/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer * @{ * @addtogroup PIOS_I2C I2C Functions * @brief STM32 Hardware dependent I2C functionality * @{ * * @file pios_i2c.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief I2C Enable/Disable routines * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "pios.h" #ifdef PIOS_INCLUDE_I2C #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) #define USE_FREERTOS #endif #include /* Interrupt flags descriptions taken from UM1566 */ /* - TX1: Manages the event “Transmit Interrupt Status” * which means a new data shall be written in the I2C data register for the next transfer. */ /* - RXNE: Manages the event “Receive Buffer Not Empty” which * means a data has been received and should be read from the data register. */ /* - TCR: Available in Master mode only. Manages Transfer Complete Reload event which means * the master or slave received or transmitted nbytes and Reload =1. */ /* - TC: Available in Master mode only. Manages Transfer Complete event which means the master * received or transmitted all data and communication will be closed (Generate stop) or * another one will start (Repeated start). */ /* - ADDR: Manages the event “Address phase done” which means that the device in mode slave * received start bit followed by its own address and acknowledged it. */ /* - NACK: Manages the event “Not Acknowledge received flag” which means the device received * a NACK. In master mode this flag indicates an error (slave don’t respond to sent address). * In slave mode, when master received all data it send NACK to indicate to slave that all * data are received.*/ /* - STOP: Manages the event “Stop bit received” which means that the master has * closed the communication.*/ // Error mask = Bus error | Arbitration lost | Overrun/Underrun #define I2C_ISR_ERROR_MASK (I2C_ISR_BERR | I2C_ISR_ARLO | I2C_ISR_OVR) #define I2C_IT_ERR (I2C_IT_ERRI) // Interrupt sources // Transfer Complete interrupt mask #define I2C_IT_BUF (I2C_IT_TCI) // Stop Detection interrupt mask|Not Acknowledge received interrupt mask| // Address Match interrupt mask|RX interrupt mask #define I2C_IT_EVT (I2C_IT_STOPI | I2C_IT_NACKI | I2C_IT_ADDRI | I2C_IT_RXI | I2C_IT_TXI) // #define I2C_HALT_ON_ERRORS #define I2C_ERROR_FLAGS \ (I2C_FLAG_NACKF | I2C_FLAG_BERR | I2C_FLAG_ARLO | I2C_FLAG_OVR | \ I2C_FLAG_PECERR | I2C_FLAG_TIMEOUT | I2C_FLAG_ALERT \ ) #define I2C_EVENT_FLAGS \ (I2C_FLAG_TXE | I2C_FLAG_TXIS | I2C_FLAG_RXNE | \ I2C_FLAG_NACKF | I2C_FLAG_STOPF | I2C_FLAG_TC | I2C_FLAG_TCR) enum i2c_adapter_state { I2C_STATE_FSM_FAULT = 0, /* Must be zero so undefined transitions land here */ I2C_STATE_BUS_ERROR, I2C_STATE_STOPPED, I2C_STATE_STOPPING, I2C_STATE_TXN_SETUP, I2C_STATE_TRANSFER, I2C_STATE_NACK, I2C_STATE_NUM_STATES /* Must be last */ }; enum i2c_adapter_event { I2C_EVENT_BUS_ERROR, I2C_EVENT_START, I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_DONE, I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_DONE_NEXT_TXN, I2C_EVENT_NACK, I2C_EVENT_STOPPED, I2C_EVENT_AUTO, /* FIXME: remove this */ I2C_EVENT_NUM_EVENTS /* Must be last */ }; #if defined(PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS) static struct pios_i2c_fault_history i2c_adapter_fault_history; volatile uint32_t i2c_evirq_history[I2C_LOG_DEPTH]; volatile uint8_t i2c_evirq_history_pointer = 0; volatile uint8_t i2c_state_history[I2C_LOG_DEPTH]; volatile uint8_t i2c_state_history_pointer = 0; volatile uint8_t i2c_state_event_history[I2C_LOG_DEPTH]; volatile uint8_t i2c_state_event_history_pointer; static uint8_t i2c_fsm_fault_count = 0; static uint8_t i2c_bad_event_counter = 0; static uint8_t i2c_error_interrupt_counter = 0; static uint8_t i2c_nack_counter = 0; static uint8_t i2c_timeout_counter = 0; #endif static void go_fsm_fault(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); static void go_bus_error(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); static void go_stopping(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); static void go_stopped(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); void go_txn_setup(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); static void go_transfer(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); static void go_nack(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); struct i2c_adapter_transition { void (*entry_fn)(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); enum i2c_adapter_state next_state[I2C_EVENT_NUM_EVENTS]; }; static void i2c_adapter_process_auto(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); static void i2c_adapter_inject_event(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter, enum i2c_adapter_event event); static void i2c_adapter_fsm_init(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); // static bool i2c_adapter_wait_for_stopped(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); static void i2c_adapter_reset_bus(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter); #ifdef PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS static void i2c_adapter_log_fault(enum pios_i2c_error_type type); #endif static const struct i2c_adapter_transition i2c_adapter_transitions[I2C_STATE_NUM_STATES] = { [I2C_STATE_FSM_FAULT] = { .entry_fn = go_fsm_fault, .next_state = { [I2C_EVENT_AUTO] = I2C_STATE_STOPPING, }, }, [I2C_STATE_BUS_ERROR] = { .entry_fn = go_bus_error, .next_state = { [I2C_EVENT_AUTO] = I2C_STATE_STOPPING, }, }, [I2C_STATE_STOPPED] = { .entry_fn = go_stopped, .next_state = { [I2C_EVENT_START] = I2C_STATE_TXN_SETUP, [I2C_EVENT_BUS_ERROR] = I2C_STATE_BUS_ERROR, }, }, [I2C_STATE_STOPPING] = { .entry_fn = go_stopping, .next_state = { [I2C_EVENT_STOPPED] = I2C_STATE_STOPPED, [I2C_EVENT_BUS_ERROR] = I2C_STATE_BUS_ERROR, }, }, /* * Transaction setup */ [I2C_STATE_TXN_SETUP] = { .entry_fn = go_txn_setup, .next_state = { [I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_DONE] = I2C_STATE_TRANSFER, [I2C_EVENT_NACK] = I2C_STATE_NACK, [I2C_EVENT_BUS_ERROR] = I2C_STATE_BUS_ERROR, }, }, /* * Transfers */ [I2C_STATE_TRANSFER] = { .entry_fn = go_transfer, .next_state = { [I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_DONE] = I2C_STATE_TRANSFER, [I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_DONE_NEXT_TXN] = I2C_STATE_TXN_SETUP, [I2C_EVENT_NACK] = I2C_STATE_STOPPING, [I2C_EVENT_STOPPED] = I2C_STATE_STOPPING, [I2C_EVENT_BUS_ERROR] = I2C_STATE_BUS_ERROR, }, }, [I2C_STATE_NACK] = { .entry_fn = go_nack, .next_state = { [I2C_EVENT_AUTO] = I2C_STATE_STOPPING, }, }, }; static void go_fsm_fault(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { #if defined(I2C_HALT_ON_ERRORS) PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(0); #endif /* Note that this transfer has hit a bus error */ i2c_adapter->bus_error = true; i2c_adapter_reset_bus(i2c_adapter); } static void go_bus_error(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { /* Note that this transfer has hit a bus error */ i2c_adapter->bus_error = true; i2c_adapter_reset_bus(i2c_adapter); } static void go_stopping(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { #ifdef USE_FREERTOS signed portBASE_TYPE pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; #endif I2C_ITConfig(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, I2C_IT_ERR | I2C_IT_BUF | I2C_IT_EVT, DISABLE); #ifdef USE_FREERTOS if (xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(i2c_adapter->sem_ready, &pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken) != pdTRUE) { #if