/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotSystem OpenPilot System * @{ * @addtogroup OpenPilotCore OpenPilot Core * @{ * @file pios_board.h * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief Defines board hardware for the OpenPilot Version 1.1 hardware. * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef STM3210E_OP_H_ #define STM3210E_OP_H_ //------------------------ // Timers and Channels Used //------------------------ /* Timer | Channel 1 | Channel 2 | Channel 3 | Channel 4 ------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------- TIM1 | RC In 3 | RC In 6 | RC In 5 | TIM2 | --------------- PIOS_DELAY ----------------- TIM3 | RC In 7 | RC In 8 | RC In 1 | RC In 2 TIM4 | Servo 1 | Servo 2 | Servo 3 | Servo 4 TIM5 | RC In 4 | | | TIM6 | ----------- PIOS_PWM (Supervisor) ---------- TIM7 | | | | TIM8 | Servo 5 | Servo 6 | Servo 7 | Servo 8 ------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------- */ //------------------------ // DMA Channels Used //------------------------ /* Channel 1 - ADC */ /* Channel 2 - SPI1 RX */ /* Channel 3 - SPI1 TX */ /* Channel 4 - SPI2 RX */ /* Channel 5 - SPI2 TX */ /* Channel 6 - */ /* Channel 7 - */ /* Channel 8 - */ /* Channel 9 - */ /* Channel 10 - */ /* Channel 11 - */ /* Channel 12 - */ //------------------------ // BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS //------------------------ #define BOARD_READABLE TRUE #define BOARD_WRITABLE TRUE #define MAX_DEL_RETRYS 3 //------------------------ // WATCHDOG_SETTINGS //------------------------ #define PIOS_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT 250 #define PIOS_WDG_REGISTER BKP_DR4 #define PIOS_WDG_ACTUATOR 0x0001 #define PIOS_WDG_STABILIZATION 0x0002 #define PIOS_WDG_AHRS 0x0004 #define PIOS_WDG_MANUAL 0x0008 //------------------------ // TELEMETRY //------------------------ #define TELEM_QUEUE_SIZE 20 #define PIOS_TELEM_STACK_SIZE 624 //------------------------ // PIOS_LED //------------------------ #define PIOS_LED_LED1_GPIO_PORT GPIOC #define PIOS_LED_LED1_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_12 #define PIOS_LED_LED1_GPIO_CLK RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC #define PIOS_LED_LED2_GPIO_PORT GPIOC #define PIOS_LED_LED2_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_13 #define PIOS_LED_LED2_GPIO_CLK RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC #define PIOS_LED_NUM 2 #define PIOS_LED_PORTS { PIOS_LED_LED1_GPIO_PORT, PIOS_LED_LED2_GPIO_PORT } #define PIOS_LED_PINS { PIOS_LED_LED1_GPIO_PIN, PIOS_LED_LED2_GPIO_PIN } #define PIOS_LED_CLKS { PIOS_LED_LED1_GPIO_CLK, PIOS_LED_LED2_GPIO_CLK } //------------------------ // PIOS_SPI // See also pios_board.c //------------------------ #define PIOS_SPI_MAX_DEVS 2 //------------------------ // PIOS_I2C // See also pios_board.c //------------------------ #define PIOS_I2C_MAX_DEVS 1 extern uint32_t pios_i2c_main_adapter_id; #define PIOS_I2C_MAIN_ADAPTER (pios_i2c_main_adapter_id) //------------------------ // PIOS_BMP085 //------------------------ #define PIOS_BMP085_EOC_GPIO_PORT GPIOC #define PIOS_BMP085_EOC_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_15 #define PIOS_BMP085_EOC_PORT_SOURCE GPIO_PortSourceGPIOC #define PIOS_BMP085_EOC_PIN_SOURCE GPIO_PinSource15 #define PIOS_BMP085_EOC_CLK RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC #define PIOS_BMP085_EOC_EXTI_LINE