchains available for the platform # ############################## BUILD_SDK_TARGETS := arm_sdk qt_sdk ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) BUILD_SDK_TARGETS += mingw sdl python nsis openssl endif ALL_SDK_TARGETS := $(BUILD_SDK_TARGETS) gtest uncrustify doxygen define GROUP_SDK_TEMPLATE .PHONY: $(1)_install $(1)_clean $(1)_distclean $(1)_version $(1)_install: $(addsuffix _install,$(2)) $(1)_clean: $(addsuffix _clean,$(2)) $(1)_distclean: $(addsuffix _distclean,$(2)) $(1)_version: $(addsuffix _version,$(2)) endef $(eval $(call GROUP_SDK_TEMPLATE,build_sdk,$(BUILD_SDK_TARGETS))) $(eval $(call GROUP_SDK_TEMPLATE,all_sdk,$(ALL_SDK_TARGETS))) ############################## # # Misc host tools # ############################## # Used by other makefiles export MKDIR := mkdir export CP := cp export RM := rm export LN := ln export CAT := cat export CUT := cut export SED := sed # Used only by this Makefile GIT := git CURL := curl TAR := tar UNZIP := unzip OPENSSL := openssl ANT := ant JAVAC := javac JAR := jar CD := cd GREP := grep ifneq ($(UNAME), Windows) SEVENZIP := 7za else SEVENZIP := 7za.exe ifneq ($(shell $(SEVENZIP) --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && $(ECHO) "found"), found) # no $(SEVENZIP) found in path. hope is in bin... SEVENZIP = $(TOOLS_DIR)/bin/7za.exe endif endif # Echo in recipes is a bit tricky in a Windows Git Bash window in some cases. # It does not work if make started under msysGit installed into a path with spaces. ifneq ($(UNAME), Windows) export ECHO := echo else # export ECHO := $(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print(' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))" export ECHO := echo endif # Test if quotes are needed for the echo command ifeq ($(shell $(ECHO) "test"), test) export QUOTE := ' # This line is just to clear out the single quote above ' else export QUOTE := endif # Command to extract version info data from the repository and source tree export VERSION_INFO = $(PYTHON) $(ROOT_DIR)/make/scripts/version-info.py --path=$(ROOT_DIR) ############################## # # Misc settings # ############################## # Define messages MSG_VERIFYING = $(QUOTE) VERIFY $(QUOTE) MSG_DOWNLOADING = $(QUOTE) DOWNLOAD $(QUOTE) MSG_CHECKSUMMING = $(QUOTE) MD5 $(QUOTE) MSG_EXTRACTING = $(QUOTE) EXTRACT $(QUOTE) MSG_CONFIGURING = $(QUOTE) CONFIGURE $(QUOTE) MSG_BUILDING = $(QUOTE) BUILD $(QUOTE) MSG_INSTALLING = $(QUOTE) INSTALL $(QUOTE) MSG_CLEANING = $(QUOTE) CLEAN $(QUOTE) MSG_DISTCLEANING = $(QUOTE) DISTCLEAN $(QUOTE) MSG_NOTICE = $(QUOTE) NOTE $(QUOTE) # Verbosity level ifeq ($(V), 1) MAKE_SILENT := UNZIP_SILENT := else MAKE_SILENT := --silent UNZIP_SILENT := -q endif # Batch mode ifeq ($(BATCH), 1) CURL_OPTIONS := --silent -L else CURL_OPTIONS := -L endif # MSYS tar workaround ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) TAR_OPTIONS := --force-local else TAR_OPTIONS := endif # Print some useful notes for *_install targets ifneq ($(strip $(filter $(addsuffix _install,all_sdk $(ALL_SDK_TARGETS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS))),) ifneq ($(shell $(CURL) --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && $(ECHO) "found"), found) $(error Please install curl first ('apt-get install curl' or similar)) endif $(info $(EMPTY) NOTE Use 'make all_sdk_distclean' to remove installation files) $(info $(EMPTY) NOTE Use 'make all_sdk_version' to check toolchain versions) $(info $(EMPTY) NOTE Add 'V=1' to make command line to diagnose make problems) $(info $(EMPTY) NOTE Add 'BATCH=1' to make command line to disable progress reporting during downloads) endif ############################## # # Cross-platform MD5 check template # $(1) = file name without quotes # $(2) = string compare operator, e.g. = or != # ############################## define MD5_CHECK_TEMPLATE "`test -f \"$(1)\" && $(OPENSSL) dgst -md5 \"$(1)\" | $(CUT) -f2 -d' '`" $(2) "`$(CUT) -f1 -d' ' < \"$(1).md5\"`" endef ############################## # # Cross platform download template # $(1) = Package URL # $(2) = Package file # $(3) = URL for .md5 file to be tested against Package # ############################## define DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE @$(ECHO) $(MSG_VERIFYING) $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(2)) $(V1) ( \ cd "$(DL_DIR)" && \ $(CURL) $(CURL_OPTIONS) --silent -o "$(DL_DIR)/$(2).md5" "$(3)" && \ if [ $(call MD5_CHECK_TEMPLATE,$(DL_DIR)/$(2),!