defined(I2C_HALT_ON_ERRORS) PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(0); #endif } portEND_SWITCHING_ISR(pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken); #endif /* USE_FREERTOS */ } static void go_stopped(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { I2C_ITConfig(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, I2C_IT_EVT | I2C_IT_BUF | I2C_IT_ERR, DISABLE); // I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, ENABLE); } /** * Setup a new transfer * @param i2c_adapter */ void go_txn_setup(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(i2c_adapter->active_txn); PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(i2c_adapter->active_txn >= i2c_adapter->first_txn); PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(i2c_adapter->active_txn <= i2c_adapter->last_txn); i2c_adapter->active_byte = &(i2c_adapter->active_txn->buf[0]); i2c_adapter->last_byte = &(i2c_adapter->active_txn->buf[i2c_adapter->active_txn->len - 1]); I2C_ITConfig(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, I2C_IT_EVT | I2C_IT_BUF | I2C_IT_ERR, ENABLE); if (i2c_adapter->active_txn->rw == PIOS_I2C_TXN_READ) { I2C_TransferHandling(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, (i2c_adapter->active_txn->addr << 1), i2c_adapter->active_txn->len, /* Only last transaction generates Auto End */ i2c_adapter->active_txn == i2c_adapter->last_txn ? I2C_AutoEnd_Mode : I2C_SoftEnd_Mode, I2C_Generate_Start_Read); } else { I2C_TransferHandling(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, (i2c_adapter->active_txn->addr << 1), i2c_adapter->active_txn->len, /* Only last transaction generates Auto End */ i2c_adapter->active_txn == i2c_adapter->last_txn ? I2C_AutoEnd_Mode : I2C_SoftEnd_Mode, I2C_Generate_Start_Write); } } /** * transfer a byte and advance to the next byte/txn if this is not the last byte of the last txn * @param i2c_adapter */ static void go_transfer(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(i2c_adapter->active_byte); PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(i2c_adapter->active_byte <= i2c_adapter->last_byte); if (i2c_adapter->active_txn->rw == PIOS_I2C_TXN_READ) { *(i2c_adapter->active_byte) = I2C_ReceiveData(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs); } else { I2C_SendData(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, *(i2c_adapter->active_byte)); } /* it this the last transaction? */ if (i2c_adapter->active_byte == i2c_adapter->last_byte && i2c_adapter->active_txn < i2c_adapter->last_txn) { i2c_adapter->active_txn++; return; } /* Move to the next byte */ i2c_adapter->active_byte++; } static void go_nack(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { I2C_TransferHandling(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, 0, 0, I2C_AutoEnd_Mode, I2C_Generate_Stop); } static void i2c_adapter_inject_event(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter, enum i2c_adapter_event event) { PIOS_IRQ_Disable(); #if defined(PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS) i2c_state_event_history[i2c_state_event_history_pointer] = event; i2c_state_event_history_pointer = (i2c_state_event_history_pointer + 1) % I2C_LOG_DEPTH; i2c_state_history[i2c_state_history_pointer] = i2c_adapter->curr_state; i2c_state_history_pointer = (i2c_state_history_pointer + 1) % I2C_LOG_DEPTH; if (i2c_adapter_transitions[i2c_adapter->curr_state].next_state[event] == I2C_STATE_FSM_FAULT) { i2c_adapter_log_fault(PIOS_I2C_ERROR_FSM); } #endif /* * Move to the next state * * This is done prior to calling the new state's entry function to * guarantee that the entry function never depends on the