# Line endings normalization: http://wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/Coding+Style
# You need at least git 1.7.2 for this to work (previous versions ignore text and eol attributes).
# To merge your old branch with new normalized version use the following git option:
#   git merge ... -X renormalize
# To reformat your local branch completely make sure you have committed all local changes first.
# Then use the following bash commands:
# Minimal normalization:
#   git rm --cached -r .
#   git reset --hard
#   git add .
#   git commit -m "Normalize line endings"
# Or full normalization (don't do that on Windows, it breaks file modes):
#   git rm --cached -r .
#   git diff --cached --name-only -z | xargs -0 git add
#   git commit -m "Normalize line endings"
#   git ls-files -z | xargs -0 rm
#   git checkout .

# Set default behaviour (do not convert line endings regardless of local git core settings)
*		-text

# All *.txt files in the root should be Windows-readable (CRLF)
/*.txt		text eol=crlf

# Root Makefile has LF line endings
/Makefile	text eol=lf

# More attributes are defined in per-directory .gitattributes which override this file

# Not needed in source distribution for building GCS
/artwork/       export-ignore
/flight/        export-ignore
/hardware/      export-ignore