=) ]; then \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_DOWNLOADING) $(1) && \ $(CURL) $(CURL_OPTIONS) -o "$(DL_DIR)/$(2)" "$(1)" && \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_CHECKSUMMING) $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(2)) && \ [ $(call MD5_CHECK_TEMPLATE,$(DL_DIR)/$(2),=) ]; \ fi; \ ) endef ############################## # # Common tool install template # $(1) = tool name # $(2) = tool extract/build directory # $(3) = tool distribution URL # $(4) = tool distribution file # $(5) = optional extra build recipes template # $(6) = optional extra clean recipes template # ############################## define TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE .PHONY: $(addprefix $(1)_, install clean distclean) $(1)_install: $(1)_clean | $(DL_DIR) $(TOOLS_DIR) $(call DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE,$(3),$(4),"$(3).md5") @$(ECHO) $(MSG_EXTRACTING) $$(call toprel, $(2)) $(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$(call toprel, $(dir $(2))) $(if $(filter $(suffix $(4)), .zip), $(V1) $(UNZIP) $(UNZIP_SILENT) -d $$(call toprel, $(dir $(2))) $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(4)), $(V1) $(TAR) $(TAR_OPTIONS) -C $$(call toprel, $(dir $(2))) -xf $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(4)) ) $(5) $(1)_clean: @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(2)) $(V1) [ ! -d "$(2)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(2)" $(6) $(1)_distclean: @$(ECHO) $(MSG_DISTCLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(4)) $(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(4)" $(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(4).md5" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(4).md5" endef ############################## # # Windows QT install template # $(1) = tool temp extract/build directory # $(2) = tool install directory # $(3) = tool distribution URL # $(4) = tool distribution .md5 URL # $(5) = tool distribution file # $(6) = QT architecture # $(7) = optional extra build recipes template # $(8) = optional extra clean recipes template # ############################## define WIN_QT_INSTALL_TEMPLATE .PHONY: $(addprefix qt_sdk_, install clean distclean) qt_sdk_install: qt_sdk_clean | $(DL_DIR) $(TOOLS_DIR) $(V1) if ! $(SEVENZIP) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_NOTICE) "Missing 7zip. Run ./make/scripts/win_sdk_install.sh [<OpenPilot tools dir>] to get it." && \ exit 1; \ fi $(call DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE,$(3),$(5),"$(4)") # Explode .run file into install packages @$(ECHO) $(MSG_EXTRACTING) $$(call toprel, $(1)) $(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$(call toprel, $(dir $(1))) $(V1) chmod +x $(DL_DIR)/$(5) $(V1) $(DL_DIR)/$(5) --dump-binary-data -o $(1) # Extract packages under tool directory $(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$(call toprel, $(dir $(2))) $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.readme/1.0.0qt-project-url.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt/1.0.0ThirdPartySoftware_Listing.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.readme/1.0.0readme.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.521.win32_mingw48.essentials/5.2.1mingw48_essentials.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.521.win32_mingw48.essentials/5.2.1x32-4.8.0-release-posix-dwarf-rev2-runtime.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.521.win32_mingw48.essentials/5.2.1icu_51_1_mingw_builds_4_8_0_posix_dwarf_32.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.521.win32_mingw48.addons/5.2.1mingw48_addons.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.tools.win32_mingw48/4.8.0-1-1x32-4.8.0-release-posix-dwarf-rev2.7z" | grep -v Extracting # Run patcher @$(ECHO) @$(ECHO) "Executing QtPatch in" $$(call toprel, $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)) $(V1) $(CD) $(QT_SDK_PREFIX) $(V1) $(DL_DIR)/$(5) --runoperation QtPatch windows $(QT_SDK_PREFIX) qt5 # Execute post build templates $(7) # Clean up temporary files @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(1)) $(V1) [ ! -d "$(1)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(1)" qt_sdk_clean: @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(1)) $(V1) [ ! -d "$(1)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(1)" @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, "$(2)") $(V1) [ ! -d "$(2)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(2)" $(8) qt_sdk_distclean: @$(ECHO) $(MSG_DISTCLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(5)) $(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(5)" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(5)" $(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(5).md5" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(5).md5" endef ############################## # # Linux QT install template # $(1) = tool temp extract/build directory # $(2) = tool install directory # $(3) = tool distribution URL # $(4) = tool distribution .md5 URL # $(5) = tool distribution file # $(6) = QT architecture # $(7) = optional extra build recipes template # $(8) = optional extra clean recipes template # ############################## define LINUX_QT_INSTALL_TEMPLATE .PHONY: $(addprefix qt_sdk_, install clean distclean) qt_sdk_install: qt_sdk_clean | $(DL_DIR) $(TOOLS_DIR) $(V1) if ! $(SEVENZIP) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_NOTICE) "Please install the p7zip for your distribution. i.e.: sudo apt-get install p7zip." && \ exit 1; \ fi $(call DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE,$(3),$(5),"$(4)") # Explode .run file into install packages @$(ECHO) $(MSG_EXTRACTING) $$(call toprel, $(1)) $(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$(call toprel, $(dir $(1))) $(V1) chmod +x $(DL_DIR)/$(5) $(V1) $(DL_DIR)/$(5) --dump-binary-data -o $(1) # Extract packages under tool directory $(V1) $(MKDIR) -p $$(call toprel, $(dir $(2))) $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.readme/1.0.0qt-project-url.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt/1.0.0ThirdPartySoftware_Listing.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.readme/1.0.0readme.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.521.$(6).essentials/5.2.1$(6)_qt5_essentials.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) if [ -f "$(1)/qt.521.$(6).essentials/5.2.1icu_51_1_ubuntu_11_10_64.7z" ]; then $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.521.$(6).essentials/5.2.1icu_51_1_ubuntu_11_10_64.7z" | grep -v Extracting; fi $(V1) if [ -f "$(1)/qt.521.$(6).essentials/5.2.1icu_51_1_ubuntu_11_10_32.7z" ]; then $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.521.$(6).essentials/5.2.1icu_51_1_ubuntu_11_10_32.7z" | grep -v Extracting; fi # $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.521.$(6).essentials/5.2.1icu_path_patcher.sh.7z" | grep -v Extracting $(V1) $(SEVENZIP) -y -o$(2) x "$(1)/qt.521.$(6).addons/5.2.1$(6)_qt5_addons.7z" | grep -v Extracting # go to OpenPilot/tools/5.1.1/gcc_64 and call patcher.sh @$(ECHO) @$(ECHO) "Running patcher in" $$(call toprel, $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)) $(V1) $(CD) $(QT_SDK_PREFIX) # $(V1) "$(QT_SDK_PREFIX)/patcher.sh" $(QT_SDK_PREFIX) # call qmake patcher @$(ECHO) "Executing QtPatch in" $$(call toprel, $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)) $(V1) $(DL_DIR)/$(5) --runoperation QtPatch linux $(QT_SDK_PREFIX) qt5 # Execute post build templates $(7) # Clean up temporary files @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(1)) $(V1) [ ! -d "$(1)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(1)" qt_sdk_clean: @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(1)) $(V1) [ ! -d "$(1)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(1)" @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $$(call toprel, "$(2)") $(V1) [ ! -d "$(2)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(2)" $(8) qt_sdk_distclean: @$(ECHO) $(MSG_DISTCLEANING) $$(call toprel, $(DL_DIR)/$(5)) $(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(5)" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(5)" $(V1) [ ! -f "$(DL_DIR)/$(5).md5" ] || $(RM) "$(DL_DIR)/$(5).md5" endef ############################## # # ARM SDK # ############################## $(eval $(call TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,arm_sdk,$(ARM_SDK_DIR),$(ARM_SDK_URL),$(notdir $(ARM_SDK_URL)))) ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(ARM_SDK_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) export ARM_SDK_PREFIX := $(ARM_SDK_DIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi- else # not installed, hope it's in the path... # $(info $(EMPTY) WARNING $(call toprel, $(ARM_SDK_DIR)) not found (make arm_sdk_install), using system PATH) export ARM_SDK_PREFIX ?