/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file guidance.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief This module compared @ref PositionActuatl to @ref ActiveWaypoint * and sets @ref AttitudeDesired. It only does this when the FlightMode field * of @ref ManualControlCommand is Auto. * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Input object: ActiveWaypoint * Input object: PositionActual * Input object: ManualControlCommand * Output object: AttitudeDesired * * This module will periodically update the value of the AttitudeDesired object. * * The module executes in its own thread in this example. * * Modules have no API, all communication to other modules is done through UAVObjects. * However modules may use the API exposed by shared libraries. * See the OpenPilot wiki for more details. * http://www.openpilot.org/OpenPilot_Application_Architecture * */ #include "openpilot.h" #include "guidance.h" #include "guidancesettings.h" #include "attitudeactual.h" #include "attitudedesired.h" #include "positiondesired.h" // object that will be updated by the module #include "positionactual.h" #include "manualcontrolcommand.h" #include "stabilizationsettings.h" #include "systemsettings.h" #include "velocitydesired.h" #include "velocityactual.h" // Private constants #define STACK_SIZE configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE #define TASK_PRIORITY (tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1) // Private types // Private variables static xTaskHandle guidanceTaskHandle; // Private functions static void guidanceTask(void *parameters); static float bound(float val, float min, float max); static void updateVtolDesiredVelocity(); static void manualSetDesiredVelocity(); static void updateVtolDesiredAttitude(); static void positionPIDcontrol(); /** * Initialise the module, called on startup * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t GuidanceInitialize() { // Start main task xTaskCreate(guidanceTask, (signed char *)"Guidance", STACK_SIZE, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &guidanceTaskHandle); return 0; } static float northIntegral = 0; static float northErrorLast = 0; static float eastIntegral = 0; static float eastErrorLast = 0; static float downIntegral = 0; static float downErrorLast = 0; static uint8_t positionHoldLast = 0; /** * Module thread, should not return. */ static void guidanceTask(void *parameters) { SystemSettingsData systemSettings; GuidanceSettingsData guidanceSettings; ManualControlCommandData manualControl; portTickType lastSysTime; // Main task loop lastSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); while (1) { ManualControlCommandGet(&manualControl); SystemSettingsGet(&systemSettings); GuidanceSettingsGet(&guidanceSettings); if ((manualControl.FlightMode == MANUALCONTROLCOMMAND_FLIGHTMODE_AUTO) && ((systemSettings.AirframeType == SYSTEMSETTINGS_AIRFRAMETYPE_VTOL) || (systemSettings.AirframeType == SYSTEMSETTINGS_AIRFRAMETYPE_QUADP) || (systemSettings.AirframeType == SYSTEMSETTINGS_AIRFRAMETYPE_QUADX))) { if(positionHoldLast == 0) { /* When enter position hold mode save current position */ PositionDesiredData positionDesired; PositionActualData positionActual; PositionDesiredGet(&positionDesired); PositionActualGet(&positionActual); positionDesired.North = positionActual.North; positionDesired.East = positionActual.East; PositionDesiredSet(&positionDesired); positionHoldLast = 1; } if(guidanceSettings.GuidanceMode == GUIDANCESETTINGS_GUIDANCEMODE_POSITION_PID) { positionPIDcontrol(); } else { if(guidanceSettings.GuidanceMode == GUIDANCESETTINGS_GUIDANCEMODE_DUAL_LOOP) updateVtolDesiredVelocity(); else manualSetDesiredVelocity(); updateVtolDesiredAttitude(); } } else { // Be cleaner and get rid of global variables northIntegral = 0; northErrorLast = 0; eastIntegral = 0; eastErrorLast = 0; downIntegral = 