/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file actionmanager.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * Parts by Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) Copyright (C) 2009. * @brief * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * @defgroup * @{ * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "actionmanager_p.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "actioncontainer_p.h" #include "command_p.h" #include "uniqueidmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { enum { warnAboutFindFailures = 0 }; } /*! \class Core::ActionManager \mainclass \brief The action manager is responsible for registration of menus and menu items and keyboard shortcuts. The ActionManager is the central bookkeeper of actions and their shortcuts and layout. You get the only implementation of this class from the core interface ICore::actionManager() method, e.g. \code Core::ICore::instance()->actionManager() \endcode The main reasons for the need of this class is to provide a central place where the user can specify all his keyboard shortcuts, and to provide a solution for actions that should behave differently in different contexts (like the copy/replace/undo/redo actions). \section1 Contexts All actions that are registered with the same string ID (but different context lists) are considered to be overloads of the same command, represented by an instance of the Command class. Exactly only one of the registered actions with the same ID is active at any time. Which action this is, is defined by the context list that the actions were registered with: If the current focus widget was registered via \l{ICore::addContextObject()}, all the contexts returned by its IContext object are active. In addition all contexts set via \l{ICore::addAdditionalContext()} are active as well. If one of the actions was registered for one of these active contexts, it is the one active action, and receives \c triggered and \c toggled signals. Also the appearance of the visible action for this ID might be adapted to this active action (depending on the settings of the corresponding \l{Command} object). The action that is visible to the user is the one returned by Command::action(). If you provide yourself a user visible representation of your action you need to use Command::action() for this. When this action is invoked by the user, the signal is forwarded to the registered action that is valid for the current context. \section1 Registering Actions To register a globally active action "My Action" put the following in your plugin's IPlugin::initialize method: \code Core::ActionManager *am = Core::ICore::instance()->actionManager(); QAction *myAction = new QAction(tr("My Action"), this); Core::Command *cmd = am->registerAction(myAction, "myplugin.myaction", QList() << C_GLOBAL_ID); cmd->setDefaultKeySequence(QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+Alt+u"))); connect(myAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(performMyAction())); \endcode So the \c connect is done to your own QAction instance. If you create e.g. a tool button that should represent the action you add the action from Command::action() to it: \code QToolButton *myButton = new QToolButton(someParentWidget); myButton->setDefaultAction(cmd->action()); \endcode Also use the ActionManager to add items to registered action containers like the applications menu bar or menus in that menu bar. To do this, you register your action via the registerAction methods, get the action container for a specific ID (like specified in the Core::Constants namespace) with a call of actionContainer(const QString&) and add your command to this container. Following the example adding "My Action" to the "Tools" menu would be done by \code am->actionContainer(Core::M_TOOLS)->addAction(cmd); \endcode \section1 Important Guidelines: \list \o Always register your actions and shortcuts! \o Register your actions and shortcuts during your plugin's \l{ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::initialize()} or \l{ExtensionSystem::IPlugin::extensionsInitialized()} methods, otherwise the shortcuts won't appear in the keyboard settings dialog from the beginning. \o When registering an action with \c{cmd=registerAction(action, id, contexts)} be sure to connect your own action \c{connect(action, SIGNAL...)