= arm-none-eabi- endif .PHONY: arm_sdk_version arm_sdk_version: -$(V1) $(ARM_SDK_PREFIX)gcc --version | head -n1 # Template to check ARM toolchain version before building targets define ARM_GCC_VERSION_CHECK_TEMPLATE if ! $(ARM_SDK_PREFIX)gcc --version --specs=nano.specs >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_NOTICE) Please install ARM toolchain 4.7+ using \'make arm_sdk_install\' && \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_NOTICE) Older ARM SDKs do not support new \'--specs=nano.specs\' option && \ exit 1; \ fi endef ############################## # # Qt SDK # # Mac OS X: user should install native Qt SDK package # ############################## ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) QT_SDK_PREFIX := $(QT_SDK_DIR)/5.2.1/$(QT_SDK_ARCH) # This additional configuration step should not be necessary # but it is needed as a workaround to https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-33254 define QT_SDK_CONFIGURE_TEMPLATE @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CONFIGURING) $(call toprel, $(QT_SDK_DIR)) $(V1) $(ECHO) $(QUOTE)[Paths]$(QUOTE) > $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)/bin/qt.conf $(V1) $(ECHO) $(QUOTE)Prefix = $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)$(QUOTE) >> $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)/bin/qt.conf endef QT_BUILD_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/QT_BUILD $(eval $(call WIN_QT_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,$(QT_BUILD_DIR),$(QT_SDK_DIR),$(QT_SDK_URL),$(QT_SDK_MD5_URL),$(notdir $(QT_SDK_URL)),$(QT_SDK_ARCH),$(QT_SDK_CONFIGURE_TEMPLATE))) else ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) QT_SDK_PREFIX := "$(QT_SDK_DIR)/5.2.1/$(QT_SDK_ARCH)" QT_BUILD_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/QT_BUILD $(eval $(call LINUX_QT_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,$(QT_BUILD_DIR),$(QT_SDK_DIR),$(QT_SDK_URL),$(QT_SDK_MD5_URL),$(notdir $(QT_SDK_URL)),$(QT_SDK_ARCH))) else QT_SDK_PREFIX := $(QT_SDK_DIR) .PHONY: qt_sdk_install qt_sdk_install: @$(ECHO) $(MSG_NOTICE) -------------------------------------------------------- @$(ECHO) $(MSG_NOTICE) Please install native Qt 5.2.x SDK using package manager @$(ECHO) $(MSG_NOTICE) -------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: qt_sdk_clean qt_sdk_clean: .PHONY: qt_sdk_distclean qt_sdk_distclean: endif ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(QT_SDK_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) export QMAKE := $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)/bin/qmake # set Qt library search path ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) export PATH := $(QT_SDK_PREFIX)/bin:$(PATH) else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(QT_SDK_DIR)/lib:$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) endif else # not installed, hope it's in the path... # $(info $(EMPTY) WARNING $(call toprel, $(QT_SDK_DIR)) not found (make qt_sdk_install), using system PATH) QMAKE ?= qmake endif .PHONY: qt_sdk_version qt_sdk_version: -$(V1) $(QMAKE) --version | tail -1 ############################## # # MinGW # ############################## ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(MINGW_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) # set MinGW binary and library paths (QTMINGW is used by qmake, do not rename) export QTMINGW := $(MINGW_DIR)/bin export PATH := $(QTMINGW):$(PATH) else # not installed, use host gcc compiler # $(info $(EMPTY) WARNING $(call toprel, $(MINGW_DIR)) not found, using system PATH) endif .PHONY: mingw_version mingw_version: gcc_version else # Linux or Mac all_sdk_version: gcc_version endif .PHONY: gcc_version gcc_version: -$(V1) gcc --version | head -n1 ############################## # # Python # ############################## ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(PYTHON_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) export PYTHON := $(PYTHON_DIR)/python export PATH := $(PYTHON_DIR):$(PATH) else # not installed, hope it's in the path... # $(info $(EMPTY) WARNING $(call toprel, $(PYTHON_DIR)) not found, using system PATH) export PYTHON := python endif .PHONY: python_version python_version: -$(V1) $(PYTHON) --version ############################## # # NSIS Unicode (Windows only) # ############################## ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) $(eval $(call TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,nsis,$(NSIS_DIR),$(NSIS_URL),$(notdir $(NSIS_URL)))) ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(NSIS_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) export NSIS := $(NSIS_DIR)/makensis else # not installed, hope it's in the path... # $(info $(EMPTY) WARNING $(call toprel, $(NSIS_DIR)) not found (make nsis_install), using system PATH) export NSIS ?