/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer * @{ * @defgroup PIOS_DEBUGLOG Flash log debugging Functions * @brief Debugging functionality * @{ * * @file pios_debuglog.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2013. * @brief Debugging Functions * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Project Includes */ #include "pios.h" #include "uavobjectmanager.h" #include "debuglogentry.h" // global definitions // Global variables extern uintptr_t pios_user_fs_id; // flash filesystem for logging #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) static xSemaphoreHandle mutex = 0; #define mutexlock() xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(mutex, portMAX_DELAY) #define mutexunlock() xSemaphoreGiveRecursive(mutex) #else #define mutexlock() #define mutexunlock() #endif static bool logging_enabled = false; static uint16_t flightnum = 0; static uint16_t lognum = 0; static DebugLogEntryData *buffer = 0; #if !defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) static DebugLogEntryData staticbuffer; #endif /* Private Function Prototypes */ /** * @brief Initialize the log facility */ void PIOS_DEBUGLOG_Initialize() { #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) if (!mutex) { mutex = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex(); buffer = pvPortMalloc(sizeof(DebugLogEntryData)); } #else buffer = &staticbuffer; #endif if (!buffer) { return; } mutexlock(); lognum = 0; flightnum = 0; while (PIOS_FLASHFS_ObjLoad(pios_user_fs_id, flightnum * 256, lognum, (uint8_t *)buffer, sizeof(DebugLogEntryData)) == 0) { flightnum++; } mutexunlock(); } /** * @brief Enables or Disables logging globally * @param[in] enable or disable logging */ void PIOS_DEBUGLOG_Enable(uint8_t enabled) { logging_enabled = enabled; } /** * @brief Write a debug log entry with a uavobject * @param[in] objectid * @param[in] instanceid * @param[in] instanceid * @param[in] size of object * @param[in] data buffer */ void PIOS_DEBUGLOG_UAVObject(uint32_t objid, uint16_t instid, size_t size, uint8_t *data) { if (!logging_enabled || !buffer) { return; } mutexlock(); buffer->Flight = flightnum; #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) buffer->FlightTime = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS; #else buffer->FlightTime = 0; #endif buffer->Type = DEBUGLOGENTRY_TYPE_UAVOBJECT; buffer->ObjectID = objid; buffer->InstanceID = instid; if (size > sizeof(buffer->Data)) { size = sizeof(buffer->Data); } buffer->Size = size; memset(buffer->Data, 0, sizeof(buffer->Data)); memcpy(buffer->Data, data, size); if (PIOS_FLASHFS_ObjSave(pios_user_fs_id, flightnum * 256, lognum, (uint8_t *)buffer, sizeof(DebugLogEntryData)) == 0) { lognum++; } mutexunlock(); } /** * @brief Write a debug log entry with text * @param[in] format - as in printf * @param[in] variable arguments for printf * @param... */ void PIOS_DEBUGLOG_Printf(char *format, ...) { if (!logging_enabled || !buffer) { return; } va_list args; va_start(args, format); mutexlock(); memset(buffer->Data, 0, sizeof(buffer->Data)); vsnprintf((char *)buffer->Data, sizeof(buffer->Data), (char *)format, args); buffer->Flight = flightnum; #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) buffer->FlightTime = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS; #else buffer->FlightTime = 0; #endif buffer->Entry = lognum; buffer->Type = DEBUGLOGENTRY_TYPE_TEXT; buffer->ObjectID = 0; buffer->InstanceID = 0; buffer->Size = strlen((const char *)buffer->Data); if (PIOS_FLASHFS_ObjSave(pios_user_fs_id, flightnum * 256, lognum, (uint8_t *)buffer, sizeof(DebugLogEntryData)) == 0) { lognum++; } mutexunlock(); } /** * @brief Load one object instance from the filesystem * @param[out] buffer where to store the uavobject * @param[in] log entry from which flight * @param[in] log entry sequence number * @return 0 if success or error code * @retval -1 if fs_id is not a valid filesystem instance * @retval -2 if failed to start transaction * @retval -3 if object not found in filesystem * @retval -4 if object size in filesystem does not exactly match buffer size * @retval -5 if reading the object data from flash fails */ int32_t PIOS_DEBUGLOG_Read(void *mybuffer, uint16_t flight, uint16_t inst) { PIOS_Assert(mybuffer); return PIOS_FLASHFS_ObjLoad(pios_user_fs_id, flight * 256, inst, (uint8_t *)mybuffer, sizeof(DebugLogEntryData)); } /** * @brief Retrieve run time info of logging system * @param[out] current flight number * @param[out] next entry number * @param[out] free slots in filesystem * @param[out] used slots in filesystem */ void PIOS_DEBUGLOG_Info(uint16_t *flight, uint16_t *entry, uint16_t *free, uint16_t *used) { if (flight) { *flight = flightnum; } if (entry) { *entry = lognum; } struct PIOS_FLASHFS_Stats stats = { 0, 0 }; PIOS_FLASHFS_GetStats(pios_user_fs_id, &stats); if (free) { *free = stats.num_free_slots; } if (used) { *used = stats.num_active_slots; } } /** * @brief Format entire flash memory!!! */ void PIOS_DEBUGLOG_Format(void) { mutexlock(); PIOS_FLASHFS_Format(pios_user_fs_id); lognum = 0; flightnum = 0; mutexunlock(); } /** * @} * @} */