/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer * @{ * @addtogroup PIOS_DSM Spektrum/JR DSMx satellite receiver functions * @brief Code to bind and read Spektrum/JR DSMx satellite receiver serial stream * @{ * * @file pios_dsm.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2012. * @brief Code bind and read Spektrum/JR DSMx satellite receiver serial stream * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "pios.h" #ifdef PIOS_INCLUDE_DSM #include "pios_dsm_priv.h" // *** UNTESTED CODE *** #undef DSM_LINK_QUALITY #ifndef PIOS_INCLUDE_RTC #error PIOS_INCLUDE_RTC must be used to use DSM #endif /* Forward Declarations */ static int32_t PIOS_DSM_Get(uint32_t rcvr_id, uint8_t channel); static uint8_t PIOS_DSM_Quality_Get(uint32_t rcvr_id); static uint16_t PIOS_DSM_RxInCallback(uint32_t context, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buf_len, uint16_t *headroom, bool *need_yield); static void PIOS_DSM_Supervisor(uint32_t dsm_id); /* Local Variables */ const struct pios_rcvr_driver pios_dsm_rcvr_driver = { .read = PIOS_DSM_Get, .get_quality = PIOS_DSM_Quality_Get }; enum pios_dsm_dev_magic { PIOS_DSM_DEV_MAGIC = 0x44534d78, }; struct pios_dsm_state { uint16_t channel_data[PIOS_DSM_NUM_INPUTS]; uint8_t received_data[DSM_FRAME_LENGTH]; uint8_t receive_timer; uint8_t failsafe_timer; uint8_t frame_found; uint8_t byte_count; uint8_t frames_lost_last; float quality; }; /* With an DSM frame rate of 11ms (90Hz) averaging over 18 samples * gives about a 200ms response. */ #define DSM_FL_WEIGHTED_AVE 18 struct pios_dsm_dev { enum pios_dsm_dev_magic magic; struct pios_dsm_state state; }; /* Allocate DSM device descriptor */ #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) static struct pios_dsm_dev *PIOS_DSM_Alloc(void) { struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev; dsm_dev = (struct pios_dsm_dev *)pios_malloc(sizeof(*dsm_dev)); if (!dsm_dev) { return NULL; } dsm_dev->magic = PIOS_DSM_DEV_MAGIC; return dsm_dev; } #else static struct pios_dsm_dev pios_dsm_devs[PIOS_DSM_MAX_DEVS]; static uint8_t pios_dsm_num_devs; static struct pios_dsm_dev *PIOS_DSM_Alloc(void) { struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev; if (pios_dsm_num_devs >= PIOS_DSM_MAX_DEVS) { return NULL; } dsm_dev = &pios_dsm_devs[pios_dsm_num_devs++]; dsm_dev->magic = PIOS_DSM_DEV_MAGIC; return dsm_dev; } #endif /* if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) */ /* Validate DSM device descriptor */ static bool PIOS_DSM_Validate(struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev) { return dsm_dev->magic == PIOS_DSM_DEV_MAGIC; } /* Try to bind DSMx satellite using specified number of pulses */ static void PIOS_DSM_Bind(struct stm32_gpio *rxpin, uint8_t bind) { GPIO_InitTypeDef bindInit = { .GPIO_Pin = rxpin->init.GPIO_Pin, .GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_2MHz, #ifdef STM32F10X .GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP, #else .GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT, .GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP, .GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL #endif }; GPIO_Init(rxpin->gpio, &bindInit); /* RX line, set high */ GPIO_SetBits(rxpin->gpio, rxpin->init.GPIO_Pin); /* Wait until the bind window opens. */ while (PIOS_DELAY_GetuS() < DSM_BIND_MIN_DELAY_US) { ; } /* just to limit bind pulses */ if (bind > 10) { bind = 10; } for (int i = 0; i < bind; i++) { /* RX line, drive low for 120us */ GPIO_ResetBits(rxpin->gpio, rxpin->init.GPIO_Pin); PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); /* RX line, drive high for 120us */ GPIO_SetBits(rxpin->gpio, rxpin->init.GPIO_Pin); PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); } /* RX line, set input and wait for data */ GPIO_Init(rxpin->gpio, (GPIO_InitTypeDef *)&rxpin->init); } /* Reset channels in case of lost signal or explicit failsafe receiver flag */ static void PIOS_DSM_ResetChannels(struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev) { struct pios_dsm_state *state = &(dsm_dev->state); for (int i = 0; i < PIOS_DSM_NUM_INPUTS; i++) { state->channel_data[i] = PIOS_RCVR_TIMEOUT; } } /* Reset DSM receiver state */ static void PIOS_DSM_ResetState(struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev) { struct pios_dsm_state *state = &(dsm_dev->state); state->receive_timer = 0; state->failsafe_timer = 0; state->frame_found = 0; state->quality = 0.0f; state->frames_lost_last = 0; PIOS_DSM_ResetChannels(dsm_dev); } /** * Check and unroll complete frame data. * \output 0 frame data accepted * \output -1 frame error found */ static int PIOS_DSM_UnrollChannels(struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev) { struct pios_dsm_state *state = &(dsm_dev->state); /* Fix resolution for detection. */ static uint8_t resolution = 11; uint32_t channel_log = 0; // *** UNTESTED CODE *** #ifdef DSM_LINK_QUALITY /* increment the lost frame counter */ uint8_t frames_lost = state->received_data[0]; /* We only get a lost frame count when the next good frame comes in */ /* Present quality as a weighted average of good frames */ /* First consider the bad frames */ for (int i = 0; i < frames_lost - state->frames_lost_last; i++) { state->quality = (state->quality * (DSM_FL_WEIGHTED_AVE - 1)) / DSM_FL_WEIGHTED_AVE; } /* And now the good frame */ state->quality = ((state->quality * (DSM_FL_WEIGHTED_AVE - 1)) + 100) / DSM_FL_WEIGHTED_AVE; state->frames_lost_last = frames_lost; #endif /* DSM_LINK_QUALITY */ /* unroll channels */ uint8_t *s = &(state->received_data[2]); uint16_t mask = (resolution == 10) ? 0x03ff : 0x07ff; for (int i = 0; i < DSM_CHANNELS_PER_FRAME; i++) { uint16_t word = ((uint16_t)s[0] << 8) | s[1]; s += 2; /* skip empty channel slot */ if (word == 0xffff) { continue; } /* minimal data validation */ if ((i > 0) && (word & DSM_2ND_FRAME_MASK)) { /* invalid frame data, ignore rest of the frame */ goto stream_error; } /* extract and save the channel value */ uint8_t channel_num = (word >> resolution) & 0x0f; if (channel_num < PIOS_DSM_NUM_INPUTS) { if (channel_log & (1 << channel_num)) { /* Found duplicate. This should happen when in 11 bit */ /* mode and the data is 10 bits */ if (resolution == 10) { return -1; } resolution = 10; return PIOS_DSM_UnrollChannels(dsm_dev); } if ((channel_log & 0xFF) == 0x55) { /* This pattern indicates 10 bit pattern */ if (resolution == 11) { return -1; } resolution = 11; return PIOS_DSM_UnrollChannels(dsm_dev); } state->channel_data[channel_num] = (word & mask); /* keep track of this channel */ channel_log |= (1 << channel_num); } } /* all channels processed */ return 0; stream_error: /* either DSM2 selected with DSMX stream found, or vice-versa */ return -1; } /* Update decoder state processing input byte from the DSMx stream */ static void PIOS_DSM_UpdateState(struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev, uint8_t byte) { struct pios_dsm_state *state = &(dsm_dev->state); if (state->frame_found) { /* receiving the data frame */ if (state->byte_count < DSM_FRAME_LENGTH) { /* store next byte */ state->received_data[state->byte_count++] = byte; if (state->byte_count == DSM_FRAME_LENGTH) { /* full frame received - process and wait for new one */ if (!PIOS_DSM_UnrollChannels(dsm_dev)) { /* data looking good */ state->failsafe_timer = 0; } /* prepare for the next frame */ state->frame_found = 0; } } } } /* Initialise DSM receiver interface */ int32_t PIOS_DSM_Init(uint32_t *dsm_id, const struct pios_com_driver *driver, uint32_t lower_id, uint8_t bind) { PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(dsm_id); PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(driver); struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev; dsm_dev = (struct pios_dsm_dev *)PIOS_DSM_Alloc(); if (!dsm_dev) { return -1; } /* Bind