= makensis endif .PHONY: nsis_version nsis_version: -$(V1) $(NSIS) | head -n1 endif ############################## # # SDL (Windows only) # ############################## ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) $(eval $(call TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,sdl,$(SDL_DIR),$(SDL_URL),$(notdir $(SDL_URL)))) ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(SDL_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) export SDL_DIR := $(SDL_DIR) else # not installed, hope it's in the path... $(info $(EMPTY) WARNING $(call toprel, $(SDL_DIR)) not found (make sdl_install), using system PATH) endif .PHONY: sdl_version sdl_version: -$(V1) $(ECHO) "SDL 1.2.15" endif ############################## # # OpenSSL (Windows only) # ############################## ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) $(eval $(call TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,openssl,$(OPENSSL_DIR),$(OPENSSL_URL),$(notdir $(OPENSSL_URL)))) ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(OPENSSL_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) export OPENSSL := "$(OPENSSL_DIR)/bin/openssl" export OPENSSL_DIR := "$(OPENSSL_DIR)" else # not installed, hope it's in the path... # $(info $(EMPTY) WARNING $(call toprel, $(OPENSSL_DIR)) not found (make openssl_install), using system PATH) endif .PHONY: openssl_version openssl_version: -$(V1) $(ECHO) "OpenSSL `$(OPENSSL) version`" endif ############################## # # Uncrustify # ############################## ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) $(eval $(call TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,uncrustify,$(UNCRUSTIFY_DIR),$(UNCRUSTIFY_URL),$(notdir $(UNCRUSTIFY_URL)))) else # Linux or Mac UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(notdir $(UNCRUSTIFY_DIR)) define UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_TEMPLATE $(V1) ( \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_CONFIGURING) $(call toprel, $(UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_DIR)) && \ cd $(UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_DIR) && \ ./configure --prefix="$(UNCRUSTIFY_DIR)" && \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_BUILDING) $(call toprel, $(UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_DIR)) && \ $(MAKE) $(MAKE_SILENT) && \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_INSTALLING) $(call toprel, $(UNCRUSTIFY_DIR)) && \ $(MAKE) $(MAKE_SILENT) install-strip \ ) @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $(call toprel, $(UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_DIR)) -$(V1) [ ! -d "$(UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_DIR)" endef define UNCRUSTIFY_CLEAN_TEMPLATE -$(V1) [ ! -d "$(UNCRUSTIFY_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(UNCRUSTIFY_DIR)" endef $(eval $(call TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,uncrustify,$(UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_DIR),$(UNCRUSTIFY_URL),$(notdir $(UNCRUSTIFY_URL)),$(UNCRUSTIFY_BUILD_TEMPLATE),$(UNCRUSTIFY_CLEAN_TEMPLATE))) endif ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(UNCRUSTIFY_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) export UNCRUSTIFY := $(UNCRUSTIFY_DIR)/bin/uncrustify else # not installed, hope it's in the path... # $(info $(EMPTY) WARNING $(call toprel, $(UNCRUSTIFY_DIR)) not found (make uncrustify_install), using system PATH) export UNCRUSTIFY := uncrustify endif .PHONY: uncrustify_version uncrustify_version: -$(V1) $(UNCRUSTIFY) --version ############################## # # Doxygen # ############################## ifeq ($(UNAME), Windows) $(eval $(call TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,doxygen,$(DOXYGEN_DIR),$(DOXYGEN_URL),$(notdir $(DOXYGEN_URL)))) else # Linux or Mac DOXYGEN_BUILD_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(notdir $(DOXYGEN_DIR)) define DOXYGEN_BUILD_TEMPLATE $(V1) ( \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_CONFIGURING) $(call toprel, $(DOXYGEN_BUILD_DIR)) && \ cd $(DOXYGEN_BUILD_DIR) && \ ./configure --prefix "$(DOXYGEN_DIR)" --english-only && \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_BUILDING) $(call toprel, $(DOXYGEN_BUILD_DIR)) && \ $(MAKE) $(MAKE_SILENT) && \ $(ECHO) $(MSG_INSTALLING) $(call toprel, $(DOXYGEN_DIR)) && \ $(MAKE) $(MAKE_SILENT) install \ ) @$(ECHO) $(MSG_CLEANING) $(call toprel, $(DOXYGEN_BUILD_DIR)) -$(V1) [ ! -d "$(DOXYGEN_BUILD_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(DOXYGEN_BUILD_DIR)" endef define DOXYGEN_CLEAN_TEMPLATE -$(V1) [ ! -d "$(DOXYGEN_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(DOXYGEN_DIR)" endef $(eval $(call TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,doxygen,$(DOXYGEN_BUILD_DIR),$(DOXYGEN_URL),$(notdir $(DOXYGEN_URL)),$(DOXYGEN_BUILD_TEMPLATE),$(DOXYGEN_CLEAN_TEMPLATE))) endif ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(DOXYGEN_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) export DOXYGEN := $(DOXYGEN_DIR)/bin/doxygen else # not installed, hope it's in the path... # $(info $(EMPTY) WARNING $(call toprel, $(DOXYGEN_DIR)) not found (make doxygen_install), using system PATH) export DOXYGEN := doxygen endif .PHONY: doxygen_version doxygen_version: -$(V1) $(ECHO) "Doxygen `$(DOXYGEN) --version`" ############################## # # GoogleTest # ############################## $(eval $(call TOOL_INSTALL_TEMPLATE,gtest,$(GTEST_DIR),$(GTEST_URL),$(notdir $(GTEST_URL)))) export GTEST_DIR .PHONY: gtest_version gtest_version: -$(V1) $(SED) -n "s/^PACKAGE_STRING='\(.*\)'/\1/p" < $(GTEST_DIR)/configure ############################## # # TODO: code below is not revised yet # ############################## # Set up openocd tools OPENOCD_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/openocd OPENOCD_WIN_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/openocd_win OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR := $(DL_DIR)/openocd-build .PHONY: openocd_install openocd_install: | $(DL_DIR) $(TOOLS_DIR) openocd_install: OPENOCD_URL := http://sourceforge.net/projects/openocd/files/openocd/0.6.1/openocd-0.6.1.tar.bz2/download openocd_install: OPENOCD_FILE := openocd-0.6.1.tar.bz2 openocd_install: openocd_clean # download the source only if it's newer than what we already have $(V1) $(WGET) -N -P "$(DL_DIR)" --trust-server-name "$(OPENOCD_URL)" # extract the source $(V1) [ ! -d "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" $(V1) mkdir -p "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" $(V1) tar -C $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR) -xjf "$(DL_DIR)/$(OPENOCD_FILE)" # apply patches $(V0) @echo " PATCH $(OPENOCD_DIR)" $(V1) ( \ cd $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)/openocd-0.6.1 ; \ patch -p1 < $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Project/OpenOCD/0001-armv7m-remove-dummy-FP-regs-for-new-gdb.patch ; \ patch -p1 < $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Project/OpenOCD/0002-rtos-add-stm32_stlink-to-FreeRTOS-targets.patch ; \ ) # build and install $(V1) mkdir -p "$(OPENOCD_DIR)" $(V1) ( \ cd $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)/openocd-0.6.1 ; \ ./configure --prefix="$(OPENOCD_DIR)" --enable-ft2232_libftdi --enable-stlink ; \ $(MAKE) --silent ; \ $(MAKE) --silent install ; \ ) # delete the extracted source when we're done $(V1) [ ! -d "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" .PHONY: ftd2xx_install FTD2XX_DIR := $(DL_DIR)/ftd2xx ftd2xx_install: | $(DL_DIR) ftd2xx_install: FTD2XX_URL := http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/Beta/CDM20817.zip ftd2xx_install: FTD2XX_FILE := CDM20817.zip ftd2xx_install: ftd2xx_clean # download the file only if it's newer than what we already have $(V0) @echo " DOWNLOAD $(FTD2XX_URL)" $(V1) $(WGET) -q -N -P "$(DL_DIR)" "$(FTD2XX_URL)" # extract the source $(V0) @echo " EXTRACT $(FTD2XX_FILE) -> $(FTD2XX_DIR)" $(V1) mkdir -p "$(FTD2XX_DIR)" $(V1) unzip -q -d "$(FTD2XX_DIR)" "$(DL_DIR)/$(FTD2XX_FILE)" .PHONY: ftd2xx_clean ftd2xx_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $(FTD2XX_DIR)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(FTD2XX_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(FTD2XX_DIR)" .PHONY: ftd2xx_install LIBUSB_WIN_DIR := $(DL_DIR)/libusb-win32-bin- libusb_win_install: | $(DL_DIR) libusb_win_install: LIBUSB_WIN_URL := http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/files/libusb-win32-releases/ libusb_win_install: LIBUSB_WIN_FILE := libusb-win32-bin- libusb_win_install: libusb_win_clean # download the file only if it's newer than what we already have $(V0) @echo " DOWNLOAD $(LIBUSB_WIN_URL)" $(V1) $(WGET) -q -N -P "$(DL_DIR)" --trust-server-name "$(LIBUSB_WIN_URL)" # extract the source $(V0) @echo " EXTRACT $(LIBUSB_WIN_FILE) -> $(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)" $(V1) mkdir -p "$(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)" $(V1) unzip -q -d "$(DL_DIR)" "$(DL_DIR)/$(LIBUSB_WIN_FILE)" # fixup .h file needed by openocd build $(V0) @echo " FIXUP $(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)" $(V1) ln -s "$(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)/include/lusb0_usb.h" "$(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)/include/usb.h" .PHONY: libusb_win_clean libusb_win_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)" .PHONY: openocd_git_win_install openocd_git_win_install: | $(DL_DIR) $(TOOLS_DIR) openocd_git_win_install: OPENOCD_URL := git://openocd.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/openocd/openocd openocd_git_win_install: OPENOCD_REV := f1c0133321c8fcadadd10bba5537c0a634eb183b openocd_git_win_install: openocd_win_clean libusb_win_install ftd2xx_install # download the source $(V0) @echo " DOWNLOAD $(OPENOCD_URL) @ $(OPENOCD_REV)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" $(V1) mkdir -p "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" $(V1) git clone --no-checkout $(OPENOCD_URL) "$(DL_DIR)/openocd-build" $(V1) ( \ cd $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR) ; \ git checkout -q $(OPENOCD_REV) ; \ ) # apply patches $(V0) @echo " PATCH $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" $(V1) ( \ cd $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR) ; \ git apply < $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Project/OpenOCD/0001-armv7m-remove-dummy-FP-regs-for-new-gdb.patch ; \ git apply < $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Project/OpenOCD/0002-rtos-add-stm32_stlink-to-FreeRTOS-targets.patch ; \ ) # build and install $(V0) @echo " BUILD $(OPENOCD_WIN_DIR)" $(V1) mkdir -p "$(OPENOCD_WIN_DIR)" $(V1) ( \ cd $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR) ; \ ./bootstrap ; \ ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix="$(OPENOCD_WIN_DIR)" \ --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=i586-mingw32msvc \ CPPFLAGS=-I$(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)/include \ LDFLAGS=-L$(LIBUSB_WIN_DIR)/lib/gcc \ --enable-ft2232_ftd2xx --with-ftd2xx-win32-zipdir=$(FTD2XX_DIR) \ --disable-werror \ --enable-stlink ; \ $(MAKE) ; \ $(MAKE) install ; \ ) # delete the extracted source when we're done $(V1) [ ! -d "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" .PHONY: openocd_win_clean openocd_win_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $(OPENOCD_WIN_DIR)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(OPENOCD_WIN_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(OPENOCD_WIN_DIR)" .PHONY: openocd_git_install openocd_git_install: | $(DL_DIR) $(TOOLS_DIR) openocd_git_install: OPENOCD_URL := git://openocd.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/openocd/openocd openocd_git_install: OPENOCD_REV := f1c0133321c8fcadadd10bba5537c0a634eb183b openocd_git_install: openocd_clean # download the source $(V0) @echo " DOWNLOAD $(OPENOCD_URL) @ $(OPENOCD_REV)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" $(V1) mkdir -p "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" $(V1) git clone --no-checkout $(OPENOCD_URL) "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" $(V1) ( \ cd $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR) ; \ git checkout -q $(OPENOCD_REV) ; \ ) # apply patches $(V0) @echo " PATCH $(OPENOCD_DIR)" $(V1) ( \ cd $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR) ; \ git apply < $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Project/OpenOCD/0001-armv7m-remove-dummy-FP-regs-for-new-gdb.patch ; \ git apply < $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Project/OpenOCD/0002-rtos-add-stm32_stlink-to-FreeRTOS-targets.patch ; \ ) # build and install $(V0) @echo " BUILD $(OPENOCD_DIR)" $(V1) mkdir -p "$(OPENOCD_DIR)" $(V1) ( \ cd $(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR) ; \ ./bootstrap ; \ ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix="$(OPENOCD_DIR)" --enable-ft2232_libftdi --enable-buspirate --enable-stlink ; \ $(MAKE) ; \ $(MAKE) install ; \ ) # delete the extracted source when we're done $(V1) [ ! -d "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -rf "$(OPENOCD_BUILD_DIR)" .PHONY: openocd_clean