# This file is Copyright 2007, 2009, 2010 Dean Hall. # # This file is part of the Python-on-a-Chip program. # Python-on-a-Chip is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1. # # Python-on-a-Chip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # A copy of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1 # is seen in the file COPYING in this directory. ## @file # @copybrief avr ## @package avr # @brief AVR Access Module # # Provides generic access to the AVR microcontroller # # Note that to save RAM when the module is imported, many of the # port & ddr methods below are commented out. Uncomment and recompile # in order to use! # # <b>USAGE</b> # # \code # import avr # avr.ddrA(0) # Set all pins as input # a = avr.portA() # avr.ddrA(0xFF) # Set all pins as output # avr.portA(42) # # avr.delay(500) # Half second pause # # if avr.digitalRead('A', 3): # avr.digitalWrite('D', 0, True) # \endcode """__NATIVE__ #include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> /* * Common method for all port register operations */ PmReturn_t _portX(volatile uint8_t *port, volatile uint8_t *direction, volatile uint8_t *pin) { pPmObj_t pa; PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; switch (NATIVE_GET_NUM_ARGS()) { /* If no argument is present, return PIN reg value */ case 0: /* Read port and create a Python integer from its value */ retval = int_new(*pin, &pa); /* Return the integer on the stack */ NATIVE_SET_TOS(pa); break; /* If one argument is present, set port to that value */ case 1: pa = NATIVE_GET_LOCAL(0); /* If the arg is not an integer, raise TypeError */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pa) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } NATIVE_SET_TOS(PM_NONE); /* Set PORT to the low byte of the integer value */ *port = ((pPmInt_t)pa)->val; break; /* If an invalid number of args are present, raise TypeError */ default: PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); break; } return retval; } /* * Set a DDR register to the first Python argument */ PmReturn_t _ddrX(volatile uint8_t *direction) { PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; pPmObj_t pa; if(NATIVE_GET_NUM_ARGS() != 1) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); return retval; } pa = NATIVE_GET_LOCAL(0); if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pa) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); return retval; } *direction = (uint8_t) ((pPmInt_t)pa)->val; NATIVE_SET_TOS(PM_NONE); return retval; } /* * Loads the correct AVR port registers & direction address from the first * Python argument, and integer pin number (0-7) from second argument. * Port name argument is expected to be a single-character string with the port * letter ([a-dA-D]) * * Both port_reg & port_reg arguments are optional. * * TODO: Look into putting this into a table in PROGMEM instead of a switch * statement */ PmReturn_t _get_port_register(volatile uint8_t **pin_reg, volatile uint8_t **port_reg, volatile uint8_t **direction, uint8_t *pin) { pPmObj_t pa; pPmObj_t pb; PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; pa = NATIVE_GET_LOCAL(0); if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pa) != OBJ_TYPE_STR) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); return retval; } pb = NATIVE_GET_LOCAL(1); if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pb) != OBJ_TYPE_INT) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); return retval; } // Only single-character strings for the port number if ((((pPmString_t)pa)->length) != 1) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_VAL); return retval; } // Find port & direction regs (TODO: Possibly make a PROGMEM lookup table) switch(((pPmString_t)pa)->val[0]) { case 'a': case 'A': if(port_reg) *port_reg = &PORTA; if(pin_reg) *pin_reg = &PINA; *direction = &DDRA; break; case 'b': case 'B': if(port_reg) *port_reg = &PORTB; if(pin_reg) *pin_reg = &PINB; *direction = &DDRB; break; case 'c': case 'C': #if defined(PORTC) && defined(PINC) && defined(DDRC) if(port_reg) *port_reg = &PORTC; if(pin_reg) *pin_reg = &PINC; *direction = &DDRC; #endif break; case 'd': case 'D': #if defined(PORTD) && defined(PIND) && defined(DDRD) if(port_reg) *port_reg = &PORTD; if(pin_reg) *pin_reg = &PIND; *direction = &DDRD; #endif break; case 'e': case 'E': #if defined(PORTE) && defined(PINE) && defined(DDRE) if(port_reg) *port_reg = &PORTE; if(pin_reg) *pin_reg = &PINE; *direction = &DDRE; #endif break; case 'f': case 'F': #if defined(PORTF) && defined(PINF) && defined(DDRF) if(port_reg) *port_reg = &PORTF; if(pin_reg) *pin_reg = &PINF; *direction = &DDRF; #endif break; default: PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_VAL); return retval; } // Check pin is in range if(((pPmInt_t)pb)->val < 0 || ((pPmInt_t)pb)->val > 7) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_VAL); return retval; } *pin = ((pPmInt_t)pb)->val; return retval; } """ # Port methods are commented out by default because of the amount of RAM # used when the module is loaded. Uncomment the ones you need... def portA(a): """__NATIVE__ return _portX(&PORTA, &DDRA, &PINA); """ pass # def portB(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _portX(&PORTB, &DDRB, &PINB); # """ # pass # def portC(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _portX(&PORTC, &DDRC, &PINC); # """ # pass # def portD(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _portX(&PORTD, &DDRD, &PIND); # """ # pass # def portE(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _portX(&PORTE, &DDRE, &PINE); # """ # pass # def portF(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _portX(&PORTF, &DDRF, &PINF); # """ # pass def ddrA(a): """__NATIVE__ return _ddrX(&DDRA); """ pass # def ddrB(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _ddrX(&DDRB); # """ # pass # def ddrC(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _ddrX(&DDRC); # """ # pass # def ddrD(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _ddrX(&DDRD); # """ # pass # def ddrE(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _ddrX(&DDRE); # """ # pass # def ddrF(a): # """__NATIVE__ # return _ddrX(&DDRF); # """ # pass # Reads a single pin of a particular AVR port # # Port is specified as a single-character string, A-F. # Pin is specified as an integer, 0-7 # # Return value is boolean True/False, can be treated as 1/0 def digitalRead(port, pin): """__NATIVE__ volatile uint8_t *port; volatile uint8_t *direction; uint8_t pin; PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; if(NATIVE_GET_NUM_ARGS() != 2) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); return retval; } retval = _get_port_register(&port, NULL, &direction, &pin); if(retval != PM_RET_OK) return retval; *direction &= ~(1<<pin); // Set pin to input pPmObj_t pa = (*port & (1<<pin)) ? PM_TRUE : PM_FALSE; NATIVE_SET_TOS(pa); // Push our result object onto the stack return retval; """ pass # Writes a single pin of a particular AVR port # # Port is specified as a single-character string, A-F. # Pin is specified as an integer, 0-7 # Value is either boolean True/False or Integer 0 or non-zero. # def digitalWrite(port, pin, value): """__NATIVE__ volatile uint8_t *port; volatile uint8_t *direction; uint8_t pin; pPmObj_t pc; PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; NATIVE_SET_TOS(PM_NONE); if(NATIVE_GET_NUM_ARGS() != 3) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); return retval; } retval = _get_port_register(NULL, &port, &direction, &pin); if(retval != PM_RET_OK) return retval; pc = NATIVE_GET_LOCAL(2); /* If the arg is not an integer, raise TypeError */ if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pc) != OBJ_TYPE_INT && OBJ_GET_TYPE(pc) != OBJ_TYPE_BOOL) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); return retval; } *direction |= (1<<pin); // Set pin to output if(((pPmInt_t)pc)->val) *port |= 1<<pin; else *port &= ~(1<<pin); return retval; """ pass def delay(ms): """__NATIVE__ PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; if(NATIVE_GET_NUM_ARGS() != 1) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); return retval; } pPmObj_t pa = NATIVE_GET_LOCAL(0); if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pa) == OBJ_TYPE_INT) { _delay_ms((double) ((pPmInt_t)pa)->val); } else if (OBJ_GET_TYPE(pa) == OBJ_TYPE_FLT) { _delay_ms((double) ((pPmFloat_t)pa)->val); } else { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_TYPE); } NATIVE_SET_TOS(PM_NONE); return retval; """ pass # :mode=c: