@echo off rem rem make_header - a workaround to build NSIS version info header from rem Makefile using different environments (Windows cmd or Unix-like sh) rem still being more or less portable. rem rem This script tries to find any git command line utility on the system. rem First, it looks at the predefined location of git.exe installed by rem msysgit package available at http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/ rem If not found, it searches for git executables in the system PATH. rem If also not found, then it gives up and no commit info will be available. rem rem Expected parameters: rem %1: repository source path rem %2: header file full path and name rem rem FIXME: we should have product version info somewhere else set OUT_FILE=OpenPilotGCS-%%%%ad-%%%%h-install.exe set PRODUCT_VERSION= set FILE_VERSION=%%%%ad %%BRANCH%%:%%%%h set BUILD_DESCRIPTION=Built using %%ORIGIN%% as origin, branch %%BRANCH%%, commit %%%%H, committed %%%%ci set REPO=%1 set HEADER=%2 if "%REPO%" == "" goto NoRepo if "%HEADER%" == "" goto NoHeader goto OK :NoRepo :NoHeader echo This script should be called from Makefile only goto :eof :Ok rem Looking for git command line utility at the predefined msysgit location rem first, and in the PATH last. Also note that we use call command which is rem required if we execute a .cmd or .bat file instead of .exe set GIT=%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin\git.exe if exist "%GIT%" goto Found for %%G in (git.exe) do set GIT=%%~$PATH:G if exist "%GIT%" goto Found for %%G in (git.cmd) do set GIT=%%~$PATH:G if exist "%GIT%" goto Found for %%G in (git.bat) do set GIT=%%~$PATH:G if exist "%GIT%" goto Found :NotFound echo git not found, no version info available goto :eof :Found echo Using "%GIT%" to extract version info from "%REPO%"... rem Getting remote origin name for /F "usebackq tokens=1-3" %%G in (`call "%GIT%" remote -v`) do ( if "%%G" == "origin" if "%%I" == "(fetch)" set ORIGIN=%%H ) rem Getting branch name for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2" %%G in (`call "%GIT%" branch --no-color`) do ( if "%%G" == "*" set BRANCH=%%H ) rem Getting commit info set OPTS=-1 --no-color --date=short set OPTS=%OPTS% "--format=format: set OPTS=%OPTS%;%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%; AUTOGENERATED HEADER FILE%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%;%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%; Installer file name%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%!define OUT_FILE \"%OUT_FILE%\"%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%; Installer version info%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%!define PRODUCT_VERSION \"%PRODUCT_VERSION%\"%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%!define FILE_VERSION \"%FILE_VERSION%\"%%%%n set OPTS=%OPTS%!define BUILD_DESCRIPTION \"%BUILD_DESCRIPTION%\"%%%%n" pushd "%REPO%" call "%GIT%" log %OPTS% >%HEADER% popd