} but make \c{cmd->action()} visible to the user, i.e. \c{widget->addAction(cmd->action())}. \o Use this class to add actions to the applications menus \endlist \sa Core::ICore \sa Core::Command \sa Core::ActionContainer \sa Core::IContext */ /*! \fn ActionContainer *ActionManager::createMenu(const QString &id) \brief Creates a new menu with the given string \a id. Returns a new ActionContainer that you can use to get the QMenu instance or to add menu items to the menu. The ActionManager owns the returned ActionContainer. Add your menu to some other menu or a menu bar via the ActionManager::actionContainer and ActionContainer::addMenu methods. */ /*! \fn ActionContainer *ActionManager::createMenuBar(const QString &id) \brief Creates a new menu bar with the given string \a id. Returns a new ActionContainer that you can use to get the QMenuBar instance or to add menus to the menu bar. The ActionManager owns the returned ActionContainer. */ /*! \fn Command *ActionManager::registerAction(QAction *action, const QString &id, const QList &context) \brief Makes an \a action known to the system under the specified string \a id. Returns a command object that represents the action in the application and is owned by the ActionManager. You can registered several actions with the same \a id as long as the \a context is different. In this case a trigger of the actual action is forwarded to the registered QAction for the currently active context. */ /*! \fn Command *ActionManager::registerShortcut(QShortcut *shortcut, const QString &id, const QList &context) \brief Makes a \a shortcut known to the system under the specified string \a id. Returns a command object that represents the shortcut in the application and is owned by the ActionManager. You can registered several shortcuts with the same \a id as long as the \a context is different. In this case a trigger of the actual shortcut is forwarded to the registered QShortcut for the currently active context. */ /*! \fn Command *ActionManager::command(const QString &id) const \brief Returns the Command object that is known to the system under the given string \a id. \sa ActionManager::registerAction() */ /*! \fn ActionContainer *ActionManager::actionContainer(const QString &id) const \brief Returns the IActionContainter object that is know to the system under the given string \a id. \sa ActionManager::createMenu() \sa ActionManager::createMenuBar() */ /*! \fn ActionManager::ActionManager(QObject *parent) \internal */ /*! \fn ActionManager::~ActionManager() \internal */ using namespace Core; using namespace Core::Internal; ActionManagerPrivate* ActionManagerPrivate::m_instance = 0; /*! \class ActionManagerPrivate \inheaderfile actionmanager_p.h \internal */ ActionManagerPrivate::ActionManagerPrivate(MainWindow *mainWnd) : ActionManager(mainWnd), m_mainWnd(mainWnd) { UniqueIDManager *uidmgr = UniqueIDManager::instance(); m_defaultGroups << uidmgr->uniqueIdentifier(Constants::G_DEFAULT_ONE); m_defaultGroups << uidmgr->uniqueIdentifier(Constants::G_DEFAULT_TWO); m_defaultGroups << uidmgr->uniqueIdentifier(Constants::G_DEFAULT_THREE); m_instance = this; } ActionManagerPrivate::~ActionManagerPrivate() { qDeleteAll(m_idCmdMap.values()); qDeleteAll(m_idContainerMap.values()); } ActionManagerPrivate *ActionManagerPrivate::instance() { return m_instance; } QList ActionManagerPrivate::defaultGroups() const { return m_defaultGroups; } QList ActionManagerPrivate::commands() const { return m_idCmdMap.values(); } QList ActionManagerPrivate::containers() const { return m_idContainerMap.values(); } bool ActionManagerPrivate::hasContext(int context) const { return m_context.contains(context); } void ActionManagerPrivate::setContext(const QList &context) { // here are possibilities for speed optimization if necessary: // let commands (de-)register themselves for contexts // and only update commands that are either in old or new contexts m_context = context; const IdCmdMap::const_iterator cmdcend = m_idCmdMap.constEnd(); for (IdCmdMap::const_iterator it = m_idCmdMap.constBegin(); it != cmdcend; ++it) it.value()->setCurrentContext(m_context); const IdContainerMap::const_iterator acend = m_idContainerMap.constEnd(); for (IdContainerMap::const_iterator it = m_idContainerMap.constBegin(); it != acend; ++it) it.value()->update(); } bool ActionManagerPrivate::hasContext(QList context) const { for (int i=0; iuniqueIdentifier(id); const IdContainerMap::const_iterator it = m_idContainerMap.constFind(uid); if (it != m_idContainerMap.constEnd()) return it.value(); QMenu *m = new QMenu(m_mainWnd); m->setObjectName(id); MenuActionContainer *mc = new MenuActionContainer(uid); mc->setMenu(m); m_idContainerMap.insert(uid, mc); return mc; } ActionContainer *ActionManagerPrivate::createMenuBar(const QString &id) { const int uid = UniqueIDManager::instance()->uniqueIdentifier(id); const IdContainerMap::const_iterator it = m_idContainerMap.constFind(uid); if (it != m_idContainerMap.constEnd()) return it.value(); QMenuBar *mb = new QMenuBar; // No parent (System menu bar on Mac OS X) mb->setObjectName(id); MenuBarActionContainer *mbc = new MenuBarActionContainer(uid); mbc->setMenuBar(mb); m_idContainerMap.insert(uid, mbc); return mbc; } Command *ActionManagerPrivate::registerAction(QAction *action, const QString &id, const QList &context) { OverrideableAction *a = 0; Command *c = registerOverridableAction(action, id, false); a = static_cast(c); if (a) a->addOverrideAction(action, context); return a; } Command *ActionManagerPrivate::registerOverridableAction(QAction *action, const QString &id, bool checkUnique) { OverrideableAction *a = 0; const