previous * state. This way, it cannot ever know what the previous state was. */ i2c_adapter->curr_state = i2c_adapter_transitions[i2c_adapter->curr_state].next_state[event]; /* Call the entry function (if any) for the next state. */ if (i2c_adapter_transitions[i2c_adapter->curr_state].entry_fn) { i2c_adapter_transitions[i2c_adapter->curr_state].entry_fn(i2c_adapter); } /* Process any AUTO transitions in the FSM */ i2c_adapter_process_auto(i2c_adapter); PIOS_IRQ_Enable(); } static void i2c_adapter_process_auto(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { PIOS_IRQ_Disable(); while (i2c_adapter_transitions[i2c_adapter->curr_state].next_state[I2C_EVENT_AUTO]) { i2c_adapter->curr_state = i2c_adapter_transitions[i2c_adapter->curr_state].next_state[I2C_EVENT_AUTO]; /* Call the entry function (if any) for the next state. */ if (i2c_adapter_transitions[i2c_adapter->curr_state].entry_fn) { i2c_adapter_transitions[i2c_adapter->curr_state].entry_fn(i2c_adapter); } } PIOS_IRQ_Enable(); } static void i2c_adapter_fsm_init(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { i2c_adapter_reset_bus(i2c_adapter); i2c_adapter->curr_state = I2C_STATE_STOPPED; } #if 0 static bool i2c_adapter_wait_for_stopped(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { uint32_t guard; /* * Wait for the bus to return to the stopped state. * This was pulled out of the FSM due to occasional * failures at this transition which previously resulted * in spinning on this bit in the ISR forever. */ #define I2C_CR1_STOP_REQUESTED 0x0200 for (guard = 1000000; /* FIXME: should use the configured bus timeout */ guard && (i2c_adapter->cfg->regs->ISR & I2C_FLAG_STOPF); guard--) { continue; } if (!guard) { /* We timed out waiting for the stop condition */ return false; } return true; } #endif static void i2c_adapter_reset_bus(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { (void)i2c_adapter; // I2C_SoftwareResetCmd(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs); } #include /* Return true if the FSM is in a terminal state */ static bool i2c_adapter_fsm_terminated(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { switch (i2c_adapter->curr_state) { case I2C_STATE_STOPPING: case I2C_STATE_STOPPED: return true; default: return false; } } #if defined(PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS) /** * Logs the last N state transitions and N IRQ events due to * an error condition * \param[in] i2c the adapter number to log an event for */ void i2c_adapter_log_fault(enum pios_i2c_error_type type) { i2c_adapter_fault_history.type = type; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < I2C_LOG_DEPTH; i++) { i2c_adapter_fault_history.evirq[i] = i2c_evirq_history[(I2C_LOG_DEPTH + i2c_evirq_history_pointer - 1 - i) % I2C_LOG_DEPTH]; i2c_adapter_fault_history.event[i] = i2c_state_event_history[(I2C_LOG_DEPTH + i2c_state_event_history_pointer - 1 - i) % I2C_LOG_DEPTH]; i2c_adapter_fault_history.state[i] = i2c_state_history[(I2C_LOG_DEPTH + i2c_state_history_pointer - 1 - i) % I2C_LOG_DEPTH]; } switch (type) { case PIOS_I2C_ERROR_EVENT: i2c_bad_event_counter++; break; case PIOS_I2C_ERROR_FSM: i2c_fsm_fault_count++; break; case PIOS_I2C_ERROR_INTERRUPT: i2c_error_interrupt_counter++; break; } } #endif /* if defined(PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS) */ /** * Logs the last N state transitions and N IRQ events due to * an error condition * \param[out] data address where to copy the pios_i2c_fault_history structure to * \param[out] counts three uint16 that receive the bad event, fsm, and error irq * counts */ void PIOS_I2C_GetDiagnostics(struct pios_i2c_fault_history *data, uint8_t *counts) { #if