/* * PyMite - A flyweight Python interpreter for 8-bit and larger microcontrollers. * Copyright 2002 Dean Hall. All rights reserved. * PyMite is offered through one of two licenses: commercial or open-source. * See the LICENSE file at the root of this package for licensing details. * * Win32 host version, tweaked from original 'desktop' version */ #undef __FILE_ID__ #define __FILE_ID__ 0x70 // determine how we handle time in Windows //#define USE_SETTIMER 1 /* this requires an active message loop*/ #define USE_TIMESETEVENT 1 /* (Older) Windows multi-media function */ //#define USE_CREATETIMERQUEUETIMER 0 /* CreateTimerQueueTimer function */ /** PyMite platform-specific routines for Desktop target */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "pm.h" //#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #if defined(USE_SETTIMER) /* local prototypes */ VOID CALLBACK on_timer(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime); #endif #if defined(USE_TIMESETEVENT) // shortcut so we do not need an explicit addition to the linker command line #pragma comment(lib, "winmm") void CALLBACK on_mm_timer(UINT uTimerID, UINT uMsg, DWORD_PTR dwUser, DWORD_PTR dw1, DWORD_PTR dw2); #endif /* local variables*/ static UINT_PTR idEvent = 0; static DWORD dwLastTime = 0; static const UINT uTimeOut = 200; /* # of ms for each timer tick */ /* Desktop target shall use stdio for I/O routines. */ PmReturn_t plat_init(void) { /* * The *nix version used the sigalrm to generate a timer. On Windows, we * use a standard Windows timer. Note we do not use an HWND so we do not * need to actually create any windows. But we do need a Windows event loop * to allow the timer callback to be called properly. */ dwLastTime = GetTickCount(); #if defined(USE_SETTIMER) idEvent = SetTimer(NULL, 0, uTimeOut, on_timer); // use the return value in a KillTimer function. But we need a plat_uninit() call... #endif #if defined(USE_TIMESETEVENT) idEvent = timeSetEvent(uTimeOut, 0 /*change later, if system load too high*/, on_mm_timer, 0, TIME_PERIODIC|TIME_CALLBACK_FUNCTION); #endif return PM_RET_OK; } #if defined(USE_SETTIMER) /* Called from Windows every X ms */ VOID CALLBACK on_timer(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime) { PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; DWORD delta = dwTime - dwLastTime; //printf("diff = %ld\n", delta); // update our system time pm_timerMsTicks = dwTime; retval = pm_vmPeriodic((uint16_t)delta); dwLastTime = dwTime; PM_REPORT_IF_ERROR(retval); } #endif #if defined(USE_TIMESETEVENT) void CALLBACK on_mm_timer(UINT uTimerID, UINT uMsg, DWORD_PTR dwUser, DWORD_PTR dw1, DWORD_PTR dw2) { PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; DWORD dwTime = GetTickCount(); DWORD delta = dwTime - dwLastTime; //printf("diff = %ld\n", delta); // update our system time pm_timerMsTicks = dwTime; retval = pm_vmPeriodic((uint16_t)delta); dwLastTime = dwTime; PM_REPORT_IF_ERROR(retval); } #endif /* * Undo anything we may have done in the plat_init function */ PmReturn_t plat_deinit(void) { #if defined(USE_SETTIMER) KillTimer(idEvent); idEvent = 0; #endif #if defined(USE_TIMESETEVENT) timeKillEvent(idEvent); idEvent = 0; #endif return PM_RET_OK; } /* * Gives us time to update our clock, etc. */ void plat_tick(void) { //BOOL bRet; MSG msg; //if ((bRet = GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) != 0) if (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } /* * Gets a byte from the address in the designated memory space * Post-increments *paddr. */ uint8_t plat_memGetByte(PmMemSpace_t memspace, uint8_t const **paddr) { uint8_t b = 0; switch (memspace) { case MEMSPACE_RAM: case MEMSPACE_PROG: b = **paddr; *paddr += 1; return b; case MEMSPACE_EEPROM: case MEMSPACE_SEEPROM: case MEMSPACE_OTHER0: case MEMSPACE_OTHER1: case MEMSPACE_OTHER2: case MEMSPACE_OTHER3: default: return 0; } } /* Desktop target shall use stdio for I/O routines */ PmReturn_t plat_getByte(uint8_t *b) { int c; PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; c = getchar(); *b = c & 0xFF; if (c == EOF) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_IO); } return retval; } /* Desktop target shall use stdio for I/O routines */ PmReturn_t plat_putByte(uint8_t b) { int i; PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; i = putchar(b); fflush(stdout); if ((i != b) || (i == EOF)) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_IO); } return retval; } PmReturn_t plat_getMsTicks(uint32_t *r_ticks) { *r_ticks = pm_timerMsTicks; return PM_RET_OK; } void