the receiver if requested */ if (bind) { struct stm32_gpio rxpin; PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(driver->ioctl); if ((driver->ioctl)(lower_id, PIOS_IOCTL_USART_GET_DSMBIND, &rxpin) < 0) { return -1; } PIOS_DSM_Bind(&rxpin, bind); } PIOS_DSM_ResetState(dsm_dev); *dsm_id = (uint32_t)dsm_dev; /* Set comm driver parameters */ PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(driver->set_config); driver->set_config(lower_id, PIOS_COM_Word_length_8b, PIOS_COM_Parity_No, PIOS_COM_StopBits_1, 115200); /* Set irq priority */ if (driver->ioctl) { uint8_t irq_prio = PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_HIGH; driver->ioctl(lower_id, PIOS_IOCTL_USART_SET_IRQ_PRIO, &irq_prio); } /* Set comm driver callback */ driver->bind_rx_cb(lower_id, PIOS_DSM_RxInCallback, *dsm_id); if (!PIOS_RTC_RegisterTickCallback(PIOS_DSM_Supervisor, *dsm_id)) { PIOS_DEBUG_Assert(0); } return 0; } /* Comm byte received callback */ static uint16_t PIOS_DSM_RxInCallback(uint32_t context, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buf_len, uint16_t *headroom, bool *need_yield) { struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev = (struct pios_dsm_dev *)context; bool valid = PIOS_DSM_Validate(dsm_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); /* process byte(s) and clear receive timer */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < buf_len; i++) { PIOS_DSM_UpdateState(dsm_dev, buf[i]); dsm_dev->state.receive_timer = 0; } /* Always signal that we can accept another byte */ if (headroom) { *headroom = DSM_FRAME_LENGTH; } /* We never need a yield */ *need_yield = false; /* Always indicate that all bytes were consumed */ return buf_len; } /** * Get the value of an input channel * \param[in] channel Number of the channel desired (zero based) * \output PIOS_RCVR_INVALID channel not available * \output PIOS_RCVR_TIMEOUT failsafe condition or missing receiver * \output >=0 channel value */ static int32_t PIOS_DSM_Get(uint32_t rcvr_id, uint8_t channel) { struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev = (struct pios_dsm_dev *)rcvr_id; if (!PIOS_DSM_Validate(dsm_dev)) { return PIOS_RCVR_INVALID; } /* return error if channel is not available */ if (channel >= PIOS_DSM_NUM_INPUTS) { return PIOS_RCVR_INVALID; } /* may also be PIOS_RCVR_TIMEOUT set by other function */ return dsm_dev->state.channel_data[channel]; } /** * Input data supervisor is called periodically and provides * two functions: frame syncing and failsafe triggering. * * DSM frames come at 11ms or 22ms rate at 115200bps. * RTC timer is running at 625Hz (1.6ms). So with divider 5 it gives * 8ms pause between frames which is good for both DSM frame rates. * * Data receive function must clear the receive_timer to confirm new * data reception. If no new data received in 100ms, we must call the * failsafe function which clears all channels. */ static void PIOS_DSM_Supervisor(uint32_t dsm_id) { struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev = (struct pios_dsm_dev *)dsm_id; bool valid = PIOS_DSM_Validate(dsm_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); struct pios_dsm_state *state = &(dsm_dev->state); /* waiting for new frame if no bytes were received in 8ms */ if (++state->receive_timer > 4) { state->frame_found = 1; state->byte_count = 0; state->receive_timer = 0; } /* activate failsafe if no frames have arrived in 102.4ms */ if (++state->failsafe_timer > 64) { PIOS_DSM_ResetChannels(dsm_dev); state->failsafe_timer = 0; } } static uint8_t PIOS_DSM_Quality_Get(uint32_t dsm_id) { struct pios_dsm_dev *dsm_dev = (struct pios_dsm_dev *)dsm_id; bool valid = PIOS_DSM_Validate(dsm_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid); struct pios_dsm_state *state = &(dsm_dev->state); return (uint8_t)(state->quality + 0.5f); } #endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_DSM */ /** * @} * @} */