/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file simulator.h * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins * @{ * @addtogroup HITLPlugin HITL Plugin * @{ * @brief The Hardware In The Loop plugin *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef ISIMULATOR_H #define ISIMULATOR_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "qscopedpointer.h" #include "uavtalk/telemetrymanager.h" #include "uavobjectmanager.h" #include "accelstate.h" #include "actuatorcommand.h" #include "actuatordesired.h" #include "airspeedstate.h" #include "attitudestate.h" #include "attitudesettings.h" #include "barosensor.h" #include "flightbatterystate.h" #include "flightstatus.h" #include "gcsreceiver.h" #include "gcstelemetrystats.h" #include "gpspositionsensor.h" #include "gpsvelocitysensor.h" #include "groundtruth.h" #include "gyrostate.h" #include "homelocation.h" #include "manualcontrolcommand.h" #include "positionstate.h" #include "sonaraltitude.h" #include "velocitystate.h" #include "utils/coordinateconversions.h" /** * just imagine this was a class without methods and all public properties */ typedef struct _FLIGHT_PARAM { // time float T; float dT; unsigned int i; // speeds float cas; // Calibrated airspeed float tas; // True airspeed float groundspeed; // position (absolute) float X; float Y; float Z; // speed (absolute) float dX; float dY; float dZ; // acceleration (absolute) float ddX; float ddY; float ddZ; // angle float azimuth; float pitch; float roll; // rotation speed float dAzimuth; float dPitch; float dRoll; } FLIGHT_PARAM; struct AirParameters { float groundDensity; float groundTemp; float seaLevelPress; float tempLapseRate; float univGasConstant; float dryAirConstant; float relativeHumidity; // [%] float M; // Molar mass }; typedef struct _CONNECTION { QString simulatorId; QString binPath; QString dataPath; QString hostAddress; QString remoteAddress; int outPort; int inPort; bool startSim; bool addNoise; QString latitude; QString longitude; // bool homeLocation; bool attRawEnabled; quint8 attRawRate; bool attStateEnabled; bool attActHW; bool attActSim; bool attActCalc; bool baroSensorEnabled; quint16 baroAltRate; bool groundTruthEnabled; quint16 groundTruthRate; bool gpsPositionEnabled; quint16 gpsPosRate; bool inputCommand; bool gcsReceiverEnabled; bool manualControlEnabled; quint16 minOutputPeriod; bool airspeedStateEnabled; quint16 airspeedStateRate; } SimulatorSettings; struct Output2Hardware { float latitude; float longitude; float altitude; float agl; // [m] float heading; float groundspeed; // [m/s] float calibratedAirspeed; // [m/s] float trueAirspeed; // [m/s] float angleOfAttack; float angleOfSlip; float roll; float pitch; float pressure; float temperature; float velNorth; // [m/s] float velEast; // [m/s] float velDown; // [m/s] float dstN; // [m] float dstE; // [m] float dstD; // [m] float accX; // [m/s^2] float accY; // [m/s^2] float accZ; // [m/s^2] float rollRate; // [deg/s] float pitchRate; // [deg/s] float yawRate; // [deg/s] float delT; // [s] float rc_channel[GCSReceiver::CHANNEL_NUMELEM]; // Elements in rc_channel are between -1 and 1 float rollDesired; float pitchDesired; float yawDesired; float throttleDesired; float voltage; float current; float consumption; }; // struct Output2Simulator{ // float roll; // float pitch; // float yaw; // float throttle; // float ailerons; // float rudder; // float elevator; // float motor; // }; class Simulator : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Simulator(const SimulatorSettings & params); virtual ~Simulator(); bool isAutopilotConnected() const { return autopilotConnectionStatus; } bool isSimulatorConnected() const { return simConnectionStatus; } QString Name() const { return name; } void setName(QString str) { name = str; } QString SimulatorId() const { return simulatorId; } void setSimulatorId(QString str) { simulatorId = str; } float airDensityFromAltitude(float alt, AirParameters air, float gravity); float airPressureFromAltitude(float alt, AirParameters air, float gravity); float cas2tas(float CAS, float alt, AirParameters air, float gravity); float tas2cas(float TAS, float alt, AirParameters air, float gravity); static bool IsStarted() { return isStarted; } static void setStarted(bool val) { isStarted = val; } static QStringList & Instances() { return Simulator::instances; } static void setInstance(const QString & str) { Simulator::instances.append(str); } virtual void stopProcess() {} virtual void setupUdpPorts(const QString & host, int inPort, int outPort) { Q_UNUSED(host) Q_UNUSED(inPort) Q_UNUSED(outPort) } void resetInitialHomePosition(); void updateUAVOs(Output2Hardware out); AirParameters getAirParameters(); void setAirParameters(AirParameters airParameters); signals: void autopilotConnected(); void autopilotDisconnected(); void simulatorConnected(); void simulatorDisconnected(); void processOutput(QString str); void deleteSimProcess(); void myStart(); public slots: Q_INVOKABLE virtual bool setupProcess() { return true; } private slots: void onStart(); // void transmitUpdate(); void receiveUpdate(); void onAutopilotConnect(); void onAutopilotDisconnect(); void onSimulatorConnectionTimeout(); void telStatsUpdated(UAVObject *obj); Q_INVOKABLE void onDeleteSimulator(void); virtual void transmitUpdate() = 0; virtual void processUpdate(const QByteArray & data) = 0; protected: static const float GEE; static const float FT2M; static const float KT2MPS; static const float INHG2KPA; static const float FPS2CMPS; static const float DEG2RAD; static const float RAD2DEG; QProcess *simProcess; QTime *time; QUdpSocket *inSocket; // (new QUdpSocket()); QUdpSocket *outSocket; ActuatorCommand *actCommand; ActuatorDesired *actDesired; ManualControlCommand *manCtrlCommand; FlightStatus *flightStatus; FlightBatteryState *flightBatt; BaroSensor *baroAlt; AirspeedState *airspeedState; AttitudeState *attState; AttitudeSettings *attSettings; VelocityState *velState; GPSPositionSensor *gpsPos; GPSVelocitySensor *gpsVel; PositionState *posState; HomeLocation *posHome; AccelState *accelState; GyroState *gyroState; GCSTelemetryStats *telStats; GCSReceiver *gcsReceiver; GroundTruth *groundTruth; SimulatorSettings settings; FLIGHT_PARAM current; FLIGHT_PARAM old; QMutex lock; private: bool once; float initN; float initE; float initD; int updatePeriod; int simTimeout; volatile bool autopilotConnectionStatus; volatile bool simConnectionStatus; QTimer *txTimer; QTimer *simTimer; QTime attRawTime; QTime gpsPosTime; QTime groundTruthTime; QTime baroAltTime; QTime battTime; QTime gcsRcvrTime; QTime airspeedStateTime; QString name; QString simulatorId; volatile static bool isStarted; static QStringList instances; // QList > requiredUAVObjects; void setupOutputObject(UAVObject *obj, quint32 updatePeriod); void setupInputObject(UAVObject *obj, quint32 updatePeriod); void setupWatchedObject(UAVObject *obj, quint32 updatePeriod); void setupObjects(); AirParameters airParameters; }; class SimulatorCreator { public: SimulatorCreator(QString id, QString descr) : classId(id), description(descr) {} virtual ~SimulatorCreator() {} QString ClassId() const { return classId; } QString Description() const { return description; } virtual Simulator *createSimulator(const SimulatorSettings & params) = 0; private: QString classId; QString description; }; #endif // ISIMULATOR_H