plat_reportError(PmReturn_t result) { #ifdef HAVE_DEBUG_INFO #define LEN_FNLOOKUP 26 #define LEN_EXNLOOKUP 17 uint8_t res; pPmFrame_t pframe; pPmObj_t pstr; PmReturn_t retval; uint8_t bcindex; uint16_t bcsum; uint16_t linesum; uint16_t len_lnotab; uint8_t const *plnotab; uint16_t i; /* This table should match src/vm/fileid.txt */ char const * const fnlookup[LEN_FNLOOKUP] = { "<no file>", "codeobj.c", "dict.c", "frame.c", "func.c", "global.c", "heap.c", "img.c", "int.c", "interp.c", "pmstdlib_nat.c", "list.c", "main.c", "mem.c", "module.c", "obj.c", "seglist.c", "sli.c", "strobj.c", "tuple.c", "seq.c", "pm.c", "thread.c", "float.c", "class.c", "bytearray.c", }; /* This table should match src/vm/pm.h PmReturn_t */ char const * const exnlookup[LEN_EXNLOOKUP] = { "Exception", "SystemExit", "IoError", "ZeroDivisionError", "AssertionError", "AttributeError", "ImportError", "IndexError", "KeyError", "MemoryError", "NameError", "SyntaxError", "SystemError", "TypeError", "ValueError", "StopIteration", "Warning", }; /* Print traceback */ printf("Traceback (most recent call first):\n"); /* Get the top frame */ pframe = gVmGlobal.pthread->pframe; /* If it's the native frame, print the native function name */ if (pframe == (pPmFrame_t)&(gVmGlobal.nativeframe)) { /* The last name in the names tuple of the code obj is the name */ retval = tuple_getItem((pPmObj_t)gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_func-> f_co->co_names, -1, &pstr); if ((retval) != PM_RET_OK) { printf(" Unable to get native func name.\n"); return; } else { printf(" %s() __NATIVE__\n", ((pPmString_t)pstr)->val); } /* Get the frame that called the native frame */ pframe = (pPmFrame_t)gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_back; } /* Print the remaining frame stack */ for (; pframe != C_NULL; pframe = pframe->fo_back) { /* The last name in the names tuple of the code obj is the name */ retval = tuple_getItem((pPmObj_t)pframe->fo_func->f_co->co_names, -1, &pstr); if ((retval) != PM_RET_OK) break; /* * Get the line number of the current bytecode. Algorithm comes from: * http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk/Objects/lnotab_notes.txt?view=markup */ bcindex = pframe->fo_ip - pframe->fo_func->f_co->co_codeaddr; plnotab = pframe->fo_func->f_co->co_lnotab; len_lnotab = mem_getWord(MEMSPACE_PROG, &plnotab); bcsum = 0; linesum = pframe->fo_func->f_co->co_firstlineno; for (i = 0; i < len_lnotab; i += 2) { bcsum += mem_getByte(MEMSPACE_PROG, &plnotab); if (bcsum > bcindex) break; linesum += mem_getByte(MEMSPACE_PROG, &plnotab); } printf(" File \"%s\", line %d, in %s\n", ((pPmFrame_t)pframe)->fo_func->f_co->co_filename, linesum, ((pPmString_t)pstr)->val); } /* Print error */ res = (uint8_t)result; if ((res > 0) && ((res - PM_RET_EX) < LEN_EXNLOOKUP)) { printf("%s", exnlookup[res - PM_RET_EX]); } else { printf("Error code 0x%02X", result); } printf(" detected by "); if ((gVmGlobal.errFileId > 0) && (gVmGlobal.errFileId < LEN_FNLOOKUP)) { printf("%s:", fnlookup[gVmGlobal.errFileId]); } else { printf("FileId 0x%02X line ", gVmGlobal.errFileId); } printf("%d\n", gVmGlobal.errLineNum); #else /* HAVE_DEBUG_INFO */ /* Print error */ printf("Error: 0x%02X\n", result); printf(" Release: 0x%02X\n", gVmGlobal.errVmRelease); printf(" FileId: 0x%02X\n", gVmGlobal.errFileId); printf(" LineNum: %d\n", gVmGlobal.errLineNum); /* Print traceback */ { pPmObj_t pframe; pPmObj_t pstr; PmReturn_t retval; printf("Traceback (top first):\n"); /* Get the top frame */ pframe = (pPmObj_t)gVmGlobal.pthread->pframe; /* If it's the native frame, print the native function name */ if (pframe == (pPmObj_t)&(gVmGlobal.nativeframe)) { /* The last name in the names tuple of the code obj is the name */ retval = tuple_getItem((pPmObj_t)gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_func-> f_co->co_names, -1, &pstr); if ((retval) != PM_RET_OK) { printf(" Unable to get native func name.\n"); return; } else { printf(" %s() __NATIVE__\n", ((pPmString_t)pstr)->val); } /* Get the frame that called the native frame */ pframe = (pPmObj_t)gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_back; } /* Print the remaining frame stack */ for (; pframe != C_NULL; pframe = (pPmObj_t)((pPmFrame_t)pframe)->fo_back) { /* The last name in the names tuple of the code obj is the name */ retval = tuple_getItem((pPmObj_t)((pPmFrame_t)pframe)-> fo_func->f_co->co_names, -1, &pstr); if ((retval) != PM_RET_OK) break; printf(" %s()\n", ((pPmString_t)pstr)->val); } printf(" <module>.\n"); } #endif /* HAVE_DEBUG_INFO */ }