EXTI_Line15 #define PIOS_BMP085_EOC_IRQn EXTI15_10_IRQn #define PIOS_BMP085_EOC_PRIO PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_LOW #define PIOS_BMP085_XCLR_GPIO_PORT GPIOC // Not actually connected on OP mainboard #define PIOS_BMP085_XCLR_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_14 // Not actually connected on OP mainboard //#define PIOS_BMP085_OVERSAMPLING 2 #define PIOS_BMP085_OVERSAMPLING 3 //------------------------- // PIOS_USART // // See also pios_board.c //------------------------- #define PIOS_USART_MAX_DEVS 3 #define PIOS_USART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 512 #define PIOS_USART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 512 //------------------------- // PIOS_COM // // See also pios_board.c //------------------------- #define PIOS_COM_MAX_DEVS 4 extern uint32_t pios_com_telem_rf_id; #define PIOS_COM_TELEM_RF (pios_com_telem_rf_id) extern uint32_t pios_com_gps_id; #define PIOS_COM_GPS (pios_com_gps_id) extern uint32_t pios_com_telem_usb_id; #define PIOS_COM_TELEM_USB (pios_com_telem_usb_id) #ifdef PIOS_ENABLE_AUX_UART extern uint32_t pios_com_aux_id; #define PIOS_COM_AUX (pios_com_aux_id) #define PIOS_COM_DEBUG PIOS_COM_AUX #endif #ifdef PIOS_INCLUDE_SPEKTRUM extern uint32_t pios_com_spektrum_id; #define PIOS_COM_SPEKTRUM (pios_com_spektrum_id) #endif #ifdef PIOS_INCLUDE_SBUS extern uint32_t pios_com_sbus_id; #define PIOS_COM_SBUS (pios_com_sbus_id) #endif //------------------------- // Delay Timer //------------------------- #define PIOS_DELAY_TIMER TIM2 #define PIOS_DELAY_TIMER_RCC_FUNC RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM2, ENABLE) //------------------------- // System Settings //------------------------- #define PIOS_MASTER_CLOCK 72000000 #define PIOS_PERIPHERAL_CLOCK (PIOS_MASTER_CLOCK / 2) //------------------------- // Interrupt Priorities //------------------------- #define PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_LOW 12 // lower than RTOS #define PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_MID 8 // higher than RTOS #define PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_HIGH 5 // for SPI, ADC, I2C etc... #define PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_HIGHEST 4 // for USART etc... //------------------------ // PIOS_RCVR // See also pios_board.c //------------------------ #define PIOS_RCVR_MAX_DEVS 1 #define PIOS_RCVR_MAX_CHANNELS 12 //------------------------- // Receiver PPM input //------------------------- #define PIOS_PPM_NUM_INPUTS 8 //------------------------- // Receiver PWM input //------------------------- #define PIOS_PWM_NUM_INPUTS 8 //------------------------- // Receiver SPEKTRUM input //------------------------- #define PIOS_SPEKTRUM_NUM_INPUTS 12 //------------------------- // Servo outputs //------------------------- #define PIOS_SERVO_UPDATE_HZ 50 #define PIOS_SERVOS_INITIAL_POSITION 0 /* dont want to start motors, have no pulse till settings loaded */ //------------------------- // ADC // PIOS_ADC_PinGet(0) = Temperature Sensor (On-board) // PIOS_ADC_PinGet(1) = Power Sensor (Current) // PIOS_ADC_PinGet(2) = Power Sensor (Voltage) // PIOS_ADC_PinGet(3) = On-board 5v Rail Sensor // PIOS_ADC_PinGet(4) = Auxiliary Input 1 // PIOS_ADC_PinGet(5) = Auxiliary Input 2 // PIOS_ADC_PinGet(6) = Auxiliary Input 3 //------------------------- //#define