defined(PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS) memcpy(data, &i2c_adapter_fault_history, sizeof(i2c_adapter_fault_history)); counts[PIOS_I2C_BAD_EVENT_COUNTER] = i2c_bad_event_counter; counts[PIOS_I2C_FSM_FAULT_COUNT] = i2c_fsm_fault_count; counts[PIOS_I2C_ERROR_INTERRUPT_COUNTER] = i2c_error_interrupt_counter; counts[PIOS_I2C_NACK_COUNTER] = i2c_nack_counter; counts[PIOS_I2C_TIMEOUT_COUNTER] = i2c_timeout_counter; #else struct pios_i2c_fault_history i2c_adapter_fault_history; i2c_adapter_fault_history.type = PIOS_I2C_ERROR_EVENT; memcpy(data, &i2c_adapter_fault_history, sizeof(i2c_adapter_fault_history)); memset(counts, 0, sizeof(*counts) * PIOS_I2C_ERROR_COUNT_NUMELEM); #endif } static bool PIOS_I2C_validate(struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter) { return i2c_adapter->magic == PIOS_I2C_DEV_MAGIC; } #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) static struct pios_i2c_adapter *PIOS_I2C_alloc(void) { struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter; i2c_adapter = (struct pios_i2c_adapter *)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(*i2c_adapter)); if (!i2c_adapter) { return NULL; } i2c_adapter->magic = PIOS_I2C_DEV_MAGIC; return i2c_adapter; } #else static struct pios_i2c_adapter pios_i2c_adapters[PIOS_I2C_MAX_DEVS]; static uint8_t pios_i2c_num_adapters; static struct pios_i2c_adapter *PIOS_I2C_alloc(void) { struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter; if (pios_i2c_num_adapters >= PIOS_I2C_MAX_DEVS) { return NULL; } i2c_adapter = &pios_i2c_adapters[pios_i2c_num_adapters++]; i2c_adapter->magic = PIOS_I2C_DEV_MAGIC; return i2c_adapter; } #endif /* if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) */ /** * Initializes IIC driver * \param[in] mode currently only mode 0 supported * \return < 0 if initialisation failed */ int32_t PIOS_I2C_Init(uint32_t *i2c_id, const struct pios_i2c_adapter_cfg *cfg) { PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(i2c_id); PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(cfg); struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter; i2c_adapter = (struct pios_i2c_adapter *)PIOS_I2C_alloc(); if (!i2c_adapter) { goto out_fail; } /* Bind the configuration to the device instance */ i2c_adapter->cfg = cfg; #ifdef USE_FREERTOS /* * Must be done prior to calling i2c_adapter_fsm_init() * since the sem_ready mutex is used in the initial state. */ vSemaphoreCreateBinary(i2c_adapter->sem_ready); i2c_adapter->sem_busy = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); #endif // USE_FREERTOS /* Enable the associated peripheral clock */ switch ((uint32_t)i2c_adapter->cfg->regs) { case (uint32_t)I2C1: RCC_I2CCLKConfig(RCC_I2C1CLK_HSI); break; case (uint32_t)I2C2: break; } if (i2c_adapter->cfg->remapSCL) { GPIO_PinAFConfig(i2c_adapter->cfg->scl.gpio, i2c_adapter->cfg->scl.pin_source, i2c_adapter->cfg->remapSCL); } if (i2c_adapter->cfg->remapSDA) { GPIO_PinAFConfig(i2c_adapter->cfg->sda.gpio, i2c_adapter->cfg->sda.pin_source, i2c_adapter->cfg->remapSDA); } GPIO_Init(i2c_adapter->cfg->scl.gpio, &i2c_adapter->cfg->scl.init); GPIO_Init(i2c_adapter->cfg->sda.gpio, &i2c_adapter->cfg->sda.init); I2C_Init(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, &i2c_adapter->cfg->init); I2C_Cmd(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, ENABLE); /* Initialize the state machine */ i2c_adapter_fsm_init(i2c_adapter); *i2c_id = (uint32_t)i2c_adapter; /* Configure and enable I2C interrupt */ NVIC_Init(&(i2c_adapter->cfg->event.init)); /* No error */ return 0; out_fail: return -1; } /** * @brief Perform a series of I2C transactions * @returns 0 if success or error code * @retval -1 for failed transaction * @retval -2 for failure to get semaphore */ int32_t