/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file GCSControlgadget.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins * @{ * @addtogroup GCSControlGadgetPlugin GCSControl Gadget Plugin * @{ * @brief A gadget to control the UAV, either from the keyboard or a joystick *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "gcscontrolgadget.h" #include "gcscontrolgadgetwidget.h" #include "gcscontrolgadgetconfiguration.h" #include "extensionsystem/pluginmanager.h" #include "uavobjectmanager.h" #include "uavobject.h" #include #define JOYSTICK_UPDATE_RATE 50 GCSControlGadget::GCSControlGadget(QString classId, GCSControlGadgetWidget *widget, QWidget *parent, QObject *plugin) : IUAVGadget(classId, parent), m_widget(widget) { connect(getManualControlCommand(),SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject*)),this,SLOT(manualControlCommandUpdated(UAVObject*))); connect(widget,SIGNAL(sticksChanged(double,double,double,double)),this,SLOT(sticksChangedLocally(double,double,double,double))); connect(this,SIGNAL(sticksChangedRemotely(double,double,double,double)),widget,SLOT(updateSticks(double,double,double,double))); manualControlCommandUpdated(getManualControlCommand()); control_sock = new QUdpSocket(this); connect(control_sock,SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(readUDPCommand())); joystickTime.start(); GCSControlPlugin *pl = dynamic_cast(plugin); connect(pl->sdlGamepad,SIGNAL(gamepads(quint8)),this,SLOT(gamepads(quint8))); connect(pl->sdlGamepad,SIGNAL(buttonState(ButtonNumber,bool)),this,SLOT(buttonState(ButtonNumber,bool))); connect(pl->sdlGamepad,SIGNAL(axesValues(QListInt16)),this,SLOT(axesValues(QListInt16))); } GCSControlGadget::~GCSControlGadget() { delete m_widget; } void GCSControlGadget::loadConfiguration(IUAVGadgetConfiguration* config) { GCSControlGadgetConfiguration *GCSControlConfig = qobject_cast< GCSControlGadgetConfiguration*>(config); QList ql = GCSControlConfig->getChannelsMapping(); rollChannel = ql.at(0); pitchChannel = ql.at(1); yawChannel = ql.at(2); throttleChannel = ql.at(3); // if(control_sock->isOpen()) // control_sock->close(); control_sock->bind(GCSControlConfig->getUDPControlHost(), GCSControlConfig->getUDPControlPort(),QUdpSocket::ShareAddress); controlsMode = GCSControlConfig->getControlsMode(); int i; for (i=0;i<8;i++) { buttonSettings[i].ActionID=GCSControlConfig->getbuttonSettings(i).ActionID; buttonSettings[i].FunctionID=GCSControlConfig->getbuttonSettings(i).FunctionID; buttonSettings[i].Amount=GCSControlConfig->getbuttonSettings(i).Amount; buttonSettings[i].Amount=GCSControlConfig->getbuttonSettings(i).Amount; channelReverse[i]=GCSControlConfig->getChannelsReverse().at(i); } } ManualControlCommand* GCSControlGadget::getManualControlCommand() { ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); UAVObjectManager *objManager = pm->getObject(); return dynamic_cast( objManager->getObject(QString("ManualControlCommand")) ); } void GCSControlGadget::manualControlCommandUpdated(UAVObject * obj) { double roll = obj->getField("Roll")->getDouble(); double pitch = obj->getField("Pitch")->getDouble(); double yaw = obj->getField("Yaw")->getDouble(); double throttle = obj->getField("Throttle")->getDouble(); // Remap RPYT to left X/Y and right X/Y depending on mode switch (controlsMode) { case 1: // Mode 1: LeftX = Yaw, LeftY = Pitch, RightX = Roll, RightY = Throttle emit sticksChangedRemotely(yaw,-pitch,roll,throttle); break; case 2: // Mode 2: LeftX = Yaw, LeftY = Throttle, RightX = Roll, RightY = Pitch emit sticksChangedRemotely(yaw,throttle,roll,-pitch); break; case 3: // Mode 3: LeftX = Roll, LeftY = Pitch, RightX = Yaw, RightY = Throttle emit sticksChangedRemotely(roll,-pitch,yaw,throttle); break; case 4: // Mode 4: LeftX = Roll, LeftY = Throttle, RightX = Yaw, RightY = Pitch; emit sticksChangedRemotely(roll,throttle,yaw,-pitch); break; } } /** Update the manual commands - maps depending on mode */ void GCSControlGadget::sticksChangedLocally(double leftX, double leftY, double rightX, double rightY) { ManualControlCommand * obj = getManualControlCommand(); double oldRoll = obj->getField("Roll")->getDouble(); double oldPitch = obj->getField("Pitch")->getDouble(); double oldYaw = obj->getField("Yaw")->getDouble(); double oldThrottle = obj->getField("Throttle")->getDouble(); double newRoll; double