/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file main.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * Parts by Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) Copyright (C) 2009. * @brief * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * @defgroup * @{ * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "qtsingleapplication.h" #include "utils/xmlconfig.h" #include "gcssplashscreen.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { OptionIndent = 4, DescriptionIndent = 24 }; static const char *appNameC = "OpenPilot GCS"; static const char *corePluginNameC = "Core"; static const char *fixedOptionsC = " [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n" "Options:\n" " -help Display this help\n" " -version Display program version\n" " -client Attempt to connect to already running instance\n" " -clean-config Delete all existing configuration settings\n" " -exit-after-config Exit GCS after manipulating configuration settings\n" " -D key=value Override configuration settings e.g: -D General/OverrideLanguage=de\n" " -configfile=value Default configuration file to load if settings file is empty\n"; static const char *HELP_OPTION1 = "-h"; static const char *HELP_OPTION2 = "-help"; static const char *HELP_OPTION3 = "/h"; static const char *HELP_OPTION4 = "--help"; static const char *VERSION_OPTION = "-version"; static const char *CLIENT_OPTION = "-client"; static const char *CONFIG_OPTION = "-D"; static const char *CLEAN_CONFIG_OPTION = "-clean-config"; static const char *EXIT_AFTER_CONFIG_OPTION = "-exit-after-config"; typedef QList PluginSpecSet; static const char *DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME = "OpenPilotGCS.xml"; // Helpers for displaying messages. Note that there is no console on Windows. #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Format as
static inline void toHtml(QString &t)
    t.replace(QLatin1Char('&'), QLatin1String("&"));
    t.replace(QLatin1Char('<'), QLatin1String("<"));
    t.replace(QLatin1Char('>'), QLatin1String(">"));
    t.insert(0, QLatin1String("
")); } static void displayHelpText(QString t) // No console on Windows. { toHtml(t); QMessageBox::information(0, QLatin1String(appNameC), t); } static void displayError(const QString &t) // No console on Windows. { QMessageBox::critical(0, QLatin1String(appNameC), t); } #else static void displayHelpText(const QString &t) { qWarning("%s", qPrintable(t)); } static void displayError(const QString &t) { qCritical("%s", qPrintable(t)); } #endif static void printVersion(const ExtensionSystem::PluginSpec *coreplugin, const ExtensionSystem::PluginManager &pm) { QString version; QTextStream str(&version); str << '\n' << appNameC << ' ' << coreplugin->version()<< " based on Qt " << qVersion() << "\n\n"; pm.formatPluginVersions(str); str << '\n' << coreplugin->copyright() << '\n'; displayHelpText(version); } static void printHelp(const QString &a0, const ExtensionSystem::PluginManager &pm) { QString help; QTextStream str(&help); str << "Usage: " << a0 << fixedOptionsC; ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::formatOptions(str, OptionIndent, DescriptionIndent); pm.formatPluginOptions(str, OptionIndent, DescriptionIndent); displayHelpText(help); } static inline QString msgCoreLoadFailure(const QString &why) { return QCoreApplication::translate("Application", "Failed to load core: %1").arg(why); } static inline QString msgSendArgumentFailed() { return QCoreApplication::translate("Application", "Unable to send command line arguments to the already running instance. It appears to be not responding."); } // Prepare a remote argument: If it is a relative file, add the current directory // since the the central instance might be running in a different directory. static inline QString prepareRemoteArgument(const QString &a) { QFileInfo fi(a); if (!fi.exists()) return a; if (fi.isRelative()) return fi.absoluteFilePath(); return a; } // Send the arguments to an already running instance of OpenPilot GCS static bool sendArguments(SharedTools::QtSingleApplication &app, const QStringList &arguments) { if (!arguments.empty()) { // Send off arguments const QStringList::const_iterator acend = arguments.constEnd(); for (QStringList::const_iterator it = arguments.constBegin(); it != acend; ++it) { if (!app.sendMessage(prepareRemoteArgument(*it))) { displayError(msgSendArgumentFailed()); return false; } } } // Special empty argument means: Show and raise (the slot just needs to be triggered) if (!app.sendMessage(QString())) { displayError(msgSendArgumentFailed()); return false; } return true; } static inline QStringList getPluginPaths() { QStringList rc; // Figure out root: Up one from 