PIOS_I2C_Transfer(uint32_t i2c_id, const struct pios_i2c_txn txn_list[], uint32_t num_txns) { struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter = (struct pios_i2c_adapter *)i2c_id; bool valid = PIOS_I2C_validate(i2c_adapter); PIOS_Assert(valid) PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(txn_list); PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(num_txns); bool semaphore_success = true; #ifdef USE_FREERTOS /* Lock the bus */ portTickType timeout; timeout = i2c_adapter->cfg->transfer_timeout_ms / portTICK_RATE_MS; if (xSemaphoreTake(i2c_adapter->sem_busy, timeout) == pdFALSE) { return -2; } #else uint32_t timeout = 0xfff; while (i2c_adapter->busy && --timeout) { ; } if (timeout == 0) { // timed out return false; } PIOS_IRQ_Disable(); if (i2c_adapter->busy) { return false; } i2c_adapter->busy = 1; PIOS_IRQ_Enable(); #endif /* USE_FREERTOS */ PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(i2c_adapter->curr_state == I2C_STATE_STOPPED); i2c_adapter->first_txn = &txn_list[0]; i2c_adapter->last_txn = &txn_list[num_txns - 1]; i2c_adapter->active_txn = i2c_adapter->first_txn; #ifdef USE_FREERTOS /* Make sure the done/ready semaphore is consumed before we start */ semaphore_success &= (xSemaphoreTake(i2c_adapter->sem_ready, timeout) == pdTRUE); #endif i2c_adapter->bus_error = false; i2c_adapter_inject_event(i2c_adapter, I2C_EVENT_START); /* Wait for the transfer to complete */ #ifdef USE_FREERTOS semaphore_success &= (xSemaphoreTake(i2c_adapter->sem_ready, timeout) == pdTRUE); xSemaphoreGive(i2c_adapter->sem_ready); #else PIOS_IRQ_Disable(); i2c_adapter->busy = 0; PIOS_IRQ_Enable(); #endif /* USE_FREERTOS */ /* Spin waiting for the transfer to finish */ while (!i2c_adapter_fsm_terminated(i2c_adapter)) { ; } i2c_adapter_fsm_init(i2c_adapter); #ifdef USE_FREERTOS /* Unlock the bus */ xSemaphoreGive(i2c_adapter->sem_busy); if (!semaphore_success) { #ifdef PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS i2c_timeout_counter++; #endif } #endif /* USE_FREERTOS */ return !semaphore_success ? -2 : i2c_adapter->bus_error ? -1 : 0; } void PIOS_I2C_IRQ_Handler(uint32_t i2c_id) { struct pios_i2c_adapter *i2c_adapter = (struct pios_i2c_adapter *)i2c_id; bool valid = PIOS_I2C_validate(i2c_adapter); PIOS_Assert(valid) uint32_t event = i2c_adapter->cfg->regs->ISR; #if defined(PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS) i2c_evirq_history[i2c_evirq_history_pointer] = event; i2c_evirq_history_pointer = (i2c_evirq_history_pointer + 1) % I2C_LOG_DEPTH; #endif if (event & I2C_ERROR_FLAGS) { if (event & I2C_FLAG_NACKF) { #ifdef PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS i2c_nack_counter++; #endif I2C_ClearFlag(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, I2C_FLAG_NACKF); i2c_adapter_inject_event(i2c_adapter, I2C_EVENT_NACK); } else { /* Mostly bus errors here */ #ifdef PIOS_I2C_DIAGNOSTICS i2c_adapter_log_fault(PIOS_I2C_ERROR_INTERRUPT); #endif /* Fail hard on any errors for now */ i2c_adapter_inject_event(i2c_adapter, I2C_EVENT_BUS_ERROR); } return; } // I2C_FLAG_TCR and reload not handled right now. Transfers limited to 255 bytes if (event & (I2C_FLAG_TXIS | I2C_ISR_RXNE)) { if (i2c_adapter->active_byte <= i2c_adapter->last_byte) { i2c_adapter_inject_event(i2c_adapter, I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_DONE); return; } } if (event & I2C_ISR_TC) { i2c_adapter_inject_event(i2c_adapter, I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_DONE_NEXT_TXN); } if (event & I2C_ISR_STOPF) { I2C_ClearFlag(i2c_adapter->cfg->regs, I2C_FLAG_STOPF); i2c_adapter_inject_event(i2c_adapter, I2C_EVENT_STOPPED); return; } } #endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_I2C */ /** * @} * @} */