openocd_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $(OPENOCD_DIR)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(OPENOCD_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(OPENOCD_DIR)" STM32FLASH_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/stm32flash .PHONY: stm32flash_install stm32flash_install: STM32FLASH_URL := http://stm32flash.googlecode.com/svn/trunk stm32flash_install: STM32FLASH_REV := 61 stm32flash_install: stm32flash_clean # download the source $(V0) @echo " DOWNLOAD $(STM32FLASH_URL) @ r$(STM32FLASH_REV)" $(V1) svn export -q -r "$(STM32FLASH_REV)" "$(STM32FLASH_URL)" "$(STM32FLASH_DIR)" # build $(V0) @echo " BUILD $(STM32FLASH_DIR)" $(V1) $(MAKE) --silent -C $(STM32FLASH_DIR) all .PHONY: stm32flash_clean stm32flash_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $(STM32FLASH_DIR)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(STM32FLASH_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(STM32FLASH_DIR)" DFUUTIL_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/dfu-util .PHONY: dfuutil_install dfuutil_install: DFUUTIL_URL := http://dfu-util.gnumonks.org/releases/dfu-util-0.7.tar.gz dfuutil_install: DFUUTIL_FILE := $(notdir $(DFUUTIL_URL)) dfuutil_install: | $(DL_DIR) $(TOOLS_DIR) dfuutil_install: dfuutil_clean # download the source $(V0) @echo " DOWNLOAD $(DFUUTIL_URL)" $(V1) $(WGET) -N -P "$(DL_DIR)" "$(DFUUTIL_URL)" # extract the source $(V0) @echo " EXTRACT $(DFUUTIL_FILE)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(DL_DIR)/dfuutil-build" ] || $(RM) -r "$(DL_DIR)/dfuutil-build" $(V1) mkdir -p "$(DL_DIR)/dfuutil-build" $(V1) tar -C $(DL_DIR)/dfuutil-build -xf "$(DL_DIR)/$(DFUUTIL_FILE)" # build $(V0) @echo " BUILD $(DFUUTIL_DIR)" $(V1) mkdir -p "$(DFUUTIL_DIR)" $(V1) ( \ cd $(DL_DIR)/dfuutil-build/dfu-util-0.7 ; \ ./configure --prefix="$(DFUUTIL_DIR)" ; \ $(MAKE) ; \ $(MAKE) install ; \ ) .PHONY: dfuutil_clean dfuutil_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $(DFUUTIL_DIR)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(DFUUTIL_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r "$(DFUUTIL_DIR)" # see http://developer.android.com/sdk/ for latest versions ANDROID_SDK_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/android-sdk-linux .PHONY: android_sdk_install android_sdk_install: ANDROID_SDK_URL := http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r20.0.3-linux.tgz android_sdk_install: ANDROID_SDK_FILE := $(notdir $(ANDROID_SDK_URL)) # order-only prereq on directory existance: android_sdk_install: | $(DL_DIR) $(TOOLS_DIR) android_sdk_install: android_sdk_clean # download the source only if it's newer than what we already have $(V0) @echo " DOWNLOAD $(ANDROID_SDK_URL)" $(V1) $(WGET) --no-check-certificate -N -P "$(DL_DIR)" "$(ANDROID_SDK_URL)" # binary only release so just extract it $(V0) @echo " EXTRACT $(ANDROID_SDK_FILE)" $(V1) tar -C $(TOOLS_DIR) -xf "$(DL_DIR)/$(ANDROID_SDK_FILE)" .PHONY: android_sdk_clean android_sdk_clean: $(V0) @echo " CLEAN $(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)" $(V1) [ ! -d "$(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)" ] || $(RM) -r $(ANDROID_SDK_DIR) .PHONY: android_sdk_update android_sdk_update: $(V0) @echo " UPDATE $(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)" $(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)/tools/android update sdk --no-ui -t platform-tools,android-16,addon-google_apis-google-16 #Install git hooks under the right folder .PHONY: prepare prepare: $(V0) @echo " Configuring GIT commit template" $(V1) $(CD) "$(ROOT_DIR)" $(V1) $(GIT) config commit.template .commit-template .PHONY: prepare_clean prepare_clean: $(V0) @echo " Cleanup GIT commit template configuration" $(V1) $(CD) "$(ROOT_DIR)" $(V1) $(GIT) config --unset commit.template ############################## # # TODO: these defines will go to tool install sections # ############################## ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(OPENOCD_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) export OPENOCD := $(OPENOCD_DIR)/bin/openocd else # not installed, hope it's in the path... export OPENOCD ?= openocd endif ifeq ($(shell [ -d "$(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)" ] && $(ECHO) "exists"), exists) ANDROID := $(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)/tools/android ANDROID_DX := $(ANDROID_SDK_DIR)/platform-tools/dx else # not installed, hope it's in the path... ANDROID ?= android ANDROID_DX ?= dx endif