/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32_eval.h * @author MCD Application Team * @version V4.2.0 * @date 04/16/2010 * @brief Header file for stm32_eval.c module. ****************************************************************************** * @copy * * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE * TIME. AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING * FROM THE CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE * CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. * *

© COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics

*/ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __STM32_EVAL_H #define __STM32_EVAL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup Utilities * @{ */ /** @addtogroup STM32_EVAL * @{ */ /** @defgroup STM32_EVAL_Abstraction_Layer * @{ */ /** @defgroup STM32_EVAL_HARDWARE_RESOURCES * @{ */ /** @code The table below gives an overview of the hardware resources supported by each STM32 EVAL board. - LCD: TFT Color LCD (Parallel (FSMC) and Serial (SPI)) - IOE: IO Expander on I2C - sFLASH: serial SPI FLASH (M25Pxxx) - sEE: serial I2C EEPROM (M24C08, M24C32, M24C64) - TSENSOR: Temperature Sensor (LM75) - SD: SD Card memory (SPI and SDIO (SD Card MODE)) =================================================================================================================+ STM32 EVAL | LED | Buttons | Com Ports | LCD | IOE | sFLASH | sEE | TSENSOR | SD (SPI) | SD(SDIO) | =================================================================================================================+ STM3210B-EVAL | 4 | 8 | 2 | YES (SPI) | NO | YES | NO | YES | YES | NO | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ STM3210E-EVAL | 4 | 8 | 2 | YES (FSMC)| NO | YES | NO | YES | NO | YES | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ STM3210C-EVAL | 4 | 3 | 1 | YES (SPI) | YES | NO | YES | NO | YES | NO | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ STM32100B-EVAL | 4 | 8 | 2 | YES (SPI) | NO | YES | NO | YES | YES | NO | =================================================================================================================+ @endcode */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup STM32_EVAL_Exported_Types * @{ */ typedef enum { BUTTON_WAKEUP = 0, BUTTON_TAMPER = 1, BUTTON_KEY = 2, BUTTON_RIGHT = 3, BUTTON_LEFT = 4, BUTTON_UP = 5, BUTTON_DOWN = 6, BUTTON_SEL = 7 } Button_TypeDef; typedef enum { BUTTON_MODE_GPIO = 0, BUTTON_MODE_EXTI = 1 } ButtonMode_TypeDef; typedef enum { JOY_NONE = 0, JOY_SEL = 1, JOY_DOWN = 2, JOY_LEFT = 3, JOY_RIGHT = 4, JOY_UP = 5 } JOYState_TypeDef ; typedef enum { COM1 = 0, COM2 = 1 } COM_TypeDef; /** * @} */ /** @defgroup STM32_EVAL_Exported_Constants * @{ */ /** * @brief Uncomment the line corresponding to the STMicroelectronics evaluation * board used in your application. * * Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to switch between these * boards, you can define the board in your toolchain compiler preprocessor. */ #if !defined (USE_STM32100B_EVAL) && !defined (USE_STM3210B_EVAL) && !defined (USE_STM3210E_EVAL) && !defined (USE_STM3210C_EVAL) //#define USE_STM32100B_EVAL //#define USE_STM3210B_EVAL //#define USE_STM3210E_EVAL //#define USE_STM3210C_EVAL #endif #ifdef USE_STM32100B_EVAL #include "stm32f10x.h" #include "stm32100b_eval/stm32100b_eval.h" #elif defined USE_STM3210B_EVAL #include "stm32f10x.h" #include "stm3210b_eval/stm3210b_eval.h" #elif defined USE_STM3210E_EVAL #include "stm32f10x.h" #include "stm3210e_eval.h" #elif defined USE_STM3210C_EVAL #include "stm32f10x.h" #include "stm3210c_eval/stm3210c_eval.h" #else #error "Please select first the STM32 EVAL board to be used (in stm32_eval.h)" #endif /** * @brief STM32 Button Defines Legacy */ #define Button_WAKEUP BUTTON_WAKEUP #define Button_TAMPER BUTTON_TAMPER #define Button_KEY BUTTON_KEY #define Button_RIGHT BUTTON_RIGHT #define Button_LEFT BUTTON_LEFT #define Button_UP BUTTON_UP #define Button_DOWN BUTTON_DOWN #define Button_SEL BUTTON_SEL #define Mode_GPIO BUTTON_MODE_GPIO #define Mode_EXTI BUTTON_MODE_EXTI #define Button_Mode_TypeDef ButtonMode_TypeDef #define JOY_CENTER JOY_SEL #define JOY_State_TypeDef JOYState_TypeDef /** * @brief LCD Defines Legacy */ #define LCD_RSNWR_GPIO_CLK LCD_NWR_GPIO_CLK #define LCD_SPI_GPIO_PORT LCD_SPI_SCK_GPIO_PORT #define LCD_SPI_GPIO_CLK LCD_SPI_SCK_GPIO_CLK #define R0 LCD_REG_0 #define R1 LCD_REG_1 #define R2 LCD_REG_2 #define R3 LCD_REG_3 #define R4 LCD_REG_4 #define R5 LCD_REG_5 #define R6 LCD_REG_6 #define R7 LCD_REG_7 #define R8 LCD_REG_8 #define R9 LCD_REG_9 #define R10 LCD_REG_10 #define R12 LCD_REG_12 #define R13 LCD_REG_13 #define R14 LCD_REG_14 #define R15 LCD_REG_15 #define R16 LCD_REG_16 #define R17 LCD_REG_17 #define R18 LCD_REG_18 #define R19 LCD_REG_19 #define R20 LCD_REG_20 #define R21 LCD_REG_21 #define R22 LCD_REG_22 #define R23 LCD_REG_23 #define R24 LCD_REG_24 #define R25 LCD_REG_25 #define R26 LCD_REG_26 #define R27 LCD_REG_27 #define R28 LCD_REG_28 #define R29 LCD_REG_29 #define R30 LCD_REG_30 #define R31 LCD_REG_31 #define R32 LCD_REG_32 #define R33 LCD_REG_33 #define R34 LCD_REG_34 #define R36 LCD_REG_36 #define R37 LCD_REG_37 #define R40 LCD_REG_40 #define R41 LCD_REG_41 #define R43 LCD_REG_43 #define R45 LCD_REG_45 #define R48 LCD_REG_48 #define R49 LCD_REG_49 #define R50 LCD_REG_50 #define R51 LCD_REG_51 #define R52 LCD_REG_52 #define R53 LCD_REG_53 #define R54 LCD_REG_54 #define R55 LCD_REG_55 #define R56 LCD_REG_56 #define R57 LCD_REG_57 #define R59 LCD_REG_59 #define R60 LCD_REG_60 #define R61 LCD_REG_61 #define R62 LCD_REG_62 #define R63 LCD_REG_63 #define R64 LCD_REG_64 #define R65 LCD_REG_65 #define R66 LCD_REG_66 #define R67 LCD_REG_67 #define R68 LCD_REG_68 #define R69 LCD_REG_69 #define R70 LCD_REG_70 #define R71 LCD_REG_71 #define R72 LCD_REG_72 #define R73 LCD_REG_73 #define R74 LCD_REG_74 #define R75 LCD_REG_75 #define R76 LCD_REG_76 #define R77 LCD_REG_77 #define R78 LCD_REG_78 #define R79 LCD_REG_79 #define R80 LCD_REG_80 #define R81 LCD_REG_81 #define R82 LCD_REG_82 #define R83 LCD_REG_83 #define R96 LCD_REG_96 #define R97 LCD_REG_97 #define R106 LCD_REG_106 #define R118 LCD_REG_118 #define R128 LCD_REG_128 #define R129 LCD_REG_129 #define R130 LCD_REG_130 #define R131 LCD_REG_131 #define R132 LCD_REG_132 #define R133 LCD_REG_133 #define R134 LCD_REG_134 #define R135 LCD_REG_135 #define R136 LCD_REG_136 #define R137 LCD_REG_137 #define R139 LCD_REG_139 #define R140 LCD_REG_140 #define R141 LCD_REG_141 #define R143 LCD_REG_143 #define R144 LCD_REG_144 #define R145 LCD_REG_145 #define R146 LCD_REG_146 #define R147 LCD_REG_147 #define R148 LCD_REG_148 #define R149 LCD_REG_149 #define R150 LCD_REG_150 #define R151 LCD_REG_151 #define R152 LCD_REG_152 #define R153 LCD_REG_153 #define R154 LCD_REG_154 #define R157 LCD_REG_157 #define R192 LCD_REG_192 #define R193 LCD_REG_193 #define R227 LCD_REG_227 #define R229 LCD_REG_229 #define R231 LCD_REG_231 #define R239 LCD_REG_239 #define White LCD_COLOR_WHITE #define Black LCD_COLOR_BLACK #define Grey LCD_COLOR_GREY #define Blue LCD_COLOR_BLUE #define Blue2 LCD_COLOR_BLUE2 #define Red LCD_COLOR_RED #define Magenta LCD_COLOR_MAGENTA #define Green LCD_COLOR_GREEN #define Cyan LCD_COLOR_CYAN #define Yellow LCD_COLOR_YELLOW #define Line0 LCD_LINE_0 #define Line1 LCD_LINE_1 #define Line2 LCD_LINE_2 #define Line3 LCD_LINE_3 #define Line4 LCD_LINE_4 #define Line5 LCD_LINE_5 #define Line6 LCD_LINE_6 #define Line7 LCD_LINE_7 #define Line8 LCD_LINE_8 #define Line9 LCD_LINE_9 #define Horizontal LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL #define Vertical LCD_DIR_VERTICAL /** * @} */ /** @defgroup STM32_EVAL_Exported_Macros * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup STM32_EVAL_Exported_Functions * @{ */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __STM32_EVAL_H */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/