    <object name="SystemIdentSettings" singleinstance="true" settings="true" category="Control">
        <description>The input to and results of the PID tuning.</description>
        <field name="Tau" units="ln(sec)" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="-4.0" description="Measured delay between inner loop and detected gyro response"/>
        <!-- Beta default values 10.0 10.0 7.0 so that SystemIdent mode can be run without AutoTune -->
        <field name="Beta" units="" type="float" elementnames="Roll,Pitch,Yaw" defaultvalue="10.0,10.0,7.0" description="(Natural log of) Measured control gain"/>
        <!-- The following comments come from / are extrapolated from various TauLabs / dRonin sources. -->
        <!-- TL / dRonin requires you to adjust two sliders, one called RateDamp and the other called RateNoise. -->
        <!-- They have documented that certain pairings of damp and noise go together well. -->
        <!-- The LP code uses these "known good pairs" to weld the damp and noise scales together into the SmoothQuick slider. -->
        <!-- When using the SmoothQuick slider you automatically get an interpolated matching pair of damp and noise. -->
        <!-- So be aware that these comments refer to the TL/dRronin slider names. -->
        <!-- -->
        <!-- Decrease damping to make your aircraft response more rapidly. Increase it for more stability. -->
        <!-- Increasing noise (sensitivity) will make your aircraft respond more rapidly, but will cause twitches due to noise. -->
        <!-- Use RateDamp 130 with RateNoise 08 for very smooth flight. -->
        <!-- Use RateDamp 110 with RateNoise 10 for default flight. -->
        <!-- Use RateDamp 100 with RateNoise 13 for very snappy flight. -->
        <!-- RateNoise is [0,30] default 10. -->
        <!-- RateDamp is [50,150] default 110. -->
        <!-- per https://github.com/d-ronin/dRonin/pull/811/files change min ratedamp to 85. -->
        <!-- So RateDamp is [85,150] default 110. -->
        <!-- Extrapolated multiplicatively: -->
        <!-- Use RateDamp 153.636363636 with RateNoise 06.4 for very very smooth flight. -->
        <!-- Use RateDamp  90.909090909 with RateNoise 16.9 for very very snappy flight. -->
        <!-- Extrapolated additively: -->
        <!-- Use RateDamp 150 with RateNoise 06 for very very smooth flight. -->
        <!-- Use RateDamp  90 with RateNoise 16 for very very snappy flight. -->
        <!-- use additive so the piecewise algorithm will give the exact recommended pairs at 25%, 50%, and 75% of slider -->
        <!-- -->
        <!-- So the following 6 fields set up the SmoothQuick slider using 3 known good damp and noise pairings. -->
        <!-- You can adjust just one end of SmoothQuick by changing e.g. the DampMin and NoiseMax pairing. -->
        <!-- You can maintain the known good ratio to simply extend or shrink the SmoothQuick scale. -->
        <!-- You can change the known good ratio e.g. if you find that the quick end of SmoothQuick tends to oscillate. -->
        <!-- You can change the default PIDs by changing the "center" values DampRate and NoiseRate. -->
        <!-- You can change the whole SmoothQuick slider uniformly by e.g. multiplying all Damp* fields by .75 -->
        <!-- You can shift the whole SmoothQuick slider up or down -->
        <!-- etc! -->
        <!-- on the SmoothQuick value scale of [-1,+1]: -->
        <!-- the default SmoothQuick value of 0.0 gives recommended default damp and rate for normal flight -->
        <!-- a SmoothQuick value of -0.5 gives the recommended damp and rate for very smooth flight -->
        <!-- a SmoothQuick value of +0.5 gives the recommended damp and rate for very quick flight -->
        <!-- a SmoothQuick value of -1.0 is extrapolated to give very very smooth flight while still being inside the range of sane values-->
        <!-- a SmoothQuick value of +1.0 is extrapolated to give very very quick flight while still being inside the range of sane values-->
        <!-- other values of SmoothQuick are interpolated or extrapolated from these -->
        <field name="DampMin" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="90" description="Setting: Part of smoothquick slider (expert)"/>
        <field name="DampRate" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="110" description="Setting: Part of smoothquick slider (expert)"/>
        <field name="DampMax" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="150" description="Setting: Part of smoothquick slider (expert)"/>
        <field name="NoiseMin" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="6" description="Setting: Part of smoothquick slider (expert)"/>