PIOS_ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATE 1 #define PIOS_ADC_USE_TEMP_SENSOR 1 #define PIOS_ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_ADC ADC1 #define PIOS_ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_ADC_CHANNEL 1 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN1_GPIO_PORT GPIOA // PA1 (Power Sense - Voltage) #define PIOS_ADC_PIN1_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_1 // ADC123_IN1 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN1_GPIO_CHANNEL ADC_Channel_1 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN1_ADC ADC1 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN1_ADC_NUMBER 2 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN2_GPIO_PORT GPIOC // PC3 (Power Sense - Current) #define PIOS_ADC_PIN2_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_3 // ADC123_IN13 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN2_GPIO_CHANNEL ADC_Channel_13 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN2_ADC ADC2 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN2_ADC_NUMBER 1 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN3_GPIO_PORT GPIOC // PC5 (Onboard 5v Sensor) PC5 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN3_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_5 // ADC12_IN15 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN3_GPIO_CHANNEL ADC_Channel_15 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN3_ADC ADC2 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN3_ADC_NUMBER 2 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN4_GPIO_PORT GPIOC // PC0 (AUX 1) #define PIOS_ADC_PIN4_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_0 // ADC123_IN10 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN4_GPIO_CHANNEL ADC_Channel_10 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN4_ADC ADC1 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN4_ADC_NUMBER 3 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN5_GPIO_PORT GPIOC // PC1 (AUX 2) #define PIOS_ADC_PIN5_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_1 // ADC123_IN11 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN5_GPIO_CHANNEL ADC_Channel_11 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN5_ADC ADC2 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN5_ADC_NUMBER 3 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN6_GPIO_PORT GPIOC // PC2 (AUX 3) #define PIOS_ADC_PIN6_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_2 // ADC123_IN12 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN6_GPIO_CHANNEL ADC_Channel_12 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN6_ADC ADC1 #define PIOS_ADC_PIN6_ADC_NUMBER 4 #define PIOS_ADC_NUM_PINS 6 #define PIOS_ADC_PORTS { PIOS_ADC_PIN1_GPIO_PORT, PIOS_ADC_PIN2_GPIO_PORT, PIOS_ADC_PIN3_GPIO_PORT, PIOS_ADC_PIN4_GPIO_PORT, PIOS_ADC_PIN5_GPIO_PORT, PIOS_ADC_PIN6_GPIO_PORT } #define PIOS_ADC_PINS { PIOS_ADC_PIN1_GPIO_PIN, PIOS_ADC_PIN2_GPIO_PIN, PIOS_ADC_PIN3_GPIO_PIN, PIOS_ADC_PIN4_GPIO_PIN, PIOS_ADC_PIN5_GPIO_PIN, PIOS_ADC_PIN6_GPIO_PIN } #define PIOS_ADC_CHANNELS { PIOS_ADC_PIN1_GPIO_CHANNEL, PIOS_ADC_PIN2_GPIO_CHANNEL, PIOS_ADC_PIN3_GPIO_CHANNEL, PIOS_ADC_PIN4_GPIO_CHANNEL, PIOS_ADC_PIN5_GPIO_CHANNEL, PIOS_ADC_PIN6_GPIO_CHANNEL } #define PIOS_ADC_MAPPING { PIOS_ADC_PIN1_ADC, PIOS_ADC_PIN2_ADC, PIOS_ADC_PIN3_ADC, PIOS_ADC_PIN4_ADC, PIOS_ADC_PIN5_ADC, PIOS_ADC_PIN6_ADC } #define