'bin' QDir rootDir = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); rootDir.cdUp(); const QString rootDirPath = rootDir.canonicalPath(); // 1) "plugins" (Win/Linux) QString pluginPath = rootDirPath; pluginPath += QLatin1Char('/'); pluginPath += QLatin1String(GCS_LIBRARY_BASENAME); pluginPath += QLatin1Char('/'); pluginPath += QLatin1String("openpilotgcs"); pluginPath += QLatin1Char('/'); pluginPath += QLatin1String("plugins"); rc.push_back(pluginPath); // 2) "PlugIns" (OS X) pluginPath = rootDirPath; pluginPath += QLatin1Char('/'); pluginPath += QLatin1String("Plugins"); rc.push_back(pluginPath); return rc; } static void loadFactorySettings(QSettings &settings) { QDir directory(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC directory.cdUp(); directory.cd("Resources"); #else directory.cdUp(); directory.cd("share"); directory.cd("openpilotgcs"); #endif directory.cd("default_configurations"); qDebug() << "Looking for configuration files in:" << directory.absolutePath(); QString filename; // check if command line contains a config file name QString commandLine; foreach(QString str, qApp->arguments()) { if (str.contains("configfile")) { commandLine = str.split("=").at(1); } } if (!commandLine.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(directory.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + commandLine)) { // use file name specified on command line filename = directory.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + commandLine; qDebug() << "Configuration file" << filename << "specified on command line will be loaded."; } else if (QFile::exists(directory.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME)) { // use default file name filename = directory.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME; qDebug() << "Default configuration file" << filename << "will be loaded."; } else { // TODO should we exit violently? qWarning() << "No default configuration file found!"; return; } // create settings from file QSettings *qs = new QSettings(filename, XmlConfig::XmlSettingsFormat); // transfer loaded settings to application settings QStringList keys = qs->allKeys(); foreach(QString key, keys) { settings.setValue(key, qs->value(key)); } // and delete loaded settings delete qs; qDebug() << "Configuration file" << filename << "was loaded."; } static void overrideSettings(QSettings &settings, int argc, char **argv) { // Options like -DMy/setting=test QRegExp rx("([^=]+)=(.*)"); QMap settingOptions; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if (QString(CONFIG_OPTION).compare(QString(argv[i])) == 0) { if (rx.indexIn(argv[++i]) > -1) { settingOptions.insert(rx.cap(1), rx.cap(2)); } } if (QString(CLEAN_CONFIG_OPTION).compare(QString(argv[i])) == 0) { settings.clear(); } } QList keys = settingOptions.keys(); foreach (QString key, keys) { settings.setValue(key, settingOptions.value(key)); } settings.sync(); } #ifdef Q_OS_MAC # define SHARE_PATH "/../Resources" #else # define SHARE_PATH "/../share/openpilotgcs" #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // increase the number of file that can be opened in OpenPilot GCS struct rlimit rl; getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl); rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max; setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_X11InitThreads, true); #endif // Set the default locale to EN, if this is not set the system locale will be used // and as of now we dont want that behaviour. QLocale::setDefault(QLocale::English); SharedTools::QtSingleApplication app((QLatin1String(appNameC)), argc, argv); // Open splash screen GCSSplashScreen splash; splash.show(); // Must be done before any QSettings class is created QSettings::setPath(XmlConfig::XmlSettingsFormat, QSettings::SystemScope, QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String(SHARE_PATH)); // keep this in sync with the MainWindow ctor in coreplugin/mainwindow.cpp QSettings settings(XmlConfig::XmlSettingsFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QLatin1String("OpenPilot"), QLatin1String("OpenPilotGCS_config")); if (!settings.allKeys().count()) { qDebug() << "No user setting, loading factory defaults."; // no user settings, so try to load some default ones loadFactorySettings(settings); } // override setting with command line provided settings overrideSettings(settings, argc, argv); QString locale = QLocale::system().name(); qDebug() << "main - system locale:" << locale; QString language = QLocale::system().name(); language = settings.value("General/OverrideLanguage", language).toString(); qDebug() << "main - language:" << language; QTranslator translator; const QString &creatorTrPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String(SHARE_PATH "/translations"); if (translator.load(QLatin1String("openpilotgcs_") + language, creatorTrPath)) { const QString &qtTrPath = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath); const QString &qtTrFile = QLatin1String("qt_") + language; // Binary installer puts Qt tr files into creatorTrPath QTranslator qtTranslator; if (qtTranslator.load(qtTrFile, qtTrPath) || qtTranslator.load(qtTrFile, creatorTrPath)) { QCoreApplication::installTranslator(&translator); QCoreApplication::installTranslator(&qtTranslator); } else { // unload() translator.load(QString()); } } app.setProperty("qtc_locale", locale); // Do we need this? splash.showProgressMessage(QObject::tr("Application starting...")); // Load ExtensionSystem::PluginManager pluginManager; pluginManager.setFileExtension(QLatin1String("pluginspec")); const QStringList pluginPaths = getPluginPaths(); pluginManager.setPluginPaths(pluginPaths); const QStringList arguments = app.arguments(); QMap foundAppOptions; if (arguments.size() > 1) { QMap appOptions; appOptions.insert(QLatin1String(HELP_OPTION1), false); appOptions.insert(QLatin1String(HELP_OPTION2), false); appOptions.insert(QLatin1String(HELP_OPTION3), false); appOptions.insert(QLatin1String(HELP_OPTION4), false); appOptions.insert(QLatin1String(VERSION_OPTION), false); appOptions.insert(QLatin1String(CLIENT_OPTION), false); appOptions.insert(QLatin1String(CONFIG_OPTION), true); appOptions.insert(QLatin1String(CLEAN_CONFIG_OPTION), false); appOptions.insert(QLatin1String(EXIT_AFTER_CONFIG_OPTION), false); QString errorMessage; if (!pluginManager.parseOptions(arguments, appOptions, &foundAppOptions, &errorMessage)) { displayError(errorMessage); printHelp(QFileInfo(app.applicationFilePath()).baseName(), pluginManager); return -1; } } const PluginSpecSet plugins = pluginManager.plugins(); ExtensionSystem::PluginSpec *coreplugin = 0; foreach (ExtensionSystem::PluginSpec *spec, plugins) { if (spec->name() == QLatin1String(corePluginNameC)) { coreplugin = spec; break; } } if (!coreplugin) { QString nativePaths = QDir::toNativeSeparators(pluginPaths.join(QLatin1String(","))); const QString reason = QCoreApplication::translate("Application", "Could not find 'Core.pluginspec' in %1").arg( nativePaths); displayError(msgCoreLoadFailure(reason)); return 1; } if (coreplugin->hasError()) { displayError(msgCoreLoadFailure(coreplugin->errorString())); return 1; } if (foundAppOptions.contains(QLatin1String(VERSION_OPTION))) { printVersion(coreplugin, pluginManager); return 0; } if (foundAppOptions.contains(QLatin1String(EXIT_AFTER_CONFIG_OPTION))) { return 0; } if (foundAppOptions.contains(QLatin1String(HELP_OPTION1)) || foundAppOptions.contains(QLatin1String(HELP_OPTION2)) || foundAppOptions.contains(QLatin1String(HELP_OPTION3)) || foundAppOptions.contains(QLatin1String(HELP_OPTION4))) { printHelp(QFileInfo(app.applicationFilePath()).baseName(), pluginManager); return 0; } const bool isFirstInstance = !app.isRunning(); if (!isFirstInstance && foundAppOptions.contains(QLatin1String(CLIENT_OPTION))) { return sendArguments(app, pluginManager.arguments()) ? 0 : -1; } QObject::connect(&pluginManager, SIGNAL(pluginAboutToBeLoaded(ExtensionSystem::PluginSpec*)), &splash, SLOT(showPluginLoadingProgress(ExtensionSystem::PluginSpec*))); pluginManager.loadPlugins(); if (coreplugin->hasError()) { displayError(msgCoreLoadFailure(coreplugin->errorString())); return 1; } { QStringList errors; foreach (ExtensionSystem::PluginSpec *p, pluginManager.plugins()) if (p->hasError()) errors.append(p->errorString()); if (!errors.isEmpty()) QMessageBox::warning(0, QCoreApplication::translate("Application", "OpenPilot GCS - Plugin loader messages"), errors.join(QString::fromLatin1("\n\n"))); } if (isFirstInstance) { // Set up lock and remote arguments for the first instance only. // Silently fallback to unconnected instances for any subsequent // instances. app.initialize(); QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(messageReceived(QString)), coreplugin->plugin(), SLOT(remoteArgument(QString))); } QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(fileOpenRequest(QString)), coreplugin->plugin(), SLOT(remoteArgument(QString))); // Do this after the event loop has started QTimer::singleShot(100, &pluginManager, SLOT(startTests())); //Update message and postpone closing of splashscreen 3 seconds splash.showProgressMessage(QObject::tr("Application started.")); QTimer::singleShot(1500, &splash, SLOT(close())); qDebug() << "main - main took" << timer.elapsed() << "ms"; int ret = app.exec(); qDebug() << "main - GCS ran for" << timer.elapsed() << "ms"; return ret; }