        <field name="NoiseRate" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="10" description="Setting: Part of smoothquick slider (expert)"/>
        <field name="NoiseMax" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="16" description="Setting: Part of smoothquick slider (expert)"/>
        <field name="CalculateYaw" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="False,TrueLimitToRatio,TrueIgnoreLimit" defaultvalue="TrueLimitToRatio" description="Setting: Whether to calculate yaw and whether to use YawToRollPitchPIDRatio"/>
        <!-- Mateuze quad needs yaw P to be at most 2.6 times roll/pitch P to avoid yaw oscillation -->
        <!-- Cliff sluggish 500 quad thinks that yaw P should be about 5.8 times roll/pitch P, but can easily (and better) live with 2.6 -->
        <field name="YawToRollPitchPIDRatioMin" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="1.0" description="Setting: Yaw PID will be at least this times Pitch PID (if enabled)"/>
        <field name="YawToRollPitchPIDRatioMax" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="2.5" description="Setting: Yaw PID will be at most this times Pitch PID (if enabled)"/>
        <field name="DerivativeFactor" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="1.0" limits="%BE:0:1" description="Setting: Multiplicative factor. If you have D term oscillations, reduce it toward zero and it will reduce PID D terms."/>
        <field name="OuterLoopKpSoftClamp" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="6.5" limits="%BE:0:100" description="Setting: Change this to change the outer loop Kp and Ki limiting"/>
        <field name="DestinationPidBank" units="bank#" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="3" limits="%BE:1:3" description="Setting: Which bank the calculated PIDs will be stored in after tuning"/>
        <field name="TuningDuration" units="s" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="60" limits="%BI:0" description="Setting: Duration of the tuning motions (expert)"/>
        <field name="ThrustControl" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="Manual,AltitudeVario" defaultvalue="Manual" description="Setting: Manual is direct control, AltitudeVario helps to maintain altitude"/>
        <!-- SmoothQuickSource: the smooth vs. quick PID selector -->
        <!-- 0 = disabled -->
        <!-- 10 thru 13 correspond to accessory0 -> accessory3 transmitter knobs -->
        <!-- an accessory knob works as expected, with full left being smoothest and full right being quickest -->
        <!-- 23, 25, and 27 are discrete 3, 5, and 7 position rount robin selectors -->
        <!-- incremented by quickly double toggling the fms 3 times (starting outside autotune mode -->
        <!-- with each double toggle going into and back out of autotune) to go to the next position -->
        <!-- think of the positions on a scale from 0 to 100, with smoothest being 0 and quickest being 100, and you start out at 50 -->
        <!-- 23 (3 stops) means stops at 50, then 100, then 0 then back to 50 -->
        <!-- 25 (5 stops) means stops at 50, 75, 100, 0, 25 (repeat as you toggle) -->
        <!-- 27 (7 stops) means stops at 50, 67, 83, 100, 0, 17, 33 (repeat as you toggle) -->
        <!-- 25 is special in that the 3 middle values (25, 50, 75) are exactly those that are recommended for smooth, normal, and quick responses -->
        <field name="SmoothQuickSource" units="" type="uint8" elements="1" defaultvalue="25" description="Setting: 10-13 to use one of accessory0-3, 23 25 27 for FMS 3x toggle method with 3 5 7 positions"/>
        <field name="SmoothQuickValue" units="" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.0" description="Remembers the value of the FMS 3x toggle"/>
        <field name="DisableSanityChecks" units="bool" type="enum" elements="1" options="False,True" defaultvalue="False" description="Setting: Debugging tool (expert)"/>
        <field name="GyroReadTimeAverage" units="s" type="float" elements="1" defaultvalue="0.001" description="Measured delay from gyro read to inner loop"/>
        <field name="Complete" units="bool" type="enum" elements="1" options="False,True" defaultvalue="False" description="Automatically set True for a good complete tune or False for incomplete or bad"/>
        <access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
        <telemetrygcs acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
        <telemetryflight acked="true" updatemode="onchange" period="0"/>
        <logging updatemode="manual" period="0"/>