int uid = UniqueIDManager::instance()->uniqueIdentifier(id); if (CommandPrivate *c = m_idCmdMap.value(uid, 0)) { a = qobject_cast(c); if (!a) { qWarning() << "registerAction: id" << id << "is registered with a different command type."; return c; } } else { a = new OverrideableAction(uid); m_idCmdMap.insert(uid, a); } if (!a->action()) { QAction *baseAction = new QAction(m_mainWnd); baseAction->setObjectName(id); baseAction->setCheckable(action->isCheckable()); baseAction->setIcon(action->icon()); baseAction->setIconText(action->iconText()); baseAction->setText(action->text()); baseAction->setToolTip(action->toolTip()); baseAction->setStatusTip(action->statusTip()); baseAction->setWhatsThis(action->whatsThis()); baseAction->setChecked(action->isChecked()); baseAction->setSeparator(action->isSeparator()); baseAction->setShortcutContext(Qt::ApplicationShortcut); baseAction->setEnabled(false); baseAction->setParent(m_mainWnd); #ifdef Q_WS_MAC baseAction->setIconVisibleInMenu(false); #endif a->setAction(baseAction); m_mainWnd->addAction(baseAction); a->setKeySequence(a->keySequence()); a->setDefaultKeySequence(QKeySequence()); } else if (checkUnique) { qWarning() << "registerOverridableAction: id" << id << "is already registered."; } return a; } Command *ActionManagerPrivate::registerShortcut(QShortcut *shortcut, const QString &id, const QList &context) { Shortcut *sc = 0; int uid = UniqueIDManager::instance()->uniqueIdentifier(id); if (CommandPrivate *c = m_idCmdMap.value(uid, 0)) { sc = qobject_cast(c); if (!sc) { qWarning() << "registerShortcut: id" << id << "is registered with a different command type."; return c; } } else { sc = new Shortcut(uid); m_idCmdMap.insert(uid, sc); } if (sc->shortcut()) { qWarning() << "registerShortcut: action already registered (id" << id << "."; return sc; } if (!hasContext(context)) shortcut->setEnabled(false); shortcut->setObjectName(id); shortcut->setParent(m_mainWnd); sc->setShortcut(shortcut); if (context.isEmpty()) sc->setContext(QList() << 0); else sc->setContext(context); sc->setKeySequence(shortcut->key()); sc->setDefaultKeySequence(QKeySequence()); return sc; } Command *ActionManagerPrivate::command(const QString &id) const { const int uid = UniqueIDManager::instance()->uniqueIdentifier(id); const IdCmdMap::const_iterator it = m_idCmdMap.constFind(uid); if (it == m_idCmdMap.constEnd()) { if (warnAboutFindFailures) qWarning() << "ActionManagerPrivate::command(): failed to find :" << id << '/' << uid; return 0; } return it.value(); } ActionContainer *ActionManagerPrivate::actionContainer(const QString &id) const { const int uid = UniqueIDManager::instance()->uniqueIdentifier(id); const IdContainerMap::const_iterator it = m_idContainerMap.constFind(uid); if (it == m_idContainerMap.constEnd()) { if (warnAboutFindFailures) qWarning() << "ActionManagerPrivate::actionContainer(): failed to find :" << id << '/' << uid; return 0; } return it.value(); } Command *ActionManagerPrivate::command(int uid) const { const IdCmdMap::const_iterator it = m_idCmdMap.constFind(uid); if (it == m_idCmdMap.constEnd()) { if (warnAboutFindFailures) qWarning() << "ActionManagerPrivate::command(): failed to find :" << UniqueIDManager::instance()->stringForUniqueIdentifier(uid) << '/' << uid; return 0; } return it.value(); } ActionContainer *ActionManagerPrivate::actionContainer(int uid) const { const IdContainerMap::const_iterator it = m_idContainerMap.constFind(uid); if (it == m_idContainerMap.constEnd()) { if (warnAboutFindFailures) qWarning() << "ActionManagerPrivate::actionContainer(): failed to find :" << UniqueIDManager::instance()->stringForUniqueIdentifier(uid) << uid; return 0; } return it.value(); } static const char *settingsGroup = "KeyBindings"; static const char *idKey = "ID"; static const char *sequenceKey = "Keysequence"; void ActionManagerPrivate::initialize() { QSettings *settings = m_mainWnd->settings(); const int shortcuts = settings->beginReadArray(QLatin1String(settingsGroup)); for (int i=0; isetArrayIndex(i); const QString sid = settings->value(QLatin1String(idKey)).toString(); const QKeySequence key(settings->value(QLatin1String(sequenceKey)).toString()); const int id = UniqueIDManager::instance()->uniqueIdentifier(sid); Command *cmd = command(id); if (cmd) cmd->setKeySequence(key); } settings->endArray(); } void ActionManagerPrivate::saveSettings(QSettings *settings) { settings->beginWriteArray(QLatin1String(settingsGroup)); int count = 0; const IdCmdMap::const_iterator cmdcend = m_idCmdMap.constEnd(); for (IdCmdMap::const_iterator j = m_idCmdMap.constBegin(); j != cmdcend; ++j) { const int id = j.key(); CommandPrivate *cmd = j.value(); QKeySequence key = cmd->keySequence(); if (key != cmd->defaultKeySequence()) { const QString sid = UniqueIDManager::instance()->stringForUniqueIdentifier(id); settings->setArrayIndex(count); settings->setValue(QLatin1String(idKey), sid); settings->setValue(QLatin1String(sequenceKey), key.toString()); count++; } } settings->endArray(); }