#ifndef QSSP_H #define QSSP_H #include #include "port.h" #include "common.h" /** LOCAL DEFINITIONS **/ #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #define SSP_TX_IDLE 0 // not expecting a ACK packet (no current transmissions in progress) #define SSP_TX_WAITING 1 // waiting for a valid ACK to arrive #define SSP_TX_TIMEOUT 2 // failed to receive a valid ACK in the timeout period, after retrying. #define SSP_TX_ACKED 3 // valid ACK received before timeout period. #define SSP_TX_BUFOVERRUN 4 // amount of data to send execeds the transmission buffer sizeof #define SSP_TX_BUSY 5 // Attempted to start a transmission while a transmission was already in progress. // #define SSP_TX_FAIL - failure... #define SSP_RX_IDLE 0 #define SSP_RX_RECEIVING 1 #define SSP_RX_COMPLETE 2 // types of packet that can be received #define SSP_RX_DATA 5 #define SSP_RX_ACK 6 #define SSP_RX_SYNCH 7 typedef struct { uint8_t *pbuff; uint16_t length; uint16_t crc; uint8_t seqNo; } Packet_t; typedef struct { uint8_t *rxBuf; // Buffer used to store rcv data uint16_t rxBufSize; // rcv buffer size. uint8_t *txBuf; // Length of data in buffer uint16_t txBufSize; // CRC for data in Packet buff uint16_t max_retry; // Maximum number of retrys for a single transmit. int32_t timeoutLen; // how long to wait for each retry to succeed // function returns time in number of seconds that has elapsed from a given reference point } PortConfig_t; /** Public Data **/ /** EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS **/ class qssp { private: port *thisport; decodeState_ DecodeState_t; /** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **/ // static void sf_SendSynchPacket( Port_t *thisport ); uint16_t sf_crc16(uint16_t crc, uint8_t data); void sf_write_byte(uint8_t c); void sf_SetSendTimeout(); uint16_t sf_CheckTimeout(); int16_t sf_DecodeState(uint8_t c); int16_t sf_ReceiveState(uint8_t c); void sf_SendPacket(); void sf_SendAckPacket(uint8_t seqNumber); void sf_MakePacket(uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *pdata, uint16_t length, uint8_t seqNo); int16_t sf_ReceivePacket(); uint16_t ssp_SendDataBlock(uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); bool debug; public: /** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **/ virtual void pfCallBack(uint8_t *, uint16_t); // call back function that is called when a full packet has been received int16_t ssp_ReceiveProcess(); int16_t ssp_SendProcess(); uint16_t ssp_SendString(char *str); int16_t ssp_SendData(const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t length); void ssp_Init(const PortConfig_t *const info); int16_t ssp_ReceiveByte(); uint16_t ssp_Synchronise(); qssp(port *info, bool debug); }; #endif // QSSP_H