 * @file    usb_conf.h
 * @author  MCD Application Team
 * @version V2.1.0
 * @date    19-March-2012
 * @brief   General low level driver configuration
 * @attention
 * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2012 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
 * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *        http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __USB_CONF__H__
#define __USB_CONF__H__

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f4xx.h"

/** @addtogroup USB_OTG_DRIVER
 * @{

/** @defgroup USB_CONF
 * @brief USB low level driver configuration file
 * @{

/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_Defines
 * @{

/* USB Core and PHY interface configuration.
   Tip: To avoid modifying these defines each time you need to change the USB
        configuration, you can declare the needed define in your toolchain
        compiler preprocessor.
/****************** USB OTG FS PHY CONFIGURATION *******************************
*  The USB OTG FS Core supports one on-chip Full Speed PHY.
*  The USE_EMBEDDED_PHY symbol is defined in the project compiler preprocessor
*  when FS core is used.
#ifndef USE_USB_OTG_FS
#define USE_USB_OTG_FS
#endif /* USE_USB_OTG_FS */


/****************** USB OTG HS PHY CONFIGURATION *******************************
*  The USB OTG HS Core supports two PHY interfaces:
*   (i)  An ULPI interface for the external High Speed PHY: the USB HS Core will
*        operate in High speed mode
*   (ii) An on-chip Full Speed PHY: the USB HS Core will operate in Full speed mode
*  You can select the PHY to be used using one of these two defines:
*   (i)  USE_ULPI_PHY: if the USB OTG HS Core is to be used in High speed mode
*   (ii) USE_EMBEDDED_PHY: if the USB OTG HS Core is to be used in Full speed mode
*  Notes:
*   - The USE_ULPI_PHY symbol is defined in the project compiler preprocessor as
*     default PHY when HS core is used.
*   - On STM322xG-EVAL and STM324xG-EVAL boards, only configuration(i) is available.
*     Configuration (ii) need a different hardware, for more details refer to your
*     STM32 device datasheet.
#ifndef USE_USB_OTG_HS
// #define USE_USB_OTG_HS
#endif /* USE_USB_OTG_HS */

#ifndef USE_ULPI_PHY
// #define USE_ULPI_PHY
#endif /* USE_ULPI_PHY */

#endif /* USE_EMBEDDED_PHY */

#ifndef USE_I2C_PHY
// #define USE_I2C_PHY
#endif /* USE_I2C_PHY */

 #define USB_OTG_FS_CORE

 #define USB_OTG_HS_CORE

*                      FIFO Size Configuration in Device mode
*  (i) Receive data FIFO size = RAM for setup packets +
*                   OUT endpoint control information +
*                   data OUT packets + miscellaneous
*      Space = ONE 32-bits words
*     --> RAM for setup packets = 10 spaces
*        (n is the nbr of CTRL EPs the device core supports)
*     --> OUT EP CTRL info      = 1 space
*        (one space for status information written to the FIFO along with each
*        received packet)
*     --> data OUT packets      = (Largest Packet Size / 4) + 1 spaces
*        (MINIMUM to receive packets)
*     --> OR data OUT packets  = at least 2*(Largest Packet Size / 4) + 1 spaces
*        (if high-bandwidth EP is enabled or multiple isochronous EPs)
*     --> miscellaneous = 1 space per OUT EP
*        (one space for transfer complete status information also pushed to the
*        FIFO with each endpoint's last packet)
*  (ii)MINIMUM RAM space required for each IN EP Tx FIFO = MAX packet size for
*       that particular IN EP. More space allocated in the IN EP Tx FIFO results
*       in a better performance on the USB and can hide latencies on the AHB.
*  (iii) TXn min size = 16 words. (n  : Transmit FIFO index)
*   (iv) When a TxFIFO is not used, the Configuration should be as follows:
*       case 1 :  n > m    and Txn is not used    (n,m  : Transmit FIFO indexes)
*       --> Txm can use the space allocated for Txn.
*       case2  :  n < m    and Txn is not used    (n,m  : Transmit FIFO indexes)
*       --> Txn should be configured with the minimum space of 16 words
*  (v) The FIFO is used optimally when used TxFIFOs are allocated in the top
*       of the FIFO.Ex: use EP1 and EP2 as IN instead of EP1 and EP3 as IN ones.