newPitch; double newYaw; double newThrottle; // Remap left X/Y and right X/Y to RPYT depending on mode switch (controlsMode) { case 1: // Mode 1: LeftX = Yaw, LeftY = Pitch, RightX = Roll, RightY = Throttle newRoll = rightX; newPitch = -leftY; newYaw = leftX; newThrottle = rightY; break; case 2: // Mode 2: LeftX = Yaw, LeftY = Throttle, RightX = Roll, RightY = Pitch newRoll = rightX; newPitch = -rightY; newYaw = leftX; newThrottle = leftY; break; case 3: // Mode 3: LeftX = Roll, LeftY = Pitch, RightX = Yaw, RightY = Throttle newRoll = leftX; newPitch = -leftY; newYaw = rightX; newThrottle = rightY; break; case 4: // Mode 4: LeftX = Roll, LeftY = Throttle, RightX = Yaw, RightY = Pitch; newRoll = leftX; newPitch = -rightY; newYaw = rightX; newThrottle = leftY; break; } //check if buttons have control over this axis... if so don't update it int buttonRollControl=0; int buttonPitchControl=0; int buttonYawControl=0; int buttonThrottleControl=0; for (int i=0;i<8;i++) { if ((buttonSettings[i].FunctionID==1)&&((buttonSettings[i].ActionID==1)||(buttonSettings[i].ActionID==2)))buttonRollControl=1; if ((buttonSettings[i].FunctionID==2)&&((buttonSettings[i].ActionID==1)||(buttonSettings[i].ActionID==2)))buttonPitchControl=1; if ((buttonSettings[i].FunctionID==3)&&((buttonSettings[i].ActionID==1)||(buttonSettings[i].ActionID==2)))buttonYawControl=1; if ((buttonSettings[i].FunctionID==4)&&((buttonSettings[i].ActionID==1)||(buttonSettings[i].ActionID==2)))buttonThrottleControl=1; } //if we are not in local gcs control mode, ignore the joystick input if (((GCSControlGadgetWidget *)m_widget)->getGCSControl()==false || ((GCSControlGadgetWidget *)m_widget)->getUDPControl()) return; if((newThrottle != oldThrottle) || (newPitch != oldPitch) || (newYaw != oldYaw) || (newRoll != oldRoll)) { if (buttonRollControl==0)obj->getField("Roll")->setDouble(newRoll); if (buttonPitchControl==0)obj->getField("Pitch")->setDouble(newPitch); if (buttonYawControl==0)obj->getField("Yaw")->setDouble(newYaw); if (buttonThrottleControl==0)obj->getField("Throttle")->setDouble(newThrottle); obj->updated(); } } void GCSControlGadget::gamepads(quint8 count) { Q_UNUSED(count); // sdlGamepad.setGamepad(0); // sdlGamepad.setTickRate(JOYSTICK_UPDATE_RATE); } void GCSControlGadget::readUDPCommand() { double pitch, yaw, roll, throttle; while (control_sock->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QByteArray datagram; datagram.resize(control_sock->pendingDatagramSize()); control_sock->readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size()); QDataStream readData(datagram); bool badPack = false; int state = 0; while(!readData.atEnd() && !badPack) { double buffer; readData >> buffer; switch(state) { case 0: if(buffer == 42){ state = 1; }else{ state = 0; badPack = true; } break; case 1: pitch = buffer; state = 2; break; case 2: yaw = buffer; state = 3; break; case 3: roll = buffer; state = 4; break; case 4: throttle = buffer; state = 5; break; case 5: if(buffer != 36 || !readData.atEnd()) badPack=true; break; } } if(!badPack && ((GCSControlGadgetWidget *)m_widget)->getUDPControl()) { ManualControlCommand * obj = getManualControlCommand(); bool update = false; if(pitch != obj->getField("Pitch")->getDouble()){ obj->getField("Pitch")->setDouble(constrain(pitch)); update = true; } if(yaw != obj->getField("Yaw")->getDouble()){ obj->getField("Yaw")->setDouble(constrain(yaw)); update = true; } if(roll != obj->getField("Roll")->getDouble()){ obj->getField("Roll")->setDouble(constrain(roll)); update = true; } if(throttle != obj->getField("Throttle")->getDouble()){ obj->getField("Throttle")->setDouble(constrain(throttle)); update = true; } if(update) obj->updated(); } } qDebug() << "Pitch: " << pitch << " Yaw: " << yaw << " Roll: " << roll << " Throttle: " << throttle; } double GCSControlGadget::constrain(double value) { if(value < -1) return -1; if(value > 1) return 1; return value; } void GCSControlGadget::buttonState(ButtonNumber number, bool pressed) { if ((buttonSettings[number].ActionID>0)&&(buttonSettings[number].FunctionID>0)&&(pressed)) {//this button is configured ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); UAVObjectManager *objManager = pm->getObject(); UAVDataObject* obj = dynamic_cast( objManager->getObject(QString("ManualControlCommand")) ); bool currentCGSControl = ((GCSControlGadgetWidget *)m_widget)->getGCSControl(); bool currentUDPControl = ((GCSControlGadgetWidget *)m_widget)->getUDPControl(); switch (buttonSettings[number].ActionID) { case 1://increase if (currentCGSControl) { switch (buttonSettings[number].FunctionID) { case 1://Roll obj->getField("Roll")->setValue(bound(obj->getField("Roll")->getValue().toDouble()+buttonSettings[number].Amount)); break; case 2://Pitch obj->getField("Pitch")->setValue(bound(obj->getField("Pitch")->getValue().toDouble()+buttonSettings[number].Amount)); break; case 3://Yaw obj->getField("Yaw")->setValue(wrap(obj->getField("Yaw")->getValue().toDouble()+buttonSettings[number].Amount)); break; case 4://Throttle obj->getField("Throttle")->setValue(bound(obj->getField("Throttle")->getValue().toDouble()+buttonSettings[number].Amount)); break; } } break; case 2://decrease if (currentCGSControl) { switch (buttonSettings[number].FunctionID) { case 1://Roll obj->getField("Roll")->setValue(bound(obj->getField("Roll")->getValue().toDouble()-buttonSettings[number].Amount)); break; case 2://Pitch obj->getField("Pitch")->setValue(bound(obj->getField("Pitch")->getValue().toDouble()-buttonSettings[number].Amount)); break; case 3://Yaw obj->getField("Yaw")->setValue(wrap(obj->getField("Yaw")->getValue().toDouble()-buttonSettings[number].Amount)); break; case 4://Throttle obj->getField("Throttle")->setValue(bound(obj->getField("Throttle")->getValue().toDouble()-buttonSettings[number].Amount)); break; } } break; case 3://toggle switch (buttonSettings[number].FunctionID) { case 1://Armed if (currentCGSControl) { ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); UAVObjectManager *objManager = pm->getObject(); UAVDataObject* obj = dynamic_cast( objManager->getObject(QString("FlightStatus")) ); if(obj->getField("Armed")->getValue().toString().compare("Armed")==0) { obj->getField("Armed")->setValue("Disarmed"); } else { obj->getField("Armed")->setValue("Armed"); } } break; case 2://GCS Control //Toggle the GCS Control checkbox, its built in signalling will handle the update to OP ((GCSControlGadgetWidget *)m_widget)->setGCSControl(!currentCGSControl); break; case 3: //UDP Control if(currentCGSControl) ((GCSControlGadgetWidget *)m_widget)->setUDPControl(!currentUDPControl); break; } break; } obj->updated(); } //buttonSettings[number].ActionID NIDT //buttonSettings[number].FunctionID -RPYTAC //buttonSettings[number].Amount } void GCSControlGadget::axesValues(QListInt16 values) { int chMax = values.length(); if (rollChannel >= chMax || pitchChannel >= chMax || yawChannel >= chMax || throttleChannel >= chMax ) { qDebug() << "GCSControl: configuration is inconsistent with current joystick! Aborting update."; return; } double rValue = (rollChannel > -1) ? values[rollChannel] : 0; double pValue = (pitchChannel > -1) ? values[pitchChannel] : 0; double yValue = (yawChannel > -1) ? values[yawChannel] : 0; double tValue = (throttleChannel > -1) ? values[throttleChannel] : 0; double max = 32767; if (rollChannel > -1) if(channelReverse[rollChannel]==true)rValue = -rValue; if (pitchChannel > -1) if(channelReverse[pitchChannel]==true)pValue = -pValue; if (yawChannel > -1) if(channelReverse[yawChannel]==true)yValue = -yValue; if (throttleChannel > -1) if(channelReverse[throttleChannel]==true)tValue = -tValue; if(joystickTime.elapsed() > JOYSTICK_UPDATE_RATE) { joystickTime.restart(); // Remap RPYT to left X/Y and right X/Y depending on mode // Mode 1: LeftX = Yaw, LeftY = Pitch, RightX = Roll, RightY = Throttle // Mode 2: LeftX = Yaw, LeftY = THrottle, RightX = Roll, RightY = Pitch // Mode 3: LeftX = Roll, LeftY = Pitch, RightX = Yaw, RightY = Throttle // Mode 4: LeftX = Roll, LeftY = Throttle, RightX = Yaw, RightY = Pitch; switch (controlsMode) { case 1: sticksChangedLocally(yValue/max,-pValue/max,rValue/max,-tValue/max); break; case 2: sticksChangedLocally(yValue/max,-tValue/max,rValue/max,-pValue/max); break; case 3: sticksChangedLocally(rValue/max,-pValue/max,yValue/max,-tValue/max); break; case 4: sticksChangedLocally(rValue/max,-tValue/max,yValue/max,-pValue/max); break; } } } double GCSControlGadget::bound(double input) { if (input > 1.0)return 1.0; if (input <-1.0)return -1.0; return input; } double GCSControlGadget::wrap(double input) { while (input > 1.0)input -= 2.0; while (input <-1.0)input += 2.0; return input; }