# # SubWCRev autogenerated file, do not modify. # Generated using svninfo.tpl template. # # Highest committed revision number WCREV = $WCREV$ # Date of highest committed revision WCDATE = $WCDATE=%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S$ # Mixed update revision state and revision range WCMIXED = $WCMIXED?1:0$ WCMIXED_TXT = $WCMIXED?(mixed):$ WCRANGE = $WCRANGE$ # Repository URL of the working copy WCURL = $WCURL$ # Current system date & time WCNOW = $WCNOW=%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S$ # Lock status, date, owner, and comment for this item WCISLOCKED = $WCISLOCKED?1:0$ WCLOCKDATE = $WCLOCKDATE=%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S$ WCLOCKOWNER = $WCLOCKOWNER$ WCLOCKCOMMENT = $WCLOCKCOMMENT$ # True if local modifications found WCMODS = $WCMODS?1:0$ WCMODS_TXT = $WCMODS?(modified):$ # True if the item is versioned WCINSVN = $WCINSVN?1:0$ # True if the svn:needs-lock property is set WCNEEDSLOCK = $WCNEEDSLOCK?1:0$