0; downErrorLast = 0; positionHoldLast = 0; } vTaskDelayUntil(&lastSysTime, guidanceSettings.VelUpdatePeriod / portTICK_RATE_MS); } } void updateVtolDesiredVelocity() { GuidanceSettingsData guidanceSettings; PositionActualData positionActual; PositionDesiredData positionDesired; VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired; GuidanceSettingsGet(&guidanceSettings); PositionActualGet(&positionActual); PositionDesiredGet(&positionDesired); VelocityDesiredGet(&velocityDesired); // Note all distances in cm float dNorth = positionDesired.North - positionActual.North; float dEast = positionDesired.East - positionActual.East; float distance = sqrt(pow(dNorth, 2) + pow(dEast, 2)); float heading = atan2f(dEast, dNorth); float groundspeed = bound(guidanceSettings.GroundVelocityP * distance, 0, guidanceSettings.MaxGroundspeed); velocityDesired.North = groundspeed * cosf(heading); velocityDesired.East = groundspeed * sinf(heading); float dDown = positionDesired.Down - positionActual.Down; velocityDesired.Down = bound(guidanceSettings.VertVelocityP * dDown, -guidanceSettings.MaxVerticalSpeed, guidanceSettings.MaxVerticalSpeed); VelocityDesiredSet(&velocityDesired); } /** * Module thread, should not return. */ static void updateVtolDesiredAttitude() { static portTickType lastSysTime; portTickType thisSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount();; float dT; VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired; VelocityActualData velocityActual; AttitudeDesiredData attitudeDesired; AttitudeActualData attitudeActual; GuidanceSettingsData guidanceSettings; StabilizationSettingsData stabSettings; SystemSettingsData systemSettings; float northError; float northDerivative; float northCommand; float eastError; float eastDerivative; float eastCommand; float downError; float downDerivative; // Check how long since last update if(thisSysTime > lastSysTime) // reuse dt in case of wraparound dT = (thisSysTime - lastSysTime) / portTICK_RATE_MS / 1000.0f; lastSysTime = thisSysTime; SystemSettingsGet(&systemSettings); GuidanceSettingsGet(&guidanceSettings); VelocityActualGet(&velocityActual); VelocityDesiredGet(&velocityDesired); AttitudeDesiredGet(&attitudeDesired); VelocityDesiredGet(&velocityDesired); AttitudeActualGet(&attitudeActual); StabilizationSettingsGet(&stabSettings); attitudeDesired.Yaw = 0; // try and face north // Yaw and pitch output from ground speed PID loop northError = velocityDesired.North - velocityActual.North; northDerivative = (northError - northErrorLast) / dT; northIntegral = bound(northIntegral + northError * dT, -guidanceSettings.MaxVelIntegral, guidanceSettings.MaxVelIntegral); northErrorLast = northError; northCommand = northError * guidanceSettings.VelP + northDerivative * guidanceSettings.VelD + northIntegral * guidanceSettings.VelI; eastError = velocityDesired.East - velocityActual.East; eastDerivative = (eastError - eastErrorLast) / dT; eastIntegral = bound(eastIntegral + eastError * dT, -guidanceSettings.MaxVelIntegral, guidanceSettings.MaxVelIntegral); eastErrorLast = eastError; eastCommand = eastError * guidanceSettings.VelP + eastDerivative * guidanceSettings.VelD + eastIntegral * guidanceSettings.VelI; // Project the north and east command signals into the pitch and roll based on yaw. For this to behave well the // craft should move similarly for 5 deg roll versus 5 deg pitch attitudeDesired.Pitch = bound(-northCommand * cosf(attitudeActual.Yaw * M_PI / 180) + eastCommand * sinf(attitudeActual.Yaw * M_PI / 180), -stabSettings.PitchMax, stabSettings.PitchMax); attitudeDesired.Roll = bound(-northCommand * sinf(attitudeActual.Yaw * M_PI / 180) + eastCommand * cosf(attitudeActual.Yaw * M_PI / 180), -stabSettings.RollMax, stabSettings.RollMax); downError = velocityDesired.Down - velocityActual.Down; downDerivative = (downError - downErrorLast) / guidanceSettings.VelPIDUpdatePeriod; downIntegral = bound(downIntegral + downError * guidanceSettings.VelPIDUpdatePeriod, -guidanceSettings.MaxThrottleIntegral, guidanceSettings.MaxThrottleIntegral); downErrorLast = downError; attitudeDesired.Throttle = bound(downError * guidanceSettings.DownP + downDerivative * guidanceSettings.DownD + downIntegral * guidanceSettings.DownI, 0, 1); // For now override throttle with manual control. Disable at your risk, quad goes to China. ManualControlCommandData manualControl; ManualControlCommandGet(&manualControl); attitudeDesired.Throttle = manualControl.Throttle; AttitudeDesiredSet(&attitudeDesired); } static void manualSetDesiredVelocity() { ManualControlCommandData cmd; VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired; ManualControlCommandGet(&cmd); VelocityDesiredGet(&velocityDesired); velocityDesired.North = -200 * cmd.Pitch; velocityDesired.East = 200 * cmd.Roll; velocityDesired.Down = 0; VelocityDesiredSet(&velocityDesired); } /** * Control attitude with direct PID on position error */ static void positionPIDcontrol() { static portTickType lastSysTime; portTickType thisSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount();; float dT; AttitudeDesiredData attitudeDesired; AttitudeActualData attitudeActual; GuidanceSettingsData guidanceSettings; StabilizationSettingsData stabSettings; SystemSettingsData systemSettings; PositionActualData positionActual; PositionDesiredData positionDesired; float northError; float northDerivative; float northCommand; float eastError; float eastDerivative; float eastCommand; // Check how long since last update if(thisSysTime > lastSysTime) // reuse dt in case of wraparound dT = (thisSysTime - lastSysTime) / portTICK_RATE_MS / 1000.0f; lastSysTime = thisSysTime; SystemSettingsGet(&systemSettings); GuidanceSettingsGet(&guidanceSettings); AttitudeDesiredGet(&attitudeDesired); AttitudeActualGet(&attitudeActual); StabilizationSettingsGet(&stabSettings); PositionActualGet(&positionActual); PositionDesiredGet(&positionDesired); attitudeDesired.Yaw = 0; // try and face north // Yaw and pitch output from ground speed PID loop northError = positionDesired.North - positionActual.North; northDerivative = (northError - northErrorLast) / dT; northIntegral = bound(northIntegral + northError * dT, -guidanceSettings.MaxVelIntegral, guidanceSettings.MaxVelIntegral); northErrorLast = northError; northCommand = northError * guidanceSettings.VelP + northDerivative * guidanceSettings.VelD + northIntegral * guidanceSettings.VelI; eastError = positionDesired.East - positionActual.East; eastDerivative = (eastError - eastErrorLast) / dT; eastIntegral = bound(eastIntegral + eastError * dT, -guidanceSettings.MaxVelIntegral, guidanceSettings.MaxVelIntegral); eastErrorLast = eastError; eastCommand = eastError * guidanceSettings.VelP + eastDerivative * guidanceSettings.VelD + eastIntegral * guidanceSettings.VelI; // Project the north and east command signals into the pitch and roll based on yaw. For this to behave well the // craft should move similarly for 5 deg roll versus 5 deg pitch attitudeDesired.Pitch = bound(-northCommand * cosf(attitudeActual.Yaw * M_PI / 180) + eastCommand * sinf(attitudeActual.Yaw * M_PI / 180), -stabSettings.PitchMax, stabSettings.PitchMax); attitudeDesired.Roll = bound(-northCommand * sinf(attitudeActual.Yaw * M_PI / 180) + eastCommand * cosf(attitudeActual.Yaw * M_PI / 180), -stabSettings.RollMax, stabSettings.RollMax); // For now override throttle with manual control. Disable at your risk, quad goes to China. ManualControlCommandData manualControl; ManualControlCommandGet(&manualControl); attitudeDesired.Throttle = manualControl.Throttle; AttitudeDesiredSet(&attitudeDesired); } /** * Bound input value between limits */ static float bound(float val, float min, float max) { if (val < min) { val = min; } else if (val > max) { val = max; } return val; }