PIOS_ADC_CHANNEL_MAPPING { PIOS_ADC_PIN1_ADC_NUMBER, PIOS_ADC_PIN2_ADC_NUMBER, PIOS_ADC_PIN3_ADC_NUMBER, PIOS_ADC_PIN4_ADC_NUMBER, PIOS_ADC_PIN5_ADC_NUMBER, PIOS_ADC_PIN6_ADC_NUMBER } #define PIOS_ADC_NUM_CHANNELS (PIOS_ADC_NUM_PINS + PIOS_ADC_USE_TEMP_SENSOR) #define PIOS_ADC_NUM_ADC_CHANNELS 2 #define PIOS_ADC_USE_ADC2 1 #define PIOS_ADC_CLOCK_FUNCTION RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_ADC1 | RCC_APB2Periph_ADC2, ENABLE) #define PIOS_ADC_ADCCLK RCC_PCLK2_Div8 /* RCC_PCLK2_Div2: ADC clock = PCLK2/2 */ /* RCC_PCLK2_Div4: ADC clock = PCLK2/4 */ /* RCC_PCLK2_Div6: ADC clock = PCLK2/6 */ /* RCC_PCLK2_Div8: ADC clock = PCLK2/8 */ #define PIOS_ADC_SAMPLE_TIME ADC_SampleTime_239Cycles5 /* Sample time: */ /* With an ADCCLK = 14 MHz and a sampling time of 293.5 cycles: */ /* Tconv = 239.5 + 12.5 = 252 cycles = 18?s */ /* (1 / (ADCCLK / CYCLES)) = Sample Time (?S) */ #define PIOS_ADC_IRQ_PRIO PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_LOW #define PIOS_ADC_MAX_OVERSAMPLING 10 #define PIOS_ADC_RATE (72.0e6 / 1 / 8 / 252 / (PIOS_ADC_NUM_ADC_CHANNELS >> PIOS_ADC_USE_ADC2)) //------------------------- // GPIO //------------------------- #define PIOS_GPIO_1_PORT GPIOC #define PIOS_GPIO_1_PIN GPIO_Pin_0 #define PIOS_GPIO_1_GPIO_CLK RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC #define PIOS_GPIO_2_PORT GPIOC #define PIOS_GPIO_2_PIN GPIO_Pin_1 #define PIOS_GPIO_2_GPIO_CLK RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC #define PIOS_GPIO_3_PORT GPIOC #define PIOS_GPIO_3_PIN GPIO_Pin_2 #define PIOS_GPIO_3_GPIO_CLK RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC #define PIOS_GPIO_4_PORT GPIOD #define PIOS_GPIO_4_PIN GPIO_Pin_2 #define PIOS_GPIO_4_GPIO_CLK RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOD #define PIOS_GPIO_PORTS { PIOS_GPIO_1_PORT, PIOS_GPIO_2_PORT, PIOS_GPIO_3_PORT, PIOS_GPIO_4_PORT } #define PIOS_GPIO_PINS { PIOS_GPIO_1_PIN, PIOS_GPIO_2_PIN, PIOS_GPIO_3_PIN, PIOS_GPIO_4_PIN } #define PIOS_GPIO_CLKS { PIOS_GPIO_1_GPIO_CLK, PIOS_GPIO_2_GPIO_CLK, PIOS_GPIO_3_GPIO_CLK, PIOS_GPIO_4_GPIO_CLK } #define PIOS_GPIO_NUM 4 //------------------------- // USB //------------------------- #define PIOS_USB_ENABLED 1 #define PIOS_USB_DETECT_GPIO_PORT GPIOC #define PIOS_USB_DETECT_GPIO_PIN GPIO_Pin_4 #define PIOS_USB_DETECT_EXTI_LINE EXTI_Line4 #define PIOS_IRQ_USB_PRIORITY PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_MID #define PIOS_USB_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 512 #define PIOS_USB_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 512 /** * glue macros for file IO * STM32 uses DOSFS for file IO */ #define PIOS_FOPEN_READ(filename,file) DFS_OpenFile(&PIOS_SDCARD_VolInfo, (uint8_t *)filename, DFS_READ, PIOS_SDCARD_Sector, &file) != DFS_OK #define PIOS_FOPEN_WRITE(filename,file) DFS_OpenFile(&PIOS_SDCARD_VolInfo, (uint8_t *)filename, DFS_WRITE, PIOS_SDCARD_Sector, &file) != DFS_OK #define PIOS_FREAD(file,bufferadr,length,resultadr) DFS_ReadFile(file, PIOS_SDCARD_Sector, (uint8_t*)bufferadr, resultadr, length) != DFS_OK #define PIOS_FWRITE(file,bufferadr,length,resultadr) DFS_WriteFile(file, PIOS_SDCARD_Sector, (uint8_t*)bufferadr, resultadr, length) #define PIOS_FCLOSE(file) DFS_Close(&file) #define PIOS_FUNLINK(filename) DFS_UnlinkFile(&PIOS_SDCARD_VolInfo, (uint8_t *)filename, PIOS_SDCARD_Sector) #endif /* STM3210E_OP_H_ */ /** * @} * @} */