*                     FIFO Size Configuration in Host mode
*  (i) Receive data FIFO size = (Largest Packet Size / 4) + 1 or
*                             2x (Largest Packet Size / 4) + 1,  If a
*                             high-bandwidth channel or multiple isochronous
*                             channels are enabled
*  (ii) For the host nonperiodic Transmit FIFO is the largest maximum packet size
*      for all supported nonperiodic OUT channels. Typically, a space
*      corresponding to two Largest Packet Size is recommended.
*  (iii) The minimum amount of RAM required for Host periodic Transmit FIFO is
*        the largest maximum packet size for all supported periodic OUT channels.
*        If there is at least one High Bandwidth Isochronous OUT endpoint,
*        then the space must be at least two times the maximum packet size for
*        that channel.

/****************** USB OTG HS CONFIGURATION **********************************/
 #define RX_FIFO_HS_SIZE   512
 #define TX0_FIFO_HS_SIZE  512
 #define TX1_FIFO_HS_SIZE  512
 #define TX2_FIFO_HS_SIZE  0
 #define TX3_FIFO_HS_SIZE  0
 #define TX4_FIFO_HS_SIZE  0
 #define TX5_FIFO_HS_SIZE  0
 #define TXH_NP_HS_FIFOSIZ 96
 #define TXH_P_HS_FIFOSIZ  96



 #ifdef USE_ULPI_PHY
#endif // ifdef USB_OTG_HS_CORE

/****************** USB OTG FS CONFIGURATION **********************************/
 #define RX_FIFO_FS_SIZE   128
 #define TX0_FIFO_FS_SIZE  64
 #define TX1_FIFO_FS_SIZE  32
 #define TX2_FIFO_FS_SIZE  32
 #define TX3_FIFO_FS_SIZE  64
 #define TXH_NP_HS_FIFOSIZ 96
 #define TXH_P_HS_FIFOSIZ  96

/****************** USB OTG MODE CONFIGURATION ********************************/
// #define USE_HOST_MODE

/****************** USB OTG MODE CONFIGURATION ********************************/
// #define USE_HOST_MODE
// #define USE_OTG_MODE

 #ifndef USB_OTG_HS_CORE
    #error  "USB_OTG_HS_CORE or USB_OTG_FS_CORE should be defined"

 #ifndef USE_HOST_MODE
    #error  "USE_DEVICE_MODE or USE_HOST_MODE should be defined"

#ifndef USE_USB_OTG_HS
 #ifndef USE_USB_OTG_FS
    #error  "USE_USB_OTG_HS or USE_USB_OTG_FS should be defined"
#else // USE_USB_OTG_HS
 #ifndef USE_ULPI_PHY
     #error  "USE_ULPI_PHY or USE_EMBEDDED_PHY should be defined"

/****************** C Compilers dependant keywords ****************************/
/* In HS mode and when the DMA is used, all variables and data structures dealing
   with the DMA during the transaction process should be 4-bytes aligned */
  #if defined(__GNUC__) /* GNU Compiler */
    #define __ALIGN_END     __attribute__((aligned(4)))
    #define __ALIGN_BEGIN
    #define __ALIGN_END
    #if defined(__CC_ARM) /* ARM Compiler */
      #define __ALIGN_BEGIN __align(4)
    #elif defined(__ICCARM__) /* IAR Compiler */
      #define __ALIGN_BEGIN
    #elif defined(__TASKING__) /* TASKING Compiler */
      #define __ALIGN_BEGIN __align(4)
    #endif /* __CC_ARM */
  #endif /* __GNUC__ */
  #define __ALIGN_BEGIN
  #define __ALIGN_END

/* __packed keyword used to decrease the data type alignment to 1-byte */
#if defined(__CC_ARM) /* ARM Compiler */
  #define __packed __packed
#elif defined(__ICCARM__) /* IAR Compiler */
  #define __packed __packed
#elif defined(__GNUC__) /* GNU Compiler */
  #define __packed __attribute__((__packed__))
#elif defined(__TASKING__) /* TASKING Compiler */
  #define __packed __unaligned
#endif /* __CC_ARM */

 * @}

/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_Types
 * @{
 * @}

/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_Macros
 * @{
 * @}

/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_Variables
 * @{
 * @}

/** @defgroup USB_CONF_Exported_FunctionsPrototype
 * @{
 * @}

#endif // __USB_CONF__H__

 * @}

 * @}
/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/